"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); var $config; var $curbase; /* Contains the menu structure in an array. */ var $a_Structure= array(); var $a_Structure_on_load = array(); var $Releases; var $FAIrelease = 0; var $apps = array(); public function __construct(&$config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL) { plugin::plugin($config,$dn,$parent); $this->dn = $dn; $this->_load_menu_structure(); $this->a_Structure_on_load = $this->a_Structure; /* Check if we have relase mangement enabled and prepare group application for release management */ $tmp = $config->search("faiManagement", "CLASS",array('menu','tabs')); if(!empty($tmp)){ $this->enableReleaseManagement = true; } /* Get required release informations */ if($this->enableReleaseManagement){ $this->Releases = $this->getReleases(); $this->FAIrelease = 0; } $this->curbase = $this->config->current['BASE']; $this->reload(); } function reload() { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->curbase); $ldap->search("ou=apps",array("dn")); $app_deps = array(); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $app_deps[] = $attrs['dn']; } foreach($app_deps as $dep){ # $list = get_list("(objectClass=gosaApplication)","application",$dep,array("*")); } } function getReleases() { /* Only display those releases that we are able to read */ $dn = $this->config->current['BASE']; $filter = "(&(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(objectClass=FAIbranch))"; $res = get_list($filter,"application", $dn, array("ou"), GL_SUBSEARCH); $ret =array(array("name" => "/" , "parts" => array())); foreach($res as $attrs){ if(preg_match("/".get_ou('applicationou')."/",$attrs['dn'])){ $bb = preg_replace("/".get_ou('applicationou').".*/","",$attrs['dn']); $parts = array_reverse(split("ou=",$bb)); $str =""; foreach($parts as $key => $part){ if(empty($part)) { unset($parts[$key]); continue; } $part = str_replace(",","",$part); $str .= $part."/"; $parts[$key] = $part; } $name = preg_replace("/\/$/","",$str); if(empty($name)) { $name ="/"; } $ret[] = array("name" => $name , "dn" => $attrs['dn'], "parts" => $parts); } } return($ret); } function getReleases2() { $ret = array(); $ret['/'] = array("UNIQID" => 0, "NAME" => "/"); $tmp = $this->_get_all_entries(); foreach($tmp as $entry){ if($entry['TYPE'] == "RELEASE"){ unset($entry['ENTRIES']); $ret[] = $entry; } } return($ret); } function _load_menu_structure() { $this->a_Structure = array(); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->search("(|(objectClass=gotoSubmenuEntry)(objectClass=FAIbranch)(objectClass=gotoMenuEntry))",array("*")); $parent_id = 0; while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $cur = &$this->a_Structure; $sub_dn = preg_replace("/,".normalizePreg($this->dn)."$/","",$attrs['dn']); $sub_dn_array = split("\,",$sub_dn); for($i = (count($sub_dn_array)-1) ; $i >= 0 ; $i--){ $name = preg_replace("/^[^=]*+=/","",$sub_dn_array[$i]); if($i != 0){ foreach($cur as $key => $entry){ if($entry['NAME'] == $name){ $cur = &$cur[$key]['ENTRIES']; $parent_id = $entry['UNIQID']; } } }else{ $priority = 1; if(isset($attrs['gosaApplicationPriority'])){ $priority= $attrs['gosaApplicationPriority'][0]; } while(isset($cur[$priority])){ $priority ++; } if(in_array("gotoSubmenuEntry",$attrs['objectClass'])){ $type = "FOLDER"; }elseif(in_array("gotoMenuEntry",$attrs['objectClass'])){ $type = "ENTRY"; }elseif(in_array("FAIbranch",$attrs['objectClass'])){ $type = "RELEASE"; } $data = array(); $data['DN'] = $attrs['dn']; $data['NAME'] = $name; $data['TYPE'] = $type; $data['PRIORITY'] = $priority; $data['ENTRIES'] = array(); $data['UNIQID'] = uniqid(); $data['PARENT'] = $parent_id; $cur[$priority] = $data; ksort($cur); } } } } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); if(isset($_GET['r'])) $this->__construct($this->config,$this->dn); $smarty = get_smarty(); /* Create application list */ $div = new divSelectBox("appgroup"); $div->SetHeight(300); $departments = array(); $res = get_list("(objectClass=gosaDepartment)", "application", $this->curbase,array("description","cn","ou"),GL_SIZELIMIT); foreach($res as $value){ $fdn = $value['dn']; $fdn = preg_replace("/".normalizePreg($this->curbase)."/","",$fdn); $fdn= @LDAP::fix($fdn); if($value["description"][0]!=".."){ $departments[$value['dn']]= convert_department_dn($fdn)." - [".$value["description"][0]."]"; }else{ $departments[$value['dn']]=convert_department_dn($fdn)." ["._("Back")."]"; } } /* Create 'open' and 'add' links */ # if($this->acl_is_writeable("gosaMemberApplication",$this->no_release_acls)){ $linkadd = "%s"; # }else{ # $linkadd = "%s"; # } $linkopen = "%s"; /* Create base back entry */ $base_back = preg_replace("/^[^,]+,/","",$this->curbase); if((strlen($base_back)>= strlen($this->config->current['BASE']))&&($this->curbase!=$this->config->current['BASE'])){ $div->AddEntry(array( array("string"=>sprintf($linkopen,base64_encode($base_back),".. ["._("back")."]"), "attach"=>"style='border:0px;'") )); } /* Append departments for current base */ foreach($departments as $key => $app){ $div->AddEntry(array( array("string"=>""._("department")." ".sprintf($linkopen, base64_encode($key),$app), "attach"=>"style='border:0px;'") )); } /* Add applications found on this base */ $apps = array(); foreach($apps as $key => $app){ $div->AddEntry(array( array("string"=>sprintf("",$key). ""._("application")." ".sprintf($linkadd,$key,$app), "attach"=>"style='border:0px;'") )); } $smarty->assign("FAIrelease",$this->FAIrelease); $smarty->assign("app_list",$div->DrawList()); $smarty->assign("releases",$this->Releases); $entries = $this->_get_entries_for_release($this->FAIrelease); $smarty->assign("entries",$entries); $display= $smarty->fetch (get_template_path('app_list.tpl', TRUE, dirname(__FILE__))); return($display); } function _get_entries_for_release($release,$cur = NULL) { $release_info = $this->Releases[$release]; $cur = &$this->a_Structure; $found = FALSE; foreach($release_info['parts'] as $name){ foreach($cur as $key => $obj){ if($obj['TYPE'] == "RELEASE" && $obj['NAME'] == $name){ $cur = &$cur[$key]['ENTRIES']; $found = TRUE; break; } $found = FALSE; } } if($found){ return($this->_get_all_entries(TRUE,TRUE,$cur)); }else{ return(array()); } } function _edit_entry_edit($id) { } function remove_from_parent() { } function save() { } function check() { } /* !\brief Handle ui POSTS, like sort up/down/delete */ function save_object() { foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if(preg_match("/del_/",$name)){ $id = preg_replace("/^del_/","",$name); $id = preg_replace("/_(x|y)$/","",$id); $this->_remove_entry_id($id); break; } if(preg_match("/edit_/",$name)){ $id = preg_replace("/^edit_/","",$name); $id = preg_replace("/_(x|y)$/","",$id); $this->_edit_entry_edit($id); break; } if(preg_match("/up_/",$name)){ $id = preg_replace("/^up_/","",$name); $id = preg_replace("/_(x|y)$/","",$id); $this->_move_entry_up($id); break; } if(preg_match("/down_/",$name)){ $id = preg_replace("/^down_/","",$name); $id = preg_replace("/_(x|y)$/","",$id); $this->_move_entry_down($id); break; } } if(isset($_POST['FAIrelease'])){ $this->FAIrelease = $_POST['FAIrelease']; } if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'depopen'){ $this->curbase = base64_decode($_GET['depid']); } $this->reload(); } /* !\brief Remove the given id from the menu structure. @param String ID to of the entry we want to remove. @return Boolean TRUE on success */ function _remove_entry_id($id,$start = NULL) { if($start == NULL){ $start = &$this->a_Structure; } foreach($start as $name => $entry){ if($entry['UNIQID'] == $id){ unset($start[$name]); return(TRUE); } if(isset($entry['ENTRIES']) && count($start[$name]['ENTRIES'])){ if($this->_remove_entry_id($id,&$start[$name]['ENTRIES'])){ return(TRUE); } } } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief move the object identified by the given ID one position up. @param String The ID of the entry to be moved. @return Boolean TRUE on success, else FALSE; */ function _move_entry_up($id) { $all = $this->_get_all_entries(TRUE); $parent = FALSE; foreach($all as $entry){ if(isset($entry['UNIQID']) && $entry['UNIQID'] == $id){ if($parent != FALSE){ return($this->__switch_entries($id,"up",$parent)); } }else{ if(in_array($entry['TYPE'],array("CLOSE","OPEN"))){ $parent = $entry['PARENT']; }else{ $parent = $entry['UNIQID']; } } } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief move the object identified by the given ID one position down. @param String The ID of the entry to be moved. @return Boolean TRUE on success, else FALSE; */ function _move_entry_down($id) { $all = $this->_get_all_entries(TRUE); $found = FALSE; foreach($all as $entry){ if(isset($entry['UNIQID']) && $entry['UNIQID'] == $id){ $found = TRUE; continue; }else{ if(in_array($entry['TYPE'],array("CLOSE","OPEN"))){ $parent = $entry['PARENT']; }else{ $parent = $entry['UNIQID']; } if($found){ return($this->__switch_entries($id,"down",$parent)); } } } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief Return all entries linear. @param Boolean $add_tags If TRUE, OPEN/CLOSE Tags will be appended. @param &Array Start here, Pointer to an array. */ function _get_all_entries($add_tags = FALSE, $skip_release = FALSE, $cur = NULL) { $ret = array(); if($cur == NULL){ $cur = &$this->a_Structure; } foreach($cur as $key => $entry){ if($skip_release && $entry['TYPE'] == "RELEASE"){ continue; } $tmp = $entry; if(!$add_tags){ $ret[$tmp['UNIQID']] = &$cur[$key]; if(isset($entry['ENTRIES']) && count($entry['ENTRIES'])){ $ret = array_merge($ret,$this->_get_all_entries($add_tags,$skip_release,&$cur[$key]['ENTRIES'])); } }else{ if(isset($tmp['ENTRIES'])){ unset($tmp['ENTRIES']); } $ret[] = $tmp; if(isset($entry['ENTRIES']) && count($entry['ENTRIES'])){ $ret[] = array("TYPE" => "OPEN", "PARENT" => $entry['UNIQID']); $ret = array_merge($ret,$this->_get_all_entries($add_tags,$skip_release,&$cur[$key]['ENTRIES'])); $ret[] = array("TYPE" => "CLOSE" , "PARENT" => $entry['UNIQID']); } } } return($ret); } /* !\brief Switch one entry with another @param String from The source ID. @param String type "up"/"down" type switched. @param String to The destination ID. return Boolean TRUE on success */ function __switch_entries($from,$type,$to) { $all = $this->_get_all_entries(); $o_to = &$all[$to]; $o_from = &$all[$from]; /*********************** * Source == Destination * Move into next parent. ************************/ if($to == $from){ $to = $o_to['PARENT']; $o_to = &$all[$to]; } /*********************** * Target is container ************************/ if(in_array($o_to['TYPE'],array("FOLDER","RELEASE"))){ /*********************** * Move into parent folder * + Target * |-> Source ************************/ if($to == $o_from['PARENT']){ /* Check if source is a folder object */ $o_to_sub = &$all[$o_to['PARENT']]; if(in_array($o_to_sub['TYPE'],array("FOLDER","RELEASE"))){ /* Removing old */ $tmp = array(); foreach($o_to['ENTRIES'] as $key => $entry){ if($entry['UNIQID'] == $from){ if(!$this->_remove_entry_id($from)){ return(FALSE); } } } /* Adding new */ $tmp2 = array(); foreach($o_to_sub['ENTRIES'] as $key => $entry){ if($type == "up"){ if($entry['UNIQID'] == $to){ $o_from['PARENT'] = $o_to_sub['UNIQID']; $tmp2[] = &$o_from; } $tmp2[] = &$o_to_sub['ENTRIES'][$key]; }else{ $tmp2[] = &$o_to_sub['ENTRIES'][$key]; if($entry['UNIQID'] == $to){ $o_from['PARENT'] = $o_to_sub['UNIQID']; $tmp2[] = &$o_from; } } } $all[$o_to_sub['UNIQID']]['ENTRIES'] = $tmp2; } }else{ /*********************** * Target is NOT parent container * + Parent Folder * |-> Source * + Destination ************************/ /* Removing old */ $o_to = &$all[$to]; $o_from = &$all[$from]; $this->_remove_entry_id($from); $o_from['PARENT'] = $to; $o_to['ENTRIES'][] = $o_from; } }else{ /*********************** * Source and Destination in some Folder. * + Parent folder * |-> Source * |-> Destination ************************/ $o_to = &$all[$to]; $o_from = &$all[$from]; if($o_to['PARENT'] == $o_from['PARENT']){ $tmp = $all[$to]; $all[$to] = $o_from; $all[$from] = $tmp; } } } /* Return plugin informations for acl handling */ static function plInfo() { return (array( "plShortName" => _("Applications"), "plDescription" => _("Group applications"), "plSelfModify" => FALSE, "plDepends" => array(), "plPriority" => 0, "plSection" => array("admin"), "plCategory" => array("groups"), "plProvidedAcls"=> array( "gosaMemberApplication" => _("Application"), "FAIrelease" => _("Release"), "gosaApplicationParameter" => _("Application parameter")) )); } function PrepareForCopyPaste($source) { } function multiple_save_object() { if(isset($_POST['group_apps_multi'])){ $this->save_object(); plugin::multiple_save_object(); /* Get posts */ foreach(array("apps") as $attr){ if(isset($_POST['use_'.$attr])) { $this->multi_boxes[] = $attr; } } } } function get_multi_edit_values() { $ret = plugin::get_multi_edit_values(); if(in_array("apps",$this->multi_boxes)){ $ret['gosaApplicationParameter'] = $this->gosaApplicationParameter; $ret['Categories'] = $this->Categories; $ret['gosaMemberApplication'] = $this->gosaMemberApplication; $ret['FAIrelease'] = $this->FAIrelease; $ret['appoption'] = $this->appoption; } return($ret); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>