generate_hash($string); return( $newpass); } // this function returns all loaded classes for password encryption static function get_available_methods() { $ret =false; $all = get_declared_classes(); $i = 0; foreach($all as $one) { if(preg_match('/passwordMethod/i', $one) && !preg_match("/^passwordMethod$/i", $one)){ $name = preg_replace ("/passwordMethod/i", "", $one); $test = new $one(false); if($test->is_available()) { $plugname= strtolower(preg_replace ("/passwordMethod/i","",$one)); $ret['name'][$i]= $plugname; $ret['class'][$i]=$one; $ret[$i]['name']= $plugname; $ret[$i]['class']= $one; $ret[$plugname]=$one; $i++; } } } return($ret); } } // change_password, changes the Password, of the given dn function change_password ($dn, $password, $mode=0, $hash= "") { global $config; $newpass= ""; // Get all available encryption Methods $available = passwordMethod::get_available_methods(); // read current password entry for $dn, to detect the encryption Method $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat ($dn); $attrs = $ldap->fetch (); // Set encryption type to clear if required if (isset($attrs['userPassword'][0]) && preg_match('/^[^{}]+$/', $attrs['userPassword'][0]) && $hash == ""){ $hash= "clear"; } // Detect the encryption Method if ( (isset($attrs['userPassword'][0]) && preg_match ("/^{([^}]+)}(.+)/", $attrs['userPassword'][0], $matches)) || $hash != ""){ /* Check for supported algorithm */ mt_srand((double) microtime()*1000000); /* Extract used hash */ if ($hash == ""){ $hash= strtolower($matches[1]); } // Crypt with the detected Method $test = new $available[$hash]($config); $newpass = $test->generate_hash($password); } else { // Crypt it by default $test = new $available['md5']($config); $newpass = $test->generate_hash($password); } // Update shadow timestamp? if (isset($attrs["shadowLastChange"][0])){ $shadow= (int)(date("U") / 86400); } else { $shadow= 0; } // Write back modified entry $ldap->cd($dn); $attrs= array(); // Not for groups if ($mode == 0){ if ($shadow != 0){ $attrs['shadowLastChange']= $shadow; } // Create SMB Password $attrs = generate_smb_nt_hash($password); } $attrs['userPassword']= array(); $attrs['userPassword']= $newpass; $ldap->modify($attrs); if ($ldap->error != 'Success') { print_red(sprintf(_("Setting the password failed. LDAP server says '%s'."), $ldap->get_error())); } } // Return something like array['sambaLMPassword']= "lalla..." function generate_smb_nt_hash($password) { global $config; $tmp= $config->data['MAIN']['SMBHASH']." ".escapeshellarg($password); @DEBUG (DEBUG_LDAP, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $tmp, "Execute"); exec($tmp, $ar); flush(); reset($ar); $hash= current($ar); if ($hash == "") { print_red (_("Setting for SMBHASH in gosa.conf is incorrect! Can't change Samba password.")); } else { list($lm,$nt)= split (":", trim($hash)); if ($config->current['SAMBAVERSION'] == 3) { $attrs['sambaLMPassword']= $lm; $attrs['sambaNTPassword']= $nt; $attrs['sambaPwdLastSet']= date('U'); $attrs['sambaBadPasswordCount']= "0"; $attrs['sambaBadPasswordTime']= "0"; } else { $attrs['lmPassword']= $lm; $attrs['ntPassword']= $nt; $attrs['pwdLastSet']= date('U'); } return($attrs); } } function crypt_single($string,$enc_type ) { if(!class_exists("passwordMethod")){ require_once(""); } return( passwordMethod::crypt_single_str($string,$enc_type)); } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>