Edit # |- SelectDeviceType() (Allows to select target SystemType and OGroup) # -> Save # |-> systemTypeChosen() (Queue entry to be activated) # |-> handleActivationQueue() (Now acticvate queued objects) # |-> Ogroup selected # | |-> Try to adapt values from ogroup and save directly. # | # |-> NO Ogroup selected # | |-> Open dialogs of the target system type and allow modifcations. # | # |->activate_new_device() (Finally activate the device - FAIsate=..) # # # NewArpDevices (NewUnknwonDevices ) # -> Edit # |-> editEntry - ArpNewDeviceTabs # -> Save # |-> NO gotoIntegeration # | |-> Save DHCP and DNS entries, then remove the source entry from ldap. # | # |-> gotoIntegration selected (Handle object like a NewDevice now) # |-> systemTypeChosen() (Queue entry to be activated) # |-> handleActivationQueue() (Now acticvate queued objects) # |-> Ogroup selected # | |-> Try to adapt values from ogroup and save directly. # | # |-> NO Ogroup selected # | |-> Open dialogs of the target system type and allow modifcations. # | # |->activate_new_device() (Finally activate the device - FAIsate=..) # class systemManagement extends management { var $plHeadline = "Systems"; var $plDescription = "Systems"; var $plIcon = "plugins/systems/images/plugin.png"; // Tab definition protected $tabClass = ""; protected $tabType = ""; protected $aclCategory = ""; protected $aclPlugin = ""; protected $objectName = "system"; protected $objectInfo = array(); protected $opsi = NULL; protected $activationQueue = array(); function __construct($config,$ui) { $this->config = $config; $this->ui = $ui; // Set storage points $tD = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $sP = array(); foreach($tD as $entry){ if(!empty($entry['ou'])) $sP[] = $entry['ou']; } $this->storagePoints = array_unique($sP); // Build filter # if (session::global_is_set(get_class($this)."_filter")){ # $filter= session::global_get(get_class($this)."_filter"); # } else { $filter = new filter(get_template_path("system-filter.xml", true)); $filter->setObjectStorage($this->storagePoints); # } $this->setFilter($filter); // Build headpage $headpage = new listing(get_template_path("system-list.xml", true)); $headpage->registerElementFilter("systemRelease", "systemManagement::systemRelease"); $headpage->setFilter($filter); $filter->setConverter('systemManagement::incomingFilterConverter'); // Register Daemon Events if(class_available("DaemonEvent") && class_available("gosaSupportDaemon")){ $events = DaemonEvent::get_event_types(SYSTEM_EVENT | HIDDEN_EVENT); foreach($events['TRIGGERED'] as $name => $data){ $this->registerAction("T_".$name,"handleEvent"); $this->registerAction("S_".$name,"handleEvent"); } $this->registerAction("activateMultiple","activateMultiple"); } $this->registerAction("saveEvent","saveEventDialog"); $this->registerAction("createISO","createISO"); $this->registerAction("initiateISOcreation","initiateISOcreation"); $this->registerAction("performIsoCreation","performIsoCreation"); $this->registerAction("systemTypeChosen","systemTypeChosen"); $this->registerAction("handleActivationQueue","handleActivationQueue"); $this->registerAction("new_goServer", "newEntry"); $this->registerAction("new_gotoWorkstation", "newEntry"); $this->registerAction("new_gotoTerminal", "newEntry"); $this->registerAction("new_gotoPrinter", "newEntry"); $this->registerAction("new_goFonHardware", "newEntry"); $this->registerAction("new_ieee802Device", "newEntry"); $this->registerAction("new_FAKE_OC_OpsiHost", "newEntry"); $this->registerAction("setPassword", "setPassword"); $this->registerAction("passwordChangeConfirmed", "passwordChangeConfirmed"); // Add copy&paste and snapshot handler. if ($this->config->boolValueIsTrue("main", "copyPaste")){ $this->cpHandler = new CopyPasteHandler($this->config); } if($this->config->get_cfg_value("enableSnapshots") == "true"){ $this->snapHandler = new SnapshotHandler($this->config); } // Check if we are able to communicate with the GOsa supprot daemon if(class_available("gosaSupportDaemon")){ $o = new gosaSupportDaemon(); $this->si_active = $o->connect() && class_available("DaemonEvent"); } // Check if we are able to communicate with the GOsa supprot daemon if(class_available("opsi")){ $this->opsi = new opsi($this->config); } parent::__construct($config, $ui, "systems", $headpage); } /*! \brief Act on password change requests. */ function setPassword($action,$target) { if(count($target) == 1){ $tDefs= $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $dn = array_pop($target); $type = $headpage->getType($dn); $entry = $headpage->getEntry($dn); $ui = get_userinfo(); $smarty = get_smarty(); if(in_array("FAKE_OC_PWD_changeAble", $entry['objectClass'])){ $acl = $tDefs[$type]['aclCategory'].'/'.$tDefs[$type]['aclClass']; $tabacl = $ui->get_permissions($dn,$acl,"userPassword"); if(preg_match("/w/",$tabacl)){ $this->dn= $dn; set_object_info($this->dn); return ($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('password.tpl', TRUE))); }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), _("You have no permission to change this password!"), ERROR_DIALOG); } } } } /*! \brief This method is used to queue and process copy&paste actions. * Allows to copy, cut and paste mutliple entries at once. * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function copyPasteHandler($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass ="", $altTabType = "", $altAclCategory="",$altAclPlugin="") { // Return without any actions while copy&paste handler is disabled. if(!is_object($this->cpHandler)) return(""); // Save user input $this->cpHandler->save_object(); // Add entries to queue if($action == "copy" || $action == "cut"){ $tDefs= $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $ui = get_userinfo(); $this->cpHandler->cleanup_queue(); foreach($target as $dn){ $type = $headpage->getType($dn); $entry = $headpage->getEntry($dn); $aclCategory = $tDefs[$type]['aclCategory']; $aclPlugin = $tDefs[$type]['aclClass']; $tabClass = $tDefs[$type]['tabClass']; $tabType = $tDefs[$type]['tabDesc']; if($action == "copy" && $this->ui->is_copyable($dn,$aclCategory,$aclPlugin)){ $this->cpHandler->add_to_queue($dn,"copy",$tabClass,$tabType,$aclCategory,$this); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$dn,"Entry copied!"); } if($action == "cut" && $this->ui->is_cutable($dn,$aclCategory,$aclPlugin)){ $this->cpHandler->add_to_queue($dn,"cut",$tabClass,$tabType,$aclCategory,$this); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$dn,"Entry cutted!"); } } } // Initiate pasting if($action == "paste"){ $this->cpPastingStarted = TRUE; } // Display any c&p dialogs, eg. object modifications required before pasting. if($this->cpPastingStarted && $this->cpHandler->entries_queued()){ $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $this->cpHandler->SetVar("base",$headpage->getBase()); $data = $this->cpHandler->execute(); if(!empty($data)){ return($data); } } // Automatically disable pasting process since there is no entry left to paste. if(!$this->cpHandler->entries_queued()){ $this->cpPastingStarted = FALSE; } return(""); } /*! \brief Password change confirmed, now try to change the systems pwd. */ function passwordChangeConfirmed() { $tDefs= $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $type = $headpage->getType($this->dn); $entry = $headpage->getEntry($this->dn); $ui = get_userinfo(); $smarty = get_smarty(); if(!in_array('FAKE_OC_PWD_changeAble', $entry['objectClass'])){ trigger_error("Tried to change pwd, for invalid object!"); }elseif ($_POST['new_password'] != $_POST['repeated_password']){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), _("The passwords you've entered as 'New password' and 'Repeated password' do not match!"), ERROR_DIALOG); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('password.tpl', TRUE))); }else{ $acl = $tDefs[$type]['aclCategory'].'/'.$tDefs[$type]['aclClass']; $tabacl = $ui->get_permissions($this->dn,$acl,"userPassword"); // Check acls if(!preg_match("/w/",$tabacl)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), _("You have no permission to change this password!"), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->cat($this->dn); $old_attrs = $ldap->fetch(); $attrs= array(); if ($_POST['new_password'] == ""){ /* Remove password attribute */ if(in_array("simpleSecurityObject",$old_attrs['objectClass'])){ $attrs['objectClass'] = array(); for($i = 0 ; $i < $old_attrs['objectClass']['count'] ; $i ++){ if(!preg_match("/simpleSecurityObject/i",$old_attrs['objectClass'][$i])){ $attrs['objectClass'][] = $old_attrs['objectClass'][$i]; } } } $attrs['userPassword']= array(); } else { /* Add/modify password attribute */ if(!in_array("simpleSecurityObject",$old_attrs['objectClass'])){ $attrs['objectClass'] = array(); for($i = 0 ; $i < $old_attrs['objectClass']['count'] ; $i ++){ $attrs['objectClass'][] = $old_attrs['objectClass'][$i]; } $attrs['objectClass'][] = "simpleSecurityObject"; } if(class_available("passwordMethodCrypt")){ $pwd_m = new passwordMethodCrypt($this->config); $pwd_m->set_hash("crypt/md5"); $attrs['userPassword'] = $pwd_m->generate_hash($_POST['new_password']); }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Password method"),_("Password method crypt is missing. Cannot set system password.")); $attrs = array(); } } $ldap->modify($attrs); if (!$ldap->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $this->dn, LDAP_MOD, $type)); }else{ if(class_available($tDefs[$type]['plugClass'])){ $plug = $tDefs[$type]['plugClass']; $p = new $plug($this->config,$this->dn); $p->handle_post_events("modify"); } } new log("security","systems/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($attrs),$ldap->get_error()); } set_object_info(); } } /*! \brief The method gets called when somebody clicked the CD icon * in the system listing. * A confirmation will be shown to acknowledge the creation. */ function createISO($action,$target) { if(count($target) == 1){ $smarty = get_smarty(); $this->dn= array_pop($target); set_object_info($this->dn); return ($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('goto/gencd.tpl', TRUE))); } } /*! \brief Once the user has confirmed the ISO creation in 'createISO', * this method gets called. * An iFrame is shown which then used 'performIsoCreation' as contents. */ function initiateISOcreation() { $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("src", "?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&PerformIsoCreation"); return ($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('goto/gencd_frame.tpl', TRUE))); } /*! \brief ISO creation confirmed and iFrame is visible, now create the ISO * and display the status to fill the iFrame. */ function performIsoCreation() { $return_button = "
"; $dsc = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w")); /* Get and check command */ $command= $this->config->search("workgeneric", "SYSTEMISOHOOK",array('tabs')); if (check_command($command)){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_SHELL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $command, "Execute"); /* Print out html introduction */ echo '

      /* Open process handle and check if it is a valid process */
      $process= proc_open($command." '".$this->dn."'", $dsc, $pipes);
      if (is_resource($process)) {

        /* Print out returned lines && write JS to scroll down each line */
        while (!feof($pipes[1])){
          $cur_dat = fgets($pipes[1], 1024);
          echo $cur_dat;
          echo '' ;

      /* Get error string && close streams */
      $buffer= stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);

      echo "
"; /* Check return code */ $ret= proc_close($process); if ($ret != 0){ echo "

"._("Creating the image failed. Please see the report below.")."

"; echo "
"; } echo $return_button."
"; } else { $tmp= "

".sprintf(_("Command '%s', specified for ISO creation doesn't seem to exist."), $command)."

"; echo $tmp; echo $return_button."
"; } /* Scroll down completly */ echo '' ; echo ''; flush(); exit; } /*! \brief Handle GOsa-si events * All schedules and triggered events are handled here. */ function handleEvent($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { // Detect whether this event is scheduled or triggered. $triggered = TRUE; if(preg_match("/^S_/",$action)){ $triggered = FALSE; } // Detect triggere or scheduled actions $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $event = preg_replace("/^[TS]_/","",$action); if(preg_match("/^[TS]_/", $action)){ // Send special reinstall action for opsi hosts if($event == "DaemonEvent_reinstall" && $this->si_active && $this->opsi){ foreach($target as $key => $dn){ $type = $headpage->getType($dn); // Send Reinstall event for opsi hosts if($type == "FAKE_OC_OpsiHost"){ $obj = $headpage->getEntry($dn); $this->opsi->job_opsi_install_client($obj['cn'][0],$obj['macAddress'][0]); unset($target[$key]); } } } } // Now send remaining FAI/GOsa-si events here. if(count($target) && $this->si_active){ $mac= array(); // Collect target mac addresses $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $tD = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $events = DaemonEvent::get_event_types(SYSTEM_EVENT); $o_queue = new gosaSupportDaemon(); foreach($target as $dn){ $type = $headpage->getType($dn); if($tD[$type]['sendEvents']){ $obj = $headpage->getEntry($dn); if(isset($obj['macAddress'][0])){ $mac[] = $obj['macAddress'][0]; } } } /* Skip installation or update trigerred events, * if this entry is currently processing. */ if($triggered && in_array($event,array("DaemonEvent_reinstall","DaemonEvent_update"))){ foreach($mac as $key => $mac_address){ foreach($o_queue->get_entries_by_mac(array($mac_address)) as $entry){ $entry['STATUS'] = strtoupper($entry['STATUS']); if($entry['STATUS'] == "PROCESSING" && isset($events['QUEUED'][$entry['HEADERTAG']]) && in_array($events['QUEUED'][$entry['HEADERTAG']],array("DaemonEvent_reinstall","DaemonEvent_update"))){ unset($mac[$key]); new log("security","systems/".get_class($this),"",array(),"Skip adding 'DaemonEvent::".$type."' for mac '".$mac_address."', there is already a job in progress."); break; } } } } // Prepare event to be added if(count($mac) && isset($events['BY_CLASS'][$event]) && $this->si_active){ $event = $events['BY_CLASS'][$event]; $this->dialogObject = new $event['CLASS_NAME']($this->config); $this->dialogObject->add_targets($mac); if($triggered){ $this->dialogObject->set_type(TRIGGERED_EVENT); $o_queue->append($this->dialogObject); if($o_queue->is_error()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o_queue->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $this->closeDialogs(); } }else{ $this->dialogObject->set_type(SCHEDULED_EVENT); } } } } /*! \brief Close all dialogs and reset the activationQueue. */ function cancelEdit() { management::cancelEdit(); $this->activationQueue = array(); } /*! \brief Save event dialogs. * And append the new GOsa-si event. */ function saveEventDialog() { $o_queue = new gosaSupportDaemon(); $o_queue->append($this->dialogObject); if($o_queue->is_error()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o_queue->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $this->closeDialogs(); } } /*! \brief Update filter part for INCOMING. * Allows us to search for "systemIncomingRDN". */ static function incomingFilterConverter($filter) { $rdn = preg_replace("/^[^=]*=/", "", get_ou('systemIncomingRDN')); $rdn = preg_replace("/,.*$/","",$rdn); return(preg_replace("/%systemIncomingRDN/", $rdn,$filter)); } /*! \brief Queue selected objects to be removed. * Checks ACLs, Locks and ask for confirmation. */ protected function removeEntryRequested($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { $disallowed = array(); $this->dns = array(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$target,"Entry removel requested!"); // Check permissons for each target $tInfo = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); foreach($target as $dn){ $type = $headpage->getType($dn); if(!isset($tInfo[$type])){ trigger_error("Unknown object type received '".$type."' please update systemManagement::getObjectDefinitions()!"); }else{ $info = $tInfo[$type]; $acl = $this->ui->get_permissions($dn, $info['aclCategory']."/".$info['aclClass']); if(preg_match("/d/",$acl)){ $this->dns[] = $dn; }else{ $disallowed[] = $dn; } } } if(count($disallowed)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),msgPool::permDelete($disallowed),INFO_DIALOG); } // We've at least one entry to delete. if(count($this->dns)){ // check locks if ($user= get_multiple_locks($this->dns)){ return(gen_locked_message($user,$this->dns)); } // Add locks $dns_names = array(); foreach($this->dns as $dn){ $dns_names[] =LDAP::fix($dn); } add_lock ($this->dns, $this->ui->dn); // Display confirmation dialog. $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("info", msgPool::deleteInfo($dns_names,_($this->objectName))); $smarty->assign("multiple", true); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove.tpl', TRUE))); } } /*! \brief Object removal was confirmed, now remove the requested entries. * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function removeEntryConfirmed($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass="",$altTabType="",$altAclCategory="") { @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$target,"Entry removel confirmed!"); // Check permissons for each target $tInfo = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $disallowed = array(); foreach($this->dns as $key => $dn){ $type = $headpage->getType($dn); if(!isset($tInfo[$type])){ trigger_error("Unknown object type received '".$type."' please update systemManagement::getObjectDefinitions()!"); }else{ $info = $tInfo[$type]; $acl = $this->ui->get_permissions($dn, $info['aclCategory']."/".$info['aclClass']); if(preg_match("/d/",$acl)){ // Delete the object $this->dn = $dn; if($info['tabClass'] == "phonetabs"){ $this->tabObject= new $tabtype($this->config, $this->config->data['TABS'][$tabobj], $dn,$type); $this->tabObject->set_acl_base($dn); $this->tabObject->by_object['phoneGeneric']->remove_from_parent (); }else{ $this->tabObject= new $info['tabClass']($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS'][$info['tabDesc']], $this->dn, $info['aclCategory'], true, true); $this->tabObject->set_acl_base($this->dn); $this->tabObject->parent = &$this; $this->tabObject->delete (); } // Remove the lock for the current object. del_lock($this->dn); }else{ $disallowed[] = $dn; new log("security","system/".get_class($this),$dn,array(),"Tried to trick deletion."); } } } if(count($disallowed)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),msgPool::permDelete($disallowed),INFO_DIALOG); } // Cleanup $this->remove_lock(); $this->closeDialogs(); } /*! \brief Edit the selected system type. * NewDevice and ArpNewDevice are handled here separately */ function editEntry($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass ="", $altTabType = "", $altAclCategory="") { if(count($target) == 1){ $tInfo = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $dn = $target[0]; $type =$headpage->getType($dn); $tData = $tInfo[$type]; if($type == "FAKE_OC_ArpNewDevice"){ if(!class_available("ArpNewDeviceTabs")){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::class_not_found("ArpNewDevice"), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ return(management::editEntry($action,$target,$all,"ArpNewDeviceTabs","ARPNEWDEVICETABS","incoming")); } }elseif($type == "FAKE_OC_NewDevice"){ if(!class_available("SelectDeviceType")){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::class_not_found("SelectDeviceType"), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $this->activationQueue[$dn] = array(); $this->dialogObject = new SelectDeviceType($this->config,$dn); $this->skipFooter = TRUE; $this->displayApplyBtn = FALSE; // see condition -$s_action == "::systemTypeChosen"- for further handling } }else{ return(management::editEntry($action,$target,$all,$tData['tabClass'],$tData['tabDesc'],$tData['aclCategory'])); } } } /*! \brief Edit the selected system type. * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function newEntry($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass ="", $altTabType = "", $altAclCategory="") { $tInfo = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $info = preg_replace("/^new_/","",$action); if(!isset($tInfo[$info])){ trigger_error("Unknown action type '".$action."' cant create a new system!"); }else{ return(management::newEntry($action,$target,$all, $tInfo[$info]['tabClass'], $tInfo[$info]['tabDesc'], $tInfo[$info]['aclCategory'])); } } /*! \brief Activates all selcted 'NewDevices' at once. * Enqueues the selected Devices in the activation queue. */ function activateMultiple($action,$target) { $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); foreach($target as $dn) { if($headpage->getType($dn) == "FAKE_OC_NewDevice"){ $this->activationQueue[$dn] = array(); } } if(count($this->activationQueue)){ $this->dialogObject = new SelectDeviceType($this->config, array_keys($this->activationQueue)); $this->skipFooter = TRUE; } } /*! \brief The system selection dialog was closed. * We will now queue the given entry to be activated. */ function systemTypeChosen() { // Detect the systems target type $tInfo = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $selected_group = "none"; if(isset($_POST['ObjectGroup'])){ $selected_group = $_POST['ObjectGroup']; } $selected_system = $_POST['SystemType']; $tmp = array(); foreach($this->activationQueue as $dn => $data){ $tmp[$dn]['OG'] = $selected_group; $tmp[$dn]['SS'] = $selected_system; } $this->closeDialogs(); $this->activationQueue = $tmp; return($this->handleActivationQueue()); } /*! \brief Activate queued goto systems. */ function handleActivationQueue() { @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, 'Entries left: '.count($this->activationQueue), "Handling system activation queue!"); if(!count($this->activationQueue)) return(""); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $pInfo = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $ui = get_userinfo(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); // Walk through systems to activate while(count($this->activationQueue)){ // Get next entry reset($this->activationQueue); $dn = key($this->activationQueue); $data= $this->activationQueue[$dn]; // Validate the given system type. if(!isset($data['SS'])) continue; $sysType = $data['SS']; if(!isset($pInfo[$sysType])){ trigger_error('Unknown type \''.$sysType.'\'!'); continue; } $type = $pInfo[$sysType]; @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $dn, "Try to activate:"); // Get target type definition $plugClass = $type["plugClass"]; $tabClass = $type["tabClass"]; $aclCategory = $type["aclCategory"]; $tabDesc = $type["tabDesc"]; if(!class_available($tabClass)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::class_not_found($tabclass), ERROR_DIALOG); unset($this->activationQueue[$dn]); continue; }else{ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $sysType, "System type:"); // Load permissions for selected 'dn' and check if we're allowed to create this 'dn' $this->dn = $dn; $acls = $ui->get_permissions($this->dn,$aclCategory."/".$plugClass); // Check permissions if(!preg_match("/c/",$acls)){ unset($this->activationQueue[$dn]); msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::permCreate(), ERROR_DIALOG); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $acls, "Insufficient permissions!"); continue; }else{ // Open object an preset some values like the objects base del_lock($dn); management::editEntry('editEntry',array($dn),array(),$tabClass,$tabDesc, $aclCategory); $this->displayApplyBtn = FALSE; $this->tabObject->set_acl_base($headpage->getBase()); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $data['OG'], "Selected ogroup:"); if($data['OG'] != "none"){ $this->tabObject->base = preg_replace("/^[^,]+,".preg_quote(get_ou('ogroupRDN'), '/')."/i", "", $data['OG']); $this->tabObject->by_object[$plugClass]->baseSelector->setBase($this->tabObject->base); } else { $this->tabObject->by_object[$plugClass]->baseSelector->setBase($headpage->getBase()); $this->tabObject->base = $headpage->getBase(); } // Assign some default values for opsi hosts if($this->tabObject instanceOf opsi_tabs){ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat($dn); $source_attrs = $ldap->fetch(); foreach(array("macAddress" => "mac" ,"cn" => "hostId","description" => "description") as $src => $attr){ if(isset($source_attrs[$src][0])){ $this->tabObject->by_object['opsiGeneric']->$attr = $source_attrs[$src][0]; } } @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "", "OPSI attributes adapted"); } // Queue entry to be activated, when it is saved. if($data['OG'] != "none"){ // Set gotoMode to active if there was an ogroup selected. $found = false; foreach(array("workgeneric"=>"active","servgeneric"=>"active","termgeneric"=>"active") as $tab => $value){ if(isset($this->tabObject->by_object[$tab]->gotoMode)) { $found = true; $this->tabObject->by_object[$tab]->gotoMode = $value; @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $tab."->gotoMode = {$value}", "Setting gotoMode to: "); } } if(!$found){ msg_dialog::display(_("Internal error"), _("Cannot set mode to 'active'!"), ERROR_DIALOG); } // Update object group membership $og = new ogroup($this->config,$data['OG']); if($og){ $og->AddDelMembership($this->tabObject->dn); $og->save(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $og->dn, "Adding system to ogroup"); } // Set default system specific attributes foreach (array("workgeneric", "termgeneric") as $cls){ if (isset($this->tabObject->by_object[$cls])){ $this->tabObject->by_object[$cls]->set_everything_to_inherited(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $og->dn, "Calling {$cls}->set_everything_to_inherited()"); } } // Enable activation foreach (array("servgeneric", "workgeneric", "termgeneric") as $cls){ if (isset($this->tabObject->by_object[$cls])){ $this->tabObject->by_object[$cls]->auto_activate= TRUE; @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $cls, "Setting auto_activate=TRUE for"); } } // Enable sending of LDAP events if (isset($this->tabObject->by_object["workstartup"])){ $this->tabObject->by_object["workstartup"]->gotoLdap_inherit= TRUE; @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "", "Setting workstartup->gotoLdap_inherit=TRUE"); } } // Try to inherit everythin from the selected object group and then save // the entry, normally this should work without any problems. // But if there is any, then display the dialogs. if($data['OG'] != "none"){ $str = $this->saveChanges(); // There was a problem, skip activation here and allow to fix the problems.. if(is_object($this->tabObject)){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "", "Automatic saving failed, let the user fix the issues now."); return; } @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "", "System activated!"); }else{ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "", "Open dialogs now"); return; } } } } } /*! \brief Save object modifications here and any dialogs too. * After a successfull update of the object data, close * the dialogs. */ protected function saveChanges() { @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, get_class($this->tabObject).": ".$this->tabObject->dn, "Save"); // Handle 'New Unknown Devices' here. if($this->tabObject instanceOf ArpNewDeviceTabs){ $this->tabObject->save_object(); if($this->tabObject->by_object['ArpNewDevice']->gotoIntegration){ $message = $this->tabObject->check(); if(count($message)){ msg_dialog::displayChecks($message); }else{ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, get_class($this->tabObject).": ".$this->tabObject->dn, "Queued for goto activation"); $this->tabObject->save(); $this->activationQueue[$this->tabObject->dn]=array(); $this->closeDialogs(); $this->systemTypeChosen(); } return; } } // Try to save changes here. $str = management::saveChanges(); if($this->tabObject) return(""); // Activate system if required.. if(isset($this->activationQueue[$this->last_dn])){ $dn = $this->last_tabObject->dn; $this->activate_new_device($dn); unset($this->activationQueue[$this->last_dn]); } /* Post handling for activated systems target opsi -> Remove source. target gosa -> Activate system. */ if($this->last_tabObject instanceOf opsi_tabs){ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->rmdir ($this->last_tabObject->dn); @DEBUG(DEBUG_LDAP,__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "Source removed: ".$this->tabObject->dn,"Opsi host activated"); $hostId = $this->last_tabObject->by_object['opsiGeneric']->hostId; $mac = $this->last_tabObject->by_object['opsiGeneric']->mac; $this->opsi->job_opsi_activate_client($hostId,$mac); }elseif(isset($this->last_tabObject->was_activated) && $this->last_tabObject->was_activated){ $this->activate_new_device($this->last_tabObject->dn); } // Avoid using values from an older input dialog $_POST = array(); $this->handleActivationQueue(); } /*! \brief Save object modifications here and any dialogs too. * Keep dialogs opened. */ protected function applyChanges() { $str = management::applyChanges(); if($str) return($str); /* Post handling for activated systems target opsi -> Remove source. target gosa -> Activate system. */ if($this->tabObject instanceOf opsi_tabs){ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->rmdir ($this->tabObject->dn); @DEBUG(DEBUG_LDAP,__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "Source removed: ".$this->tabObject->dn,"Opsi host activated"); $hostId = $this->tabObject->by_object['opsiGeneric']->hostId; $mac = $this->tabObject->by_object['opsiGeneric']->mac; $this->opsi->job_opsi_activate_client($hostId,$mac); }elseif(isset($this->tabObject->was_activated) && $this->tabObject->was_activated){ $this->activate_new_device($this->tabObject->dn); } } /*! \brief Sets FAIstate to "install" for "New Devices". This function is some kind of "Post handler" for activated systems, it is called directly after the object (workstabs,servtabs) gets saved. @param String $dn The dn of the newly activated object. @return Boolean TRUE if activated else FALSE */ function activate_new_device($dn) { @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $dn, "Activating system:"); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->cat($dn); if($ldap->count()){ $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); if(count(array_intersect(array('goServer','gotoWorkstation'), $attrs['objectClass']))){ $ocs = $attrs['objectClass']; unset($ocs['count']); $new_attrs = array(); if(!in_array("FAIobject",$ocs)){ $ocs[] = "FAIobject"; $new_attrs['objectClass'] = $ocs; } $new_attrs['FAIstate'] = "install"; $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->modify($new_attrs); if (!$ldap->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $this->dn, LDAP_MOD, "activate_new_device($dn)")); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $dn, "Failed!"); }else{ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $dn, "Success"); return(TRUE); } }else{ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $dn, "FAIstate not set to install, this is only done for gotoWorkstation/goServer!"); } } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief Opens the snapshot creation dialog for the given target. * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function createSnapshotDialog($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$target,"Snaptshot creation initiated!"); $pInfo = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); foreach($target as $dn){ $entry = $headpage->getEntry($dn); $type = $headpage->getType($dn); if(!isset($pInfo[$type])) { trigger_error('Unknown system type \''.$type.'\'!'); return; } if(!empty($dn) && $this->ui->allow_snapshot_create($dn,$pInfo[$type]['aclCategory'])){ $this->dialogObject = new SnapShotDialog($this->config,$dn,$this); $this->dialogObject->aclCategories = array($pInfo[$type]['aclCategory']); $this->dialogObject->parent = &$this; }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),sprintf(_("You are not allowed to create a snapshot for %s."),$dn), ERROR_DIALOG); } } } /*! \brief Displays the "Restore snapshot dialog" for a given target. * If no target is specified, open the restore removed object * dialog. * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function restoreSnapshotDialog($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { // Set current restore base for snapshot handling. $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $pInfo = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); if(is_object($this->snapHandler)){ $bases = array(); foreach($this->storagePoints as $sp){ $bases[] = $sp.$headpage->getBase(); } } // No bases specified? Try base if(!count($bases)) $bases[] = $this->headpage->getBase(); // No target, open the restore removed object dialog. if(!count($target)){ $cats = array(); foreach($pInfo as $data){ $cats[] = $data['aclCategory']; } $cats = array_unique($cats); $entry = $headpage->getBase(); if(!empty($entry) && $this->ui->allow_snapshot_restore($entry,$cats)){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$entry,"Snaptshot restoring initiated!"); $this->dialogObject = new SnapShotDialog($this->config,$entry,$this); $this->dialogObject->set_snapshot_bases($bases); $this->dialogObject->display_all_removed_objects = true; $this->dialogObject->display_restore_dialog = true; $this->dialogObject->parent = &$this; }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),sprintf(_("You are not allowed to restore a snapshot for %s."),$entry), ERROR_DIALOG); } }else{ // Display the restore points for a given object. $dn = array_pop($target); $entry = $headpage->getEntry($dn); $type = $headpage->getType($dn); if(!isset($pInfo[$type])) { trigger_error('Unknown system type \''.$type.'\'!'); return; } if(!empty($dn) && $this->ui->allow_snapshot_create($dn,$pInfo[$type]['aclCategory'])){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$dn,"Snaptshot restoring initiated!"); $this->dialogObject = new SnapShotDialog($this->config,$dn,$this); $this->dialogObject->set_snapshot_bases($bases); $this->dialogObject->display_restore_dialog = true; $this->dialogObject->parent = &$this; }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),sprintf(_("You are not allowed to restore a snapshot for %s."),$dn), ERROR_DIALOG); } } } /*! \brief Restores a snapshot object. * The dn of the snapshot entry has to be given as ['target'] parameter. * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function restoreSnapshot($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { $dn = array_pop($target); $this->snapHandler->restore_snapshot($dn); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$dn,"Snaptshot restored!"); $this->closeDialogs(); } /*! \brief Detects actions/events send by the ui * and the corresponding targets. */ function detectPostActions() { $action= management::detectPostActions(); if(isset($_POST['abort_event_dialog'])) $action['action'] = "cancel"; if(isset($_POST['save_event_dialog'])) $action['action'] = "saveEvent"; if(isset($_POST['cd_create'])) $action['action'] = "initiateISOcreation"; if(isset($_GET['PerformIsoCreation'])) $action['action'] = "performIsoCreation"; if(isset($_POST['SystemTypeAborted'])) $action['action'] = "cancel"; if(isset($_POST['password_cancel'])) $action['action'] = "cancel"; if(isset($_POST['password_finish'])) $action['action'] = "passwordChangeConfirmed"; if(isset($_POST['new_goServer'])) $action['action'] = "new_goServer"; if(isset($_POST['new_gotoWorkstation'])) $action['action'] = "new_gotoWorkstation"; if(isset($_POST['new_gotoTerminal'])) $action['action'] = "new_gotoTerminal"; if(isset($_POST['new_gotoPrinter'])) $action['action'] = "new_gotoPrinter"; if(isset($_POST['new_goFonHardware'])) $action['action'] = "new_goFonHardware"; if(isset($_POST['new_ieee802Device'])) $action['action'] = "new_ieee802Device"; if(isset($_POST['new_FAKE_OC_OpsiHost'])) $action['action'] = "new_FAKE_OC_OpsiHost"; if(!is_object($this->tabObject) && !is_object($this->dialogObject)){ if(count($this->activationQueue)) $action['action'] = "handleActivationQueue"; } if(isset($_POST['systemTypeChosen'])) $action['action'] = "systemTypeChosen"; return($action); } /*! \brief Overridden render method of class management. * this allows us to add a release selection box. */ function renderList() { $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $headpage->update(); $tD = $this->getObjectDefinitions(); $smarty = get_smarty(); foreach($tD as $name => $obj){ $smarty->assign("USE_".$name, (empty($obj['TABNAME']) || class_available($obj['TABNAME']))); } $display = $headpage->render(); return($this->getHeader().$display); } public function getObjectDefinitions() { $tabs = array( "FAKE_OC_OpsiHost" => array( "ou" => "", "plugClass" => "opsiGeneric", "tabClass" => "opsi_tabs", "tabDesc" => "OPSITABS", "aclClass" => "opsiGeneric", "sendEvents" => TRUE, "aclCategory" => "opsi"), "goServer" => array( "ou" => get_ou('serverRDN'), "plugClass" => "servgeneric", "tabClass" => "servtabs", "tabDesc" => "SERVTABS", "aclClass" => "servgeneric", "sendEvents" => TRUE, "aclCategory" => "server"), "gotoWorkstation" => array( "ou" => get_ou('workstationRDN'), "plugClass" => "workgeneric", "tabClass" => "worktabs", "tabDesc" => "WORKTABS", "aclClass" => "workgeneric", "sendEvents" => TRUE, "aclCategory" => "workstation"), "gotoTerminal" => array( "ou" => get_ou('terminalRDN'), "plugClass" => "termgeneric", "tabClass" => "termtabs", "sendEvents" => TRUE, "tabDesc" => "TERMTABS", "aclClass" => "termgeneric", "aclCategory" => "terminal"), "gotoPrinter" => array( "ou" => get_ou('printerRDN'), "plugClass" => "printgeneric", "tabClass" => "printtabs", "tabDesc" => "PRINTTABS", "aclClass" => "printgeneric", "sendEvents" => FALSE, "aclCategory" => "printer"), "FAKE_OC_NewDevice" => array( "ou" => get_ou('systemIncomingRDN'), "plugClass" => "termgeneric", "tabClass" => "termtabs", "sendEvents" => TRUE, "tabDesc" => "TERMTABS", "aclClass" => "termgeneric", "aclCategory" => "terminal"), "goFonHardware" => array( "ou" => get_ou('phoneRDN'), "plugClass" => "phoneGeneric", "tabClass" => "phonetabs", "tabDesc" => "PHONETABS", "sendEvents" => FALSE, "aclClass" => "phoneGeneric", "aclCategory" => "phone"), "FAKE_OC_winstation" => array( "ou" => get_winstations_ou(), "plugClass" => "wingeneric", "sendEvents" => TRUE, "tabClass" => "wintabs", "tabDesc" => "WINTABS", "aclClass" => "wingeneric", "aclCategory" => "winworkstation"), "ieee802Device" => array( "ou" => get_ou('componentRDN'), "plugClass" => "componentGeneric", "sendEvents" => FALSE, "tabClass" => "componenttabs", "tabDesc" => "COMPONENTTABS", "aclClass" => "componentGeneric", "aclCategory" => "component"), ); // Now map some special types $tabs['FAKE_OC_NewWorkstation'] = &$tabs['gotoWorkstation']; $tabs['FAKE_OC_NewTerminal'] = &$tabs['gotoTerminal']; $tabs['FAKE_OC_NewServer'] = &$tabs['gotoWorkstation']; $tabs['gotoWorkstation__IS_BUSY'] = &$tabs['gotoWorkstation']; $tabs['gotoWorkstation__IS_ERROR'] = &$tabs['gotoWorkstation']; $tabs['gotoWorkstation__IS_LOCKED'] = &$tabs['gotoWorkstation']; $tabs['gotoTerminal__IS_BUSY'] = &$tabs['gotoTerminal']; $tabs['gotoTerminal__IS_ERROR'] = &$tabs['gotoTerminal']; $tabs['gotoTerminal__IS_LOCKED'] = &$tabs['gotoTerminal']; $tabs['FAKE_OC_TerminalTemplate'] = &$tabs['gotoTerminal']; $tabs['FAKE_OC_WorkstationTemplate'] = &$tabs['gotoTerminal']; $tabs['goServer__IS_BUSY'] = &$tabs['goServer']; $tabs['goServer__IS_ERROR'] = &$tabs['goServer']; $tabs['goServer__IS_LOCKED'] = &$tabs['goServer']; $tabs['FAKE_OC_ArpNewDevice'] = &$tabs['FAKE_OC_NewDevice']; return($tabs); } static function systemRelease($a,$b,$c,$objectclasses= null,$class= null) { global $config; // No objectclasses set - go ahead if(!$objectclasses) return(" "); // Skip non fai objects if (!in_array_ics("FAIobject", $objectclasses)) { return " "; } // If we've an own fai class, just use this if ($class && is_array($class)) { foreach (explode(' ', $class[0]) as $element) { if ($element[0] == ":") { return " ".image('images/empty.png')." ".mb_substr($element, 1); } } } // Load information if needed $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames)(FAIclass=*)(member=".$b."))",array('FAIclass','cn')); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $rel = preg_replace("/^.*:/","",$attrs['FAIclass'][0]); $sys = sprintf(_("Inherited from %s"),$attrs['cn'][0]); $str = " ".image('plugins/ogroups/images/ogroup.png', "", $sys)." ".$rel; return($str); } return(" "); } /*! \brief !! Incoming dummy acls, required to defined acls for incoming objects */ static function plInfo() { return (array( "plShortName" => _("Incoming objects"), "plDescription" => _("Incoming objects"), "plSelfModify" => FALSE, "plDepends" => array(), "plPriority" => 99, "plSection" => array("administration"), "plCategory" => array("incoming" => array( "description" => _("Incoming"), "objectClass" => "")), "plProvidedAcls"=> array() )); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>