config= &$config; $this->o_queue = new gosaSupportDaemon(TRUE,5); $this->events = DaemonEvent::get_event_types( SYSTEM_EVENT); $this->acl_base = $config->current['BASE']; $this->acl_category = "gotomasses/"; /* Get tags that will be used in queue searches */ $this->event_tags = array("none"); foreach($this->events['SCHEDULED'] as $evt){ $this->event_tags[] = $evt['s_Queued_Action']; } // Build filter if (session::global_is_set(get_class($this)."_filter")){ $filter= session::global_get(get_class($this)."_filter"); } else { $filter = new filter(get_template_path("deploy-filter.xml", true)); $filter->setObjectStorage($this->storagePoints); } $this->setFilter($filter); // Build headpage $headpage = new listing(get_template_path("deploy-list.xml", true)); $headpage->registerElementFilter("hostName", "gotomasses::filterHostName"); $headpage->registerElementFilter("filterTask","gotomasses::filterTask"); $headpage->registerElementFilter("filterPeriod","gotomasses::filterPeriod"); $headpage->registerElementFilter("filterSchedule","gotomasses::filterSchedule"); $headpage->registerElementFilter("filterStatus","gotomasses::filterStatus"); $headpage->setFilter($filter); parent::__construct($config, $ui, "Events", $headpage); $this->registerAction('prioDown', "prioDown"); $this->registerAction('prioUp', "prioUp"); $this->registerAction('prioPause', "prioPause"); $this->registerAction('prioResume', "prioResume"); $this->registerAction('processNow', "processNow"); $this->registerAction('viewLogs', "viewLogs"); $this->registerAction('abort', "abortEvent"); $this->registerAction('saveEventDialog', "saveEventDialog"); $this->registerAction('halt', 'newEntry'); $this->registerAction('reboot', 'newEntry'); $this->registerAction('wakeup', 'newEntry'); $this->registerAction('update', 'newEntry'); $this->registerAction('lock', 'newEntry'); $this->registerAction('activate', 'newEntry'); $this->registerAction('reinstall', 'newEntry'); $this->registerAction('import', 'importEvents'); } function newEntry($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass ="", $altTabType = "", $altAclCategory="") { if($this->acl_is_writeable("")){ $type = "DaemonEvent_".$action; if(isset($this->events['BY_CLASS'][$type])){ $e_data = $this->events['BY_CLASS'][$type]; $this->dialogObject = new $e_data['CLASS_NAME']($this->config); } } } function importEvents() { $this->dialogObject = new goto_import_file($this->config,$this); } static function filterHostName($mac, $name ="") { if(isset($name[0]) && $name[0] != "none"){ return($name[0]); } return($mac[0]); } static function filterTask($tag) { $tag = $tag[0]; $str = $tag; /* Check if this event exists as Daemon class * In this case, display a more accurate entry. */ $events = DaemonEvent::get_event_types( SYSTEM_EVENT); if(isset($events['QUEUED'][$tag])){ $evt_name = $events['QUEUED'][$tag]; $event_type = $events['BY_CLASS'][$evt_name]; $str = $event_type['s_Menu_Name']; if(strlen($str) > 20){ $str = substr($str,0,18)."..."; } if(isset($event_type['ListImage']) && !empty($event_type['ListImage'])){ $str = $event_type['ListImage']." ".$str; } } return($str); } static function filterPeriod($periodic=array()) { $period = " -"; if(isset($periodic[0]) && !preg_match("/none/i",$periodic[0])){ $tmp = explode("_", $periodic[0]); if(count($tmp) == 2){ $period= $tmp[0]." "._($tmp[1]); } } return($period); } static function filterSchedule($stamp) { if ($stamp['0'] == "19700101000000"){ return(_("immediately")); } else { return(date("d.m.Y H:i:s",strtotime($stamp[0]))); } } static function filterStatus($status, $mac,$headertag, $progress) { $mac = $mac[0]; $status = $status[0]; $progress = $progress[0]; $headertag = $headertag[0]; if($status == "waiting"){ $status = " "._("Waiting"); } if($status == "error"){ $status = " "._("Error"); } if($status == "processed"){ $status = " "._("Processed"); } /* Special handling for all entries that have STATUS == "processing" && PROGRESS == NUMERIC */ if($status == "processing" && $progress){ $percent = $progress; /* Show activation? */ if ($percent == "goto-activation"){ $status = " "._("Locked"); /* Show hardware detect? */ } elseif ($percent == "goto-hardware-detection") { $status = " "._("Detection"); /* Real percent */ } else { if (preg_match('/install/', $headertag)){ $status= progressbar($progress, 80, 13, true, false, "progress_".preg_replace("/:/","_",$mac)); } else { $status = preg_replace('/ /', ' ', _("in progress")); } } } return($status); } function editEntry($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass ="", $altTabType = "", $altAclCategory="") { if(count($target) == 1){ $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $entry = $headpage->getEntry($target[0]); $event = $entry['EVENT']; if($event['STATUS'] == "waiting" && isset($this->events['QUEUED'][$event['HEADERTAG']])){ $evt_name = $this->events['QUEUED'][$event['HEADERTAG']]; $type = $this->events['BY_CLASS'][$evt_name]; $this->dialogObject = new $type['CLASS_NAME']($this->config,$event); } } } function removeEntryRequested($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { if(!$this->acl_is_removeable()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"), msgPool::permDelete(), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $deleteable_jobs = array(); $not_deleteable_jobs = array(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); foreach($target as $dn){ $tmp = $headpage->getEntry($dn); $task = $tmp['EVENT']; /* Create a printable job name/description */ if(isset($this->events['QUEUED'][$task['HEADERTAG']])){ $evt_name = $this->events['QUEUED'][$task['HEADERTAG']]; $evt = $this->events['BY_CLASS'][$evt_name]; $j_name = $task['ID']." - ".$evt['s_Menu_Name']." ".$task['MACADDRESS']; }else{ $j_name = $task['ID']." - ".$task['HEADERTAG']." ".$task['MACADDRESS']; } /* Only remove WAITING or ERROR entries */ if(in_array($task['STATUS'],array("waiting","error","processed")) || ($task['STATUS'] == "processing" && !preg_match("/install/",$task['HEADERTAG'])) ){ $this->ids_to_remove[] = $task['ID']; $deleteable_jobs[] = $j_name; }else{ $not_deleteable_jobs[] = $j_name; } } if(count($not_deleteable_jobs)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Remove"), sprintf(_("The following jobs couldn't be deleted, they have to be aborted: %s"), "
".msgPool::buildList($not_deleteable_jobs)),INFO_DIALOG); } if(count($this->ids_to_remove)){ $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("multiple", TRUE); $smarty->assign("info",msgPool::deleteInfo($deleteable_jobs)); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove.tpl', TRUE))); } } } function removeEntryConfirmed($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass="",$altTabType="", $altAclCategory="",$altAclPlugin="") { if($this->acl_is_removeable("")){ timezone::get_default_timezone(); foreach($this->ids_to_remove as $id){ $entry = $this->o_queue->get_entries_by_id(array($id)); if(isset($entry['ANSWER1'])){ $entry = $entry['ANSWER1']; if( $entry['STATUS'] == "waiting" && $entry['HEADERTAG'] == "trigger_action_reinstall"){ $evt = new DaemonEvent_reinstall($this->config,$entry); if($evt->get_timestamp(FALSE) < time()){ $r_evt = new DaemonEvent_localboot($this->config); $r_evt->add_targets(array($entry['MACADDRESS'])); $r_evt->set_type(TRIGGERED_EVENT); $this->o_queue->append($r_evt); } } } } $this->o_queue->remove_entries($this->ids_to_remove); $this->save(); } } /*! \brief Force queue job to be aborted. */ function abortEvent($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { /* Entries are paused by setting the status to * something different from 'waiting'. * We simply use 'paused'. */ $data = array("status" => "paused"); /* Detect if the ids we got are valid and * check if the status allows pausing. */ $update_ids = array(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); foreach($target as $id){ $tmp = $headpage->getEntry($id); $update_ids[] = $tmp['MACADDRESS'][0]; } if(class_available("DaemonEvent_faireboot")){ $tmp = new DaemonEvent_faireboot($this->config); $tmp->add_targets($update_ids); $tmp->set_type(TRIGGERED_EVENT); $this->recently_removed = $update_ids; if(!$this->o_queue->append($tmp)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Cannot update queue entry: %s"),$id) , ERROR_DIALOG); return(FALSE); } }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Required class '%s' cannot be found: job not aborted!"), "DaemonEvent_faireboot") , ERROR_DIALOG); } } function prioDown($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { if(count($target) == 1){ $this->update_priority($target[0], 'down'); } } function prioUp($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { if(count($target) == 1){ $this->update_priority($target[0], 'up'); } } function prioPause($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { $this->pause_queue_entries($target); } function prioResume($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { $this->resume_queue_entries($target); } function processNow($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { $this->execute_queue_entries($target); } function viewLogs($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { if(count($target) == 1){ $id = $target[0]; $type = FALSE; $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $tmp = $headpage->getEntry($id); $entry = $tmp['EVENT']; $this->dialogObject = new gotoLogView($this->config,"",$entry,$this); } } function saveEventDialog() { if(is_object($this->dialogObject)){ $this->dialogObject->save_object(); if(!$this->o_queue->append($this->dialogObject)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($this->o_queue->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $this->current = -1; } } $this->closeDialogs(); } /*! \brief Move an entry up or down in the queue, by updating its execution timestamp @param $id Integer The ID of the entry which should be updated. @param $type String "up" / "down" @return boolean TRUE in case of success else FALSE */ public function update_priority($id,$type = "up") { $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); $entries = $headpage->getEntries(); $entry = $headpage->getEntry($id); $map = array(); $last = 0; $next = 0; foreach($entries as $pa){ $map[$pa['TIMESTAMP'][0]] = $pa['TIMESTAMP'][0]; } krsort($map); $found = 0; $cur = 0; foreach($map as $ts){ if($found){ $next = $ts; break; } if($ts == $entry['TIMESTAMP'][0]){ $found = TRUE; $cur = $ts; }else{ $last = $ts; } } if($type == "up" && $next != 0){ return($this->o_queue->update_entries(array($id),array("timestamp" => $next))); }elseif($type == "down" && $last != 0){ return($this->o_queue->update_entries(array($id),array("timestamp" => $last))); } } function detectPostActions() { $action = management::detectPostActions(); if(isset($_POST['save_event_dialog'])) $action['action'] = "saveEventDialog"; if(isset($_POST['abort_event_dialog'])) $action['action'] = "cancel"; if(isset($_POST['delete_multiple_confirm'])) $action['action'] = "removeConfirmed"; if(isset($_POST['delete_cancel'])) $action['action'] = "cancel"; if(isset($_POST['import_abort'])) $action['action'] = "cancel"; return($action); } function closeDialogs() { $this->current = FALSE; management::closeDialogs(); } /*! \brief Resumes to status 'waiting'. * @return Boolean TRUE in case of success, else FALSE. */ private function resume_queue_entries($ids) { /* Entries are resumed by setting the status to * 'waiting' */ $data = array("status" => "waiting"); /* Check if given ids are valid and check if the status * allows resuming. */ $update_ids = array(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); foreach($ids as $id){ $tmp = $headpage->getEntry($id); $entry = $tmp['EVENT']; if(isset($entry['STATUS']) && preg_match("/paused/",$entry['STATUS'])){ $update_ids[] = $entry['ID']; } } /* Tell the daemon that we have entries to update. */ if(count($update_ids)){ if(!$this->o_queue->update_entries($update_ids,$data)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Cannot update queue entry: %s"),$id) , ERROR_DIALOG); return(FALSE); } } return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Force queue job to be done as far as possible. * @return Boolean TRUE in case of success, else FALSE. */ private function execute_queue_entries($ids) { /* Execution is forced by updating the status to * waiting and setting the timestamp to current time. */ $data = array( "timestamp" => date("YmdHis",time()), "status" => "waiting"); /* Only allow execution of paused or waiting entries */ $update_ids = array(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); foreach($ids as $id){ $tmp = $headpage->getEntry($id); $entry = $tmp['EVENT']; if(in_array($entry['STATUS'],array("paused","waiting"))){ $update_ids[] = $entry['ID']; } } /* Tell the daemon that we want to update some entries */ if(count($update_ids)){ if(!$this->o_queue->update_entries($update_ids,$data)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Cannot update queue entries.")) , ERROR_DIALOG); return(FALSE); } } return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Pauses the specified queue entry from execution. * @return Boolean TRUE in case of success, else FALSE. */ private function pause_queue_entries($ids) { /* Entries are paused by setting the status to * something different from 'waiting'. * We simply use 'paused'. */ $data = array("status" => "paused"); /* Detect if the ids we got are valid and * check if the status allows pausing. */ $update_ids = array(); $headpage = $this->getHeadpage(); foreach($ids as $id){ $tmp = $headpage->getEntry($id); $entry = $tmp['EVENT']; if(isset($entry['STATUS']) && preg_match("/waiting/",$entry['STATUS'])){ $update_ids[] = $entry['ID']; } } /* Tell the daemon that we want to update some entries */ if(count($update_ids)){ if(!$this->o_queue->update_entries($update_ids,$data)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Cannot update queue entry: %s"),$id) , ERROR_DIALOG); return(FALSE); } } return(TRUE); } function save_object(){} function save(){} static function plInfo() { return (array( "plShortName" => _("System deployment"), "plDescription" => _("Provide a mechanism to automatically activate systems"), "plSelfModify" => FALSE, "plDepends" => array(), "plPriority" => 0, "plSection" => array("addon"), "plCategory" => array("gotomasses" => array("description" => _("System deployment"))), "plProvidedAcls" => array("Comment" => _("Description")) )); } function set_acl_base($base) { $this->acl_base= $base; } function set_acl_category($category) { $this->acl_category= "$category/"; } function acl_is_writeable($attribute,$skip_write = FALSE) { if($this->read_only) return(FALSE); $ui= get_userinfo(); return preg_match('/w/', $ui->get_permissions($this->acl_base, $this->acl_category.get_class($this), $attribute, $skip_write)); } function acl_is_readable($attribute) { $ui= get_userinfo(); return preg_match('/r/', $ui->get_permissions($this->acl_base, $this->acl_category.get_class($this), $attribute)); } function acl_is_createable($base ="") { if($this->read_only) return(FALSE); $ui= get_userinfo(); if($base == "") $base = $this->acl_base; return preg_match('/c/', $ui->get_permissions($base, $this->acl_category.get_class($this), '0')); } function acl_is_removeable($base ="") { if($this->read_only) return(FALSE); $ui= get_userinfo(); if($base == "") $base = $this->acl_base; return preg_match('/d/', $ui->get_permissions($base, $this->acl_category.get_class($this), '0')); } function acl_is_moveable($base = "") { if($this->read_only) return(FALSE); $ui= get_userinfo(); if($base == "") $base = $this->acl_base; return preg_match('/m/', $ui->get_permissions($base, $this->acl_category.get_class($this), '0')); } function getacl($attribute,$skip_write= FALSE) { $ui= get_userinfo(); $skip_write |= $this->read_only; return $ui->get_permissions($this->acl_base, $this->acl_category.get_class($this), $attribute,$skip_write); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>