ui = get_userinfo(); if($dn != "new"){ $this->dn =$dn; /* Read all leaf objects of this object (For FAIscript this would be FAIscriptEntry) */ $res = FAI::get_all_objects_for_given_base($this->dn,"(&(objectClass=FAIclass)(objectClass=FAIpartitionDisk))"); foreach($res as $obj){ /* Skip not relevant objects */ if(!preg_match("/".preg_quote($this->dn, '/')."$/i",$obj['dn'])) continue; $objects = array(); $objects['description'] = ""; // Transform disk type into image later... if (!isset($obj['FAIdiskType'])){ $objects['FAIdiskType'] = "old"; } else { $objects['FAIdiskType'] = $obj['FAIdiskType']; } // Get disk options, without 'count' index. $objects['FAIdiskOption'] = array(); if (isset($obj['FAIdiskOption'])){ for($i=0;$i<$obj['FAIdiskOption']['count'];$i++){ $objects['FAIdiskOption'][] = $obj['FAIdiskOption'][$i]; } } // Transform potential lvm information if (isset($obj['FAIlvmDevice'])){ for($i=0;$i<$obj['FAIlvmDevice']['count'];$i++){ $name = $obj['FAIlvmDevice'][$i]; $objects['FAIlvmDevice'][$name] = $name; } } $objects['dn'] = $obj['dn']; $objects = $this->get_object_attributes($objects,$this->subAttributes); $this->disks[$objects['cn']] = $objects; $this->disks[$objects['cn']]['partitions'] = array(); } /* read all partitions for each disk */ foreach($this->disks as $name => $disk){ $res = FAI::get_all_objects_for_given_base($disk['dn'],"(&(objectClass=FAIclass)(objectClass=FAIpartitionEntry))"); foreach($res as $obj){ /* Skip not relevant objects */ if(!preg_match("/".preg_quote($disk['dn'], '/')."$/i",$obj['dn'])) continue; $objects = array(); $objects['dn'] = $obj['dn']; $objects = $this->get_object_attributes($objects,$this->subPartAttributes); unset($objects['dn']);; $this->disks[$name]['partitions'][$objects['FAIpartitionNr']] = $objects; } } } /* Keep track of disk changes, by comparing the initial and resulting * disk setup. */ $this->initial_disks = $this->disks; $this->is_new = FALSE; if($this->dn == "new"){ $this->is_new =TRUE; } ksort($this->disks); // Prepare lists $this->diskList = new sortableListing(); $this->diskList->setDeleteable(true); $this->diskList->setEditable(true); $this->diskList->setWidth("100%"); $this->diskList->setHeight("400px"); $this->diskList->setColspecs(array('20px','*','*','40px')); $this->diskList->setHeader(array(("?"),_("Name"),_("Description"),"#")); $this->diskList->setDefaultSortColumn(1); } function acl_base_for_current_object($dn) { if($dn == "new" || $dn == ""){ if($this->dn == "new"){ $dn= $this->parent->parent->acl_base; }else{ $dn = $this->dn; } } return($dn); } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){ $this->view_logged = TRUE; new log("view","fai/".get_class($this),$this->dn); } /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $display= ""; /* Add Disk to this Partitionset * This code adds a new HDD to the disks * A new Dialog will be opened */ if((isset($_POST['AddDisk']) || isset($_POST['AddRaid']) || isset($_POST['AddVolgroup'])) && !preg_match("/freeze/i",$this->FAIstate)){ $usedDiskNames =array(); foreach($this->disks as $key=>$disk){ $usedDiskNames[]= $key; } if ($this->FAIpartitionMethod == "setup-storage") { if(isset($_POST['AddDisk'])) $type = "disk"; if(isset($_POST['AddRaid'])) $type = "raid"; if(isset($_POST['AddVolgroup'])) $type = "lvm"; $this->dialog = new faiDiskEntry($this->config,$this->dn,$this, array(),$type); } else { $this->dialog = new faiPartitionTableEntry($this->config,$this->dn,$this); } $this->dialog->set_acl_base($this->acl_base_for_current_object($this->dn)); $this->dialog->set_acl_category("fai"); $this->dialog->FAIstate = $this->FAIstate; $this->is_dialog = true; } /* Edit disk. * Open dialog which allows us to edit the selected entry */ if($this->dn != "new"){ set_object_info($this->dn); } /* Edit entries via GET */ $s_action = ""; $s_entry = ""; if(isset($_GET['act']) && isset($_GET['id'])){ if($_GET['act'] == "edit" && isset($this->disks[$_GET['id']])){ $s_entry= $_GET['id']; $s_action= "edit"; } } $this->diskList->save_object(); $action = $this->diskList->getAction(); if($action['action'] == 'edit'){ $s_entry = $this->diskList->getKey($action['targets'][0]); $s_action ="edit"; } if($action['action'] == 'delete'){ $s_entry = $this->diskList->getKey($action['targets'][0]); $s_action ="remove"; } /* Disk remove was requested. * Now check if the disk is still in use, in this case * display a warning message and abort the removal. * If the disk is not used anymore, then remove it. */ if($s_action == "remove"){ if(isset($this->disks[$s_entry])){ /* Create a list of all partitions that are used in * lvm or raid compilations. */ $list = array(); foreach($this->disks as $dname => $disk){ if($disk['FAIdiskType'] != "disk" && $dname != $s_entry){ if($disk['FAIdiskType'] == "lvm"){ foreach($disk['FAIlvmDevice'] as $partname){ $list[preg_replace("/:.*$/","",$partname)][] = $disk; } } foreach($disk['partitions'] as $partkey => $part){ if($disk['FAIdiskType'] == "raid"){ foreach(explode(",",$part['FAIpartitionSize']) as $partname){ $list[preg_replace("/:.*$/","",$partname)][] = $disk; } } } } } /* Now that we've a list of all partition references, lets check if * one of the partitions we are going to remove is still in use. */ $used = array(); foreach($this->disks[$s_entry]['partitions'] as $part){ if(isset($list[$part['cn']])){ foreach($list[$part['cn']] as $disk){ $used[$disk['cn']] = $disk['cn']; } } } /* Skip removal while disk is in use. */ if(count($used)){ $used = implode(",",$used); msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("The disk cannot be deleted while it is used in the '%s' disk definition!"), $used), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ /* Everything is ok, we can remove the disk now. */ unset($this->disks[$s_entry]); } } } if($s_action == "edit"){ /* Set object info string, which will be displayed in plugin info line */ if(isset($this->disks[$s_entry]['dn'])){ set_object_info($this->disks[$s_entry]['dn']); $dn = $this->disks[$s_entry]['dn']; }else{ set_object_info(""); $dn = "new"; } $type ="old"; if(isset($this->disks[$s_entry]['FAIdiskType'])){ $type = $this->disks[$s_entry]['FAIdiskType']; } if(in_array($type,array('raid','lvm','disk'))){ $this->dialog = new faiDiskEntry( $this->config,$this->dn,$this,$this->disks[$s_entry], $this->disks[$s_entry]['FAIdiskType']); }else{ $this->dialog = new faiPartitionTableEntry( $this->config,$this->dn,$this,$this->disks[$s_entry]); } if($this->dialog){ $this->dialog->set_acl_base($this->acl_base_for_current_object($dn)); $this->dialog->set_acl_category("fai"); $this->dialog->FAIstate = $this->FAIstate; $this->is_dialog = true; } } /* Edit aborted, close dialog, without saving anything */ if(isset($_POST['CancelDisk'])){ unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog = FALSE; $this->is_dialog=false; } /* Dialog saved * Save given data from Dialog, if no error is occurred */ if(isset($_POST['SaveDisk'])){ if (!preg_match("/freeze/i", $this->FAIstate)){ $this->dialog->save_object(); if(count($this->dialog->check())){ foreach($this->dialog->check() as $msg){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); } }else{ $disk = $this->dialog->save(); if(isset($disk['rename'])){ unset($this->disks[$disk['rename']['from']]); $disk['cn']= $disk['rename']['to']; } $this->disks[$disk['cn']]=$disk; unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog = FALSE; $this->is_dialog=false; ksort($this->disks); } }else{ $this->dialog = FALSE; $this->is_dialog=false; } } /* Display dialog if one is defined */ if(is_object($this->dialog)){ $this->dialog->save_object(); return($this->dialog->execute()); } /* Assign all attributes to smarty engine */ foreach($this->attributes as $attrs){ $smarty->assign($attrs,$this->$attrs); if($this->$attrs){ $smarty->assign($attrs."CHK"," "); }else{ $smarty->assign($attrs."CHK"," disabled "); } } $dn = $this->acl_base_for_current_object($this->dn); $smarty->assign("sub_object_is_addable", preg_match("/c/",$this->ui->get_permissions($dn,"fai/faiPartitionTableEntry")) && !preg_match("/freeze/",$this->FAIstate)); $smarty->assign("sub_object_is_removeable", preg_match("/d/",$this->ui->get_permissions($dn,"fai/faiPartitionTableEntry")) && !preg_match("/freeze/",$this->FAIstate)); $tmp = $this->plInfo(); foreach($tmp['plProvidedAcls'] as $name => $translated){ $smarty->assign($name."ACL",$this->getacl($name,preg_match("/freeze/i",$this->FAIstate))); } /* Assign mode */ if ($this->FAIpartitionMethod == ""){ $smarty->assign("mode", ""); $smarty->assign("storage_mode", "disabled"); } else { $smarty->assign("mode", "checked"); $smarty->assign("storage_mode", ""); } if (!count($this->disks)) { $smarty->assign("lockmode", ""); } else { $smarty->assign("lockmode", "disabled"); } if (isset($this->disks['raid'])){ $smarty->assign("addraid", "disabled"); } else { $smarty->assign("addraid", ""); } $dn = $this->acl_base_for_current_object($this->dn); $acl = $this->ui->get_permissions($dn,"fai/faiPartitionTableEntry"); $this->diskList->setAcl($acl); $data = $lData = array(); foreach($this->disks as $key => $disk){ $act = ""; $dn = "new"; if(isset($obj['dn'])){ $dn = $obj['dn']; } $dn = $this->acl_base_for_current_object($dn); $acl = $this->ui->get_permissions($dn,"fai/faiPartitionTableEntry"); if(preg_match("/(r|w)/",$acl)) { $cnt= count($disk['partitions']); $types= array( "old" => "plugins/fai/images/fai_partitionTable.png", "disk" => "plugins/fai/images/fai_partitionTable.png", "raid" => "plugins/fai/images/raid.png", "lvm" => "plugins/ogroups/images/list_ogroup.png"); $type = isset($disk['FAIdiskType'])?$types[$disk['FAIdiskType']]:$types['old']; $data[$key] = $key; $lData[$key] = array('data' => array(image($type),$key,$disk['description'],$cnt)); } } $this->diskList->setListData($data,$lData); $this->diskList->update(); $smarty->assign("Entry_listing",$this->diskList->render()); $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('faiPartitionTable.tpl', TRUE)); return($display); } function getUsedDiskNames() { $ret = array(); foreach($this->disks as $disk){ $ret[] = $disk['cn']; } return($ret); } /* Delete me, and all my subtrees */ function remove_from_parent() { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd ($this->dn); $release = $this->parent->parent->fai_release; $use_dn = preg_replace("/".preg_quote(FAI::get_release_dn($this->dn), '/')."/i", $release, $this->dn); FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($use_dn,array(),true); new log("remove","fai/".get_class($this),$use_dn,$this->attributes); foreach($this->initial_disks as $disk){ $disk_dn = "cn=".$disk['cn'].",".$this->dn; $use_dn = preg_replace("/".preg_quote(FAI::get_release_dn($this->dn), '/')."/i",$release, $disk_dn); FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($use_dn,array(),true); foreach($disk['partitions'] as $key => $partition){ $partition_dn= "FAIpartitionNr=".$partition['FAIpartitionNr'].",".$disk_dn; $use_dn = preg_replace("/".preg_quote(FAI::get_release_dn($this->dn), '/')."/i", $release, $partition_dn); FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($use_dn,array(),true); } } } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { if(isset($_POST['FAIpartitionTablePosted'])){ if (preg_match("/freeze/", $this->FAIstate)) return; plugin::save_object(); # foreach($this->attributes as $attrs){ # if(isset($_POST[$attrs])){ # $this->$attrs = $_POST[$attrs]; # } # } if(!count($this->disks)){ if(isset($_POST['mode'])){ $this->FAIpartitionMethod = "setup-storage"; }else{ $this->FAIpartitionMethod = ""; } } } } /* Check supplied data */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); /* Ensure that we do not overwrite an allready existing entry */ if($this->is_new){ $release = $this->parent->parent->fai_release; $new_dn= 'cn='.$this->cn.",".get_ou("faiPartitionTable", "faiPartitionRDN") .get_ou("faiPartitionTable", "faiPartitionRDN") .$release; $res = faiManagement::check_class_name("FAIpartitionTable",$this->cn,$new_dn); if(isset($res[$this->cn])){ $message[] = msgPool::duplicated(_("Name")); } } return ($message); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { plugin::save(); /* Save current settings. * 1 : We must save the partition table, with its description and cn * 2 : Append Disk with cn and description. * 3 : Save partitions for each disk */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($this->dn,$this->attrs); if($this->initially_was_account){ new log("modify","fai/".get_class($this),$this->dn,$this->attributes); @DEBUG (DEBUG_FAI, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dn , "Saving disk: "); }else{ new log("create","fai/".get_class($this),$this->dn,$this->attributes); @DEBUG (DEBUG_FAI, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dn , "Adding disk: "); } // Prepare disks to be saved - The 'status' attribute is added here. $this->prepareDiskToBeSave(); /* Sort entries, because we must delete entries with status="delete" first */ $order = array(); foreach($this->disks as $key => $disk){ if($disk['status'] == "delete"){ $order[$key] = $disk; } } foreach($this->disks as $key => $disk){ if($disk['status'] != "delete"){ $order[$key] = $disk; } } /* Append all disks to ldap */ foreach($order as $cn=>$disk){ $disk_dn = "cn=".$disk['cn'].",".$this->dn; $short_dn = "cn=".$disk['cn'].",..."; $disk_attrs['cn'] = $disk['cn']; $disk_attrs['objectClass'] = array("top","FAIclass","FAIpartitionDisk"); if($disk['status']=="new"){ $ldap->cat($disk_dn,array("objectClass")); if($ldap->count()){ $disk['status']="edited"; } } foreach(array("description","FAIdiskType","FAIdiskOption","FAIlvmDevice") as $attr){ if($disk['status'] == "new"){ if(isset($disk_attrs[$attr])) unset($disk_attrs[$attr]); if(isset($disk[$attr]) && !empty($disk[$attr])){ if(is_array($disk[$attr])){ $disk_attrs[$attr] = array_values($disk[$attr]); }else{ $disk_attrs[$attr] = $disk[$attr]; } } }else{ if(isset($disk[$attr]) && !empty($disk[$attr])){ if(is_array($disk[$attr])){ $disk_attrs[$attr] = array_values($disk[$attr]); }else{ $disk_attrs[$attr] = $disk[$attr]; } }else{ $disk_attrs[$attr] = array(); } } } /* Tag object */ $this->tag_attrs($disk_attrs, $disk_dn, $this->gosaUnitTag); if($disk['status'] == "delete"){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_FAI, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$short_dn , "Removing disk: "); FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($disk_dn,array(),true); $this->handle_post_events("remove"); unset($this->disks[$cn]); }elseif($disk['status'] == "edited"){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_FAI, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$short_dn , "Updating disk: "); FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($disk_dn,$disk_attrs); $this->handle_post_events("modify"); }elseif($disk['status']=="new"){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_FAI, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$short_dn , "Adding disk: "); FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($disk_dn,$disk_attrs); $this->handle_post_events("add"); } if($disk['status']!="delete") /* Add all partitions */ foreach($disk['partitions'] as $pkey => $partition){ $partition_attrs = array(); foreach($partition as $key => $value){ if(!empty($value)){ $partition_attrs[$key]=$value; }else{ unset($partition_attrs[$key]); } } $partition_dn= "FAIpartitionNr=".$partition_attrs['FAIpartitionNr'].",".$disk_dn; $short_dn= "FAIpartitionNr=".$partition_attrs['FAIpartitionNr'].",..."; $partition_attrs['objectClass']= array("top","FAIclass","FAIpartitionEntry"); unset($partition_attrs['status']); unset($partition_attrs['old_cn']); if($partition['status']=="new"){ $ldap->cat($partition_dn,array("objectClass")); if($ldap->count()){ $partition['status']="edited"; } } if((!isset($partition['FAImountPoint']))||(empty($partition['FAImountPoint']))){ $partition_attrs['FAImountPoint']="swap"; } /* Tag object */ $this->tag_attrs($partition_attrs, $partition_dn, $this->gosaUnitTag); if($partition['status'] == "delete"){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_FAI, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$short_dn , "Removing partition: "); FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($partition_dn,array(),true); $this->handle_post_events("remove"); unset($this->disks[$cn]['partitions'][$pkey]); }elseif($partition['status'] == "edited"){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_FAI, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$short_dn , "Updating partition: "); FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($partition_dn,$partition_attrs); $this->handle_post_events("modify"); }elseif($partition['status']=="new"){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_FAI, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$short_dn , "Adding partition: "); FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($partition_dn,$partition_attrs); $this->handle_post_events("add"); } // We do not need the status flag any longer if(isset($this->disks[$cn]['partitions'][$pkey]['status'])){ unset($this->disks[$cn]['partitions'][$pkey]['status']); } } // We do not need the status flag any longer if(isset($this->disks[$cn]['status'])){ unset($this->disks[$cn]['status']); } } $this->initial_disks = $this->disks; $this->handle_post_events("add"); } function prepareDiskToBeSave() { foreach($this->disks as $id => $disk){ /* Correct FAIpartitionNr. * If we've only primary partition then set the partition numbers from * 1 to 4, else set the primary from 1 to 3 and logical >= 5 * */ if(!isset($disk['partitions'])){ $disk['partitions'] = array(); } $newSetup = array(); if($disk['FAIdiskType'] == "disk"){ $primary = $logical = array(); foreach($disk['partitions'] as $partid => $part){ if($part['FAIpartitionType'] == "primary"){ $primary[$partid] = $part; }elseif($part['FAIpartitionType'] == "logical"){ $logical[$partid] = $part; }else{ trigger_error("Fatal: unknown disk type? ".$part['FAIpartitionType']); } } $cnt = 1; foreach($primary as $part){ $part['FAIpartitionNr'] = $cnt; $part['cn'] = $disk['cn'].$cnt; $newSetup[$cnt] = $part; $cnt ++; } $cnt = 5; foreach($logical as $part){ $part['FAIpartitionNr'] = $cnt; $part['cn'] = $disk['cn'].$cnt; $newSetup[$cnt] = $part; $cnt ++; } $this->disks[$disk['cn']]['partitions'] = $newSetup; } } # FAIpartitionNr have to be used as index for this->disks # else the next operation will fail. /* Check if there are disks to be removed, edited or added. * We compare the initial disk setup with the current setup and * and add a status flag, which will then be used to perform the * correct action - add, edited, remove. */ foreach($this->disks as $key => $disk){ // - A complete NEW disk if(!isset($this->initial_disks[$disk['cn']])){ $this->disks[$key]['status'] = "new"; foreach($disk['partitions'] as $pkey => $part){ $this->disks[$disk['cn']]['partitions'][$pkey]['status'] = "new"; } }else{ // - Disk was "EDITED" $this->disks[$key]['status'] = "edited"; foreach($disk['partitions'] as $pkey => $part){ // - Check whether partition is "NEW" or "EDITED" if(!isset($this->initial_disks[$key]['partitions'][$pkey])){ $this->disks[$key]['partitions'][$pkey]['status'] = "new"; }else{ $this->disks[$key]['partitions'][$pkey]['status'] = "edited"; } } } } /* Check which partitions havbe to be removed. * (They intially existed, but are now gone.) */ foreach($this->initial_disks as $ikey => $idisk){ // - Complete disk was REMOVED. if(!isset($this->disks[$idisk['cn']])){ $this->disks[$idisk['cn']] = $idisk; $this->disks[$idisk['cn']]['status'] = "delete"; foreach($idisk['partitions'] as $pkey=>$part){ $this->disks[$idisk['cn']]['partitions'][$pkey] = $part; $this->disks[$idisk['cn']]['partitions'][$pkey]["status"] = "delete"; } }else{ foreach($idisk['partitions'] as $pkey=>$part){ if(!isset($this->disks[$idisk['cn']]['partitions'][$pkey])){ $this->disks[$idisk['cn']]['partitions'][$pkey] = $part; $this->disks[$idisk['cn']]['partitions'][$pkey]["status"] = "delete"; } } } } } function PrepareForCopyPaste($source) { plugin::PrepareForCopyPaste($source); /* Read all leaf objects of this object (For FAIscript this would be FAIscriptEntry) */ /* To be sure to copy disks and partitions correctly, just create a * new PartitionTable object and use the 'disks' attribute * from this it. This is much easier and less code. */ $obj = new faiPartitionTable($this->config, $source['dn']); $this->disks = $obj->disks; } /* Return plugin informations for acl handling */ static function plInfo() { return (array( "plShortName" => _("Partition table"), "plDescription" => _("FAI partition table"), "plSelfModify" => FALSE, "plDepends" => array(), "plPriority" => 26, "plSection" => array("administration"), "plCategory" => array("fai"), "plProperties" => array( array( "name" => "faiPartitionRDN", "type" => "rdn", "default" => "ou=disk,", "description" => "The 'faiPartitionRDN' statement defines the location where new fai-partitions will be created. The default is 'ou=disk,'.", "check" => "gosaProperty::isRdn", "migrate" => "", "group" => "plugin", "mandatory" => FALSE)), "plProvidedAcls" => array( "cn" => _("Name")." ("._("Read only").")", "description" => _("Description")) )); } /*! \brief Used for copy & paste. Returns a HTML input mask, which allows to change the cn of this entry. @param Array Array containing current status && a HTML template. */ function getCopyDialog() { $vars = array("cn"); $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("cn", htmlentities($this->cn)); $str = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("paste_generic.tpl",TRUE)); $ret = array(); $ret['string'] = $str; $ret['status'] = ""; return($ret); } /*! \brief Used for copy & paste. Some entries must be renamed to avaoid duplicate entries. */ function saveCopyDialog() { if(isset($_POST['cn'])){ $this->cn = get_post('cn'); } } /* Reload some attributes */ function get_object_attributes($object,$attributes) { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->cat($object['dn'],$attributes); $tmp = $ldap->fetch(); foreach($attributes as $attrs){ if(isset($tmp[$attrs][0])){ $var = $tmp[$attrs][0]; /* Check if we must decode some attributes */ if(in_array_ics($attrs,$this->sub64coded)){ $var = base64_decode($var); } /* check if this is a binary entry */ if(in_array_ics($attrs,$this->subBinary)){ $var = $ldap->get_attribute($object['dn'], $attrs,$r_array=0); } /* Fix slashes */ $var = addslashes($var); $object[$attrs] = $var; } } return($object); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>