config = $config; $this->current= NULL; } /* Returns wether the current object can be pasted */ function isCurrentObjectPastAble(){ /* Check if we got a valid object */ if($this->current == NULL){ return(false); } return(true); } /* Clears all copy & paste informations */ function Clear() { $this->copyCurrent = false; $this->cutCurrent = false; $this->dialogOpen = false; $this->current = NULL; } /* return current obejct dn */ function GetCurrentDn() { return($this->objectdn); } /* Add Object which should be copied */ function Copy($obj,$emptyObj) { $this->copyCurrent = true; $this->objectdn = $obj->dn; $this->current = $emptyObj; foreach($obj->by_object as $name => $obj){ /* Prepare every single class, to be copied */ $this->current->by_object[$name]->PrepareForCopyPaste($obj); /* handle some special vars */ foreach(array("is_account") as $attr){ if(isset($obj->$attr)){ $this->current->by_object[$name]->$attr = $obj->$attr; } } } if($this->isCurrentObjectPastAble()){ return(true); }else{ $this->cutCurrent = $this->copyCurrent = false; $this->obj = NULL; } return(false); } /* Add Object which should be cutted */ function Cut($obj){ $this->cutCurrent = true; $this->current = $obj; $this->objectdn = $obj->dn; if($this->isCurrentObjectPastAble()){ return(true); }else{ $this->cutCurrent = $this->copyCurrent = false; $this->obj = NULL; } return(false); } /* Returns true if current object * is cutted. And awaits to be pasted anywhere */ function isCurrentCutted(){ return($this->cutCurrent); } /* Returns true if current object * was copied, and awaits to be pasted again */ function isCurrentCopied(){ return($this->copyCurrent); } /* Returns true if the copy$paste dialog is still open */ function stillOpen(){ if(isset($_POST['AbortCopyPaste'])){ $this->dialogOpen = false; } return($this->dialogOpen); } /* Displays a dialog which allows the user to fix all dependencies of this object. Create unique names, ids, or what ever */ function execute() { $this->dialogOpen = true; /* Cut & paste */ if($this->cutCurrent){ $this->current->save(); $this->dialogOpen =false; $this->Clear(); /* Copy & paste */ }else{ if(isset($_POST['PerformCopyPaste'])){ $msgs = $this->check(); if(count ($msgs) ){ foreach( $msgs as $msg){ print_red($msg); } }else{ $this->current->save(); $this->lastdn = $this->current->dn; $this->dialogOpen =false; $this->Clear(); } } if($this->current){ $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("Complete",false); $smarty->assign("AttributesToFix",$this->generateAttributesToFix()); $smarty->assign("SubDialog",$this->current->SubDialog); $smarty->assign("objectDN" ,$this->objectdn); $smarty->assign("message", sprintf(_("You are going to copy the entry '%s'."), $this->objectdn)); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("copyPasteDialog.tpl",FALSE))); } } } /* Create dialog which asks unique attributes/values ... * call tabs -> getCopyDialog() * which calls tab -> getCopyDialog() */ function generateAttributesToFix() { if($this->current){ return($this->current->getCopyDialog()); } } /* Set a single attribute to specified value * example : ("base", $newBase ); */ function SetVar($name,$value) { foreach($this-> current->by_object as $key => $obj){ if(isset($this->current->by_object[$key]->$name)){ $this->current->by_object[$key]->$name = $value; } } } /* Save new values posted by copy & paste dialog */ function save_object() { /* Assign posted var to all tabs */ if($this->current){ $this->current->saveCopyDialog(); } } /* Returns errors from including tabs. */ function check() { $ret = array(); foreach($this-> current->by_object as $obj){ if($obj->is_account){ $ret = array_merge($ret , $obj->check()); } } return($ret); } /* returns the paste icon for headpages */ function generatePasteIcon() { $Copy_Paste= "  "; if($this->isCurrentObjectPastAble()){ if($this->isCurrentCutted()){ $img= "images/cutpaste.png"; }else{ $img= "images/copypaste.png"; } $Copy_Paste.= " "; }else{ $Copy_Paste.= "\""._("Can't "; } return ($Copy_Paste); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>