Destination */ protected $attributes = array(); protected $userObjectClasses = array(); protected $shareObjectClasses = array(); /* Enabled mail domain selection. If enabled getMailDomains must the domain parts */ protected $enableDomainSelection= FALSE; protected $enableQuota = TRUE; protected $enableSieveManager = FALSE; protected $enableVacationRange = TRUE; protected $enableFolderTypes = FALSE; /* Default values */ protected $quotaValue = 0; protected $quotaUsage = 0; /* Method internal */ protected $type = "user"; protected $account_id = ""; protected $initial_account_id = ""; protected $connected = FALSE; protected $error = ""; protected $parent = NULL; protected $MailServer = ""; protected $acl_map = array( "lrsw" => "read", "lrswp" => "post", "p" => "external post", "lrswip" => "append", "lrswipcd" => "write", "lrswipcda"=> "admin", " " => "none"); protected $acl_mapping = array(); /*! \brief Constructs the mail class @param Object Config The GOsa configuration object @param Object Plugin The initator @param String Open "user" or "group" account. */ function __construct(&$config, &$parent, $type = "user") { $this->parent = $parent; $this->config = $config; /* Create a refernce to the mail selected server */ if(isset($this->parent->gosaMailServer)){ $this->MailServer = &$this->parent->gosaMailServer; }else{ trigger_error("mailMethod with invalid parent object initialized."); } if(!in_array($this->type,array("user","group"))){ trigger_error("Unknown mail class type used '".$type."'."); }else{ $this->type = $type; } } /*! \brief Intialize attributes and config settings. */ protected function init() { /* Get config value for cyrusUseSlashes */ if ($this->config->get_cfg_value("cyrusUseSlashes") == "true"){ $this->cyrusUseSlashes = TRUE; @DEBUG (DEBUG_MAIL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "","MAIL: cyrusUseSlashes: Enabled"); }else{ @DEBUG (DEBUG_MAIL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "","MAIL: cyrusUseSlashes: Disabled"); } /* Check if the mail account identification attribute is overridden in the configuration file */ if($this->config->get_cfg_value("mailAttribute","mail") != ""){ $new_uattrib= strtolower($this->config->get_cfg_value("mailAttribute")); if(in_array($new_uattrib,array("mail","uid"))){ $this->uattrib = $new_uattrib; }else{ @DEBUG (DEBUG_MAIL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "".$new_uattrib."", "MAIL: Unsupported 'mailAttribute' in gosa configuration specified"); msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), sprintf(_("The configured mail attribute '%s' is unsupported!"), $new_uattrib), ERROR_DIALOG); } } /* Create ACL map */ foreach($this->acl_map as $acl => $name){ $this->acl_mapping[$acl] = _($name); } $this->build_account_id(); $this->initial_account_id = $this->account_id; } public function fixAttributesOnLoad() { foreach($this->attributes as $source => $dest){ if(isset($this->parent->attrs[$source])){ $this->parent->attrs[$dest] = $this->parent->attrs[$source]; } if(isset($this->parent->$source)){ $this->parent->$dest = $this->parent->$source; } if(isset($this->parent->attrs[$source][0])){ $this->parent->saved_attributes[$source] = $this->parent->attrs[$source][0]; } } } public function mailEqualsCN() { return($this->mailEqualsCN); } public function fixAttributesOnRemove() { /* Remove objectClasses */ if($this->type == "user"){ $this->parent->attrs['objectClass'] = array_remove_entries_ics($this->userObjectClasses, $this->parent->attrs['objectClass']); }else{ $this->parent->attrs['objectClass'] = array_remove_entries_ics($this->shareObjectClasses, $this->parent->attrs['objectClass']); } foreach($this->attributes as $source => $dest){ $this->attrs[$dest] = array(); $this->attrs[$source] = array(); } } public function fixAttributesOnStore() { foreach($this->attributes as $source => $dest){ if(isset($this->parent->attrs[$dest])){ $this->parent->attrs[$source] = $this->parent->attrs[$dest ]; } if(isset($this->parent->$dest)){ $this->parent->$source = $this->parent->$dest; } } if($this->type == "user"){ $ocs = $this->userObjectClasses; }else{ $ocs = $this->shareObjectClasses; } foreach($ocs as $oc){ if(!in_array($oc, $this->parent->attrs['objectClass'])){ $this->parent->attrs['objectClass'][] = $oc; } } } /*! \brief Connect services like imap. Not necessary for the base class. @return Boolean True if this method is connected else false. */ public function connect() { $this->reset_error(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_MAIL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,"","MAIL: Connect method: ".get_class($this)); @DEBUG (DEBUG_MAIL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,"","MAIL: Current server: ".$this->MailServer); $this->connected = TRUE; return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Returns the connection status of this method. @return Boolean True if this method is connected else false. */ public function is_connected() { return($this->connected); } /*! \brief Disconnect this method. Close services like imap connection. Not necessary for the base class. */ public function disconnect() { $this->reset_error(); if($this->is_connected()){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_MAIL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,"","MAIL: Disconnect method: ".get_class($this)); $this->connected =FALSE; } } /*! \brief Returns true the current object represents a valid account (Some methods may check imap accounts here.) @return Boolean TRUE if this is a valid account else FALSE */ public function account_exists() { $this->reset_error(); return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Returns the last error occurred @return String The last error message. */ public function get_error(){ return($this->error); } public function isModifyableMail() { return($this->modifyableMail); } public function isModifyableServer() { return($this->modifyableServer); } /*! \brief Returns TRUE if the action caused an error. @return Boolean TRUE on error else FALSE */ public function is_error(){ return($this->error != ""); } /*! \brief Resets the error message. */ public function reset_error(){ $this->error = ""; } public function get_account_id() { $this->build_account_id(); return($this->account_id); } /*! \brief Create a new account id, like 'user/'. */ protected function build_account_id() { /* Build account identicator */ if($this->type == "user"){ $prefix = $this->user_prefix; $acc_string = $this->user_id; }else{ $prefix = $this->share_prefix; $acc_string = $this->share_id; } /* Create account prefix and respect "cyrusUseSlashes" Do not replace escaped dots for cyrusUseSlashes. */ $uattrib = $this->uattrib; if($this->cyrusUseSlashes){ $prefix = preg_replace('/([^\\\\])\./',"\\1/",$prefix); } $prefix = preg_replace("/\\\\([\.\/])/","\\1",$prefix); $domain = $mailpart = ""; if(preg_match("/\@/",$this->parent->$uattrib)){ $mailpart = preg_replace("/\@.*$/","",$this->parent->$uattrib); $domain = preg_replace("/^[^\@]*+\@(.*)$/","\\1",$this->parent->$uattrib); } /* Create account_id */ $from = array("/__CN__/","/__UID__/","/__PREFIX__/","/__UATTRIB__/","/__DOMAIN__/","/__MAILPART__/"); $to = array($this->parent->cn,$this->parent->uid,$prefix,$this->parent->$uattrib, $domain, $mailpart); $acc_id = trim(strtolower(preg_replace($from,$to,$acc_string))); if($this->account_id != $acc_id){ $this->account_id = $acc_id; @DEBUG (DEBUG_MAIL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,"", "MAIL: AccountID generated: ".$acc_id.""); } } /*! \brief Creates a valid folder id for a given folder name. e.g. $folder_id = "INBOX/test" && $this->account_id = "share/" will result in "share/mailbox/" This function is mainly used to read and write folder permissions. @return String A valid folder id */ public function create_folder_id($folder, $type = "") { if(!empty($folder)){ $folder = trim(preg_replace("/^INBOX[\.\/]*/i","",$folder)); } if(!empty($folder)){ $folder = "/".$folder; } /* Build account identicator */ if($this->type == "user"){ $prefix = $this->user_prefix; $acc_string = $this->user_id; }else{ $prefix = $this->share_prefix; $acc_string = $this->share_id; } /* Create account prefix and respect "cyrusUseSlashes" Do not replace escaped dots for cyrusUseSlashes. */ $uattrib = $this->uattrib; if($this->cyrusUseSlashes){ $prefix = preg_replace('/([^\\\\])\./',"\\1/",$prefix); } $prefix = preg_replace("/\\\\([\.\/])/","\\1",$prefix); $domain = $mailpart = ""; if(preg_match("/\@/",$this->parent->$uattrib)){ list($mailpart,$domain) = split("\@",$this->parent->$uattrib); } /* Create account_id */ $from = array("/__CN__/","/__UID__/","/__PREFIX__/","/__UATTRIB__/","/__DOMAIN__/","/__MAILPART__/"); $to = array($this->parent->cn,$this->parent->uid,$prefix,$this->parent->$uattrib, $domain, $mailpart); $acc_id = trim(strtolower(preg_replace($from,$to,$acc_string))); if(preg_match("/\@/",$acc_id)){ list($mail,$domain) = split("\@",$acc_id); $str = trim(strtolower($mail . $folder . "@" . $domain)); }else{ $str = trim(strtolower($acc_id . $folder)); } return($str) ; } /*! \brief Returns the configured mail method for the given parent object, initialized and read for use. @return mailMethod The configured mailMethod. */ public function get_method() { $methods = mailMethod::get_methods(); if ($this->config->get_cfg_value("mailmethod") != ""){ $method= $this->config->get_cfg_value("mailmethod"); $cls = get_correct_class_name("mailMethod$method"); if(isset($methods[$cls])){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_MAIL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,"", "MAIL: Selected mailMethod: ".$cls.""); $tmp = new $cls($this->config,$this->parent,$this->type); $tmp->init(); return($tmp); }else{ @DEBUG (DEBUG_MAIL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "","MAIL: Invalid mailMethod defined: ".$cls. " falling back to ".get_class($this).""); /* Print out configuration errors directly, we can't catch them everywhere. */ msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), sprintf(_("Mail method '%s' is unknown!"), $method), ERROR_DIALOG); } } /* If no valued mailMethod could be detected, return the base class. */ $this->init(); return($this); } /*! \brief Saves sieve settings */ public function saveSieveSettings() { $this->reset_error(); return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Creates or Updates the mailAccount represented by this class. */ public function updateMailbox() { $this->reset_error(); return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Update shared folder dependencies */ public function updateSharedFolder() { $this->reset_error(); return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Removes the mailbox represented by this class, and update shared folder ACLs . */ public function deleteMailbox() { $this->reset_error(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_MAIL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "".$this->account_id."" , "MAIL: Remove account from server :".$this->MailServer); return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Returns the used mail attribute (mail,uid) @param String One out of 'mail','uid' */ public function getUAttrib() { return($this->uattrib); } /*! \brief Returns the used mail attribute (mail,uid) @param String One out of 'mail','uid' */ public function getUAttribValue() { $uattrib = $this->getUAttrib(); return($this->parent->$uattrib); } /*! \brief Returns whether the quota settings are enabled or not @return Boolean TRUE if enabled else FALSE */ public function quotaEnabled() { return($this->enableQuota); } /*! \brief Returns the used quota @return Integer Quota used. */ public function getQuotaUsage() { return(-1); } /*! \brief Returns the quota restrictions. @return Integer Quota restrictions. */ public function getQuota($quotaValue) { return($quotaValue); } /*! \brief Sets the mail quota */ public function setQuota($number) { if(!is_numeric($number)){ $number = (int) $number; if(!$number){ $number = 0; } } $this->quotaValue = $number; return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Returns true whether the domain is selectable or not */ public function domainSelectionEnabled() { return($this->enableDomainSelection); } /*! \brief Returns a list of configured mail domains @return Array A list of mail domains */ public function getMailDomains() { return(array("Unconfigured")); } /*! \brief Returns the used Spamlevels for this mailmethod */ public function getSpamLevels() { $spamlevel= array(); for ($i= 0; $i<21; $i++){ $spamlevel[]= $i; } return($spamlevel); } /*! \brief Returns the list of configured mailbox folders @return Array The mailbox folders. */ public function getMailboxList() { return(array("INBOX")); } /*! \brief Returns whether the vacation range is selectable or not @return Boolean TRUE, FALSE */ public function vacationRangeEnabled() { return($this->enableVacationRange); } /*! \brief Returns true if the sieveManagement is allowed @return Boolean TRUE, FALSE */ public function allowSieveManagement() { return($this->enableSieveManager); } /*! \brief Checks dependencies to other GOsa plugins. */ public function accountCreateable(&$reason = ""){ return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Checks whether this account is removeable or not. There may be some dependencies left, eg. kolab. */ public function accountRemoveable(&$reason = ""){ return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Returns all mail servers configured in GOsa that are useable with this mailMethod. @return Array All useable mail servers. */ public function getMailServers() { $mailserver = array(); $ui = get_userinfo(); foreach ($this->config->data['SERVERS']['IMAP'] as $key => $val){ if( $this->MailServer == $key || preg_match("/r/",$ui->get_permissions($val['server_dn'],"server/goImapServer",""))){ $mailserver[]= $key; } } return($mailserver); } /*! \brief Returns the available mailMethods @return Array A list of all avaialable mailMethods_ */ static protected function get_methods() { global $class_mapping; $available = array(); foreach($class_mapping as $class => $path){ if($class == "mailMethod") continue; if(preg_match("/^mailMethod/",$class)){ $available[$class] = $class; } } return($available); } /* \brief Some method require special folder types, "kolab" for example. !! Those values are dummy values, the base class doesn't use folder types; @return Array Return folder types. */ public function getAvailableFolderTypes() { $ret = array(); $ret['CAT'][''] = _("None"); $ret['SUB_CAT'][''][''] = _("None"); return($ret); } /* \brief Returns the selected folder type. !! Those values are dummy values, the base class doesn't use folder types; @return Array The folde type. */ public function getFolderType($default) { return($default); } /* \brief Returns the selected folder type. !! Those values are dummy values, the base class doesn't use folder types; @return Array The folde type. */ public function setFolderType($type) { return(TRUE) ; } /*! \brief Returns configured acls */ public function getFolderACLs($folder_acls) { /* Merge given ACL with acl mapping This ensures that no ACL will accidentally overwritten by gosa. */ foreach($folder_acls as $user => $acl){ if(!isset($this->acl_mapping[$acl])){ $this->acl_mapping[$acl] = $acl; } } return($folder_acls); } /*! \brief Write ACLs back to imap or what ever */ public function setFolderACLs($array) { return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Returns a list of all possible acls. @return Array ACLs. */ public function getAclTypes() { return( $this->acl_mapping); } public function folderTypesEnabled() { return($this->enableFolderTypes); } public function allow_remove(&$reason) { return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Returns the configured mailMethod @return String the configured mail method or "" */ static public function get_current_method($config) { global $class_mapping; $method= $config->get_cfg_value("mailmethod"); $cls = get_correct_class_name("mailMethod$method"); foreach($class_mapping as $class => $path){ if($class == $cls){ return($class); } } return(""); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>