get_cfg_value("mailAttribute") != ""){ $new_uattrib= strtolower($config->get_cfg_value("mailAttribute")); if(in_array($new_uattrib,array("mail","uid"))){ $this->uattrib = $new_uattrib; }else{ trigger_error(sprintf("Unsupported 'mailAttribute' in gosa configuration specified, use 'mail' or 'uid', instead of '%s'.", $new_uattrib)); } } /* Create the account prefix user. user/ Preset folder prefix. Will change it later to respect altnamespace. */ if ($config->get_cfg_value("cyrusUseSlashes") == "true"){ $this->user_prefix= "user/"; } $this->config= $config->data['SERVERS']['IMAP']; } function connect($gosaMailServer) { $cfg=array(); /* Connect to IMAP server. I don't want to see these warning here... */ $this->gosaMailServer= $gosaMailServer; if (!isset($this->config[$gosaMailServer])){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), _("Mail server for this account is invalid!"), WARNING_DIALOG); } else { $cfg= $this->config[$gosaMailServer]; } /* For some reason, hiding errors with @ does not wor here... */ if(!isset($cfg['connect'])) $cfg['connect']=""; if(!isset($cfg['admin'])) $cfg['admin']=""; if(!isset($cfg['password'])) $cfg['password']=""; /* Setting connect timeout to 10 seconds, else the GOsa UI may freeze for 60 seconds. (PHP default is 'default_socket_timeout = 60') */ imap_timeout(1, 10 ); $this->mbox = @imap_open($cfg['connect'], $cfg['admin'], $cfg['password'], OP_HALFOPEN); /* Mailbox reachable? */ if ($this->mbox === FALSE){ msg_dialog::display(_("IMAP error"), _("Cannot store mail settings on IMAP server!"), ERROR_DIALOG); return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } function disconnect() { imap_close ($this->mbox); } function getQuota($folder) { $result= array('quotaUsage' => '', 'gosaMailQuota' => ''); /* Load quota settings */ error_reporting (0); $quota_value = @imap_get_quota($this->mbox, $folder); if(is_array($quota_value)) { if (isset($quota_value["STORAGE"]) && is_array($quota_value["STORAGE"])){ /* use for PHP >= 4.3 */ if($quota_value["STORAGE"]['limit'] == 2147483647){ $result['quotaUsage']= (int) ($quota_value["STORAGE"]['usage'] / 1024); $result['gosaMailQuota']= (int) ($quota_value["STORAGE"]['limit'] ); }else{ $result['quotaUsage']= (int) ($quota_value["STORAGE"]['usage'] / 1024); $result['gosaMailQuota']= (int) ($quota_value["STORAGE"]['limit'] / 1024); } } else { /* backward icompatible */ if($quota_value['usage'] == 2147483647){ $result['quotaUsage']= (int) ($quota_value['usage'] / 1024); $result['gosaMailQuota']= (int) ($quota_value['limit'] ); }else{ $result['quotaUsage']= (int) ($quota_value['usage'] / 1024); $result['gosaMailQuota']= (int) ($quota_value['limit'] / 1024); } } }elseif(!$quota_value){ /* If there is no quota defined for this account, the function imap_get_quota returns false. */ return(array("quotaUsage"=>"","gosaMailQuota"=>"")); } error_reporting (E_ALL | E_STRICT); return ($result); } /* return all folders of the users mailbox*/ function getMailboxList($folder, $uid) { global $config; $result = array(); /* Get domain an mail address if uid is an mail address */ $domain = ""; if(preg_match("/@/",$folder)){ $domain = "@".preg_replace("/^.*@/","",$folder); $folder = preg_replace("/@.*$/","",$folder); } /* Get list of mailboxes for combo box */ $cfg= $this->config[$this->gosaMailServer]; /* Create search pattern (user/kekse* user.kekse* user.kekse* ) depending on given folder name) */ $q = $folder."*".$domain; $list = imap_listmailbox($this->mbox, $cfg["connect"], $q); /* Create list of returned folder names */ if (is_array($list)){ foreach ($list as $val){ /* Cut domain name */ $val = preg_replace("/@.*$/","",$val); $result[]=preg_replace ("/^.*".preg_quote($folder)."/","INBOX", mb_convert_encoding($val, "UTF-8", "UTF7-IMAP")); } } /* Append "INBOX" to the folder array if result is empty and request comes from user dialog */ if(empty($result) && !empty($uid)){ $result[] = "INBOX"; } return ($result); } function updateMailbox($folder) { /* Check if mailbox exists */ $cfg= $this->config[$this->gosaMailServer]; $list = imap_listmailbox($this->mbox, $cfg["connect"], $folder); if ($list === FALSE){ if (!imap_createmailbox($this->mbox, $cfg["connect"]. $folder)){ msg_dialog::display(_("IMAP error"), sprintf(_("Cannot create IMAP mailbox: %s"), '

'.imap_last_error().''), ERROR_DIALOG); return; } } } function setQuota($folder, $gosaMailQuota) { /* Workaround for the php imap extension */ if (($gosaMailQuota == "") || ($gosaMailQuota== "2147483647")){ $gosaMailQuota= "2147483647"; }elseif($gosaMailQuota > 0){ $gosaMailQuota = $gosaMailQuota *1024; } /* Write mail quota */ if (!imap_set_quota($this->mbox, $folder, $gosaMailQuota)){ msg_dialog::display(_("IMAP error"), sprintf(_("Cannot modify IMAP mailbox quota: %s"), '

'.imap_last_error().''), ERROR_DIALOG); return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } function setSharedFolderPermissions($folder, $permissions) { /* Get list of subfolders */ $folders= $this->getMailboxList($folder, ""); $folders[]= $folder; foreach ($folders as $subfolder){ /* Set shared folder acl's */ if (function_exists('imap_getacl')){ /* Remove all acl's for this folder */ $users= @imap_getacl ($this->mbox, $subfolder); if(is_array($users)){ foreach ($users as $userid => $perms){ imap_setacl ($this->mbox, $subfolder, $userid, ""); } } } else { msg_dialog::display(_("Internal error"), _("Cannot remove IMAP ACL: imap_getacl not implemented!"), ERROR_DIALOG); } /* Set permissions for this folder */ foreach ($permissions as $user => $acl){ imap_setacl ($this->mbox, $subfolder, $user, $acl); } } } function getSharedFolderPermissions($folder) { $result= array(); /* imap_getacl available? */ if (!function_exists('imap_getacl')){ msg_dialog::display(_("Internal error"), _("Cannot retrieve IMAP ACL: imap_getacl not implemented!"), ERROR_DIALOG); } /* Get permissions in case of shared folders */ else { $users= imap_getacl ($this->mbox, $folder); foreach ($users as $userid => $perms){ $result[preg_replace('/^user\./', '', $userid)]= $perms; } } return ($result); } function deleteMailbox($folder) { $cfg= $this->config[$this->gosaMailServer]; imap_setacl ($this->mbox, $folder, $cfg["admin"], "lrswipcda"); if (!imap_deletemailbox($this->mbox, $cfg["connect"].$folder)){ msg_dialog::display(_("IMAP error"), sprintf(_('Cannot remove IMAP mailbox: %s'), '

'.imap_last_error().''), ERROR_DIALOG); return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } function configureFilter($user, $gosaMailDeliveryMode, $mail, $gosaMailAlternateAddress, $gosaMailMaxSize, $gosaSpamMailbox, $gosaSpamSortLevel, $gosaVacationMessage) { $cfg= $this->config[$this->gosaMailServer]; /* Build spamlevel. Spamassassin tags mails with "*" for each integer point of spam. So a spam level of 5.3 gets "*****" which can be checked easily by spam filters */ $spamlevel= ""; for ($i= 0; $i<$gosaSpamSortLevel; $i++){ $spamlevel .= "*"; } /* Log into the mail server */ $sieve= new sieve($cfg["sieve_server"], $cfg["sieve_port"], $user, $cfg["password"], $cfg["admin"],$cfg["sieve_option"]); if (!$sieve->sieve_login()){ msg_dialog::display(_("SIEVE error"), sprintf(_("Cannot log into SIEVE server: %s"), '

'.to_string($sieve->error_raw).''), ERROR_DIALOG); return; } /* Load current script from server and remove everything between the comments "###GOSA" */ $script= ""; if($sieve->sieve_listscripts()){ if (in_array("gosa", $sieve->response)){ /* get old GOsa script */ if(!$sieve->sieve_getscript("gosa")){ msg_dialog::display(_("SIEVE error"), sprintf(_("Cannot retrieve SIEVE script: %s"), '

'.to_string($sieve->error_raw).''), ERROR_DIALOG); return; } foreach ($sieve->response as $line){ if (preg_match ("/^###GOSA/", $line)){ break; } $line= rtrim($line); if (!preg_match ('/^\s*$/', $line)){ $script .= $line."\n"; } } } } /* Only create a new one, if it is not empty */ if (is_integer(strpos($gosaMailDeliveryMode, "R")) || is_integer(strpos($gosaMailDeliveryMode, "C")) || !is_integer(strpos($gosaMailDeliveryMode, "L")) || is_integer(strpos($gosaMailDeliveryMode, "V")) || is_integer(strpos($gosaMailDeliveryMode, "S"))){ $text= preg_replace('/"/', '\\"', implode ("", file(CONFIG_DIR."/sieve-header.txt"))); eval ("\$script.=\"$text\";"); } /* Add anti-spam code */ if (is_integer(strpos($gosaMailDeliveryMode, "S"))){ $spambox= $gosaSpamMailbox; $text= preg_replace('/"/', '\\"', implode ("", file(CONFIG_DIR."/sieve-spam.txt"))); eval ("\$script.=\"$text\";"); } /* Add "reject due to mailsize" code, message is currently not adjustable through GOsa. */ if (is_integer(strpos($gosaMailDeliveryMode, "R"))){ $maxsize= $gosaMailMaxSize; $text= preg_replace('/"/', '\\"', implode ("", file(CONFIG_DIR."/sieve-mailsize.txt"))); eval ("\$script.=\"$text\";"); } /* Add vacation information */ if (is_integer(strpos($gosaMailDeliveryMode, "V"))){ /* Sieve wants all destination addresses for the vacation message, so we've to assemble them from mail and mailAlternateAddress */ $addrlist= "\"".$mail."\""; foreach ($gosaMailAlternateAddress as $val){ $addrlist .= ", \"$val\""; } $vacmsg= $gosaVacationMessage; $text= preg_replace('/"/', '\\"', implode ("", file(CONFIG_DIR."/sieve-vacation.txt"))); eval ("\$script.=\"$text\";"); } /* If no local delivery is wanted, tell the script to discard the mail */ if (!is_integer(strpos($gosaMailDeliveryMode, "L"))){ $text= preg_replace('/"/', '\\"', implode ("", file(CONFIG_DIR."/sieve-discard.txt"))); eval ("\$script.=\"$text\";"); } /* Just be aware of null scripts... */ if (!isset ($script)){ $script= ""; } /* Upload script and make it the default one */ if (!$sieve->sieve_sendscript("gosa", $script)){ msg_dialog::display(_("SIEVE error"), sprintf(_("Cannot store SIEVE script: %s"), '

'.to_string($sieve->error_raw).''), ERROR_DIALOG); return; } if(!$sieve->sieve_setactivescript("gosa")){ msg_dialog::display(_("SIEVE error"), sprintf(_("Cannot activate SIEVE script: %s"), '

'.to_string($sieve->error_raw).''), ERROR_DIALOG); return; } $sieve->sieve_logout(); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>