address_parts = array( ":all" => _("Complete adress")." ("._("Default").")", ":domain" => _("Domian part") , ":localpart" => _("Local part")); /* comparator type */ $this->comparators = array( "i;ascii-casemap" => _("Case insensitive")." ("._("Default").")", "i;octet" => _("Case sensitive"), "i;ascii-numeric" => _("Numeric")); /* Match types */ $this->match_types = array( ":is" => _("is"), ":contains" => _("contains"), ":matches" => _("matches"), ":count" => _("count"), ":value" => _("value is")); /* Operators */ $this->operators = array( "lt" => _("less than"), "le" => _("less or equal"), "eq" => _("equals"), "ge" => _("greater or equal"), "gt" => _("greater than"), "ne" => _("not equal")); $this->object_id = $object_id; if($elements!=NULL){ $this->elements = $elements; $this->_parsed = $this->_parse($elements['ELEMENTS'],1); } } /* Returns the sieve script for this * if/else tag. */ function get_sieve_script_part() { $tmp = $this->TYPE." ".$this->get_sieve_script_part_recursive($parsed = NULL,$id = 1,$obj_id=1); return($tmp); } /* Return error msgs */ function check() { $check = $this->check_recursive(); return($check); } /* Recursivly fetch all error msgs */ function check_recursive($parsed = NULL,$id = 1,$obj_id=1) { $ret = array(); if($parsed == NULL){ $parsed = $this->_parsed; } /* Walk through all elements */ foreach($parsed as $key => $data){ /* Create elements */ switch($key) { /******************* * Allof / Anyof *******************/ case "anyof" : case "allof" : { foreach($data as $key2 => $dat){ if(($key2 === "Inverse") && ($key2 == "Inverse")){ continue; } $msgs = $this->check_recursive($dat, ($id +1),$key2); foreach($msgs as $msg){ $ret[] = $msg; } } break; } /******************* * True / False *******************/ case "true" : case "fasle" : { /* Can't fail anyway */ break; } /******************* * Default *******************/ default: { if(isset($data['LastError']) && !empty($data['LastError'])){ $ret[] = $data['LastError']; } } } } return($ret); } /* Recursivly create a sieve script out of the given * tags and tokens provided by $parsed. * $id specifies the depth of the current element. * $obj_id is the current tag-id handled by this function */ function get_sieve_script_part_recursive($parsed = NULL,$id = 1,$obj_id=1) { $script =""; if($parsed == NULL){ $parsed = $this->_parsed; } if(!is_array($parsed)){ return; } /* Walk through all elements */ foreach($parsed as $key => $data){ /* Create Inverse Tag */ if(is_array($data) && isset($data['Inverse']) && $data['Inverse']){ $Inverse = TRUE; }else{ $Inverse = FALSE; } /* Create elements */ switch($key) { /******************* * True / False *******************/ case "true" : case "false" : { /* Invert this test if required */ if($Inverse){ $script .= "not "; } $script .= $key; break; } /******************* * Address *******************/ case "address" : { /* [not] address [address-part: tag] [comparator: tag] [match-type: tag] */ /* Invert this test if required */ if($Inverse){ $script .= "not "; } $script .="address "; /* Add address part tag */ if(!empty($data['Address_Part']) && $data['Address_Part'] != ":all"){ $script .= $data['Address_Part']." "; } /* Add comparator */ if(!empty($data['Comparator']) && $data['Comparator'] != ""){ $script .= preg_replace('/\"\"/',"\"", ":comparator \"".$data['Comparator']."\" "); } /* Add match type */ $script .= $data['Match_type']." "; /* Add special match type for count and value */ if(in_array($data['Match_type'], array(":value",":count")) && !empty($data['Match_type_value'])) { $script .= sieve_create_strings($data['Match_type_value'])." "; } $script .= sieve_create_strings($data['Key_List']); $script .= " "; $script .= sieve_create_strings($data['Value_List']); break; } /******************* * Header *******************/ case "header" : { /* [not] header [comparator: tag] [match-type: tag] */ /* Invert ? */ if($Inverse){ $script .= "not "; } $script .="header "; /* Add address part tag */ if(!empty($data['Address_Part']) && $data['Address_Part'] != ":all"){ $script .= $data['Address_Part']." "; } /* Add comparator */ if(!empty($data['Comparator']) && $data['Comparator'] != ""){ $script .= preg_replace('/\"\"/',"\"", ":comparator \"".$data['Comparator']."\" "); } /* Add match type */ $script .= $data['Match_type']." "; /* Add special match type for count and value */ if(in_array($data['Match_type'], array(":value",":count")) && !empty($data['Match_type_value'])) { $script .= sieve_create_strings($data['Match_type_value'])." "; } $script .= sieve_create_strings($data['Key_List']); $script .= " "; $script .= sieve_create_strings($data['Value_List']); break; } /******************* * Envelope *******************/ case "envelope" : { /* [not] envelope [address-part: tag] [comparator: tag] [match-type: tag] */ /* Invert */ if($Inverse){ $script .= "not "; } $script .="envelope "; /* Add address part tag */ if(!empty($data['Address_Part']) && $data['Address_Part'] != ":all"){ $script .= $data['Address_Part']." "; } /* Add comparator */ if(!empty($data['Comparator']) && $data['Comparator'] != ""){ $script .= preg_replace('/\"\"/',"\"", ":comparator \"".$data['Comparator']."\" "); } /* Add match type */ $script .= $data['Match_type']." "; /* Add special match type for count and value */ if(in_array($data['Match_type'], array(":value",":count")) && !empty($data['Match_type_value'])) { $script .= sieve_create_strings($data['Match_type_value'])." "; } $script .= sieve_create_strings($data['Key_List']); $script .= " "; $script .= sieve_create_strings($data['Value_List']); break; } /******************* * Exists *******************/ case "exists" : { /* [not] exists */ /* Invert ? */ if($Inverse){ $script .= "not "; } $script .= "exists ".sieve_create_strings($data['Values']); break; } /******************* * Size *******************/ case "size" : { /* [not] size <":over" / ":under"> */ /* Invert ? */ if($Inverse){ $script .= "not "; } /* Add size test */ $script .="size "; $script .=$data['Match_type']." "; foreach($data['Value_List'] as $val){ $script .= $val." "; } break; } /******************* * Allof *******************/ case "anyof" : case "allof" : { /* allof anyof */ /* Add spaces, to indent the code.*/ $block = "\n"; for($i = 0 ; $i < $id ; $i ++){ $block .= SIEVE_INDENT_TAB; } /* Add allof/anyof tag */ $script.= " ".$key." ( "; /* Add each test parameter */ foreach($data as $key2 => $dat){ if(($key2 === "Inverse") && ($key2 == "Inverse")){ continue; } $script.= $block.$this->get_sieve_script_part_recursive($dat, ($id +1),$key2).", "; } /* Remove last _,_ and close the tag */ $script = preg_replace("/,$/","",trim($script)); $script.= $block.")"; break ; } default : { $script .= "THERE IS SOME IMPLEMENTATION MISSING FOR SIEVE SCRIPT CREATION :".$key; } } } return($script); } function add_test($data,$type) { switch($type) { case "header" : case "address" : case "envelope" : { /* Add to Tree */ $values = array( "Inverse" => FALSE, "Comparator" => "", "Expert" => FALSE, "LastError" => "", "Match_type" => ":contains", "Match_type_value"=> "", "Key_List" => array(_("emtpy")), "Value_List" => array(_("empty"))) ; if($type == "address"){ $values["Address_Part"] = ":all"; } $data[$type]=$values; break; } case "allof" : case "anyof" : { $data[$type] = array("Inverse" => FALSE); break; } case "size" : { $tmp= array( "Inverse" => FALSE, "Match_type" => ":contains", "Value_List" => array(1,"M")); $tmp['LastError'] = ""; $data[$type] = $tmp; break; } case "true": { $data['true'] = "true"; $data['true']['LastError'] = ""; break; } case "false": { $data['false'] = "false"; $data['false']['LastError'] = ""; break; } case "exists" : { $data['exists'] = array('Inverse' => FALSE, 'Values' => array(_("Nothing specified right now")), 'LastError' => ""); break; } default : echo "Still buggy ";exit; } return($data); } /* Ensure that all changes made on the ui * will be saved. */ function save_object() { if(isset($_POST['add_type']) && isset($_POST["test_type_to_add_".$this->object_id])){ $this->_parsed = $this->add_test($this->_parsed,$_POST["test_type_to_add_".$this->object_id]); } $tmp = $this->save_object_recursive($parsed = NULL,$id = 1,$obj_id=1); $this->_parsed = $tmp; } /* Recursivly save all ui changes for the * tags and tokens provided by $parsed. * $id specifies the depth of the current element. * $obj_id is the current tag-id handled by this function */ function save_object_recursive($parsed = NULL,$id = 1,$obj_id=1) { /* Variable initialization */ $ret =""; if($parsed == NULL){ $parsed = $this->_parsed; } if(!is_array($parsed)) return; /* Walk through all elements */ foreach($parsed as $key => $data){ /* Id used to have unique html names */ $element_id = $this->object_id."_".$id."_".$obj_id; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if(preg_match("/Remove_Test_Object_".$element_id."_(x|y)/",$name)) { return(false); } } if(isset($_POST['add_type']) && isset($_POST["test_type_to_add_".$element_id])){ $parsed[$key][] = $this->add_test(array(),$_POST["test_type_to_add_".$element_id]); } /* Create elements */ switch($key) { /******************* * Address *******************/ case "envelope" : case "header" : case "address" : { /* [not] address [address-part: tag] [comparator: tag] [match-type: tag] */ /* Possible address parts we can select */ $address_parts = $this->address_parts; $comparators = $this->comparators; $match_types = $this->match_types; $operators = $this->operators; $parsed[$key]['LastError'] = ""; /* Toggle Inverse ? */ if(isset($_POST['toggle_inverse_'.$element_id])){ $parsed[$key]['Inverse'] = !$parsed[$key]['Inverse']; } /* Check if we want to toggle the expert mode */ if(isset($_POST['Toggle_Expert_'.$element_id])){ $parsed[$key]['Expert'] = !$parsed[$key]['Expert']; } /* Get address part */ if(isset($_POST['address_part_'.$element_id])){ $ap = $_POST['address_part_'.$element_id]; if(!isset($address_parts[$ap])){ $parsed[$key]['LastError'] = _("Invalid type of address part.") ; } $parsed[$key]['Address_Part'] = $ap; } /* Check if match type has changed */ if(isset($_POST['matchtype_'.$element_id])){ $mt = $_POST['matchtype_'.$element_id]; if(!isset($match_types[$mt])){ $parsed[$key]['LastError'] = _("Invalid match type given."); } $parsed[$key]['Match_type'] = $mt; } /* Get the comparator tag, if posted */ if(isset($_POST['comparator_'.$element_id])){ $cp = $_POST['comparator_'.$element_id]; if(!isset($comparators[$cp])){ $parsed[$key]['LastError'] = _("Invalid operator given."); } $parsed[$key]['Comparator'] = $cp; } /* In case of :count and :value match types * we have a special match operator we should save. */ if(in_array($parsed[$key]['Match_type'],array(":value",":count"))){ if(isset($_POST['operator_'.$element_id])){ $op = $_POST['operator_'.$element_id]; if(!isset($operators[$op])){ $parsed[$key]['LastError'] = _("Please specify a valid operator."); } $parsed[$key]['Match_type_value'] = $op; } } /* Get the address fields we should check, they are seperated by , */ if(isset($_POST['keys_'.$element_id])){ $vls = stripslashes($_POST['keys_'.$element_id]); $tmp = array(); $tmp2 = split(",",$vls); foreach($tmp2 as $val){ $tmp[] = "\"".trim(preg_replace("/\"/","",$val))."\""; } $parsed[$key]['Key_List'] = $tmp; } /* Get the values should check for, they are seperated by , */ if(isset($_POST['values_'.$element_id])){ $vls = stripslashes($_POST['values_'.$element_id]); $tmp = array(); $tmp2 = split(",",$vls); foreach($tmp2 as $val){ $tmp[] = "\"".trim(preg_replace("/\"/","",$val))."\""; } $parsed[$key]['Value_List'] = $tmp; } break; } /******************* * TRUE FALSE *******************/ case "true" : case "false" : { $name = 'boolean_'.$element_id; if(isset($_POST[$name])){ $key2 = $_POST[$name]; if($key != $key2) { $parsed = array($key2 => $key2); } } break; } /******************* * Exists *******************/ case "exists" : { /* Toggle Inverse ? */ if(isset($_POST['toggle_inverse_'.$element_id])){ $parsed[$key]['Inverse'] = !$parsed[$key]['Inverse']; } /* get list of match values */ if(isset($_POST['Values_'.$element_id])){ $vls = stripslashes($_POST['Values_'.$element_id]); $tmp = array(); $tmp2 = split(",",$vls); foreach($tmp2 as $val){ $tmp[] = "\"".trim(preg_replace("/\"/","",$val))."\""; } $parsed['exists']['Values'] = $tmp; } break; } /******************* * Size *******************/ case "size" : { $Match_types = array( ":over" => _("greater than") , ":under" => _("lower than")); $Units = array( "M" => _("Megabyte") , "K" => _("Kilobyte")); /* Reset error */ $parsed[$key]['LastError'] =""; /* Get match type */ if(isset($_POST['Match_type_'.$element_id])){ $mt = $_POST['Match_type_'.$element_id]; if(!isset($Match_types[$mt])){ $parsed[$key]['LastError'] = _("Please select a valid match type in the list box below."); } $parsed[$key]['Match_type'] = $mt; } /* Get old values */ $value = preg_replace("/[^0-9]*$/","",$parsed[$key]['Value_List'][0]); $unit = preg_replace("/^[0-9]*/","",$parsed[$key]['Value_List'][0]); /* Get value */ if(isset($_POST['Value_'.$element_id])){ $vl = $_POST['Value_'.$element_id]; if(!(is_numeric($vl) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/",$vl))){ $parsed[$key]['LastError'] = _("Only numeric values are allowed here."); } $value = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",$vl); } /* Get unit */ if(isset($_POST['Value_Unit_'.$element_id])){ $ut = $_POST['Value_Unit_'.$element_id]; if(!isset($Units[$ut])){ $parsed[$key]['LastError'] = _("No valid unit selected"); } $unit = $ut; } $parsed[$key]['Value_List'] = array(); $parsed[$key]['Value_List'][0] = $value.$unit; break; } /******************* * Allof *******************/ case "allof" : { if(isset($_POST['toggle_inverse_'.$element_id])){ $parsed[$key]['Inverse'] = !$parsed[$key]['Inverse']; } foreach($data as $key2 => $dat){ if(($key2 === "Inverse") && ($key2 == "Inverse")){ continue; } $tmp_data = $this->save_object_recursive($dat, ($id +1),$key2."-".$obj_id); if($tmp_data != false){ $parsed[$key][$key2] = $tmp_data; }else{ unset( $parsed[$key][$key2]); } } break ; } /******************* * Anyof *******************/ case "anyof" : { if(isset($_POST['toggle_inverse_'.$element_id])){ $parsed[$key]['Inverse'] = !$parsed[$key]['Inverse']; } foreach($data as $key2 => $dat){ if(($key2 === "Inverse") && ($key2 == "Inverse")){ continue; } $tmp_data = $this->save_object_recursive($dat, ($id +1),$key2."-".$obj_id); if($tmp_data != false){ $parsed[$key][$key2] = $tmp_data; }else{ unset( $parsed[$key][$key2]); } } break ; } } } return($parsed); } /* Return html element for IF */ function execute() { /* Create title */ $name = ""; $name .= ""._("Condition").""; if($this->TYPE == "if"){ $name .= " - "._("If"); }elseif($this->TYPE == "elsif"){ $name .= " - "._("Else if"); }else{ $name .= " - "._("Else"); } $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("ID", $this->object_id); /* Only display navigation elements if necessary */ if($this->TYPE == "if"){ $object_container = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/object_container.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); }else{ $object_container = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/object_container_clear.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); } $smarty->assign("Name", $name); $smarty->assign("Contents", $this->get_as_html()); if($this->TYPE == "if"){ $object = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/element_if.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); }else{ $object = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/element_elsif.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); } $str = preg_replace("/%%OBJECT_CONTENT%%/",$object,$object_container); return($str); } /* Returns all elements as html */ function get_as_html($parsed = NULL,$id = 1,$obj_id=1) { $ret =""; if($parsed == NULL){ $parsed = $this->_parsed; } if((!is_array($parsed)) || !count($parsed)) { $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("ID",$this->object_id); $smarty->assign("DisplayAdd",TRUE); $smarty->assign("DisplayDel",FALSE); $str = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/object_test_container.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); $ret .= preg_replace("/%%OBJECT_CONTENT%%/",_("Empty"),$str); return($ret); } /* Walk through all elements */ foreach($parsed as $key => $data){ /* Create Inverse Tag */ if(is_array($data) && isset($data['Inverse']) && $data['Inverse']){ $Inverse = TRUE; }else{ $Inverse = FALSE; } /* Id used to have unique html names */ $element_id = $this->object_id."_".$id."_".$obj_id; /* Create elements */ switch($key) { /******************* * TRUE FALSE *******************/ case "true" : case "false" : { /* Inverse element if required */ if($Inverse){ if($key == "true"){ $key = "false"; }else{ $key = "true"; } } /* Get template */ $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("values" , array("false" => _("False"), "true" => _("True"))); $smarty->assign("selected" , $key); $smarty->assign("ID" , $element_id); $ret .= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/element_boolean.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); break; } /******************* * Header *******************/ case "header": { $address_parts = $this->address_parts; $comparators = $this->comparators; $match_types = $this->match_types; $operators = $this->operators; $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("comparators",$comparators); $smarty->assign("match_types",$match_types); $smarty->assign("operators",$operators); $smarty->assign("LastError",$data['LastError']); $smarty->assign("match_type", $data['Match_type']); $smarty->assign("operator" , preg_replace("/\"/","",$data['Match_type_value'])); $smarty->assign("comparator", preg_replace("/\"/","",$data['Comparator'])); $keys = ""; foreach($data['Key_List'] as $key){ $keys .= $key.", "; } $keys = preg_replace("/,$/","",trim($keys)); $values = ""; foreach($data['Value_List'] as $key){ $values .= $key.", "; } $values = preg_replace("/,$/","",trim($values)); $smarty->assign("keys",$keys); $smarty->assign("Inverse",$Inverse); $smarty->assign("values",$values); $smarty->assign("Expert", $data['Expert']); $smarty->assign("ID" , $element_id); $ret .= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/element_header.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); break; } /******************* * Envelope *******************/ case "envelope": { $address_parts = $this->address_parts; $comparators = $this->comparators; $match_types = $this->match_types; $operators = $this->operators; $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("Inverse",$Inverse); $smarty->assign("comparators",$comparators); $smarty->assign("Expert", $data['Expert']); $smarty->assign("match_types",$match_types); $smarty->assign("operators",$operators); $smarty->assign("LastError",$data['LastError']); $smarty->assign("match_type", $data['Match_type']); $smarty->assign("operator" , preg_replace("/\"/","",$data['Match_type_value'])); $smarty->assign("comparator", preg_replace("/\"/","",$data['Comparator'])); $keys = ""; foreach($data['Key_List'] as $key){ $keys .= $key.", "; } $keys = preg_replace("/,$/","",trim($keys)); $values = ""; foreach($data['Value_List'] as $key){ $values .= $key.", "; } $values = preg_replace("/,$/","",trim($values)); $smarty->assign("keys",$keys); $smarty->assign("values",$values); $smarty->assign("ID" , $element_id); $ret .= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/element_envelope.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); break; } /******************* * Address *******************/ case "address" : { $address_parts = $this->address_parts; $comparators = $this->comparators; $match_types = $this->match_types; $operators = $this->operators; $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("Inverse",$Inverse); $smarty->assign("address_parts",$address_parts); $smarty->assign("comparators",$comparators); $smarty->assign("match_types",$match_types); $smarty->assign("LastError",$data['LastError']); $smarty->assign("operators",$operators); $smarty->assign("match_type", $data['Match_type']); $smarty->assign("operator" , preg_replace("/\"/","",$data['Match_type_value'])); $smarty->assign("comparator", preg_replace("/\"/","",$data['Comparator'])); $smarty->assign("address_part", $data['Address_Part']); $smarty->assign("Expert", $data['Expert']); $keys = ""; foreach($data['Key_List'] as $key){ $keys .= $key.", "; } $keys = preg_replace("/,$/","",trim($keys)); $values = ""; foreach($data['Value_List'] as $key){ $values .= $key.", "; } $values = preg_replace("/,$/","",trim($values)); $smarty->assign("keys",$keys); $smarty->assign("values",$values); $smarty->assign("ID" , $element_id); $ret .= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/element_address.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); break; } /******************* * Size *******************/ case "size" : { $Match_types = array( ":over" => _("greater than") , ":under" => _("lower than")); $Units = array( "M" => _("Megabyte") , "K" => _("Kilobyte")); $Match_type = $data['Match_type']; $Value = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",$data['Value_List'][0]); $Value_Unit = preg_replace("/[0-9]/","",$data['Value_List'][0]); $LastError = ""; if(isset($data['LastError'])){ $LastError = $data['LastError']; } $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("Inverse",$Inverse); $smarty->assign("LastError",$LastError); $smarty->assign("Match_types",$Match_types); $smarty->assign("Units",$Units); $smarty->assign("Match_type",$Match_type); $smarty->assign("Value",$Value); $smarty->assign("Value_Unit",$Value_Unit); $smarty->assign("ID" , $element_id); $ret .= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/element_size.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); break; } /******************* * Exists *******************/ case "exists" : { $LastError = ""; if(isset($data['LastError'])){ $LastError = $data['LastError']; } $Values = ""; foreach($data['Values'] as $val){ $Values .= $val.", "; } $Values = preg_replace("/,$/","",trim($Values)); $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("LastError",$LastError); $smarty->assign("Values",$Values); $smarty->assign("Inverse",$Inverse); $smarty->assign("ID" , $element_id); $ret .= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/element_exists.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); break; } /******************* * All of *******************/ case "allof" : { $Contents = ""; foreach($data as $key => $dat){ if(($key === "Inverse") && ($key == "Inverse")){ continue; } $Contents .= $this->get_as_html($dat, ($id +1),$key."-".$obj_id); } $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("ID" , $element_id); $smarty->assign("DisplayAdd",TRUE); $smarty->assign("DisplayDel",FALSE); $cont_tmp = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/object_test_container.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); $cont_tmp = preg_replace("/%%OBJECT_CONTENT%%/",_("Klick here to add a new test"),$cont_tmp); $smarty->assign("Inverse",$Inverse); $smarty->assign("Contents",$cont_tmp.$Contents); $smarty->assign("ID" , $element_id); $allof_tmp = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/element_allof.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); $ret = $allof_tmp; break ; } /******************* * Any of *******************/ case "anyof" : { $Contents = ""; foreach($data as $key => $dat){ if(($key === "Inverse") && ($key == "Inverse")){ continue; } $Contents .= $this->get_as_html($dat, ($id +1),$key."-".$obj_id); } $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("ID" , $element_id); $smarty->assign("DisplayAdd",TRUE); $smarty->assign("DisplayDel",FALSE); $cont_tmp = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/object_test_container.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); $cont_tmp = preg_replace("/%%OBJECT_CONTENT%%/",_("Klick here to add a new test"),$cont_tmp); $smarty->assign("Inverse",$Inverse); $smarty->assign("Contents",$cont_tmp.$Contents); $allof_tmp = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/element_anyof.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); $ret = $allof_tmp; break ; } default : { $ret = "
"; $ret.= $key."
"; $ret.= "
"; } } } if(!isset($smarty)){ $smarty =get_smarty(); } $smarty->assign("ID",$element_id); $smarty->assign("DisplayAdd",FALSE); $smarty->assign("DisplayDel",TRUE); $str = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("templates/object_test_container.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); $ret = preg_replace("/%%OBJECT_CONTENT%%/",$ret,$str); return($ret); } /* Parse given token identified by $data[$id] * and return the parsed tokens. */ function _parse($data,$id = 0) { $av_methods = array("address","allof","anyof","exists","false","header","not","size","true","envelope"); $av_match_type= array(":is",":contains",":matches",":over",":count",":value",":under"); $type = $data[$id]['text']; $tmp = array(); /* Is there an identifier named 'not' to inverse this filter ? */ $Inverse = FALSE; if($data[$id]['class'] == "identifier" && $data[$id]['text'] == "not"){ $Inverse = TRUE; $id ++; $type = $data[$id]['text']; } switch($type) { /**************** * Parse - Envelope / Header / Address ****************/ case "envelope" : case "header": case "address" : { /* Address matches are struckture as follows : [not] address [address-part: tag] all|localpart|domain|user|detail [comparator: tag] i;octet i;ascii-casemap i;ascii-numeric [match-type: tag] is|contains|matches|count|value */ $part = "(:all|:localpart|:domain)"; $operator = "(:contains|:is|:matches|:count|:value)"; $value_op = "(lt|le|eq|ge|gt|ne)"; $Address_Part = ""; $Comparator = ""; $Match_type = ""; $Match_type_value = ""; $Key_List = array(); $Value_List = array(); for($i = 0 ; $i < count($data) ; $i ++){ /* Get next node */ $node = $data[$i]; /* Check address part definition */ if($node['class'] == "tag" && preg_match("/".$part."/i",$node['text'])){ $Address_Part = $node['text']; } /* Check for match type */ elseif($node['class'] == "tag" && preg_match("/".$operator."/i",$node['text'])){ $Match_type = $node['text']; /* Get value operator */ if(in_array($Match_type,array(":value",":count"))){ $i ++; $node = $data[$i]; if($node['class'] == "quoted-string" && preg_match("/".$value_op."/",$node['text'])){ $Match_type_value = $node['text']; } } } /* Check for a comparator */ elseif($node['class'] == "tag" && preg_match("/comparator/",$node['text'])){ $i ++; $node = $data[$i]; $Comparator = $node['text']; } /* Check for Key_List */ elseif(count(sieve_get_strings($data,$i))){ $tmp2 = sieve_get_strings($data,$i); $i = $tmp2['OFFSET']; if(!count($Key_List)){ $Key_List = $tmp2['STRINGS']; }else{ $Value_List = $tmp2['STRINGS']; } } } /* Add to Tree */ $values = array( "Inverse" => $Inverse, "Comparator" => $Comparator, "Expert" => FALSE, "Match_type" => $Match_type, "Match_type_value"=> $Match_type_value, "Key_List" => $Key_List, "Value_List" => $Value_List) ; if($type == "address"){ $values["Address_Part"] = $Address_Part; } $tmp[$type] = $values; $tmp[$type]['LastError'] = ""; break; } /**************** * Parse - Size ****************/ case "size": { $ops = "(:over|:under)"; $Match_type = ""; for($i = $id ; $i < count($data); $i++){ /* Get current node */ $node = $data[$i]; /* Get tag (under / over) */ if($node['class'] == "tag" && preg_match("/".$ops."/",$node['text'])){ $Match_type = $node['text']; } /* Get Value_List, the value that we want to match for */ elseif(count(sieve_get_strings($data,$i))){ $tmp2 = sieve_get_strings($data,$i); $i = $tmp2['OFFSET']; $Value_List = $tmp2['STRINGS']; } } $tmp[$type]= array( "Inverse" => $Inverse, "Match_type" => $Match_type, "Value_List" => $Value_List); $tmp[$type]['LastError'] = ""; break; } /**************** * Parse - True / False ****************/ case "true": { $tmp['true'] = "true"; $tmp['true']['LastError'] = ""; break; } case "false": { $tmp['false'] = "false"; $tmp['false']['LastError'] = ""; break; } /**************** * Parse - Exists ****************/ case "exists": { /* Skip first values, [if,not,exists] */ $node = $data[$id]; while(in_array($node['text'],array("if","not","exists"))){ $id ++; $node = $data[$id]; } /* Get values */ $tmp2 = sieve_get_strings($data,$id); $tmp['exists'] = array('Inverse' => $Inverse, 'Values' => $tmp2['STRINGS']); $tmp[$type]['LastError'] = ""; break; } /**************** * Parse - Allof ****************/ case "allof" : { /* Get parameter and recursivly call this method * for each parameter */ $id ++; $tmp2 = $this->get_parameter($data,$id); foreach($tmp2 as $parameter){ $tmp['allof'][] = $this->_parse($parameter); } $tmp['allof']['Inverse'] = $Inverse; break; } /**************** * Parse - Anyof ****************/ case "anyof" : { /* Get parameter and recursivly call this method * for each parameter */ $id ++; $tmp2 = $this->get_parameter($data,$id); foreach($tmp2 as $parameter){ $tmp['anyof'][] = $this->_parse($parameter); } $tmp['anyof']['Inverse'] = $Inverse; break; } default : $tmp[$id] = $type; } return($tmp); } function get_parameter($data,$id) { $par = array(); $open_brakets = 0; $next = NULL; $num = 0; for($i = $id ; $i < count($data) ; $i++ ){ if(in_array($data[$i]['class'],array("left-parant","left-bracket"))){ $open_brakets ++; } if($data[$i]['class'] == "comma" && $open_brakets == 1){ $num ++; } if(!in_array($data[$i]['class'],array("comma","left-parant","right-parant")) || $open_brakets >1 ){ $par[$num][] = $data[$i]; } if(in_array($data[$i]['class'],array("right-parant","right-bracket"))){ $open_brakets --; } } return($par); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>