\version 2.6 \date 11.04.2007 This is the base class for the GOsa logging functionality. All logging should lead to this class. */ class log { var $LOG_TO_MYSQL = FALSE; var $LOG_TO_SYSLOG= FALSE; var $config; /*! \brief logging constructor \param action One of these values (modify|create|remove|snapshot|copy) \param objecttype represents the current edited objecttype, like users/user \param object represents the current edited object dn \param changes_array An array containing names of all touched attributes \param result A status message, containing errors or success messages \sa log() */ function log($action,$objecttype,$object,$changes_array = array(),$result = "") { if(!is_array($changes_array)){ trigger_error("log(string,string,string,array(),bool). Forth parameter must be an array."); $changes_array = array(); } $entry = array(); if(!isset($_SESSION['config'])){ $entry['user']= "unkown"; }else{ $this->config = &$_SESSION['config']; $ui = get_userinfo(); $entry['user']= @$ui->dn; } /* Create string out of changes */ $changes =""; foreach($changes_array as $str ){ $changes .= $str.","; } $changes = preg_replace("/,$/","",$changes ); /* Create data object */ $entry['timestamp'] = time(); $entry['action'] = $action; $entry['objecttype']= $objecttype; $entry['object'] = $object; $entry['changes'] = $changes; $entry['result'] = $result; if(!isset($this->config->current['LOGGING']) && empty($entry['user'])){ $entry['user'] = "unknown"; } /* Check if all given values are valid */ $msgs = @log::check($entry); if(count($msgs)){ foreach($msgs as $msg){ trigger_error("Logging failed, reason was: ".$msg); print_red("Logging failed, reason was: ".$msg); } }else{ if(!isset($this->config->current['LOGGING'])){ $this->log_into_syslog($entry); }else{ /* Start logging for configured methods */ if(isset($this->config->current['LOGGING']) && preg_match("/(^|,)syslog(,|$)/i",$this->config->current['LOGGING'])){ $this->log_into_syslog($entry); } if(isset($this->config->current['LOGGING']) && preg_match("/(^|,)mysql(,|$)/i",$this->config->current['LOGGING'])){ $res = $this->log_into_db($entry); if(!$res){ global $config; $config->current['LOGGING'] = preg_replace("/(^|,)mysql(,|$)/",",",$config->current['LOGGING']); msg_dialog::display(_("Logging to MySQL disabled"),_("The logging to a MySQL database is now disabled for this session of GOsa, due to communication errors with the specified logging database."), INFO_DIALOG); } } } } } function check($entry = array()) { $msgs = array(); if(!isset($entry['action']) || !in_array($entry['action'],array("modify","create","remove","copy","snapshot","view","security","debug"))){ $msgs[] = "Invalid option specified '".$entry['action']."'"; } if(!isset($entry['objecttype']) || empty($entry['objecttype'])){ $msgs[] = "Specified objectType is empty or invalid."; } return($msgs); } /* This function is used to into the systems syslog */ function log_into_syslog($entry) { $str = $entry['user']." ".$entry['action']." ".$entry['object']." from type ".$entry['objecttype']." ".$entry['changes']." : Result was ".$entry['result']; gosa_log($str); } /* Log into configured logging databses.*/ function log_into_db($entry) { if(isset($this->config->data['SERVERS']['LOGGING'])){ $servers = $this->config->data['SERVERS']['LOGGING']; }else{ print_red(_("You have enabled the logging into mysql databse, but there are no logging servers available.")); return(FALSE); } foreach($servers as $server_name => $server){ $con = @mysql_pconnect($server_name,$server['USER'],$server['PWD']); if(!$con){ print_red(sprintf(_("Could not connect to logging server %s."),$server_name)); return(FALSE); }else{ $db = mysql_select_db($server['DB'],$con); if(!$db){ print_red(sprintf(_("Could not select database %s on server %s. Server says :%s"),$server['DB'],$server['SERVER'],mysql_error($con))); return(FALSE); }else{ /* Create mysql syntax */ $query ="INSERT INTO gosa_log (timestamp,user,action,objecttype,object,changes,result) VALUES ( \"".addslashes($entry['timestamp'])."\", \"".addslashes($entry['user'])."\", \"".addslashes($entry['action'])."\", \"".addslashes($entry['objecttype'])."\", \"".addslashes($entry['object'])."\", \"".addslashes($entry['changes'])."\", \"".addslashes($entry['result'])."\" ); "; $res = mysql_query($query,$con); if(!$res){ print_red(sprintf(_("Could not query database %s on server %s. Server ssys :%s"),$server['DB'],$server['SERVER'],mysql_error($con))); return(FALSE); } } mysql_close($con); } } return(TRUE); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>