\version 1.00 \date 2007/11/02 This class handles the exceptions occuring in ObjectListViewport. */ class ObjectListViewportException extends Exception { public function __construct($message, $code = 0) { parent::__construct($message, $code); } } /*! \brief Implementation for ObjectListViewport \author Cajus Pollmeier \version 1.00 \date 2007/11/02 This class handles painting of ObjectList objects. \sa ObjectList */ class ObjectListViewport extends GOsaGuiElement { /* Internal variable for color alternation */ private $colorAlternator= 0; protected $headline; protected $footer; protected $entryFormat; /* Dummy here ----> */ private $attributes= array('cn', '_icon', '_actions', 'dn'); /* <---- Dummy here */ protected $displayHeaderFlag= TRUE; protected $displayFooterFlag= TRUE; private $numberOfCols= 0; /*! \brief Container for objects This variable stores the ObjectList object to be displayed. */ protected $objects; /*! \brief Switch to handle multiselect or not */ protected $multiselect; /*! \brief ObjectListViewport constructor The ObjectListViewport class renders/handles the ObjectList defined by $config. \param config Config section that is used to configure this ObjectListViewport */ public function __construct($config, $multiselect= TRUE, $displayHeader= TRUE, $displayFooter= FALSE){ /* Initialize from parents method */ parent::__construct(); /* Transfer initialization values */ $this->displayFooterFlag= $displayFooter; $this->displayHeaderFlag= $displayHeader; $this->multiselect= $multiselect; /* Load list configuration from ConfigManager */ $cr= Registry::getInstance("ConfigManager"); $cr->setSection($config); $this->parseHeadline($cr->getValue("headline")); $this->footer= $cr->getValue("footer"); $this->entryFormat= $cr->getValue("entryFormat"); /* Load and instanciate classes, extract filter, icons, view hooks, etc. */ $this->objects= new ObjectList($config); } /*! \brief Processes post events Processes all post events and acts as needed. \return bool for if changes are present or not */ protected function __process(){ /* FIXME: Dummy Action*/ $this->objects->reload(); /* TODO: process input */ return FALSE; } #/*! \brief Renders headline into a string # # Gets the headline description from the ObjectList object and renders it. # # \return HTML rendered headline # */ #private function renderHeadline(){ # $tpl =" # # # # {content} # #
# # "; # $buffer =""; # foreach($this->headline as $key => $value){ # $buffer .= "".$value['name']."\n"; # } # return(preg_replace("/\{content\}/", $buffer,$tpl)); #} #/*! \brief Renders footer into a string # # Gets the footer description from the ObjectList object and renders it. # # \return HTML rendered footer # */ #private function renderFooter(){ # $buffer =" # # # # # # # # "; # return $buffer; #} /* FIXME: replace this -> not our task */ private function getEntryIcon($entry,$alt = ""){ return("".$alt.""); } /*! \brief Renders entries from the ObjectList iterator into a string Gets the entry descriptions from the ObjectList object and renders them. \return HTML rendered list entries */ private function renderEntry($entry){ /* Copy template */ $buffer= $this->entryFormat; /* Replace set of attributes */ foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute){ if (!isset($entry[$attribute])){ throw new ObjectListViewportException(sprintf(_("Can't locate attribute '%s' to replace in entry!"), $attribute)); } else { if(preg_match("/_icon/i",$attribute)){ $buffer= preg_replace('/\{'.$attribute.'\}/', $this->getEntryIcon($entry),$buffer); }else{ $buffer= preg_replace('/\{'.$attribute.'\}/', $entry[$attribute],$buffer); } } } /* Execute optional filters */ preg_match_all ( '/\{_filter\(([^)]+)\)\}/', $buffer, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match){ $filterName= preg_replace('/,.+$/', '', $match[1]); $filterParameter= preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $match[1]); $buffer= preg_replace('/\{_filter\('.normalizePreg($match[1]).'\)\}/', $this->applyEntryFilter($filterName, $filterParameter), $buffer); } #TODO: Make $buffer a proper HTML table output $tmp = split("\|",trim($buffer,"|")); /* Define entry template */ $tpl = "
"; /* Template vriables to replace */ $attrs = array("/\{style_1\}/","/\{style_2\}/","/\{content\}/"); /* Append template for each given col */ $buffer =""; for($i= 0; $i < $this->numberOfCols; $i++){ /* If current entry is the last to appen, then skip adding styles */ if($i == ($this->numberOfCols-1)){ $buffer.= preg_replace( $attrs, array($this->headline[$i]['style'],"width:100%;overflow:hidden;",$tmp[$i]),$tpl); }else{ $buffer.= preg_replace( $attrs, array($this->headline[$i]['style'],"width:100%;overflow:hidden;".$this->headline[$i]['style'],$tmp[$i]),$tpl); } } /* Add class depending on given id, to alternate background colors */ if($this->colorAlternator++ & 1){ $a = "class='ObjectListViewport_Entry_Row1'"; }else{ $a = "class='ObjectListViewport_Entry_Row2'"; } return "\n".$buffer."\n"; } /*! \brief Applies filter to the given entry format string. Instanciates the given ObjectListEntryFilter and calls the method. \return rendered output \sa ObjectListEntryFilter */ private function applyEntryFilter($filterName, $string){ $className= "ObjectListEntryFilter_".$filterName; $cl= new $className; return $cl->filter("$string"); } /*! \brief Renders complete ObjectList into a string \return HTML rendered list */ protected function __render() { /* Apply current filter */ $entries = ""; $objects= new ObjectListFilterIterator($this->objects->getIterator()); foreach ($objects as $value){ $entries .= $this->renderEntry($value); } return "README ;-)\n"; #Fabian: _POST/_GET Variablen bitte mit $this->createVariable('name'); # erstellen. # Damit kann das von der übergreifenden Funktion extrahiert werden # und wir haben keinen doppelten Code dafür. # # Wurde z.B. eine Variable via $this->createVariable('cn') erzeugt und via # smarty eingebunden, dann kann Sie nach einem _POST oder _GET via # $this->getRequestVariable_cn() wieder abgefragt werden. #$smarty = get_smarty(); #$smarty->assign("OLV_Entries",array("Doesn't work" => "Does not work."));//$objects); #$smarty->assign("OLV_List_Id",$this->id); #/* Footer variables */ #$smarty->assign("OLV_Footer_Enabled",$this->displayFooterFlag); #$smarty->assign("OLV_Footer_Message",$this->footer); #$smarty->assign("OLV_Num_Cols",$this->numberOfCols); #/* Assign Headline values */ #$smarty->assign("OLV_Header_Enabled",$this->displayHeaderFlag); #$smarty->assign("OLV_Header",$this->headline); #return($smarty->fetch("ObjectListViewport.tpl")); } /*! \brief Parses the given headline format string \return Array with cell properties (width, alignment,name) */ private function parseHeadline($data) { /* Each cell definition is seperated by | * split by and go through each definition */ $this->headline= array(); $this->numberOfCols= 0; $tmp= split("\|", trim($data, "|")); $cell_formats= array(); foreach($tmp as $key => $dta){ $width= ""; $alignment= ""; $name= preg_replace("/\{[^\}]*+\}/", "", $dta); $style= ""; /* Parse format string and detect width & alignment */ if(preg_match("/\{.*\}/", $dta)){ $format= preg_replace("/^[^\{]*+\{([^\}]*).*$/", "\\1", $dta); /* Get aligment */ if(preg_match("/:/",$format)){ $al= preg_replace("/^[^:]*+:([a-z]*).*$/i", "\\1", $format); if(preg_match("/T/i", $al)){ $alignment.= "top-"; $style.= "vertical-align: top;"; } if(preg_match("/B/i", $al)){ $alignment.= "bottom-"; $style.= "vertical-align: bottom;"; } if(preg_match("/R/i", $al)){ $alignment.= "right"; $style.= "text-align: right;"; }elseif(preg_match("/L/i", $al)){ $alignment.= "left"; $style.= "text-align: left;"; }elseif(preg_match("/C/i", $al) || preg_match("/M/i", $al) ){ $alignment.= "center"; $style.= "text-align: center;"; } } /* Get width */ $width = preg_replace("/^([^:]*).*$/","\\1", $format); if(!empty($width)){ $style.= "width: ".$width.";"; } } $cell_formats[$key]= array("name" => $name, "width" => $width, "alignment" => $alignment, "style" => $style); $this->numberOfCols++; } $this->headline= $cell_formats; } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>