0x00000001 , // Pohibit postdated tickets "DISALLOW_FORWARDABLE" =>0x00000002 , // Prohibit forwardable tickets "DISALLOW_TGT_BASED" =>0x00000004 , // Disallow Ticket-Granting Service "DISALLOW_RENEWABLE" =>0x00000008 , // Prohibit renewable tickets "DISALLOW_PROXIABLE" =>0x00000010 , // Disallow proxiable tickets "DISALLOW_DUP_SKEY" =>0x00000020 , // Disallow user to user authentification "DISALLOW_ALL_TIX" =>0x00000040 , // Forbid ticket issuance "REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH" =>0x00000080 , // Preauthentication required "REQUIRES_HW_AUTH" =>0x00000100 , // Hardware preauthentication "REQUIRES_PWCHANGE" =>0x00000200 , // Force a password change "UNKNOWN_0x00000400" =>0x00000400 , // ? "UNKNOWN_0x00000800" =>0x00000800 , // ? "DISALLOW_SVR" =>0x00001000 , // Prohibit issuance of service tickets "PWCHANGE_SERVICE" =>0x00002000 , // Password change service "SUPPORT_DESMD5" =>0x00004000 , // ? "NEW_PRINC" =>0x00008000 ); // ? var $used_flags = 128; // Flags, see below var $readonly = array( "FAIL_AUTH_COUNT", // The number of failed logins "KVNO", // Key version number "LAST_FAILED", // Last failed login time "LAST_PWD_CHANGE", // Password last change time "LAST_SUCCESS", // Last successful login "MOD_DATE"); // Last modification time var $FAIL_AUTH_COUNT = 0; var $KVNO = ""; var $LAST_FAILED = 0; var $LAST_PWD_CHANGE = 0; var $LAST_SUCCESS = 0; var $MOD_DATE = 0; var $POLICY = ""; var $POLICIES = array(); // Policies provided by the corrently selected realm/server public function __construct(&$config,$dn = "new") { $this->config= $config; $this->parent_dn = $dn; /* No config object given, this may be the case if there is only a is_available() request triggered. */ if(!is_object($config)){ return; } /* Keep the cached valued and skip loading principals from si until this method gets configured. */ $skip_si_access = TRUE; if($dn != "new" && $dn != ""){ session::un_set("MIT_CACHE"); session::un_set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE"); session::un_set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE"); $skip_si_access = FALSE; } /* Get a list of all kerberos servers, defined in ldap and get a list of principals they are providing. */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=goServer)(objectClass=goKrbServer))",array("goKrbRealm","cn","description","macAddress")); $this->server_list = array(); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ if(!isset($attrs['macAddress'][0])) continue; if(!isset($attrs['description'][0])) $attrs['description'][0] =""; if($skip_si_access){ $principals = array(); }else{ $principals = $this->load_principals_for_server($attrs['macAddress'][0]); } /* Create Realm/Server/Principal mapping. */ foreach($principals as $principal){ $this->map["PRINCIPAL_SERVER"][$principal] = $attrs['cn'][0]; $this->map["PRINCIPAL_REALM"] [$principal] = $attrs['goKrbRealm'][0]; } $this->map["SERVER_REALM"][$attrs['cn'][0]] = $attrs['goKrbRealm'][0]; $this->map["REALM_SERVER"][$attrs['goKrbRealm'][0]] = $attrs['cn'][0]; /* Set first realm as selected. */ if($this->goKrbRealm == ""){ $this->goKrbRealm = $attrs['goKrbRealm'][0]; } /* Create Server list */ $this->server_list[$attrs['cn'][0]] = array("macAddress" => $attrs['macAddress'][0], "description"=> $attrs['description'][0], "dn" => $attrs['dn'], "principals" => $principals, "goKrbRealm" => $attrs['goKrbRealm'][0], "cn" => $attrs['cn'][0]); } /* If this methods is initialized with a valid object dn then load the object data from ldap and the SI daemon && initialize this class. */ $this->is_new = TRUE; if(!$skip_si_access){ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->cat($dn); $this->attrs = $ldap->fetch(); /* Set initial pwd hash which take effect if no password method was set yet. Will be overwritten by the following lines, if the user has already a valid principal. */ $this->principal = $this->attrs['uid'][0]."@".$this->goKrbRealm; if(isset($this->attrs['userPassword']) && preg_match("/^\{".$this->get_hash_name()."\}/",$this->attrs['userPassword'][0])){ /* Extract principal name out of userPassword attribute */ $p_name = preg_replace("/^\{".$this->get_hash_name()."\}/","",$this->attrs['userPassword'][0]); /* Try to detect server our principal is configured on */ if(isset($this->map['PRINCIPAL_SERVER'][$p_name])){ $server= $this->map['PRINCIPAL_SERVER'][$p_name]; $this->goKrbRealm = $this->map['SERVER_REALM'][$server]; $this->principal = $p_name; /* Load policies */ $server_name = $this->map['REALM_SERVER'][$this->goKrbRealm]; $server_mac = $this->server_list[$server_name]['macAddress']; $this->POLICIES = $this->load_policies_for_server($server_mac); /* Load principal */ $this->load_principal($this->server_list[$server]['macAddress'],$p_name); $this->is_new = FALSE; } } } } /*! \brief Load a specific principal from the si daemon and initialize this plugin with it. @param String The macAddress of the kerberos server. @param String The name of the principal to load. */ public function load_principal($server,$name) { $o = new gosaSupportDaemon(); $tmp = array(); $tmp = $o->krb5_get_principal($server,$name); if($o->is_error()){ $this->si_error = TRUE; $this->si_error_msg = sprintf(_("While loading principal for '%s', from server '%s'."),$name,$server).": 
".$o->get_error(); msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ /* Load flags */ if(isset($tmp['ATTRIBUTES'])){ $this->used_flags = $tmp['ATTRIBUTES']; } /* Load readonly attributes */ foreach($this->readonly as $attr){ if(isset($tmp[$attr])){ $this->$attr = $tmp[$attr]; } } /* Load modifyable attributes */ foreach($this->values as $attr){ if(isset($tmp[$attr])){ $this->$attr = $tmp[$attr]; } } /* Update time checkboxes */ $date_values = array("PW_EXPIRATION","PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME"); foreach($date_values as $value){ if(!empty($this->$value)){ $clear = $value."_clear"; $this->$clear = FALSE; } } } } /*! \brief Get the list of all configured principals for a given server. @param String The servers mac address. @return Array A list with all principals The results will cached. */ public function load_principals_for_server($server) { if(!session::is_set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE")){ session::set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE",array()); } $cache = session::get("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE"); if(!isset($cache[$server])){ $o = new gosaSupportDaemon(); $tmp = $o->krb5_list_principals($server); if($o->is_error()){ $this->si_error = TRUE; $this->si_error_msg = sprintf(_("While loading principals from server '%s'."),$server).": 
".$o->get_error(); msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); return(array()); }else{ $cache[$server] = $tmp; } session::set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE",$cache); } return($cache[$server]); } /*! \brief get list of all configured policies for a given server. The results will cached. */ public function load_policies_for_server($server) { if(!session::is_set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE")){ session::set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE",array()); } $cache = session::get("MIT_POLICY_CACHE"); if(!isset($cache[$server])){ $o = new gosaSupportDaemon(); $tmp = $o->krb5_list_policies($server); if($o->is_error()){ $this->si_error = TRUE; $this->si_error_msg = sprintf(_("While loading policies from server '%s'."),$server).": 
".$o->get_error(); msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); return(array()); }else{ $cache[$server] = array(); $cache[$server]["_none_"] = _("none"); foreach($tmp as $policy){ $cache[$server][$policy] = $policy; } ksort($cache[$server]); } session::set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE",$cache); } return($cache[$server]); } /*! \brief Check if this password method is useable. This is the case if there is a si server running and at least one server configured. kerberos support. */ public function is_available() { $o = new gosaSupportDaemon(FALSE); if(count($this->server_list) && $o->connect()){ return TRUE; } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief Create the password hash. In this case: {kerberos/sasl}name@RELAM @param String The password -in this case unusued. @return String The generated hash */ public function generate_hash($pwd = "") { $mode= "kerberos"; if (isset($this->config->current['KRBSASL']) && preg_match('/^true$/i', $this->config->current['KRBSASL'])){ $mode= "sasl"; } return "{".$mode."}".$this->attrs['uid'][0]."@".$this->goKrbRealm; } /*! \brief Removes this principal. */ public function remove_from_parent() { if(!empty($this->principal) && $this->goKrbRealm){ $server = $this->map['REALM_SERVER'][$this->goKrbRealm]; $o = new gosaSupportDaemon(); if(!$o->krb5_del_principal($this->server_list[$server]['macAddress'],$this->principal)){ $this->si_error = TRUE; $this->si_error_msg = $o->get_error(); msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); } } } /*! \brief Set a new password for this principal @param String The new password. */ public function set_password($password) { if(!empty($this->principal) && $this->goKrbRealm){ $server = $this->map['REALM_SERVER'][$this->goKrbRealm]; $o = new gosaSupportDaemon(); if(!$o->krb5_set_password($this->server_list[$server]['macAddress'],$this->principal,$password)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); } } } /*! \brief Return the hash name of this mehtod, e.g. to identify methods. @return String The hash used by this method. */ public function get_hash_name() { $mode= "kerberos"; if (isset($this->config->current['KRBSASL']) && preg_match('/^true$/i', $this->config->current['KRBSASL'])){ $mode= "sasl"; } return "$mode"; } /*! \brief Returns TRUE if this method is configurable else FALSE @retrun Boolena TRUE if configurable, else FALSE. */ public function is_configurable() { return TRUE; } /*! \brief Additional info displayed in the users password method drop down. @retunr String Additional password method info. */ public function get_description() { return(_("Daemon based")); } /*! \brief Display a HTML based configuration dialog for this plugin @return String HTML. */ public function configure() { $this->save_object(); $years = array(); $start = date("Y")-1; for($i = $start; $i < ($start +20) ; $i++){ $years[$i] = $i; } $month= array(); for($i = 1; $i <= 12 ; $i++){ $month[str_pad($i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT)] = $i; } $days= array(); for($i = 1; $i <= 31 ; $i++){ $days[str_pad($i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT)] = $i; } $hours= array(); for($i = 0; $i <= 23 ; $i++){ $hours[str_pad($i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT)] = $i; } $minutes= array(); for($i = 0; $i <= 59 ; $i++){ $minutes[str_pad($i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT)] = $i; } /* Cancel heimdal options */ if (isset($_POST['pw_abort']) || $this->display == FALSE){ $this->display = FALSE; return(""); } /* Cancel heimdal options */ if (isset($_POST['pw_save'])){ $msgs = $this->check(); if(count($msgs)){ foreach($msgs as $msg){ msg_dialog::display(_("Heimdal"),$msg,WARNING_DIALOG); } }else{ $this->display = FALSE; return ""; } } $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("si_error",$this->si_error); $smarty->assign("si_error_msg",$this->si_error_msg); $smarty->assign("years",$years); $smarty->assign("month",$month); $smarty->assign("days",$days); $smarty->assign("hours",$hours); $smarty->assign("minutes",$minutes); $smarty->assign("server_list",$this->server_list); $smarty->assign("POLICY" ,$this->POLICY); $smarty->assign("goKrbRealm" , $this->goKrbRealm); $server_name = $this->map['REALM_SERVER'][$this->goKrbRealm]; $server_mac = $this->server_list[$server_name]['macAddress']; $this->POLICIES = $this->load_policies_for_server($server_mac); $smarty->assign("POLICIES" ,$this->POLICIES); foreach($this->values as $attr){ $smarty->assign($attr ,$this->$attr); } foreach($this->readonly as $attr){ $smarty->assign($attr ,$this->$attr); } foreach($this->flags as $attr => $hex){ $smarty->assign($attr, ($this->used_flags & $hex )); } $date_values = array("PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME","PW_EXPIRATION"); foreach($date_values as $date_val){ $clear = $date_val."_clear"; $smarty->assign($date_val."_clear",$this->$clear); $smarty->assign($date_val."_y",date("Y",$this->$date_val)); $smarty->assign($date_val."_m",date("m",$this->$date_val)); $smarty->assign($date_val."_d",date("d",$this->$date_val)); $smarty->assign($date_val."_h",date("h",$this->$date_val)); $smarty->assign($date_val."_i",date("i",$this->$date_val)); } return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("pwd_kerberos_mit.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__)))); } /*! \brief Saves all relevant HTML posts for this plugin */ public function save_object() { /* If the communication with the si server failed, you are able to retry to connect to the server. Here we hanlde those requests. */ if(isset($_POST['retry_si'])){ $this->si_error= FALSE; $this->si_error_msg= ""; session::un_set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE"); session::un_set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE"); $this->__construct($this->config,$this->parent_dn); } /* Only handle posts for this plugin, it its content was posted */ if(isset($_POST['pwd_heimdal_posted'])){ if(isset($_POST['goKrbRealm'])){ $this->goKrbRealm = get_post("goKrbRealm"); } $this->used_flags = 0; foreach($this->flags as $attr => $hex){ if(isset($_POST[$attr])){ $this->used_flags |= $hex; } } foreach(array("MAX_LIFE","MAX_RENEWABLE_LIFE","POLICY") as $attr){ if(isset($_POST[$attr])){ $this->$attr = get_post($attr); } } $date_values = array("PW_EXPIRATION","PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME"); foreach($date_values as $date_value){ $clear = $date_value."_clear"; if(isset($_POST[$date_value."_clear"])){ $this->$clear = TRUE; }else{ $this->$clear = FALSE; $this->$date_value = gmmktime( $_POST[$date_value."_h"], $_POST[$date_value."_i"], 0, $_POST[$date_value."_m"], $_POST[$date_value."_d"], $_POST[$date_value."_y"]); } } } } /*! \brief Checks the values specified in the configuration dialog. @return Array Containing all error messages. */ public function check() { $message = array(); if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/",$this->MAX_LIFE)){ $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Ticket max life"),$this->MAX_LIFE,"/[0-9]/"); } if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/",$this->MAX_RENEWABLE_LIFE)){ $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Ticket max renew"),$this->MAX_RENEWABLE_LIFE,"/[0-9]/"); } return($message); } /*! \brief Saves changes back to the SI daemon. */ public function save($dn) { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->cat($dn,array('uid')); $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); if(isset($attrs['uid'][0])){ /* Get servers mac */ $server_name = $this->map['REALM_SERVER'][$this->goKrbRealm]; $server_mac = $this->server_list[$server_name]['macAddress']; $uid = $attrs['uid'][0]; $principal = $uid."@".strtoupper($this->goKrbRealm); $policy = $this->POLICY; /* Collect flags */ $flags = array(); $entry = array(); $entry['ATTRIBUTES'] = $this->used_flags; /* Append other values */ foreach($this->values as $attr){ if($attr == "POLICY") continue; $entry[$attr] = $this->$attr; } /* Prepare entry to be saved */ if($policy != "_none_"){ $entry['POLICY'] = $policy; } /* Set date values */ $date_values = array("PW_EXPIRATION","PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME"); foreach($date_values as $value){ $clear = $value."_clear"; if($this->$clear){ $entry[$value] = 0; } } /* Save principal changes */ $o = new gosaSupportDaemon(); if(in_array($principal,$this->server_list[$server_name]['principals'])){ $this->is_new = FALSE; } if($this->is_new){ $o->krb5_add_principal($server_mac,$principal,$entry); }else{ $o->krb5_set_principal($server_mac,$principal,$entry); } if($o->is_error()){ $this->si_error = TRUE; $this->si_error_msg = $o->get_error(); msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); } } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>