data= ""; $this->type= false; $this->error=""; $this->info = array(); } /* Reads specified Certfile/string and convert it to PEM*/ function import($data,$type=false) { /* if is file read from file, else use string as it is*/ if(is_file($data)) { $fp = fopen($data,"r+"); $str = ""; if(!$fp){ $this->certificate(); $this->error=_("Can't open specified file, check accessibility and or existence"); return(false); }else{ /* Reading data*/ while(!feof($fp)){ $str.=fgets($fp,1024); } } /* Filename given, so we use the data from the file */ $this->data = $str; } else { /* Cert as String, use this string */ $this->data = $data; } /* Data can't be empty */ if($data = ""){ $this->certificate(); $this->error = _("Can't read specified certificate / or empty string given"); return(false); } /* Prefer specified certtype*/ if($type) { $this->type = $type; }else{ /* Detect certtype, cause there is none specified */ /* PEM allways starts with ----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----*/ if(strstr($this->data,"CERTIFICATE")) { $this->type=PEM; } else { /* We test DER now, on fail abort */ $this->type=DER; } } /* Convert to PEM to give $this->info the ability to read the cert */ if($this->type == DER ) { $this->derTOpem(); } /* If cert is loaded correctly and is PEM now, we could read some data out of it */ if(count($this->info()) <=1) { $this->certificate(); $this->error = _("Can't load certificate, possibly unsupported format (use PEM/DER) "); /* Reset*/ return(false); } $this->info(false); /* Loaded a readable cert */ return(true); } /* Returns Array with all containing data */ function info($ret = true) { if($this->type != PEM){ $this->error = _("The Format must be PEM, to output certificate informations"); return(false); } else { /* return an array with all given information */ $this->info=openssl_x509_parse($this->data); if($ret) return($this->info); } } /* Return Functions */ function getvalidto_date() { return($this->info['validTo_time_t']); } function getvalidfrom_date() { return($this->info['validFrom_time_t']); } function getname() { return($this->info['name']); } function getCN() { return($this->info['subject']['CN']); } function getO() { return($this->info['subject']['O']); } function getOU() { return($this->info['subject']['OU']); } function getSerialNumber() { return($this->info['serialNumber']); } function isvalid($returnstr = false) { if(($this->type != false)&&(count($this->info)>1)) { if($returnstr){ return(_("valid")); }else{ return(true); } }else{ if($returnstr){ return(_("invalid")); }else{ return(false); } } } /* Export Certificate to specified file, with specified method*/ function export($type,$filename="temp") { /* Check if valid cert is loaded*/ if($this->type!=false){ /* Check if we must convert the cert */ if($this->type!= $type){ $strConv = $this->type."TO".$type; $this->$strConv(); } /* open file for writing */ $fp = fopen($filename,"w+"); if(!$fp){ $this->error= _("Can't create/open File"); return(false); }else{ fwrite($fp,$this->data,strlen($this->data)); } return(true); }else{ $this->error= _("No valid certificate loaded"); return(false); } return(false); } /* Convert der to pem Certificate */ function derTOpem() { /* if type is DER start convert */ if($this->type == DER) { /* converting */ $this->type= PEM; $str = base64_encode($this->data); $len = strlen($str); $end = ""; while($len > 0 ) { $len = $len - 64; $str1 = substr($str,0,64)."\n"; $str = substr($str,64,$len); $end.= $str1; } $strend = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n".$end; $strend .= "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"; $this->data = $strend; return(true); } return(false); } /*Convert pem to der Certificate */ function pemTOder() { if($this->type == PEM) { $this->type= DER; $str = $this->data; $str = str_replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----","",$str); $str = str_replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----","",$str); $str = base64_decode($str); $this->data = $str; return(true); } return(false); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>