=head1 NAME gosa-si-server.conf - Configuration file for gosa-si-server. =head1 DESCRIPTION The gosa-si-server.conf file defines all parameter GOsa-SI-server needs for running. It is normally located in the /etc/gosa-si/ directory and is generated automatically by the gosa-si-server(1) program during installation. =head1 DIRECTIVES =head2 [general] =over 4 =item logfile = /var/log/gosa-si-server.log Defines the location for the log file. =item pid-file = /var/run/gosa-si-server.pid Defines the location for the pid file. =back =head2 [server] =over 4 =item ip = Defines the ip address GOsa-SI-server should use. Default: GOsa-SI determines the the ip address based on the destination address. =item port = 20081 Defines the port GOsa-SI-server is listening for incoming messages. =item known-clients = /var/lib/gosa-si/clients.db Defines the location for the local DB 'known_clients'. =item known-server = /var/lib/gosa-si/servers.db Defines the location for the local DB 'known_server'. =item incoming = /var/lib/gosa-si/incoming.db Defines the location for the local DB 'incoming'. =item login-users = /var/lib/gosa-si/users.db Defines the location for the local DB 'login_users'. =item fai-server = /var/lib/gosa-si/fai_server.db Defines the location for the local DB 'fai_server'. =item fai-release = /var/lib/gosa-si/fai_release.db Defines the location for the local DB 'fai_release'. =item packages-list = /var/lib/gosa-si/packages.db Defines the location for the local DB 'packages_list'. =item messaging = /var/lib/gosa-si/messaging.db Defines the location for the local DB 'messaging'. =item foreign-clients = /var/lib/gosa-si/foreign_clients.db Defines the location for the local DB 'foreign_clients'. =item source-list = /etc/apt/sources.list Defines the location for the sources file. =item repo-path = /srv/www/repository Defines the location of the dak Archive or local Debian Mirror and is scanned for Debian Packages. =item debian-arch = i386 Defines the architecture of the debian repository. =item ldap-uri = Defines the LDAP uniform resource identifier. =item ldap-base = Defines the LDAP base. =item ldap-admin-dn = Defines the distinguished name of the administrator. =item ldap-admin-password = Defines the password of the administrator. =item ldap-version = 3 Define the ldap protocol version used =item gosa-unit-tag = Forces the Unit-Tag in a tagged environment. If not set, GOsa-SI tries to get the tag from the server entry in LDAP. =item max-clients = 10 Defines the maximum number of GOsa-SI-clients connected to the GOsa-SI-server. =item wol-password = Defines the password for wake on LAN (WOL). =back =head2 [GOsaPackages] =over 4 =item job-queue = /var/lib/gosa-si/jobs.db Defines the location for the local DB 'job_queue'. =item job-queue-loop-delay = 3 Defines the seconds the job queue is checked. =item messaging-db-loop-delay = 3 Defines the seconds the messaging queue is checked. =item key = none Defines the password incoming GOsaPackages messages should be encrypted. This has to be modified, default value will not work!!! =item new-systems-ou = ou=workstations,ou=systems Define the branch in your ldap tree where new systems should be put, only change if you know what you are doing !!! =item dak-base = /srv/archive Base Directory of the local dak Archive. =item dak-keyring = /srv/archive/keyrings Directory with keyrings that hold the gpg-keys the archive accepts when uploading Debian packages. =item dak-queue = /srv/archive/queue Directory with the different dak queues. =item dak-usr = deb-dak User that is used to access dak files. Only needed if you have manually changed the default. =back =head2 [ClientPackages] =over 4 =item key = none Defines the password incoming ClientPackages messages should be encrypted. This has to be modified, default value will not work!!! =item user-date-of-expiry = 600 Lifetime of logged in user information. If no update information comes after n seconds, the user is marked to be no longer logged in or the host is no longer running. =back =head2 [ServerPackages] =over 4 =item address = Comma seperated list of GOsa-si-servers (, in network where this SI-server should register. These given SI-servers extend the list of SI-servers found in DNS. =item dns-lookup = true | false Perform a DNS lookup for server registration =item domain = Forces the search domain used to get possible foreign servers from DNS. If not set, this server will search the domains found in domain or search statement in /etc/resolv.conf. =item key = none Defines the password incoming ServerPackages messages should be encrypted. This has to be modified, default value will not work!!! =item key-lifetime = 120 Defines the lifetime in seconds of a GOsa-SI-server key. After expiring the key will be automatically renewed. =item job-synchronization-enabled = true | false Defines whether job queue informations are be shared with other GOsa-SI-server in network. =item synchronization-loog = 5 Defines in seconds after which time the job queue synchronization is being done. =back =head2 [ArpHandler] =over =item enabled = true | false Defines whether the ArpHandler is being activated at GOsa-SI-server start. =item interface = all Space- or comma-separated list of interfaces on which to start an ARP-Daemon. Enter 'all' to use all possible interfaces (Default). =back =head2 [Opsi] =over 4 =item enabled = true | false Defines wheter Opsi integration is being enabled or not. =item server = localhost Define the hostname of the Opsi server =item admin = opsi-admin Define the name of the opsi admin =item password = Define the Opsi admin password =back =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs, or post any suggestions, to the GOsa mailing list or to =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT This code is part of GOsa (L) Copyright (C) 2003-2009 GONICUS GmbH This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. =cut