assign ('date', gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")); $smarty->assign ('username', $username); $smarty->assign ('personal_img', get_template_path('images/personal.png')); $smarty->assign ('password_img', get_template_path('images/password.png')); $smarty->assign ('directory_img', get_template_path('images/ldapserver.png')); /* Some error to display? */ if (!isset($message)){ $message= ""; } $smarty->assign ("message", $message); /* Displasy SSL mode warning? */ if ($ssl != "" && $config->data['MAIN']['WARNSSL'] == 'true'){ $smarty->assign ("ssl", _("Warning").": "._("Session is not encrypted!").""); } else { $smarty->assign ("ssl", ""); } if(!$config->check_session_lifetime()){ $smarty->assign ("lifetime", _("Warning").": ". _("The session lifetime configured in your gosa.conf will be overridden by php.ini settings.")); }else{ $smarty->assign ("lifetime", ""); } /* Generate server list */ $servers= array(); if (isset($_POST['server'])){ $selected= validate($_POST['server']); } else { $selected= $config->data['MAIN']['DEFAULT']; } foreach ($config->data['LOCATIONS'] as $key => $ignored){ $servers[$key]= $key; } $smarty->assign ("server_options", $servers); $smarty->assign ("server_id", $selected); /* show login screen */ $smarty->assign ("PHPSESSID", session_id()); if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])){ $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']); } if ($error_collector != ""){ $smarty->assign("php_errors", $error_collector.""); } else { $smarty->assign("php_errors", ""); } $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl')); $smarty->display(get_template_path('login.tpl')); exit(); } /* Set error handler to own one, initialize time calculation and start session. */ session_start (); /* Destroy old session if exists. Else you will get your old session back, if you not logged out correctly. */ if(is_array($_SESSION) && count($_SESSION)){ session_destroy(); session_start(); } $username= ""; /* Reset errors */ $_SESSION['errors'] = ""; $_SESSION['errorsAlreadyPosted']= array(); $_SESSION['LastError'] = ""; /* Check if we need to run setup */ if (!file_exists(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE)){ header("location:setup.php"); exit(); } /* Reset errors */ $_SESSION['errors']= ""; /* Check for java script */ if(isset($_POST['javascript']) && $_POST['javascript'] == "true") { $_SESSION['js']= TRUE; }elseif(isset($_POST['javascript'])) { $_SESSION['js']= FALSE; } /* Check if gosa.conf (.CONFIG_FILE) is accessible */ if (!is_readable(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE)){ echo sprintf(_("GOsa configuration %s/%s is not readable. Aborted."), CONFIG_DIR,CONFIG_FILE); exit(); } /* Parse configuration file */ $config= new config(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE, $BASE_DIR); $_SESSION['DEBUGLEVEL']= $config->data['MAIN']['DEBUGLEVEL']; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "POST"){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_CONFIG, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $config->data, "config"); } /* Enable compressed output */ if (isset($config->data['MAIN']['COMPRESSED']) && preg_match('/^(true|on)$/i', $config->data['MAIN']['COMPRESSED'])){ ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); } /* Set template compile directory */ if (isset ($config->data['MAIN']['COMPILE'])){ $smarty->compile_dir= $config->data['MAIN']['COMPILE']; } else { $smarty->compile_dir= '/var/spool/gosa'; } $smarty->assign ('nextfield', 'username'); /* Check for compile directory */ if (!(is_dir($smarty->compile_dir) && is_writable($smarty->compile_dir))){ echo sprintf(_("Directory '%s' specified as compile directory is not accessible!"), $smarty->compile_dir); exit(); } /* Check for old files in compile directory */ clean_smarty_compile_dir($smarty->compile_dir); /* Language setup */ $lang= get_browser_language(); putenv("LANGUAGE="); putenv("LANG=$lang"); setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang); $GLOBALS['t_language']= $lang; $GLOBALS['t_gettext_message_dir'] = $BASE_DIR.'/locale/'; /* Set the text domain as 'messages' */ $domain = 'messages'; bindtextdomain($domain, "$BASE_DIR/locale"); textdomain($domain); if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "POST"){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $lang, "Setting language to"); } /* Check for SSL connection */ $ssl= ""; if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || !stristr($_SERVER['HTTPS'], "on")) { if (empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $ssl= "https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; } else { $ssl= "https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } } /* If SSL is forced, just forward to the SSL enabled site */ if ($config->data['MAIN']['FORCESSL'] == 'true' && $ssl != ''){ header ("Location: $ssl"); exit; } /* Got a formular answer, validate and try to log in */ if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && isset($_POST['login'])){ /* Reset error messages */ $message= ""; /* Destroy old sessions, they cause a successfull login to relog again ...*/ if(isset($_SESSION['_LAST_PAGE_REQUEST'])){ $_SESSION['_LAST_PAGE_REQUEST'] = time(); } $server= validate($_POST["server"]); $config->set_current($server); /* Admin-logon and verify */ $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); if (is_null($ldap) || (is_int($ldap) && $ldap == 0)){ print_red (_("Can't bind to LDAP. Please contact the system administrator.")); displayLogin(); exit(); } /* Check for schema file presence */ if(!isset($config->data['MAIN']['SCHEMA_CHECK'])){ $config->data['MAIN']['SCHEMA_CHECK'] = "true"; } if(isset($config->data['MAIN']['SCHEMA_CHECK'])&&preg_match("/true/i",$config->data['MAIN']['SCHEMA_CHECK'])){ $recursive = (isset($config->current['RECURSIVE']) && $config->current['RECURSIVE'] == "true"); $tls = (isset($config->current['TLS']) && $config->current['TLS'] == "true"); if(!count($ldap->get_objectclasses())){ print_red(_("GOsa cannot retrieve information about the installed schema files. Please make sure, that this is possible.")); displayLogin(); exit() ; }else{ $cfg = array(); $cfg['admin'] = $config->current['ADMIN']; $cfg['password'] = $config->current['PASSWORD']; $cfg['connection']= $config->current['SERVER']; $cfg['tls'] = $tls; $str = check_schema($cfg,isset($config->current['RFC2307BIS']) && preg_match("/(true|yes|on|1)/i",$config->current['RFC2307BIS'])); $checkarr = array(); foreach($str as $tr){ if(isset($tr['IS_MUST_HAVE']) && !$tr['STATUS']){ print_red($tr['MSG']."
"._("Your ldap setup contains old schema definitions. Please re-run the setup.")); displayLogin(); exit(); } } } } /* Check for locking area */ $ldap->cat($config->current['CONFIG'], array("dn")); $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); if (!count ($attrs)){ $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $ldap->create_missing_trees($config->current['CONFIG']); } /* Check for valid input */ $username= $_POST["username"]; if (!ereg("^[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+$", $username)){ $message= _("Please specify a valid username!"); } elseif (mb_strlen($_POST["password"], 'UTF-8') == 0){ $message= _("Please specify your password!"); $smarty->assign ('nextfield', 'password'); } else { /* Login as user, initialize user ACL's */ $ui= ldap_login_user($username, $_POST["password"]); if ($ui === NULL || !$ui){ $message= _("Please check the username/password combination."); $smarty->assign ('nextfield', 'password'); new log("security","login","",array(),"Authentication failed for user \"$username\"") ; } else { /* Remove all locks of this user */ del_user_locks($ui->dn); /* Save userinfo and plugin structure */ $_SESSION['ui']= $ui; $_SESSION['session_cnt']= 0; /* Let GOsa trigger a new connection for each POST, save config to session. */ $config->get_departments(); $config->make_idepartments(); $_SESSION['config']= $config; /* Take care about zend.ze1_compatiblity_mode */ if (ini_get("zend.ze1_compatibility_mode") != 0){ $_SESSION['PHP4COMPATIBLE']= TRUE; } /* Restore filter settings from cookie, if available */ if(isset($config->data['MAIN']['SAVE_FILTER']) && preg_match("/true/",$config->data['MAIN']['SAVE_FILTER'])){ $cookie_vars= array("MultiDialogFilters","CurrentMainBase"); foreach($cookie_vars as $var){ if(isset($_COOKIE[$var])){ $_SESSION[$var] = unserialize(base64_decode($_COOKIE[$var])); }elseif(isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$var])){ $_SESSION[$var] = unserialize(base64_decode($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$var])); } } } /* are we using accountexpiration */ if((isset($config->data['MAIN']['ACCOUNT_EXPIRATION'])) && preg_match('/true/i', $config->data['MAIN']['ACCOUNT_EXPIRATION'])){ $expired= ldap_expired_account($config, $ui->dn, $ui->username); if ($expired == 1){ $message= _("Account locked. Please contact your system administrator."); $smarty->assign ('nextfield', 'password'); new log("security","login","",array(),"Account for user \"$username\" has expired") ; } elseif ($expired == 3){ $plist= new pluglist($config, $ui); foreach ($plist->dirlist as $key => $value){ if (preg_match("/\bpassword\b/i",$value)){ $plug=$key; new log("security","login","",array(),"User \"$username\" password forced to change") ; header ("Location: main.php?plug=$plug&reset=1"); exit; } } } /* Not account expired or password forced change go to main page */ new log("security","login","",array(),"User \"$username\" logged in successfully") ; header ("Location: main.php?global_check=1"); exit; } else { /* Go to main page */ new log("security","login","",array(),"User \"$username\" logged in successfully") ; header ("Location: main.php?global_check=1"); exit; } } } } /* Fill template with required values */ $smarty->assign ('date', gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")); $smarty->assign ('username', $username); $smarty->assign ('personal_img', get_template_path('images/personal.png')); $smarty->assign ('password_img', get_template_path('images/password.png')); $smarty->assign ('directory_img', get_template_path('images/ldapserver.png')); /* Some error to display? */ if (!isset($message)){ $message= ""; } $smarty->assign ("message", $message); /* Displasy SSL mode warning? */ if ($ssl != "" && $config->data['MAIN']['WARNSSL'] == 'true'){ $smarty->assign ("ssl", ""._("Warning").":<\/b> "._("Session will not be encrypted.")." "._("Enter SSL session")."<\/b>!"); } else { $smarty->assign ("ssl", ""); } /* Translation of cookie-warning. Whether to display it, is determined by JavaScript */ $smarty->assign ("cookies", ""._("Warning").":<\/b> "._("Your browser has cookies disabled. Please enable cookies and reload this page before logging in!")); /* Generate server list */ $servers= array(); if (isset($_POST['server'])){ $selected= validate($_POST['server']); } else { $selected= $config->data['MAIN']['DEFAULT']; } foreach ($config->data['LOCATIONS'] as $key => $ignored){ $servers[$key]= $key; } $smarty->assign ("server_options", $servers); $smarty->assign ("server_id", $selected); /* show login screen */ $smarty->assign ("PHPSESSID", session_id()); if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])){ $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']); } if ($error_collector != ""){ $smarty->assign("php_errors", preg_replace("/%BUGBODY%/",$error_collector_mailto,$error_collector).""); } else { $smarty->assign("php_errors", ""); } /* Set focus to the error button if we've an error message */ $focus= ""; if (isset($_SESSION['errors']) && $_SESSION['errors'] != ""){ $focus= ''; } $smarty->assign("focus", $focus); displayLogin(); // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>