, based on work by Cajus Pollmeier \version 0.01 \date 20.10.2006 This class provides the functionality to read and write all attributes relevant for scalixAccounts from/to the LDAP. It does syntax checking and displays the formulars required. */ class scalixAccount extends plugin { /* Definitions */ var $plHeadline = "Scalix"; var $plDescription= "This does something"; /* plugin specific values - scalixUserClass */ /* MUST */ var $scalixScalixObject= TRUE; //TRUE or FALSE var $scalixMailnode= ""; /* INDIRECT MUST, scalix will complain if no email was specified */ /* MAY */ var $scalixAdministrator= FALSE; var $scalixMailboxAdministrator = FALSE; var $scalixServerLanguage= ""; var $scalixEmailAddress= array(); var $scalixLimitMailboxSize= ""; var $scalixLimitOutboundMail= FALSE; var $scalixLimitInboundMail= FALSE; var $scalixLimitNotifyUser= FALSE; var $scalixHideUserEntry= FALSE; var $scalixMailboxClass= ""; var $uid =""; var $default_permissions= "none"; var $member_permissions= "post"; var $members= array(); var $admins= array(); var $vacations= array(); var $perms= array( "lrs" => "read", "lrsp" => "post", "lrsip" => "append", "lrswipcd" => "write", "lrswipcda" => "all" ); /* attribute list for save action */ var $attributes = array("scalixMailnode", "scalixServerLanguage", "scalixLimitMailboxSize", "scalixMailboxClass"); var $fakeBooleanAttributes= array("scalixAdministrator", "scalixMailboxAdministrator", "scalixLimitOutboundMail", "scalixLimitInboundMail", "scalixLimitNotifyUser", "scalixHideUserEntry"); var $objectclasses = array("scalixUserClass"); /* constructor, if 'dn' is set, the node loads the given 'dn' from LDAP */ function scalixAccount (&$config, $dn= NULL) { /* dn shouldn't be NULL */ if($dn === NULL){ trigger_error("Initialising scalixAccount without valid dn."); } /* Load bases attributes */ plugin::plugin($config, $dn); /* Load attributes */ if ($dn != "new"){ /* Set user id */ if(isset($this->attrs['uid'][0])){ $this->uid = $this->attrs['uid'][0]; } foreach ($this->fakeBooleanAttributes as $val){ if (isset($this->attrs["$val"][0])&&$this->attrs["$val"][0]=="TRUE"){ $this->$val = TRUE; } else { $this->$val = FALSE; } } /* Load attributes containing arrays */ foreach (array("scalixEmailAddress") as $val){ if (isset($this->attrs["$val"]["count"])){ for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs["$val"]["count"]; $i++){ array_push($this->$val, $this->attrs["$val"][$i]); } } } } /* Save initial account state */ $this->initially_was_account= $this->is_account; } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Load templating engine */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $display= ""; /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */ if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){ $this->is_account= !$this->is_account; } /* Show main page */ $mailboxClasses = array("", "LIMITED", "FULL"); $serverLanguages= array("", "GERMAN", "ENGLISH"); /* Do we represent a valid account? */ if (!$this->is_account && $this->parent === NULL){ $display= "\"\" ". _("This account has no scalix extensions.").""; $display.= back_to_main(); return ($display); } /* Show tab dialog headers */ if ($this->parent !== NULL){ if ($this->is_account){ $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Remove scalix account"), _("This account has scalix synchronization enabled. You can disable it by clicking below.")); } else { $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Create scalix account"), _("This account has scalix synchronization disabled. You can enable it by clicking below.")); return ($display); } } /* Trigger forward add dialog? */ if (isset($_POST['add_local_forwarder'])){ $this->forward_dialog= TRUE; $this->dialog= TRUE; } /* Cancel forward add dialog? */ if (isset($_POST['add_locals_cancel'])){ $this->forward_dialog= FALSE; $this->dialog= FALSE; } $smarty->assign("mailboxClasses", $mailboxClasses); $smarty->assign("serverLanguages", $serverLanguages); foreach(array("perms", "scalixScalixObject", "scalixMailnode", "scalixAdministrator", "scalixMailboxAdministrator", "scalixServerLanguage", "scalixLimitMailboxSize", "scalixLimitOutboundMail", "scalixEmailAddress", "scalixLimitInboundMail", "scalixLimitNotifyUser", "scalixHideUserEntry", "scalixMailboxClass") as $val){ $smarty->assign("$val", $this->$val); $smarty->assign("$val"."ACL", $this->getacl($val)); } /* Fill checkboxes */ if ($this->scalixAdministrator) { $smarty->assign("scalixAdministrator", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("scalixAdministrator", ""); } if ($this->scalixMailboxAdministrator) { $smarty->assign("scalixMailboxAdministrator", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("scalixMailboxAdministrator", ""); } if ($this->scalixLimitOutboundMail) { $smarty->assign("scalixLimitOutboundMail", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("scalixLimitOutboundMail", ""); } if ($this->scalixLimitInboundMail) { $smarty->assign("scalixLimitInboundMail", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("scalixLimitInboundMail", ""); } if ($this->scalixLimitNotifyUser) { $smarty->assign("scalixLimitNotifyUser", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("scalixLimitNotifyUser", ""); } if ($this->scalixHideUserEntry) { $smarty->assign("scalixHideUserEntry", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("scalixHideUserEntry", ""); } $display.= $smarty->fetch (get_template_path('generic.tpl', TRUE, dirname(__FILE__))); return ($display); } /* remove object from parent */ function remove_from_parent() { /* Cancel if there's nothing to do here */ if (!$this->initially_was_account){ return; } /* include global link_info */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* Remove and write to LDAP */ plugin::remove_from_parent(); /* Zero arrays */ $this->attrs['scalixEmailAddress']= array(); /* Unset fake boolean attributes from entry */ foreach ($this->fakeBooleanAttributes as $val){ $this->attrs["$val"]= array(); } /*unset scalixScalixObject*/ $this->attrs['scalixScalixObject']=array(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_LDAP, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->attributes, "Save"); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->modify($this->attrs); if (!$ldap->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $this->dn, LDAP_MOD, get_class())); } /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ $this->handle_post_events("remove"); } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { if (isset($_POST['scalixTab'])){ /* Save ldap attributes */ plugin::save_object(); /* Check if given value is not empty */ if ($_POST['email_address'] != ""){ $valid= FALSE; /* Valid mail address */ if( ($this->is_template && !tests::is_email($_POST['email_address'], TRUE)) || (!$this->is_template && !tests::is_email($_POST['email_address'])) ){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), _("Cannot add invalid mail address!"), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $valid = TRUE; } /* Check write access */ if(!$this->acl_is_writeable("scalixEmailAddress")){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), _("You have no permission to modify these addresses."), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ /* Mail address already in use ? */ if ($valid && ($user= $this->addEmail ($_POST['email_address'])) != ""){ $ui= get_userinfo(); if ($user != $ui->username){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Cannot add mail address: it is already used by user '%s'."), $user), ERROR_DIALOG); } } } } /* Delete email addresses */ if (isset($_POST['delete_email']) && isset ($_POST['emails_list'])){ if(!$this->acl_is_writeable("scalixEmailAddress")){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), _("You have no permission to modify these addresses."), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ if (count($_POST['emails_list'])){ $this->delEmail ($_POST['emails_list']); } } } /* Save fakeBooleanAttributes*/ foreach ($this->fakeBooleanAttributes as $val){ if ($this->acl_is_writeable($val)) { if( isset ($_POST["$val"])) { $data = TRUE; } else { $data = FALSE; } if ($this->$val != $data){ $this->is_modified= TRUE; } $this->$val= $data; } } } } /* Save data to LDAP, depending on is_account we save or delete */ function save() { $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* Call parents save to prepare $this->attrs */ plugin::save(); /* Save arrays */ $this->attrs['scalixEmailAddress']= $this->scalixEmailAddress; /* Save boolean vars ... the scalix schema expects them as strings */ $this->attrs['scalixScalixObject'] = $this->scalixScalixObject?"TRUE":"FALSE"; $this->attrs['scalixAdministrator'] = $this->scalixAdministrator?"TRUE":"FALSE"; $this->attrs['scalixMailboxAdministrator'] = $this->scalixMailboxAdministrator?"TRUE":"FALSE"; $this->attrs['scalixLimitOutboundMail'] = $this->scalixLimitOutboundMail?"TRUE":"FALSE"; $this->attrs['scalixLimitInboundMail'] = $this->scalixLimitInboundMail?"TRUE":"FALSE"; $this->attrs['scalixLimitNotifyUser'] = $this->scalixLimitNotifyUser?"TRUE":"FALSE"; $this->attrs['scalixHideUserEntry'] = $this->scalixHideUserEntry?"TRUE":"FALSE"; /* Remove Mailquota if = "" */ if((isset($this->attrs['scalixLimitMailboxSize']))&&($this->attrs['scalixLimitMailboxSize']=="")) { $this->attrs['scalixLimitMailboxSize']=array(); } /* Save data to LDAP */ $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->modify($this->attrs); if (!$ldap->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $this->dn, LDAP_MOD, get_class())); } /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ if ($this->initially_was_account == $this->is_account){ if ($this->is_modified){ $this->handle_post_events("modify"); } } else { $this->handle_post_events("add"); } } /* Check formular input */ function check() { $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $message= array(); if(empty($this->scalixMailnode)){ $message[]= msgPool::required(_("Mailnode")); } if(empty($this->scalixScalixObject)){ $message[]= msgPool::required(_("Scalix object")); } $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); foreach($this->scalixEmailAddress as $k => $mail) { $ldap->search ("(&(!(objectClass=gosaUserTemplate))(objectClass=scalixUserClass)(scalixEmailAddress=". $mail.")(!(uid=".$this->uid."))(!(cn=".$this->uid.")))", array("uid")); if ($ldap->count() != 0){ $message[]= msgPool::duplicated(_("Email address")); } } /* Check quota */ if ($this->scalixLimitMailboxSize != '' && $this->acl_is_writeable("scalixLimitMailboxSize")){ if (!is_numeric($this->scalixLimitMailboxSize)) { $message[]= msgPool::invalid(_("Limit Mailbox")); } else { $this->scalixLimitMailboxSize= (int) $this->scalixLimitMailboxSize; } } return ($message); } /* Adapt from template, using 'dn' */ function adapt_from_template($dn) { plugin::adapt_from_template($dn); foreach (array("scalixEmailAddress") as $val){ $this->$val= array(); if (isset($this->attrs["$val"]["count"])){ for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs["$val"]["count"]; $i++){ $value= $this->attrs["$val"][$i]; foreach (array("sn", "givenName", "uid") as $repl){ if (preg_match("/%$repl/i", $value)){ $value= preg_replace ("/%$repl/i", $this->parent->$repl, $value); } } array_push($this->$val, strtolower(rewrite($value))); } } } $this->mail= strtolower(rewrite($this->mail)); } function addEmail($address) { $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $address= strtolower($address); /* Is this address already assigned in LDAP? */ $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=scalixUserClass)(|(scalixEmailAddress=$address)". "(scalixEmailAddress=$address)))", array("uid")); if ($ldap->count() > 0){ $attrs= $ldap->fetch (); return ($attrs["uid"][0]); } /* Add to list of alternates */ if (!in_array($address, $this->scalixEmailAddress)){ $this->scalixEmailAddress[]= $address; $this->is_modified= TRUE; } //sort ($this->scalixEmailAddress); //scalix makes the first email the destination, all others can receive reset ($this->scalixEmailAddress); return (""); } function delEmail($addresses) { $this->scalixEmailAddress= array_remove_entries ($addresses, $this->scalixEmailAddress); $this->is_modified= TRUE; } static function plInfo() { return (array( "plDescription" => _("Scalix account"), "plSelfModify" => TRUE, "plDepends" => array("user"), "plPriority" => 2, "plSection" => array("personal" => _("My account")), "plCategory" => array("users"), "plOptions" => array(), "plProvidedAcls" => array( "scalixMailnode" => _("Scalix Mail node"), "scalixMailboxClass" => _("Mailbox class"), "scalixServerLanguage" => _("Server language"), "scalixAdministrator" => _("Administrator"), "scalixMailboxAdministrator"=> _("Mailbox administrator"), "scalixHideUserEntry" => _("Hide user entry in Scalix"), "scalixLimitMailboxSize" => _("Mailbox size limitations"), "scalixLimitOutboundMail" => _("Limit outbound"), "scalixLimitInboundMail" => _("Limit inbound"), "scalixLimitNotifyUser" => _("Notify user"), "scalixEmailAddress" => _("Scalix email addresses")) )); } function saveCopyDialog() { if (isset($_POST['scalixTab'])){ /* Add email addresses */ if (isset($_POST['add_email'])){ /* Check if given value is not empty */ if ($_POST['email_address'] != ""){ $valid= FALSE; /* Valid mail address */ if( ($this->is_template && !tests::is_email($_POST['email_address'], TRUE)) || (!$this->is_template && !tests::is_email($_POST['email_address'])) ){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), _("Cannot add invalid mail address!"), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $valid = TRUE; } /* Mail address already in use ? */ if ($valid && ($user= $this->addEmail ($_POST['email_address'])) != ""){ $ui= get_userinfo(); if ($user != $ui->username){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Cannot add mail address: it is already used by user '%s'."), $user), ERROR_DIALOG); } } } } /* Delete email addresses */ if (isset($_POST['delete_email']) && isset ($_POST['emails_list'])){ if (count($_POST['emails_list'])){ $this->delEmail ($_POST['emails_list']); } } } } function PrepareForCopyPaste($source) { plugin::PrepareForCopyPaste($source); foreach ($this->fakeBooleanAttributes as $val){ if (isset($source["$val"][0])&&$source["$val"][0]=="TRUE"){ $this->$val = TRUE; } else { $this->$val = FALSE; } } /* Load attributes containing arrays */ foreach (array("scalixEmailAddress") as $val){ if (isset($source["$val"]["count"])){ for ($i= 0; $i<$source["$val"]["count"]; $i++){ array_push($this->$val, $source["$val"][$i]); } } } } /* Create the posix dialog part for copy & paste */ function getCopyDialog() { $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("scalixEmailAddress",$this->scalixEmailAddress); $str = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("paste_generic.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); $ret = array(); $ret['string'] = $str; $ret['status'] = ""; return($ret); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler ?>