server = $server; $this->user = $user; $this->password = $pwd; $this->db = $db; $this->handle = @mysql_connect($this->server,$this->user,$this->password); if($this->handle){ $this->is_connected = true; $this->SelectDB($this->db); } } function SelectDB() { if($this->is_connected){ mysql_select_db($this->db,$this->handle); } } function is_account($dn) { if(!$this->is_connected){ $this->lasterror ="Can't query anything, if we aren't connected."; return(false); }else{ $qry = "SELECT * FROM glpi_computers WHERE name='".$dn."';"; $res = $this->query($qry); print_a($res); } } function query($qry) { if(!$this->is_connected){ $this->lasterror ="Can't query anything, if we aren't connected."; return(false); }else{ $ret =array(); $res = mysql_query($qry,$this->handle); while($rs = @mysql_fetch_array($res,MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $ret[]=$rs; } return($ret); } } /* System types */ function getSystemTypes() { if($this->is_connected){ $ret = array(); $tmp = ($this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_type_computers;")); foreach($tmp as $t){ $ret[$t['ID']]=$t['name']; } return($ret); }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } /* System types */ function updateSystemType($name,$id) { if($this->is_connected){ $tmp = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_type_computers WHERE ID=".$id.";"); if(isset($tmp[0])){ return($this->query("UPDATE glpi_type_computers SET name='".$name."' WHERE ID=".$id.";")); }else{ echo "can't update not existing entry"; return(false); } }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } /* System types */ function addSystemType($name) { if($this->is_connected){ $tmp = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_type_computers WHERE name='".$name."';"); if(isset($tmp[0])){ echo "such an entry already exists"; return(false); }else{ return($this->query("INSERT INTO glpi_type_computers (name) VALUES ('".$name."');")); } }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } /* System types */ function removeSystemType_byID($id) { if($this->is_connected){ $tmp = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_type_computers WHERE ID=".$id.";"); if(isset($tmp[0])){ return($this->query("DELETE FROM glpi_type_computers WHERE ID=".$id.";")); }else{ echo "can't remove not existing entry"; return(false); } }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } /* System types */ function removeSystemType_byNAME($name) { if($this->is_connected){ $tmp = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_type_computers WHERE name='".$name."';"); if(isset($tmp[0])){ return($this->query("DELETE FROM glpi_type_computers WHERE name='".$name."';")); }else{ echo "can't remove not existing entry"; return(false); } }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } /* Manufacturer */ function getEnterprisesTypes() { if($this->is_connected){ $ret = array(); $tmp = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_enterprises;"); foreach($tmp as $t){ $ret[$t['ID']]=$t['name']; } return($ret); }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } /* System types */ function updateEnterprisesType($array,$id) { if(!is_array($array)){ echo "updateEnterprisesType: first paraeter must be an array"; }elseif($this->is_connected){ $tmp = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_enterprises WHERE ID=".$id.";"); if(isset($tmp[0])){ $atr = array("ID","name","type","address","website","phonenumber","comments","deleted","fax","email"); $v = ""; foreach($atr as $at){ if(isset($array[$at])){ $v .= " ".$at."='".$array[$at]."', "; } } if(empty($v)){ echo "updateEnterprisesType: no attributes given "; return(false); }else{ $v = preg_replace("/, $/","",$v); return($this->query("UPDATE glpi_enterprises SET ".$v." WHERE ID=".$id.";")); } }else{ echo "can't update not existing entry"; return(false); } }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } function removeEnterprisesType($id) { if($this->is_connected){ $tmp = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_enterprises WHERE ID=".$id.";"); if(isset($tmp[0])){ return($this->query("DELETE FROM glpi_enterprises WHERE ID=".$id.";")); }else{ echo "can't remove not existing entry"; return(false); } }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } /* Operating systems */ function getOSTypes() { if($this->is_connected){ $ret = array(); $tmp=($this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_dropdown_os;")); foreach($tmp as $t){ $ret[$t['ID']]=$t['name']; } return($ret); }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } /* Technical / Responsible person / glpi users */ function getUsers() { if($this->is_connected){ return($this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_users")); }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } /* Gets all pulldown and needed tableinformations */ function getDevices() { if($this->is_connected){ $ret = array(); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_moboard'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_moboard;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_case'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_case;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_control'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_control;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_drive'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_drive;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_gfxcard'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_gfxcard;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_hdd'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_hdd;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_iface'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_iface;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_pci'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_pci;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_power'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_power;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_processor'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_processor;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_ram'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_ram;"); $ret['devices']['glpi_device_sndcard'] = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_device_sndcard;"); return($ret); }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } function getComputerInformations($id) { if($this->is_connected){ $ret = $this->query( ' SELECT c.ID, as "Name", c.comments as "Commets", as "OS", as "Manufacturer", as "Type", as "Technical responsible" FROM glpi_computers as c left join glpi_dropdown_os as d on (c.os = d.ID) left join glpi_enterprises as e on (c.FK_glpi_enterprise = e.ID) left join glpi_type_computers as dc on (c.type = dc.ID) left join glpi_users as u on (c.tech_num = u.ID) WHERE c.Name!="" AND c.ID='.$id.';'); return($ret); }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } function updateComputerInformations($array,$id) { if(!is_array($array)){ echo "updateComputerInformations: first paraeter must be an array"; }elseif($this->is_connected){ $tmp = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_computers WHERE ID=".$id.";"); if(isset($tmp[0])){ $atr = array( "Id","name","serial","otherserial","contact","contact_num", "tech_num","comments","date_mod","os","location","domain","network", "model","type","is_template","tplname","FK_glpi_enterprise","deleted"); $v = ""; foreach($atr as $at){ if(isset($array[$at])){ $v .= " ".$at."='".$array[$at]."', "; } } if(empty($v)){ echo "updateComputerInformations: no attributes given "; return(false); }else{ $v = preg_replace("/, $/","",$v); return($this->query("UPDATE glpi_computers SET ".$v." WHERE ID=".$id.";")); } }else{ echo "can't update not existing entry"; return(false); } }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } function addComputerInformations($array) { if(!is_array($array)){ echo "updateComputerInformations: first paraeter must be an array"; }elseif($this->is_connected){ $atr = array( "Id","name","serial","otherserial","contact","contact_num", "tech_num","comments","date_mod","os","location","domain","network", "model","type","is_template","tplname","FK_glpi_enterprise","deleted"); $v = ""; $a = ""; foreach($atr as $at){ if(isset($array[$at])){ $a .= $at.", "; $v .= "'".$array[$at]."', "; } } if(empty($v)){ echo "updateComputerInformations: no attributes given "; return(false); }else{ $a = preg_replace("/, $/","",$a); $v = preg_replace("/, $/","",$v); return($this->query("INSERT INTO glpi_computers (".$a.") VALUES (".$v.");")); } }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } function removeComputerInformations($id) { if($this->is_connected){ $tmp = $this->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_computers WHERE ID=".$id.";"); if(isset($tmp[0])){ return($this->query("DELETE FROM glpi_computers WHERE ID=".$id.";")); }else{ echo "can't remove not existing entry"; return(false); } }else{ echo "not connected"; return(false); } } function is_connected() { return($this->is_connected); } } //$s = new glpiDB("vserver-01","glpi","tester","glpi"); //print_r($s->query("SELECT * FROM glpi_computers")); //$s->getComputerInformations("1 OR (c.ID<10000)"); ?>