"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); /* attribute list for save action */ var $ignore_account = TRUE; var $attributes = array(); var $objectclasses = array("whatever"); var $parent = NULL; // Contains parent class, to access glpi db handle var $usedCartridges = array(); // IDs of used cartridges for this printer var $PrinterType = 0; // Specifies which cartridge types are available var $cur_dialog = false; var $cur_sub_dialog = false; var $editManufacturer = false; var $del = 0; function glpiPrinterCartridges (&$config,$dn,$type) { plugin::plugin ($config, $dn); /* Assign some basic settings */ $this->ui = get_userinfo(); if(!session::is_set('glpiCartridgeRegex')){ session::set('glpiCartridgeRegex',"*"); } /* Only display cartridges for this type of printer */ $this->PrinterType = $type; } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); $display =""; $smarty = get_smarty(); $filter = session::get('glpiCartridgeRegex'); /* Filter settings, remove double* */ if(isset($_GET['search'])){ $filter = preg_replace("/\*\**/","*",$_GET['search']."*"); }elseif(isset($_POST['cartridge_regex'])){ $filter = preg_replace("/\*\**/","*",$_POST['cartridge_regex']); } if(empty($filter)) { $filter = "*"; } session::set('glpiCartridgeRegex',$filter); /* Open dialog which allows to edit the manufacturers */ if(isset($_POST['edit_manufacturer_cartridges'])){ $this->cur_sub_dialog = new glpiManufacturer($this->config,$this->dn); $this->dialog = true; $this->editManufacturer =true; } /* Close manufacturer editing dialog */ if((isset($_POST['close_edit_manufacturer']))&&($this->editManufacturer)){ $this->dialog = false; $this->cur_sub_dialog = false; $this->editManufacturer=false; } /* Check poted vars and do the requested job, but only once */ $only_once = true; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ /* We have to create a new cartridge */ if(preg_match("/^newcartridge/",$name)&&($only_once)){ $this->cur_dialog = new glpiPrinterCartridgesEdit($this->config,$this->dn,$this->PrinterType); $only_once = false; } } /* Edit cartridge */ if(isset($_GET['act'])&&$_GET['act']=="edit_cartridge"){ $val = ($this->parent->handle->getCartridgeTypeInformations($_GET['id'])); $this->cur_dialog = new glpiPrinterCartridgesEdit($this->config,$this->dn,$this->PrinterType,$val[$_GET['id']]); } /* remove cartridge */ if(isset($_GET['act'])&&$_GET['act']=="del_cartridge"){ /* remove attach from db */ $this->del = $_GET['id']; $val = ($this->parent->handle->getCartridgeTypeInformations($_GET['id'])); $smarty->assign("warning", sprintf(_("You're about to delete the glpi cartridge type '%s'."), $val[$this->del]['name'])); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove_glpi.tpl', TRUE))); } if(isset($_POST['delete_cancel'])){ $this->del = false; } /* Delete this entry */ if(isset($_POST['delete_glpi_confirm'])&&($this->del)) { $tmp = $this->parent->handle->is_cartridgeTypeUsed($this->del); if(count($tmp)){ $str = ""; foreach($tmp as $id => $name){ $str .= $name.", "; } $str = preg_replace("/, $/","",$str); print_red(sprintf(_("You can't delete this cartridge type, it is still in use by this printer(s) '%s'."),$str)); }else{ $val = ($this->parent->handle->getCartridgeTypeInformations($this->del)); $this->cur_dialog = new glpiPrinterCartridgesEdit($this->config,$this->dn,$this->PrinterType,$val[$this->del]); $this->cur_dialog->parent = $this->parent; $this->cur_dialog->remove_from_parent(); $this->cur_dialog= false; } } /* Abort edit / add dialog */ if(isset($_POST['CancelCartridge'])){ $this->cur_dialog = false; } /* Save changes if check is ok */ if(isset($_POST['SaveCartridge'])){ $this->cur_dialog->save_object(); if(count($this->cur_dialog->check())) { foreach($this->cur_dialog->check() as $checks){ print_red($checks); } }else{ $this->cur_dialog->save(); $this->cur_dialog = false; } } /* If we have a dialog open, display it */ if($this->cur_sub_dialog){ $this->cur_sub_dialog->parent = $this->parent; $this->cur_sub_dialog->save_object(); return($this->cur_sub_dialog->execute()); } /* If we have a dialog open, display it */ if($this->cur_dialog){ $this->cur_dialog->parent = $this->parent; $this->cur_dialog->save_object(); return($this->cur_dialog->execute()); } /* Create divlist */ $divlist = new divlist("glpi devices"); $divlist->SetPluginMode(); $divlist->SetEntriesPerPage(0); $divlist->SetHeader(array( array("string" => " ", "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'"), array("string" => _("Cartridges"), "attach" => "style=''"), array("string" => _("Action"), "attach" => "style='width:60px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'" ))); /* Links for editing,adding.... */ $edit = "%s"; $editdel = ""._("Edit").""; $editdel.= ""._("Delete").""; /* Checkbox for selection of some cartridges */ $useCartridge = ""; /* Add cartridges */ $cart = $this->getCartridgeTypes(); /* Remove typically error possibilities */ $f = str_replace("/","\/",$filter); $f = str_replace(".","\.",$f); $f = str_replace("*",".*",$f); /* Assign cartridges */ foreach($cart as $key=>$cartr){ /* Skip if filter doesn't match*/ if(!preg_match("/^".$f."$/i",$cartr['cartridgeName'])){ continue; } /* check if this cartridge is selected */ $chk = ""; if(isset($this->usedCartridges[$key])){ $chk = " checked "; } /* Add fields */ $field1 = array("string" => preg_replace("/%s/",($key),preg_replace("/%CHECKED%/",$chk,$useCartridge)), "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'"); $field2 = array("string" => sprintf($edit,($key),$cartr['cartridgeName']." [".$cartr['cartridgeTypeName']."]"), "attach" => "style=''"); $field3 = array("string" => sprintf($editdel,($key),($key)), "attach" => "style='width:60px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'"); $divlist->AddEntry(array($field1,$field2,$field3)); } /* Create list header */ $listhead = "
". "  ". "
"; /* Tell smarty some vars */ $filter = session::get('glpiCartridgeRegex'); $smarty->assign("devicehead", $listhead); $smarty->assign("devices", $divlist->DrawList()); $smarty->assign("search_image", get_template_path('images/search.png')); $smarty->assign("searchu_image", get_template_path('images/search_user.png')); $smarty->assign("tree_image", get_template_path('images/tree.png')); $smarty->assign("infoimage", get_template_path('images/info_small.png')); $smarty->assign("launchimage", get_template_path('images/small_filter.png')); $smarty->assign("apply", apply_filter()); $smarty->assign("alphabet", generate_alphabet()); $smarty->assign("cartridge_regex", $filter); $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('glpiPrinterCartridges.tpl', TRUE)); return($display); } /* Save device to glpi database * If this is a new device, create a new entry, else update this entry */ function save() { $carts = $this->getCartridgeTypes(); $ret = array(); foreach($this->usedCartridges as $key){ $tmp =array(); $tmp['date_use'] = date("Y-m-d"); $tmp['ID'] = -1; $tmp['type_ID'] = $carts[$key]['cartridgeID']; $tmp['name'] = $carts[$key]['cartridgeName']; $tmp['FK_glpi_printers']= -1; $tmp['type_name'] = $carts[$key]['cartridgeTypeName']; $ret[$key] = $tmp; } return($ret); } /* this only gets all already defined devices */ function reload() { $this->devices = $this->parent->handle->getDevices(); ksort($this->devices); } /* This funtions saves all POST variables. The variable must be in the array $this->EditEntry */ function save_object() { /* Checkbox handling * Check which checkbox is selected */ foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if(preg_match("/wasOnPage/",$name)){ $id = preg_replace("/wasOnPage_/","",$name); if(isset($_POST['useCartridge_'.$id])){ $this->usedCartridges[$id]=$id; }else{ unset($this->usedCartridges[$id]); } } } } /* This function cehck all created devices if you wan't to create device specific check use >>if($attr['device_type']=="moboard")<< to create a device type depending check */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); return($message); } /* Return cartriges for our divlist */ function getCartridgeTypes() { $ret = array(); $ret = $this->parent->handle->getAvailableCartridgeTypes($this->PrinterType); return($ret); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>