ppdManager->loadProperties($this->selectedPPD['link']); var $ppdList = array(); // Contains all Printer models var $ppdListHeader = array(); // Contains all printer vendors /* Paths */ var $pathToPPD = ""; // Base path, defined in gosa.conf e.g. "/var/spool/ppd/" var $pathToModified = "modified/"; // used to store the modified ppds /* Object Info */ var $cn = "" ; // Used to tag the ppds modified by the printer object, /* If there is already a ppd file for the same type of printer, * remember the path to ppd file and display a dialog which allows * to overwrite the current ppd file. */ var $add_ppd_later = ""; var $add_later_msg_dialog = NULL; function printerPPDDialog (&$config, $dn= NULL, $ppdfile=NULL ) { plugin::plugin ($config, $dn); $this->depselect = $this->config->current['BASE']; /* Get PPD path and remove double //, and add trailing / */ $config = session::get('config'); if(isset($config->data['MAIN']['PPD_PATH'])){ $this->pathToPPD = $config->data['MAIN']['PPD_PATH']; $this->pathToPPD= preg_replace("/\/\//", "/", $this->pathToPPD); if(!preg_match("/\/$/",$this->pathToPPD)){ $this->pathToPPD = $this->pathToPPD."/"; } }else{ $this->pathToPPD = ""; } /* It seams that we have an existing PPD path, so go on */ if(!((!is_dir($this->pathToPPD))||(empty($this->pathToPPD)))){ /* Load all available PPD files and sort them into an array */ $this->ppdManager= new ppdManager($this->pathToPPD); $this->getPrinterReload (); /* The user has already a valid PPD assigned * Get some informations about this PPD * and set it as selected. * The ppdpath ['link'] should be relative from .../ppd/modified/ * e.g. "/Compaq/Compaq-J1200.ppd" */ if(($ppdfile!== NULL)&&(strlen($ppdfile)>0)){ $ppdfile = preg_replace("#".$this->pathToModified."#","",$ppdfile); if(!file_exists($this->pathToPPD.$this->pathToModified.$ppdfile)){ msg_dialog(_("PPD error"), sprintf(_("Cannot open PPD '%s'!"), $ppdfile), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $res = $this->ppdManager->loadDescription($this->pathToPPD.$this->pathToModified.$ppdfile); if($res){ $tmp = split("\n",$res); $tmp3 = array(); $tmp3['name'] = trim(preg_replace("/^\-/","",trim($tmp[1]))); $tmp3['link'] = $ppdfile; $tmp3['ppd'] = $res; } $this->selectedPPD = $tmp3; } } } } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Fill templating stuff */ $display= ""; $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("ppdString", _("Can't get ppd informations.")); $smarty->assign("showOptions", ""); /* Check these paths */ $paths = array($this->pathToPPD, $this->pathToPPD.$this->pathToModified); /* If one of our required paths is not available, stop here and display some info */ foreach($paths as $path){ /* Check if path is write/readable*/ $is_r = @is_readable($path); if(((!is_dir($path))||(empty($path)) || (!$is_r)) && (!@mkdir($path))){ msg_dialog(_("Configuration error"), sprintf(_("Cannot open PPD path '%s' for reading and wrinting!"), $path), ERROR_DIALOG); /* Print out template */ $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('printerPPDDialog.tpl', TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); return($display); } } // PPD selection / upload / dialog handling /* Is there a new PPD file uploaded ? */ if((isset($_FILES['NewPPDFile']))&&(isset($_POST['SubmitNewPPDFile']))){ $file = ($_FILES['NewPPDFile']); if($file['size'] != 0 ){ if($name = $this->AddPPD($file['tmp_name'])){ $this->SelectPPD($name); } }else{ msg_dialog(_("PPD error"), msgPool::incorrectUpload(_("file is empty")), ERROR_DIALOG); } } /* Overwrite existing PPD file and select it as currently used for this object */ if(is_object($this->add_later_msg_dialog) && ($this->add_later_msg_dialog->is_confirmed()) && $this->add_ppd_later != ""){ if($name = $this->AddPPD($this->add_ppd_later,TRUE)){ $this->SelectPPD($name); } $this->add_ppd_later = ""; $this->add_later_msg_dialog = NULL; } /* Open a dialog that allow us to select different PPDs */ if(isset($_POST['SelectPPD'])){ $this->dialog= new printerPPDSelectionDialog($this->config,$this->dn,$this->ppdList,$this->ppdListHeader,$this->selectedPPD); } /* The selection dialog fpr PPDs is canceled */ if(isset($_POST['ClosePPDSelection'])){ unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog=FALSE; } /* Div Selection */ if((isset($_GET['act']))&&($_GET['act']=="use")){ $this->SelectPPD(base64_decode($_GET['id'])); unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog=FALSE; } /* if a dialog is open, print the dialog instead of this class */ if(is_object($this->dialog)){ $display = $this->dialog->execute(); return($display); } // ENDE PPD selection / upload / dialog handling /* Give smarty the information it needs */ $smarty->assign("ppdString" ,$this->getPPDInformation()); $tmp= $this->generateProperties(); if ($tmp == ""){ $smarty->assign("showOptions", 0); } else { $smarty->assign("showOptions", 1); $smarty->assign("properties",$this->generateProperties()); } /* Print out template */ $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('printerPPDDialog.tpl', TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); return($display); } /* Select PPD */ function SelectPPD($name) { /* Replace base path we don't need it here The path we need looks like this : "/Vendor/ModellName.ppd"; thats all */ $name = preg_replace("#".$this->pathToPPD."#","",$name); /* Intialise some base vars */ $AbsoluteSourceName = $this->pathToPPD.$name; $AbsoluteDestinationPath = $this->pathToPPD.$this->pathToModified; $Vendor = ""; // Vendor $Name = ""; // Name $Modell = ""; // Modell $PrinterName = ""; // The new name of the printer $PPDName = ""; /* Force reload of config dialog */ $this->ppdConfig = false; $this->selectedPPD['link'] = false; /* Get PPD informations and set vendor / modell / name */ if((!file_exists($AbsoluteSourceName)) || (!is_readable($AbsoluteSourceName))){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't select PPD file '%s', the file is not readable"),$AbsoluteSourceName)); return; } $res = $this->ppdManager->loadDescription($AbsoluteSourceName); if($res){ $tmp = split("\n",$res); $Name = trim(preg_replace("/^\-/","",trim($tmp[1]))); $Vendor = trim($tmp[0]); $Model = trim(preg_replace("/".$Vendor."/","",$Name)); } $PrinterName = $this->cn."-".preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9-_\.]/i","_",$Name); $PPDName = $Vendor."/".$PrinterName.".ppd"; /* Create the vendors path, if it doesn't exists already */ if(!is_dir($AbsoluteDestinationPath.$Vendor)){ if(!(@mkdir($AbsoluteDestinationPath.$Vendor))){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't create folder '%s' for the uploaded ppd file."),$AbsoluteDestinationPath.$Vendor)); return(false); } } /* Create destination file handle */ $fp = @fopen($AbsoluteDestinationPath.$PPDName,"w+"); if(!$fp){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't create file '%s' to store modifed ppd informations."),$AbsoluteDestinationPath.$PPDName)); return(false); } $str = file_get_contents($AbsoluteSourceName); fputs($fp,$str); @fclose($fp); //$this->ppdManager->updateAttribute($filename,"NO_SECTION","ModelName",$printerName); $tmp3['link'] =$PPDName; $this->selectedPPD = $tmp3; $this->getPrinterReload(); return($PPDName); } /* This function adds a new ppd file to the list of available ppds. All required paths and files will be created $_PathOnHdd e.g. = /tmp/PHP_tmpfile213452 */ function AddPPD($_PathOnHdd,$overwrite = FALSE) { /* Check if file exists && is readable */ if((!is_file($_PathOnHdd)) || (!is_readable($_PathOnHdd))){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't add new ppd file, the source file '%s' is not accessible."),$_PathOnHdd)); return(false); } /* Reload list to detect changes e.g. a file has been deleted */ $this->getPrinterReload(); /* Get Description from ppd, & parse out some informations */ $res = @$this->ppdManager->loadDescription($_PathOnHdd); if($res){ $tmp = split("\n",$res); $name = trim(preg_replace("/^\-/","",trim($tmp[1]))); $vendor = trim($tmp[0]); $model = trim(preg_replace("/".$vendor."/","",$name)); } /* Check if parse was successfull */ if(empty($name) || empty($vendor)){ print_red(sprintf(_("The given ppd file '%s' seams to be invalid, can't get any model or vendor informations."),$_PathOnHdd)); return(false); } /* Prepare list of ppds */ if(!isset($this->ppdList[$vendor])){ $this->ppdList[$vendor] = array(); } /* Create ppd file and fill in the source contents */ $ppdname = $vendor."/".$name.".ppd"; $filename = $this->pathToPPD.preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9-_\.\/]/i","_",$ppdname); $filename = $this->pathToPPD.$ppdname; $contents = file_get_contents($_PathOnHdd); /* Check if this ppd already exists */ $found = false; foreach($this->ppdList[$vendor] as $key => $val){ if(preg_match("/".$model.".*/i",$key)){ $found = true; if(!$overwrite){ if(!copy($_PathOnHdd,$_PathOnHdd."_back")){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't add new ppd file, the source file '%s' is not accessible."),$_PathOnHdd)); }else{ $this->add_ppd_later = $_PathOnHdd."_back"; $this->add_later_msg_dialog = new msg_dialog(_("Overwrite existing PPD"), _("There is already a ppd file for this kind of printer. Do you want to overwrite it?"),CONFIRM_DIALOG); } return; } } } /* Create the vendors path, if it doesn't exists already */ if(!is_dir($this->pathToPPD.$vendor)){ if(!(@mkdir($this->pathToPPD.$vendor))){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't create folder '%s' for the uploaded ppd file."),$this->pathToPPD.$vendor)); return(false); } } /* Open file handle */ $fp = fopen($filename,"w+"); /* Check file handle & contents */ if(!$fp){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't save file '%s'."),$filename)); return; } if(empty($contents)){ print_red(_("Uploaded ppd file is empty, can't create new ppd file.")); return; } /* Fille file with data */ fputs($fp,$contents); @fclose($fp); /* Our job is done here */ return($ppdname); } /* This function reloads the list of available printers/vendors $this->ppdListHeader Compaq => 1 $this->ppdList Compaq => Compaq IJ1200 => name => Compaq IJ1200 link => /var/spool/ppd/Compaq/Compaq-J1200.ppd ppd => Compaq - Co */ function getPrinterReload() { if(is_readable($this->pathToPPD)){ $tmp = @$this->ppdManager->getPrinterList(true); $this->ppdListHeader = $this->ppdList = array(); /* Sort all available files, and create header (Vendor index) */ foreach($tmp as $file=>$ppd){ if(preg_match("#".$this->pathToModified."#",$file)) continue; $tmp2 = split("\n",$ppd); if(!isset($this->ppdListHeader[$tmp2[0]])){ $this->ppdListHeader[$tmp2[0]]=0; } $tmp3['name'] =preg_replace("/^ -/","",$tmp2[1]." - ".$tmp2[2]); $tmp3['link'] =$file; $tmp3['ppd'] =$ppd; $this->ppdListHeader[$tmp2[0]]++; $this->ppdList[$tmp2[0]][preg_replace("/^ -/","",$tmp2[1]." - ".$tmp2[2])]=$tmp3; } } } /* Save all options posted from ppd dialog */ function save_object() { if(!((isset($_POST['PPDDisSubmitted'])) && (is_array($this->ppdConfig)))){ return; } foreach($this->ppdConfig as $cat => $obj){ foreach($obj as $attr => $attributes){ if(isset($_POST[base64_encode($attributes['_name'])])){ $this->ppdConfig[$cat][$attr]['_default'] = $_POST[base64_encode($attributes['_name'])]; } } } } /* Save modified ppd */ function save_ppd() { if($this->ppdManager){ $this->ppdManager->saveProperties($this->pathToPPD.$this->pathToModified.$this->selectedPPD['link'],$this->ppdConfig); } } /* Return selected ppd path, if none is selected then false */ function save() { /* return the selected PPD, and in future the selected options too */ return($this->pathToModified.$this->selectedPPD['link']); } /* Get Information for a single PPD entry * This will be shown on top of template */ function getPPDInformation() { $str = "none"; if(!empty($this->selectedPPD)){ $str = $this->ppdManager->loadDescription($this->pathToPPD.$this->pathToModified.$this->selectedPPD['link']); } return($str) ; } /* Display all options from the selected ppd file */ function generateProperties() { /* Set Headline */ $str = ""; $feed= ""; $s_ppd = $this->pathToPPD.$this->pathToModified.$this->selectedPPD['link']; /* If ppd exists and is readable */ if((!empty($this->selectedPPD['link']))&&(file_exists($s_ppd))){ /* If there is no initial Configuration, load it */ if($this->ppdConfig == false){ $this->ppdConfig = $this->ppdManager->loadProperties($s_ppd); } /* Create a table */ $str .= "
"; /* Input all data to the table */ foreach($this->ppdConfig as $cat => $obj){ /* Add new category */ $str .= ""; /* Add attributes of the current category */ foreach($obj as $attr => $settings){ /* Skip all entries beginning with _ */ if($attr[0] == "_") continue; /* Prepare data */ $values = array(); $name = $settings['_name']; if (!isset($settings['_default'])){ $default = ""; } else { $default = $settings['_default']; } $type = $settings['_type']; /* Add name to table */ $str .= "\n"; } } $str .= "
$feed"; if ($feed == ""){ $feed= "
"; } $str .= ""._("Section")." '".$cat."' 
"; $str .= "
\n"; $str .= $name."
\n"; $str .= "
\n"; /* Get all values */ foreach( $settings as $vname => $value){ if($vname[0] != "_"){ $values[$vname]= $value; } } /* preparing Html output * Supported types are PickOne/Boolean */ /* If type is PickOne, create a select box */ if(($type == "PickOne")||(($type=="Boolean")&&(count($values)>1))){ $str .= "\n"; }elseif($type == "Boolean"){ /* If type is Boolean & no values are given */ $str .= "\n"; }else{ print_red(sprintf(_("Unsupported ppd type '%s' used for '%s' "),$type,$name)); } $str .= "
\n"; } return($str); } function removeModifiedPPD() { $path = $this->pathToPPD.$this->pathToModified.$this->selectedPPD['link']; if(file_exists($path)){ if(is_writeable($path)){ if(!@unlink($path)){ print_red(sprintf(_("Removing old ppd file '%s' failed."),$path)); } }else{ print_red(sprintf(_("Removing old ppd file '%s' failed. File is not accessible."),$path)); } }else{ print_red(sprintf(_("Removing old ppd file '%s' failed. File does not exists or is not accessible."),$path)); } } function update_ppd_url() { $this->SelectPPD("modified/".$this->selectedPPD['link']); return("modified/".$this->selectedPPD['link']); } function check() { $message = plugin::check(); if(empty($this->selectedPPD['link'])){ $message[] = _("Please select a valid ppd file or use 'Cancel' to go back to printer configuration."); } return($message); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>