path= $path; }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("PPD manager error"), sprintf(_("The specified path '%s' does not exist."),$path), ERROR_DIALOG); return (false); } } function findPPD($path) { $list= array(); $currentDir= getcwd(); $dh = opendir($path); while(false !== ($file = readdir($dh))){ /* Skip well known files */ if( $file == '.' || $file == '..'){ continue; } /* Recurse through all "common" directories */ if(is_dir($path.'/'.$file)){ $list= array_merge($list, $this->findPPD($path.'/'.$file)); continue; } /* Check for PPD extension */ if (preg_match('/\.ppd$/i', $file)){ $list[]= $path.'/'.$file; } } closedir($dh); chdir ($currentDir); return ($list); } function updateAttribute($file, $section, $attribute, $value) { $fsection= false; $fattribute= false; $section= preg_replace('/^\*/', '', $section); $attribute= preg_replace('/^\*/', '', $attribute); $rp= @fopen($file, "r"); $wp= @fopen("$file.tmp", "w"); while (!feof($rp)){ $lines[]= fgets($rp, 1024); } $ret = ""; $done =false; foreach($lines as $nr => $line){ if (preg_match("/\*OpenGroup:*\s+\**$section\/*/", $line)){ $fsection= true; $ret .=$line; continue; } /* Change model name .. */ if ((preg_match("/^\*".$attribute.":*\s+/",$line)) && ($attribute == "ModelName")){ $line= "*$attribute: \"$value\"\n"; $done =true; } if (($fsection) && ($section != "NO_SECTION")){ if (preg_match("/^\*CloseGroup:*\s+\**$section\/*/", $line)){ $fsection= false; $ret .=$line; continue; } if (preg_match("/^\*OpenUI:*\s+\**$attribute\/*/", $line)){ $fattribute= true; $ret .= $line; continue; } if ($fattribute){ if (preg_match("/^\*CloseUI:*\s+\**$attribute\/*/", $line)){ $fattribute= false; $ret .= $line; continue; } if (preg_match("/^\*Default$attribute:*\s+/", $line)){ $line= "*Default$attribute: $value\n"; $done =true; } } }else{ if (preg_match("/^\*OpenUI:*\s+\**$attribute\/*/", $line)){ $fattribute= true; $ret .= $line; continue; } if ($fattribute){ if (preg_match("/^\*CloseUI:*\s+\**$attribute\/*/", $line)){ $fattribute= false; $ret .= $line; continue; } if (preg_match("/^\*Default$attribute:*\s+/", $line)){ $line= "*Default$attribute: $value\n"; $done =true; } } } $ret .=$line; } fwrite($wp,$ret); fclose($wp); fclose($rp); copy("$file.tmp", "$file"); unlink("$file.tmp"); } function saveProperties($ppdFile, $properties) { if(!is_readable($ppdFile)){ msg_dialog::display(_("PPD manager error"), sprintf(_("Specified PPD file '%s' cannot be opened for reading."),$ppdFile), ERROR_DIALOG); }elseif(!is_writeable(preg_replace("#(^.*/).*$#","\\1",$ppdFile.".tmp"))){ msg_dialog::display(_("PPD manager error"), sprintf(_("The temporary file '%s' cannot be opened for writing."),$ppdFile.".tmp"), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ if(is_array($properties)){ foreach ($properties as $name => $section){ foreach ($section as $attribute => $value){ if (is_array($value)){ $this->updateAttribute($ppdFile, $name, $attribute, $value['_default']); } } } } } } function loadProperties($ppdFile) { $group= ""; $option= ""; $properties= array(); $fh= fopen ($ppdFile, 'r'); while (!feof($fh)) { /* Read line */ $line= fgets($fh, 256); if (strlen($line) >= 256){ trigger_error(_('Parsing PPD file %s failed - line too long. Trailing characters have been ignored'), E_USER_WARNING); } /* Trigger for option groups */ if (preg_match('/^\*OpenGroup:/i', $line)){ /* Sanity checks */ if ($group != ""){ trigger_error(_('Nested groups are not supported!'), E_USER_WARNING); continue; } if (in_array($group, $properties)){ trigger_error(_('Group name not unique!'), E_USER_WARNING); continue; } // TODO: Symbol values are not supported yet! if (preg_match('/\^/', $line)){ trigger_error(_('Symbol values are not supported yet!'), E_USER_WARNING); } $complete= preg_replace('@^\*OpenGroup:\s+(.*)$@i', '\1', $line); $complete= trim($complete, '"'); if (preg_match('@/@', $complete)){ $group= trim(preg_replace('@^\*OpenGroup:\s+"?([^/]+)/.*$@i', '\1', $line)); $name = preg_replace('@^\*OpenGroup:\s+"?[^/]+/([^/]+).*$@i', '\1', $line); } else { $group= $complete; $name = $complete; } $properties[$group]= array('_name' => $name); continue; } if (preg_match("/^\*CloseGroup:\s+\"?$group\"?/i", $line)){ $group= ""; continue; } /* Trigger for options */ if (preg_match('/^\*OpenUI\s+/i', $line)){ /* Sanity check */ if ($option != ""){ trigger_error(_('Nested options are not supported!'), E_USER_WARNING); continue; } // TODO: Symbol values are not supported yet! if (preg_match('/\^/', $line)){ trigger_error(_('Symbol values are not supported yet!'), E_USER_WARNING); } $complete= preg_replace('@^\*OpenUI\s+(.*)$@i', '\1', $line); $complete= trim($complete, '"'); if (preg_match('@/@', $complete)){ $option= trim(preg_replace('@^\*OpenUI\s+([^/]+)/.*$@i', '\1', $line)); $name = trim(preg_replace('@^\*OpenUI\s+[^/]+/([^/]+).*$@i', '\1', $line)); } else { $option= trim($complete); $name = trim($complete); } /* Extract option type */ $type= trim(preg_replace('/^[^:]+:\s+/', '', $line)); $name= preg_replace('/:.*$/', '', $name); $option= preg_replace('/:.*$/', '', $option); // TODO: PickMany is not supported yet! if (preg_match('/PickMany/i', $type)){ trigger_error(_('PickMany is not supported yet!'), E_USER_WARNING); } if(empty($group)){ $properties["NO_SECTION"][$option]= array('_name' => $name, '_type' => $type); }else{ $properties[$group][$option]= array('_name' => $name, '_type' => $type); } continue; } /* Show interest for option parsing */ if ($option != ""){ $eoption= preg_replace('@\*@', '', $option); /* Close section? */ if (preg_match("@^\*CloseUI:\s+\*$eoption@i", $line)){ $option= ""; continue; } /* Default value? */ if (preg_match("@^\*Default$eoption:@", $line)){ $c= preg_replace("@^\*Default$eoption:\s+@", "", $line); if(empty($group)){ $properties["NO_SECTION"][$option]['_default']= trim(trim($c, '"')); }else{ $properties[$group][$option]['_default']= trim(trim($c, '"')); } continue; } /* Possible value? */ if (preg_match("@^\*$eoption\s+@", $line)){ #*PageSize Letter/US Letter: "<>setpagedevice" $c= preg_replace("@^\*$eoption\s+([^/]+).*$@", "$1", $line); $d= preg_replace("@^\*$eoption\s+[^/]+/([^:]+).*$@", "$1", $line); if(empty($group)){ $properties["NO_SECTION"][$option][trim($c)]= trim($d); }else{ $properties[$group][$option][trim($c)]= trim($d); } continue; } } } fclose ($fh); return ($properties); } function loadDescription($ppdFile) { $model= ""; $manufacturer= ""; /* Only parse complete PPD file again, if it was changed */ $modified = filemtime($ppdFile); if(isset($this->cachedList[$ppdFile]) && isset($this->timestamps[$ppdFile]) && $modified == $this->timestamps[$ppdFile]){ return($this->cachedList[$ppdFile]); } /* Remember modified timestamp, to speed up next request */ $this->timestamps[$ppdFile] = filemtime($ppdFile); $fh= fopen ($ppdFile, 'r'); while ((!feof($fh))&&($fh)) { /* Read line */ $line= fgets($fh, 256); if (strlen($line) >= 256){ trigger_error(_('Parsing PPD file %s failed - line too long. Trailing characters have been ignored'), E_USER_WARNING); } /* Extract interesting informations */ if (preg_match('/^\*Manufacturer:/i', $line)){ $manufacturer= preg_replace('/^\*Manufacturer:\s+"?([^"]+)"?.*$/i', '\1', $line); } if (preg_match('/^\*ModelName:/i', $line)){ $model= preg_replace('/^\*ModelName:\s+"?([^"]+)"?.*$/i', '\1', $line); } /* Got everything we need? Skip rest for speed reasons... */ if ($model != '' && $manufacturer != ''){ break; } } fclose ($fh); /* Write out a notice that the PPD file seems to be broken if we can't extract any usefull informations */ if ($model == '' || $manufacturer == ''){ trigger_error(sprintf(_('Parsing PPD file %s failed - no information found.'), $ppdFile), E_USER_WARNING); } return ($manufacturer.' - '.$model); } function getPrinterList($reload= false) { /* Load list of PPD files */ if (count($this->cachedList) == 0 || $reload){ $list= $this->findPPD($this->path); /* Load descriptive informations to build final printer list */ $new = array(); foreach ($list as $ppdFile){ $new[$ppdFile] = $this->loadDescription($ppdFile); } $this->cachedList= $new ; } return ($this->cachedList); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>