"._("Help is not available if you are not logged in.").""; exit; } /* Set template compile directory */ $config= $_SESSION['config']; if (isset ($config->data['MAIN']['COMPILE'])){ $smarty->compile_dir= $config->data['MAIN']['COMPILE']; } else { $smarty->compile_dir= '/var/spool/gosa/'; } /* Language setup */ if ($config->data['MAIN']['LANG'] == ""){ $lang= get_browser_language(); } else { $lang= $config->data['MAIN']['LANG']; } $lang.=".UTF-8"; putenv("LANGUAGE="); putenv("LANG=$lang"); setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang); $GLOBALS['t_language']= $lang; $GLOBALS['t_gettext_message_dir'] = $BASE_DIR.'/locale/'; /* Set the text domain as 'messages' */ $domain = 'messages'; bindtextdomain($domain, "$BASE_DIR/locale"); textdomain($domain); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $lang, "Setting language to"); /* Get plugin list */ $plist= $_SESSION['plist']; /* ################## My PART ^^ ################## */ //set_error_handler("myone"); $helpdir = "../doc/guide/admin/en/manual_gosa_en/"; // Folder to use for help files $defaultpage = "index.html"; // alternative file, shown on error, or on first call $prefix = "node"; // Prefix of the generated help files $suffix = ".html"; // Suffix of the generated helpfiles $maxresults = 10; // max number of results shown in result list $minwordlength = 3; // Word less than 3 chars will be dropped in search $allowed_chars_in_searchword = "'[^a-z0-9 %_-]'i"; // Remove all chars that would disturb our search like < or > ... $pre_mark = "" ; // Sign words with this $suf_mark = ""; // and this // Only for testing delete this if everything works fine function myone($par1,$par2,$par3,$par3) { print "
Seite : ".$par1."
Name : ".$par2."
Seite : ".$par3."
Zeile : ".$par3; } /* Define which tags musst be delete, header, navigation, banner */ #fixme Theres a better method to handle replacment , preg_replace can handle arrays , this, would be little easier $i=0; $replacements=array(); $replacements['range'][$i]['from'] = "@@si"; $replacements['range'][$i]['to'] = ""; $i++; $replacements['range'][$i]['from'] = "@]*?>.*?DIV>@si"; $replacements['range'][$i]['to'] = ""; $i++; $replacements['range'][$i]['from'] = "''"; $replacements['range'][$i]['to'] = ""; $i++; $replacements['range'][$i]['from'] = "/
/"; $replacements['range'][$i]['to'] = ""; $i++; $replacements['range'][$i]['from'] = "@]*?>.*?ADDRESS>@si"; $replacements['range'][$i]['to'] = ""; $i++; $replacements['range'][$i]['from'] = "@<\/BODY[^>]*?>.*?HTML>@si"; $replacements['range'][$i]['to'] = ""; $i++; /* Bsp . : Replace Table Head to specified tableheader */ $replacements['range'][$i]['from'] = "''"; $replacements['range'][$i]['to'] = "" ; /* Default pages */ $backward =$defaultpage; $index =$defaultpage; $forward ="node1.html"; /* Here it begins, the real function, above only definitions */ /* We prepare to search, all Document for the given keyword */ if(isset($_POST['search'])){ /* Get Keyword */ $keyword = $_POST['search_string']; /* Save Keyword to be able to show last searched word in template */ $_SESSION['search_string']= $keyword; /* Read all files with contents*/ /* |Folder="/var/ww...", | |Fileprefix="node" | | |Filesuffix=".html" | | | |WithoutContent=false(This means : read content) | | | | |Singlepage=false(Means read all, if w want to read single, specify its filename)"*/ $arr = readfiles($helpdir,$prefix,$suffix,false,$singlepage=false); /* Create Searchresult for our Keyword(s) */ $res = search($arr,$keyword); /* Tell smarty which pages to use for backward forwa.. */ $smarty->assign("backward",$backward); $smarty->assign("index" ,$index); $smarty->assign("forward" ,$forward); /* Tell smarty the Keyword, to show it in the input field again */ $smarty->assign("search_string",$keyword); /* Create result list */ $smarty->assign("help_contents",searchlist($arr,$res,$maxresults)); /* Output html ...*/ $header= "".$smarty->fetch(get_template_path('headers.tpl')); $display= $header.$smarty->fetch(get_template_path('help.tpl')); echo $display; /* Don't search, only show selected page */ }else{ /* present last searched word(s)*/ $smarty->assign("search_string",$_SESSION['search_string']); /* Read all files, prepare to serach */ $helppages = readfiles("../doc/guide/admin/en/manual_gosa_en/",$prefix,$suffix,true); /* Get transmitted page */ if(isset($_GET['pg'])){ $page = $_GET['pg']; } /* test if this page exists, in our array of files */ if((!isset($helppages[$page]))&&($page!=$defaultpage)) { //print "Requested helppage is unknown, redirekted to index"; // For debugging only $page = $defaultpage; } /* Check forward backward, funtionality*/ if($page != $defaultpage) { /* Extract Number of node page */ $number = str_replace($prefix,"",str_replace($suffix,"",$page)); /* Check if we can switch forward and/or backward*/ $bck = $prefix.($number-1).$suffix; $fck = $prefix.($number+1).$suffix; /* backward page exists ?, so allow it*/ if((isset($helppages[$bck]))) { $backward = $bck; } /* forward exists ?*/ if((isset($helppages[$fck]))) { $forward = $fck; } } $help_contents=readfiles($helpdir,$prefix,$suffix,false,$page); /* Mark last searched words */ if($_GET['mark']){ $marks = ($_SESSION['lastresults']) ; $help_contents = markup_page($help_contents[$page]['content'],$marks[$page]); $help_contents=remove_unwanted_tags($help_contents,$replacements); }else{ $help_contents=remove_unwanted_tags($help_contents[$page]['content'],$replacements); } $smarty->assign("help_contents",$help_contents); /* Define our own navigation pages */ $smarty->assign("backward",$backward); $smarty->assign("index" ,$index); $smarty->assign("forward" ,$forward); /* Fill page */ $header= "".$smarty->fetch(get_template_path('headers.tpl')); $display= $header.$smarty->fetch(get_template_path('help.tpl')); echo $display; } /******************************************* Only function definition will follow here #fixme Exclude function to seperate file /******************************************* /* Reads all files in specified directory with contents an some inforations about the file */ /* Read all files with contents*/ /* |Folder="/var/ww...", | |Fileprefix="node" | | |Filesuffix=".html" | | | |WithoutContent=false(This means : read content) | | | | |Singlepage=false(Means read all, if w want to read single, specify its filename)"*/ function readfiles($basedir,$prefix,$suffix,$onlyIndex,$singlepage=false) { global $replacements; $str = array(); // Temporary variable $cnt = 0; // Array index creation $file = ""; // Contains Filename $dir = opendir($basedir); $str['global']['start'] = $cnt; // collect basic informations - Startpage $str['global']['basedir'] = $basedir; // collect basic informations - Basedirectory /* Startime for Benchmark */ $start = (time()+microtime()); /* if singlepage == false -> Get all pages, */ if(!$singlepage) { /* While theres is an unreaded file in our resource */ while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { /* Filter all files which arn't intressting */ if((strstr($file,$suffix))&&($file!=".")&&($file!="..")&&(strstr($file,$prefix))){ /* Collect informations */ $str[$file]=array(); $str[$file]['name'] = $file; $str[$file]['size'] = filesize($basedir.$file); /* Readfile conent too ? */ if(!$onlyIndex){ $str[$file]['content']= remove_unwanted_tags(linkwrapper(getcontents($basedir.$file),""),$replacements); } /* Include file status, for debugging, not used in script yet */ $str[$file]['stat'] = stat($basedir.$file); $cnt++; } } /* Only get on file*/ }else{ /* Pages read = 1 */ $cnt = 1; /* Prepare result*/ $file = $singlepage; $str[$file] = array(); $str[$file]['name'] = $file; $str[$file]['size'] = filesize($basedir.$file); /* If onlyIndex == true skip reading content */ if(!$onlyIndex){ $str[$file]['content']= remove_unwanted_tags(linkwrapper(getcontents($basedir.$file),""),$replacements); } /* Include file status, for debugging, not used in script yet */ $str[$file]['stat'] = stat($basedir.$file); } /* Sort to right order */ asort($str); /* Endtime for Benchmark*/ $end = (time()+microtime()); $str['global']['cmptime'] = $end-$start; /* Number of pages readed */ $str['global']['numpages']= $cnt; closedir($dir); return($str); } /* Read filecontent */ function getcontents($file) { $str = "" ; // Temporary variable for file contents $tmp = "" ; // Temporary varibale for partitial file contents /* open file and read*/ $fp = fopen($file,"r"); if($fp) { while($tmp = fread($fp,512)) { $str.= $tmp; } }else{ return(false); } return($str); } /*Remove tags */ function remove_unwanted_tags($str,$replacements) { #fixme This solution is ... ARRG foreach($replacements['range'] as $var) { $str=preg_replace($var['from'],$var['to'],$str); } return($str); } /*Converts the all links to specified path, is needed to get simple navigation */ function linkwrapper($str,$link) { $str=str_replace("HREF=\"","href=\"".$link."?pg=",$str); return($str); } /* Search content */ function search($arr,$word) { global $minwordlength,$allowed_chars_in_searchword; /* Prepare Vars */ $result =array(); // Search result, filename, + hits + hits per word + matches $words =array(); // Temporary searchword handling $useablewords =array(); // Temporary searchword handling $tryword = ""; // Temporary searchword handling $result['global']['maxhit'] = 0; unset($_SESSION['lastresults']); unset($_SESSION['parsed_search_keyword']); /* prepare searchwords */ $word = trim($word); /* Filter all unusable chars */ $word = preg_replace($allowed_chars_in_searchword,"",$word); $words = split(" ",str_replace("+"," ",$word)); /* Check all wordlengths */ foreach($words as $tryword){ $tryword = trim($tryword); /* Filter words smaler than 3 chars */ if(strlen($tryword)>=$minwordlength) { $_SESSION['parsed_search_keyword'].=$tryword." "; $useablewords[]=$tryword; } } /* Use words to search the content */ foreach($arr as $key=>$val) { /* overallhits counts hits per page */ $overallhits=0; /* Search all words */ foreach($useablewords as $word) { /* Skip key global, it contains no file data - it is a summary info*/ if($key!="global") { /* Get all hits for the word in $matches*/ preg_match_all("/".$word."/i",$arr[$key]['content'], $matches,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); /* Filter in Tag results*/ if(count($matches[0])){ foreach($matches[0] as $num=>$hit){ if(is_in_tag($arr[$key]['content'],$hit[1])) { unset($matches[0][$num]); } } } /* Count matches */ $overallhits=$overallhits + count($matches[0]); /* Save collected data */ $result[$key]['hits'][$word] = count($matches[0]); $result[$key]['hits']['overall']= $overallhits; /* Save max hits for page */ if($overallhits > $result['global']['maxhit']){ $result['global']['maxhit']=$overallhits; } /* Add results for word to return value*/ $result[$key]['match'][$word]=array(); $result[$key]['match'][$word]=$matches[0]; } } } /* Save result in Session, so we can mark words later, or go back to search, without searching again*/ $_SESSION['lastresults'] = $result; return($result); } /* Detect 10 Best result entries, sort and call createResultEntry to create HTML output for complete list */ function searchlist($arr,$res,$maxresults) { $global = $res['global']; $topten = array(); // To detect 10 best solutions $ret = ""; // return value unset($res['global']); /* Detect 10 best Sites */ foreach($res as $key=>$val){ /* Skip results with no hits */ if($val['hits']['overall']>0){ $topten[$key] = $val['hits']['overall']; } } /* Sort by hit position in content, to easier mark words */ asort($topten); $topten = array_reverse($topten); $topten = (array_slice($topten,0,$maxresults)); /* We have a result, an array with all content, an array with hits and position and we have the 10 best hits */ /* Foreach */ foreach($topten as $name => $hits) { $ret.= createResultEntry($arr[$name],$res[$name],$name,$global['maxhit']); } /* appending footer message for resultlist */ $ret.= "
".count($topten)." - "._("Results for your search with the keyword")." ".htmlentities($_SESSION['search_string']).""._(" interpreted as ")."".$_SESSION['parsed_search_keyword'].""; return($ret); } /* This function marks a string with the given search result for this string*/ function markup_page($arr,$res) { global $pre_mark,$suf_mark; $ret = ""; // return value $repl = array(); $posadd = 0; foreach($res['match'] as $word => $matches) { foreach($matches as $matchnr=>$match) { $repl[$match[1]]=$match[0]; } } ksort($repl); foreach($repl as $position=>$word) { $pos1 = strlen($arr); $arr= markword($arr,($position+$posadd),$word,$pre_mark,$suf_mark); $pos2 = strlen($arr); $posadd =$posadd + ($pos2 - $pos1); } return($arr); } /* This function marks a single word with the specified prefix and suffix */ function markword($string,$position,$word,$prefix,$suffix) { $wordlength = strlen($word); $wholelength = strlen($string); $first = substr($string,0,$position); $last = substr($string,($position+$wordlength),$wholelength); return($first.$prefix.$word.$suffix.$last); } /* Creates HTML output for a single search result entry */ function createResultEntry($entry,$res,$name,$max) { $percentage = (int)(($res['hits']['overall'] / $max) * 100) ; $str = "".$percentage."% "._("hit rate in following file ").$name."
" ; $str.= substr(strip_tags($entry['content']),0,200); $str.= "
"; return($str); } /*Simple function to detect if we prepare to change a tag or visible text */ function is_in_tag($string,$pos) { $pos1 = strpos($string,"<",$pos); $pos2 = strpos($string,">",$pos); if ($pos1 > $pos2) { return(true); }else{ return(false); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>