Template: gosa-si/hostname Type: string Default: Description: Hostname or IP of the MySQL-Server Please enter the full-qualified hostname or IP Address of the desired MySQL Host. Template: gosa-si/database Type: string Default: gosa_si Description: Name of the GOsa-SI Database Please choose a name for the gosa-si database. Template: gosa-si/username Type: string Default: gosa_si Description: Name of the GOsa-SI Database User Please choose a name for the gosa-si database user. Template: gosa-si/password Type: password Description: Password for the GOsa-SI Database User Please enter a password for the gosa-si database user. Template: gosa-si/rootpw Type: password Description: Password for the Database Administrator 'root' In order to create the privileged account, setup needs the password of the database administrator. Please enter the password of the database user 'root'.