#!/usr/bin/perl #=============================================================================== # # FILE: gosa-sd # # USAGE: ./gosa-sd # # DESCRIPTION: # # OPTIONS: --- # REQUIREMENTS: libconfig-inifiles-perl libcrypt-rijndael-perl libxml-simple-perl # libdata-dumper-simple-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl libnet-ldap-perl # libpoe-perl # BUGS: --- # NOTES: # AUTHOR: (Andreas Rettenberger), # COMPANY: # VERSION: 1.0 # CREATED: 12.09.2007 08:54:41 CEST # REVISION: --- #=============================================================================== use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Config::IniFiles; use POSIX; use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday ); use Fcntl; use IO::Socket::INET; use IO::Handle; use IO::Select; use Symbol qw(qualify_to_ref); use Crypt::Rijndael; use MIME::Base64; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64); use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; use Sys::Syslog qw( :DEFAULT setlogsock); use Cwd; use File::Spec; use GOSA::GosaSupportDaemon; use GOSA::DBsqlite; use POE qw(Component::Server::TCP); my $modules_path = "/usr/lib/gosa-si/modules"; use lib "/usr/lib/gosa-si/modules"; my (%cfg_defaults, $foreground, $verbose, $ping_timeout); my ($bus, $msg_to_bus, $bus_cipher); my ($server, $server_mac_address, $server_events); my ($gosa_server, $job_queue_timeout, $job_queue_table_name, $job_queue_file_name,$job_queue_loop_delay); my ($known_modules, $known_clients_file_name, $known_server_file_name); my ($max_clients); my ($pid_file, $procid, $pid, $log_file); my (%free_child, %busy_child, $child_max, $child_min, %child_alive_time, $child_timeout); my ($arp_activ, $arp_fifo, $arp_fifo_path); # variables declared in config file are always set to 'our' our (%cfg_defaults, $log_file, $pid_file, $bus_activ, $bus_passwd, $bus_ip, $bus_port, $server_activ, $server_ip, $server_port, $server_passwd, $max_clients, $arp_activ, $arp_fifo_path, $gosa_activ, $gosa_passwd, $gosa_ip, $gosa_port, $gosa_timeout, ); # additional variable which should be globaly accessable our $xml; our $server_address; our $bus_address; our $gosa_address; our $no_bus; our $no_arp; our $verbose; our $forground; our $cfg_file; # specifies the verbosity of the daemon_log $verbose = 0 ; # if foreground is not null, script will be not forked to background $foreground = 0 ; # specifies the timeout seconds while checking the online status of a registrating client $ping_timeout = 5; $no_bus = 0; $no_arp = 0; # name of table for storing gosa jobs our $job_queue_table_name = 'jobs'; our $job_db; # holds all other gosa-sd as well as the gosa-sd-bus our $known_server_db; # holds all registrated clients our $known_clients_db; %cfg_defaults = ("general" => {"log_file" => [\$log_file, "/var/run/".$0.".log"], "pid_file" => [\$pid_file, "/var/run/".$0.".pid"], "child_max" => [\$child_max, 10], "child_min" => [\$child_min, 3], "child_timeout" => [\$child_timeout, 180], "job_queue_timeout" => [\$job_queue_timeout, undef], "job_queue_file_name" => [\$job_queue_file_name, '/var/lib/gosa-si/jobs.db'], "job_queue_loop_delay" => [\$job_queue_loop_delay, 3], "known_clients_file_name" => [\$known_clients_file_name, '/var/lib/gosa-si/known_clients.db' ], "known_server_file_name" => [\$known_server_file_name, '/var/lib/gosa-si/known_server.db'], }, "bus" => {"bus_activ" => [\$bus_activ, "on"], "bus_passwd" => [\$bus_passwd, ""], "bus_ip" => [\$bus_ip, ""], "bus_port" => [\$bus_port, "20080"], }, "server" => {"server_activ" => [\$server_activ, "on"], "server_ip" => [\$server_ip, ""], "server_port" => [\$server_port, "20081"], "server_passwd" => [\$server_passwd, ""], "max_clients" => [\$max_clients, 100], }, "arp" => {"arp_activ" => [\$arp_activ, "on"], "arp_fifo_path" => [\$arp_fifo_path, "/var/run/gosa-si/arp-notify"], }, "gosa" => {"gosa_activ" => [\$gosa_activ, "on"], "gosa_ip" => [\$gosa_ip, ""], "gosa_port" => [\$gosa_port, "20082"], "gosa_passwd" => [\$gosa_passwd, "none"], }, ); #=== FUNCTION ================================================================ # NAME: usage # PARAMETERS: nothing # RETURNS: nothing # DESCRIPTION: print out usage text to STDERR #=============================================================================== sub usage { print STDERR << "EOF" ; usage: $0 [-hvf] [-c config] -h : this (help) message -c : config file -f : foreground, process will not be forked to background -v : be verbose (multiple to increase verbosity) -no-bus : starts $0 without connection to bus -no-arp : starts $0 without connection to arp module EOF print "\n" ; } #=== FUNCTION ================================================================ # NAME: read_configfile # PARAMETERS: cfg_file - string - # RETURNS: nothing # DESCRIPTION: read cfg_file and set variables #=============================================================================== sub read_configfile { my $cfg; if( defined( $cfg_file) && ( length($cfg_file) > 0 )) { if( -r $cfg_file ) { $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $cfg_file ); } else { print STDERR "Couldn't read config file!\n"; } } else { $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new() ; } foreach my $section (keys %cfg_defaults) { foreach my $param (keys %{$cfg_defaults{ $section }}) { my $pinfo = $cfg_defaults{ $section }{ $param }; ${@$pinfo[ 0 ]} = $cfg->val( $section, $param, @$pinfo[ 1 ] ); } } } #=== FUNCTION ================================================================ # NAME: logging # PARAMETERS: level - string - default 'info' # msg - string - # facility - string - default 'LOG_DAEMON' # RETURNS: nothing # DESCRIPTION: function for logging #=============================================================================== sub daemon_log { # log into log_file my( $msg, $level ) = @_; if(not defined $msg) { return } if(not defined $level) { $level = 1 } if(defined $log_file){ open(LOG_HANDLE, ">>$log_file"); if(not defined open( LOG_HANDLE, ">>$log_file" )) { print STDERR "cannot open $log_file: $!"; return } chomp($msg); if($level <= $verbose){ my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month, $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time); $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours; $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes; $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds; my @monthnames = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); $month = $monthnames[$month]; $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday; $year+=1900; my $name = $0; $name =~ s/\.\///; my $log_msg = "$month $monthday $hours:$minutes:$seconds $name $msg\n"; print LOG_HANDLE $log_msg; if( $foreground ) { print STDERR $log_msg; } } close( LOG_HANDLE ); } #log into syslog # my ($msg, $level, $facility) = @_; # if(not defined $msg) {return} # if(not defined $level) {$level = "info"} # if(not defined $facility) {$facility = "LOG_DAEMON"} # openlog($0, "pid,cons,", $facility); # syslog($level, $msg); # closelog; # return; } #=== FUNCTION ================================================================ # NAME: check_cmdline_param # PARAMETERS: nothing # RETURNS: nothing # DESCRIPTION: validates commandline parameter #=============================================================================== sub check_cmdline_param () { my $err_config; my $err_counter = 0; if(not defined($cfg_file)) { $cfg_file = "/etc/gosa-si/server.conf"; if(! -r $cfg_file) { $err_config = "please specify a config file"; $err_counter += 1; } } if( $err_counter > 0 ) { &usage( "", 1 ); if( defined( $err_config)) { print STDERR "$err_config\n"} print STDERR "\n"; exit( -1 ); } } #=== FUNCTION ================================================================ # NAME: check_pid # PARAMETERS: nothing # RETURNS: nothing # DESCRIPTION: handels pid processing #=============================================================================== sub check_pid { $pid = -1; # Check, if we are already running if( open(LOCK_FILE, "<$pid_file") ) { $pid = ; if( defined $pid ) { chomp( $pid ); if( -f "/proc/$pid/stat" ) { my($stat) = `cat /proc/$pid/stat` =~ m/$pid \((.+)\).*/; if( $0 eq $stat ) { close( LOCK_FILE ); exit -1; } } } close( LOCK_FILE ); unlink( $pid_file ); } # create a syslog msg if it is not to possible to open PID file if (not sysopen(LOCK_FILE, $pid_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0644)) { my($msg) = "Couldn't obtain lockfile '$pid_file' "; if (open(LOCK_FILE, '<', $pid_file) && ($pid = )) { chomp($pid); $msg .= "(PID $pid)\n"; } else { $msg .= "(unable to read PID)\n"; } if( ! ($foreground) ) { openlog( $0, "cons,pid", "daemon" ); syslog( "warning", $msg ); closelog(); } else { print( STDERR " $msg " ); } exit( -1 ); } } #=== FUNCTION ================================================================ # NAME: import_modules # PARAMETERS: module_path - string - abs. path to the directory the modules # are stored # RETURNS: nothing # DESCRIPTION: each file in module_path which ends with '.pm' is imported by # "require 'file';" #=============================================================================== sub import_modules { daemon_log(" ", 1); if (not -e $modules_path) { daemon_log("ERROR: cannot find directory or directory is not readable: $modules_path", 1); } opendir (DIR, $modules_path) or die "ERROR while loading modules from directory $modules_path : $!\n"; while (defined (my $file = readdir (DIR))) { if (not $file =~ /(\S*?).pm$/) { next; } eval { require $file; }; if ($@) { daemon_log("ERROR: gosa-si-server could not load module $file", 1); daemon_log("$@", 5); } else { my $mod_name = $1; my $info = eval($mod_name.'::get_module_info()'); my ($input_address, $input_key, $input, $input_active, $input_type) = @{$info}; $known_modules->{$mod_name} = $info; daemon_log("module $mod_name loaded", 1); } } # for debugging #while ( my ($module, $tag_hash) = each(%$known_modules)) { # print "\tmodule: $module"."\n"; # print "\ttags: ".join(", ", keys(%$tag_hash))."\n"; #} close (DIR); } #=== FUNCTION ================================================================ # NAME: sig_int_handler # PARAMETERS: signal - string - signal arose from system # RETURNS: noting # DESCRIPTION: handels tasks to be done befor signal becomes active #=============================================================================== sub sig_int_handler { my ($signal) = @_; daemon_log("shutting down gosa-si-server", 1); exit(1); } $SIG{INT} = \&sig_int_handler; #=== FUNCTION ================================================================ # NAME: create_known_client # PARAMETERS: hostname - string - key for the hash known_clients # RETURNS: nothing # DESCRIPTION: creates a dummy entry for hostname in known_clients #=============================================================================== sub create_known_client { my ($hostname) = @_; my $entry = { table=>'known_clients', hostname=>$hostname, status=>'none', hostkey=>'none', timestamp=>'none', macaddress=>'none', events=>'none', }; my $res = $known_clients_db->add_dbentry($entry); if ($res > 0) { daemon_log("ERROR: cannot add entry to known_clients.db: $res", 1); } return; } sub client_input { my ($heap,$input,$wheel) = @_[HEAP, ARG0, ARG1]; daemon_log("Incoming msg:\n$input\n", 8); ###################################### # forward msg to all imported modules no strict "refs"; my $answer; my %act_modules = %$known_modules; while( my ($module, $info) = each(%act_modules)) { daemon_log("Processing module ".$module, 3); my $tmp = &{ $module."::process_incoming_msg" }($input.".".$heap->{remote_ip}."\n"); if (defined $tmp) { $answer = $tmp; daemon_log("Got answer from module ".$module.": \n".$answer,8); } } daemon_log("processing of msg finished", 5); sleep(10); if (defined $answer) { $heap->{client}->put($answer); } else { $heap->{client}->put("done\n"); } } sub trigger_db_loop { my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL]; $kernel->delay_set('watch_for_new_jobs',3); } sub watch_for_new_jobs { my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; # check gosa job queue for jobs with executable timestamp my $timestamp = &get_time(); my $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM ".$job_queue_table_name. " WHERE status='waiting' AND timestamp<'$timestamp'"; my $res = $job_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement ); while( my ($id, $hit) = each %{$res} ) { my $jobdb_id = $hit->{id}; my $macaddress = $hit->{macaddress}; my $job_msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($hit->{xmlmessage}); my $out_msg_hash = $job_msg_hash; my $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM known_clients WHERE macaddress='$macaddress'"; my $res_hash = $known_clients_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement ); # expect macaddress is unique!!!!!! my $target = $res_hash->{1}->{hostname}; if (not defined $target) { &daemon_log("ERROR: no host found for mac address: $job_msg_hash->{mac}[0]", 1); &daemon_log("xml message: $hit->{xmlmessage}", 5); my $sql_statement = "UPDATE $job_queue_table_name ". "SET status='error', result='no host found for mac address' ". "WHERE id='$jobdb_id'"; my $res = $job_db->update_dbentry($sql_statement); next; } # add target &add_content2xml_hash($out_msg_hash, "target", $target); # add new header my $out_header = $job_msg_hash->{header}[0]; $out_header =~ s/job_/gosa_/; delete $out_msg_hash->{header}; &add_content2xml_hash($out_msg_hash, "header", $out_header); # add sqlite_id &add_content2xml_hash($out_msg_hash, "jobdb_id", $jobdb_id); my $out_msg = &create_xml_string($out_msg_hash); # encrypt msg as a GosaPackage module my $cipher = &create_ciphering($gosa_passwd); my $crypted_out_msg = &encrypt_msg($out_msg, $cipher); my $error = &send_msg_hash2address($out_msg_hash, "$gosa_ip:$gosa_port", $gosa_passwd); if ($error == 0) { my $sql_statement = "UPDATE $job_queue_table_name ". "SET status='processing', targettag='$target' ". "WHERE id='$jobdb_id'"; my $res = $job_db->update_dbentry($sql_statement); } else { my $sql_statement = "UPDATE $job_queue_table_name ". "SET status='error' ". "WHERE id='$jobdb_id'"; my $res = $job_db->update_dbentry($sql_statement); } } $kernel->delay_set('watch_for_new_jobs',3); } #==== MAIN = main ============================================================== # parse commandline options Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" ); GetOptions("h|help" => \&usage, "c|config=s" => \$cfg_file, "f|foreground" => \$foreground, "v|verbose+" => \$verbose, "no-bus+" => \$no_bus, "no-arp+" => \$no_arp, ); # read and set config parameters &check_cmdline_param ; &read_configfile; &check_pid; $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; # forward error messages to logfile if( ! $foreground ) { open(STDERR, '>>', $log_file); open(STDOUT, '>>', $log_file); } # Just fork, if we are not in foreground mode if( ! $foreground ) { chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: $!"; $pid = fork; setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!"; umask 0; } else { $pid = $$; } # Do something useful - put our PID into the pid_file if( 0 != $pid ) { open( LOCK_FILE, ">$pid_file" ); print LOCK_FILE "$pid\n"; close( LOCK_FILE ); if( !$foreground ) { exit( 0 ) }; } daemon_log(" ", 1); daemon_log("$0 started!", 1); # delete old DBsqlite lock files system('rm -f /tmp/gosa_si_lock*'); # connect to gosa-si job queue my @job_col_names = ("id", "timestamp", "status", "result", "headertag", "targettag", "xmlmessage", "macaddress"); $job_db = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($job_queue_file_name); $job_db->create_table('jobs', \@job_col_names); # connect to known_clients_db my @clients_col_names = ('hostname', 'status', 'hostkey', 'timestamp', 'macaddress', 'events'); $known_clients_db = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($known_clients_file_name); $known_clients_db->create_table('known_clients', \@clients_col_names); # connect to known_server_db my @server_col_names = ('hostname', 'status', 'hostkey', 'timestamp'); $known_server_db = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($known_server_file_name); $known_server_db->create_table('known_server', \@server_col_names); # import all modules &import_modules; # check wether all modules are gosa-si valid passwd check # create session for repeatedly checking the job queue for jobs POE::Session->create ( inline_states => { _start => \&trigger_db_loop, watch_for_new_jobs => \&watch_for_new_jobs, } ); # create socket for incoming xml messages POE::Component::Server::TCP->new ( Port => $server_port, ClientInput => \&client_input, Concurrency => 10, ); daemon_log("start socket for incoming xml messages at port '$server_port' ", 1); POE::Kernel->run(); exit;