$data){ if(!preg_match("/,".$name.",/",$entry_dn)) continue; $entries[$entry_dn] = $data; } return($entries); } /* Returns all object for the given release. This function resolves the releases from base up to the given dn. */ static function get_all_objects_for_given_base($Current_DN,$filter,$detailed = false) { global $config; $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $res = array(); $tmp = array(); if(!FAI::is_release_department($Current_DN)) { # return($res); } /* Collect some basic informations and initialize some variables */ $base_release = FAI::get_release_dn($Current_DN); $previous_releases = array_reverse(FAI::get_previous_releases_of_this_release($base_release,true)); $ldap->cat($base_release); $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); $FAIstate = "branch"; if(isset($attrs['FAIstate'][0])){ $FAIstate = $attrs['FAIstate'][0]; } /* We must also include the given release dn */ $previous_releases[] = $base_release; /* Walk through all releases */ foreach($previous_releases as $release){ /* Get fai departments */ $deps_to_search = FAI::get_FAI_departments($release); /* For every single department (ou=hoos,ou ..) */ foreach($deps_to_search as $fai_base){ /* Ldap search for fai classes specified in this release */ $attributes = array("dn","objectClass","FAIstate","cn","FAIdiskType","FAIlvmDevice","FAIdiskOption"); $res_tmp = get_list($filter,"fai",$fai_base,$attributes,GL_SUBSEARCH | GL_SIZELIMIT); /* check the returned objects, and add/replace them in our return variable */ foreach($res_tmp as $attr){ $buffer = array(); $name = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($release, '/')."/i","",$attr['dn']); if(isset($attr['FAIstate'][0])){ if(preg_match("/removed$/",$attr['FAIstate'][0])){ if(isset($res[$name])){ unset($res[$name]); } continue; } } /* Seems to be an inherited class, apply current FAIstate to this classes */ if(!preg_match("/".preg_quote($base_release, '/')."$/i",$attr['dn'])){ $buffer['FAIstate'] = $FAIstate; }else{ /* Seems to be created within this release department. This indicates - it can't be of state "freeze" */ if(isset($attr['FAIstate'])){ $buffer['FAIstate'] = $attr['FAIstate'][0]; }else{ $buffer['FAIstate'] = "branch"; } } if(isset($attr['FAIdiskType'])){ $buffer['FAIdiskType'] = $attr['FAIdiskType'][0]; } else { $buffer['FAIdiskType'] = "old"; } if(isset($attr['FAIdiskOption'])){ $buffer['FAIdiskOption'] = $attr['FAIdiskOption']; } else { $buffer['FAIdiskOption'] = null; } if(isset($attr['FAIlvmDevice'])){ $buffer['FAIlvmDevice'] = $attr['FAIlvmDevice']; } /* In detailed mode are some additonal informations visible */ if($detailed){ /* Create list of parents */ if(isset($res[$name])){ $buffer = $res[$name]; $buffer['parents'][] = $res[$name]['dn']; }else{ $buffer['parents'] = array(); } /* Append objectClass to resulsts */ foreach($attributes as $val){ if(isset($attr[$val])){ $buffer[$val] = $attr[$val]; } } unset($buffer['objectClass']['count']); } /* Add this object to our list */ $buffer['dn'] = $attr['dn']; $res[$name] = $buffer; } } } return($res); } /* Return all relevant FAI departments */ static function get_FAI_departments($suffix = "") { $arr = array("hooks","scripts","disk","packages","profiles","templates","variables"); $tmp = array(); if(preg_match("/^,/",$suffix)){ $suffix = preg_replace("/^,/","",$suffix); } foreach($arr as $name){ if(empty($suffix)){ $tmp[$name] = "ou=".$name; }else{ $tmp[$name] = "ou=".$name.",".$suffix; } } return($tmp); } /* Return all releases within the given base */ static function get_all_releases_from_base($dn,$appendedName=false) { global $config; if(!preg_match("/".preg_quote(get_ou('faiBaseRDN'), '/')."/",$dn)){ $base = get_ou('faiBaseRDN').$dn; }else{ $base = $dn; } $res = array(); $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($base); $ldap->search("(objectClass=FAIbranch)",array("ou","dn")); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ if($appendedName){ $res[$attrs['dn']] = convert_department_dn(preg_replace("/,".preg_quote(get_ou('faiBaseRDN'), '/').".*$/","",$attrs['dn'])); }else{ $res[$attrs['dn']] = $attrs['ou'][0]; } } return($res); } /* Add this object to list of objects, that must be checked for release saving */ static function prepare_to_save_FAI_object($Current_DN,$objectAttrs,$removed = false) { /* Get ldap object */ global $config; $addObj['Current_DN'] = $Current_DN; $addObj['objectAttrs']= $objectAttrs; $addObj['removed'] = $removed; $addObj['diff'] = TRUE; if(!$removed){ $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); /* Get some basic informations */ $parent_obj = FAI::get_parent_release_object($Current_DN); if(!empty($parent_obj)){ $ldap->cat($parent_obj,array("*")); $attrs = FAI:: prepare_ldap_fetch_to_be_saved($ldap->fetch()); if(!FAI::array_diff_FAI( $attrs,$objectAttrs)){ $addObj['diff'] = FALSE; } } }else{ /* If this is the last CLASS of a specific name (e.g. DEPOTSERVER) we have to remove this name from all profiles in this release. */ $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $obj_dn = FAI::get_parent_release_object($Current_DN,TRUE); /* Dont't try to modify non FAIclasses */ if(!preg_match("/[^,]+,".preg_quote(get_ou("faiBaseRDN"), '/')."/",$obj_dn)){ trigger_error("PLEASE check fai class handling in ".__LINE__." -> ".__FILE__); echo "
"; echo "
"; }else{ /* Get source object and check if it is a base FAIclass */ $ldap->cat($obj_dn); $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); $classes = array("FAIprofile","FAIscript","FAIpackageList","FAIpartitionTable","FAIHook","FAIvariable","FAItemplate"); if(count(array_intersect($classes,$attrs['objectClass']))){ $cn = $attrs['cn'][0]; /* Check if this is the last with this name in the current release. In this case we have to remove the package name from all profiles in this release. */ $classes = FAI::get_all_objects_for_given_base(FAI::get_release_dn($Current_DN), "(&(objectClass=FAIclass)(cn=".$cn."))"); /* Check if this is the last class with this name. */ if(count($classes) == 1){ /* Get all FAI Profiles */ $profiles = FAI::get_all_objects_for_given_base(FAI::get_release_dn($Current_DN), "(&(objectClass=FAIprofile)(FAIclass=*))"); /* Walk though all profiles and remove the source class name */ foreach($profiles as $dn){ $ldap->cat($dn['dn']); $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); $attrs = array('FAIclass' => $attrs['FAIclass'][0]); /* Check if this Profile uses the source class ($cn) */ if(preg_match("/".preg_quote($cn, '/')."/",$attrs['FAIclass'])){ $attrs['FAIclass'] = preg_replace("/[ ]*".preg_quote($cn, '/')."[ ]*/i"," ",$attrs['FAIclass']); if(empty($attrs['FAIclass'])){ $attrs['FAIclass'] = array(); } $ldap->cd($dn['dn']); $ldap->modify($attrs); if (!$ldap->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $this->dn, LDAP_MOD, get_class())); } } } } } } } $FAI_objects_to_save = session::get('FAI_objects_to_save') ; $FAI_objects_to_save[$Current_DN] = $addObj; session::set('FAI_objects_to_save',$FAI_objects_to_save); } /* Detect differences in attribute arrays */ static function array_diff_FAI($ar1,$ar2) { if((!isset($ar1['description'])) || (isset($ar1['description']) && (count($ar1['description']) == 0))){ $ar1['description'] = ""; } if((!isset($ar2['description'])) || (isset($ar2['description']) && (count($ar2['description']) == 0))){ $ar2['description'] = ""; } if(count($ar1) != count($ar2)) { return (true); } foreach($ar1 as $key1 => $val1){ if((is_array($val1)) && (count($val1)==1)){ $ar1[$key1] = $val1[0]; } if(isset($ar2[$key1])&& (is_array($ar2[$key1])) && (count($ar2[$key1])==1)){ $val1 = $val1[0]; $ar2[$key1] = $ar2[$key1][0]; } } ksort($ar1); ksort($ar2); if(count( array_diff($ar1,$ar2)) || FAI::arr_diff($ar1,$ar2)){ return(true); }else{ return(false); } } static function arr_diff($ar1,$ar2) { foreach($ar1 as $ak1 => $av1){ if(!isset($ar2[$ak1]) || (!($av1 === $ar2[$ak1]))){ return(TRUE); }elseif(is_array($av1)){ $ret = (FAI::arr_diff($av1,$ar2[$ak1])); if($ret) { return(TRUE); } } } return(FALSE); } /* check which objects must be saved, and save them */ static function save_release_changes_now() { global $config; /* Variable init*/ $to_save = array(); $reload_fai_classes = FALSE; /* check which objects must be saved */ if(!session::is_set('FAI_objects_to_save')){ return; } $FAI_objects_to_save = session::get('FAI_objects_to_save'); if(!is_array($FAI_objects_to_save)) { print_a(array(session::get('FAI_objects_to_save'))); trigger_error("Can't save FAI objects, no array given."); return; } foreach($FAI_objects_to_save as $Current_DN => $object){ if($object['diff']){ $sub_name = $Current_DN; while(isset($FAI_objects_to_save[$sub_name])){ $to_save[strlen($sub_name)][$sub_name] = $FAI_objects_to_save[$sub_name]; unset($FAI_objects_to_save[$sub_name]); $sub_name = preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $sub_name); } } } session::set('FAI_objects_to_save',$FAI_objects_to_save); /* Sort list of objects that must be saved, and ensure that container objects are safed, before their childs are saved */ ksort($to_save); $tmp = array(); foreach($to_save as $SubObjects){ foreach($SubObjects as $object){ $tmp[] = $object; } } $to_save = $tmp; /* Save objects and manage the correct release behavior*/ foreach($to_save as $save){ $Current_DN = $save['Current_DN']; $removed = $save['removed']; $objectAttrs= $save['objectAttrs']; /* Get ldap object */ $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); /* Get some basic informations */ $base_release = FAI::get_release_dn($Current_DN); $sub_releases = FAI::get_sub_releases_of_this_release($base_release,true); $parent_obj = FAI::get_parent_release_object($Current_DN); $following_releases = $sub_releases; /* Check if given dn exists or if is a new entry */ $ldap->cat($Current_DN); if(!$ldap->count()){ $is_new = true; }else{ $is_new = false; } /* if parameter removed is true, we have to add FAIstate to the current attrs FAIstate should end with ...|removed after this operation */ if($removed ){ $ldap->cat($Current_DN); /* Get current object, because we must add the FAIstate ...|removed */ if((!$ldap->count()) && !empty($parent_obj)){ $ldap->cat($parent_obj); } /* Check if we have found a suiteable object */ if(!$ldap->count()){ echo "Error can't remove this object ".$Current_DN; return; }else{ /* Set FAIstate to current objectAttrs */ $objectAttrs = FAI:: prepare_ldap_fetch_to_be_saved($ldap->fetch()); if(isset($objectAttrs['FAIstate'][0])){ if(!preg_match("/removed$/",$objectAttrs['FAIstate'][0])){ $objectAttrs['FAIstate'][0] .= "|removed"; } }else{ $objectAttrs['FAIstate'][0] = "|removed"; } /* Force reload of FAI classes */ $classes = array("FAIprofile","FAIscript","FAIpackageList","FAIpartitionTable","FAIHook","FAIvariable","FAItemplate"); if(count(array_intersect($classes,$objectAttrs['objectClass']))){ $reload_fai_classes = TRUE; } } } /* Check if this a leaf release or not */ if(count($following_releases) == 0 ){ /* This is a leaf object. It isn't inherited by any other object */ if(DEBUG_FAI_FUNC) { echo "Saving directly, is a leaf object
".$Current_DN; print_a($objectAttrs); } FAI::save_FAI_object($Current_DN,$objectAttrs); /* Force reload of FAI classes */ $classes = array("FAIprofile","FAIscript","FAIpackageList","FAIpartitionTable","FAIHook","FAIvariable","FAItemplate"); if(count(array_intersect($classes,$objectAttrs['objectClass']))){ $reload_fai_classes = TRUE; } }else{ /* This object is inherited by some sub releases */ /* Get all releases, that inherit this object */ $r = FAI::get_following_releases_that_inherit_this_object($Current_DN); /* Get parent object */ $ldap->cat($parent_obj); $parent_attrs = FAI::prepare_ldap_fetch_to_be_saved($ldap->fetch()); /* New objects require special handling */ if($is_new){ /* Force reload of FAI classes */ $classes = array("FAIprofile","FAIscript","FAIpackageList","FAIpartitionTable","FAIHook","FAIvariable","FAItemplate"); if(count(array_intersect($classes,$objectAttrs['objectClass']))){ $reload_fai_classes = TRUE; } /* check if there is already an entry named like this, in one of our parent releases */ if(!empty($parent_obj)){ if(DEBUG_FAI_FUNC) { echo "There is already an entry named like this.
"; echo "Saving main object".$Current_DN; print_a($objectAttrs); } FAI::save_FAI_object($Current_DN,$objectAttrs); foreach($r as $key){ if(DEBUG_FAI_FUNC) { echo "Saving parent to following release ".$key; print_a($parent_attrs); } FAI::save_FAI_object($key,$parent_attrs); } }else{ if(DEBUG_FAI_FUNC) { echo "Saving main object".$Current_DN; print_a($objectAttrs); } FAI::save_FAI_object($Current_DN,$objectAttrs); if(isset($objectAttrs['FAIstate'])){ $objectAttrs['FAIstate'] .= "|removed"; }else{ $objectAttrs['FAIstate'] = "|removed"; } foreach($r as $key ){ if(DEBUG_FAI_FUNC) { echo "Create an empty placeholder in follwing release ".$key; print_a($objectAttrs); } FAI::save_FAI_object($key,$objectAttrs); } } }else{ /* check if we must patch the follwing release */ if(!empty($r)){ foreach($r as $key ){ if(DEBUG_FAI_FUNC) { echo "Copy current objects original attributes to next release ".$key; print_a($parent_attrs); } /* Append FAIstate tag to ensure that freezed objects stay freezed */ $rTag = FAI::get_release_tag(FAI::get_release_dn($key)); $parent_attrs['FAIstate'] = $rTag; /* FAItemplateFile can be binary, therefore it needs to be fetched with * $ldap->get_attribute */ if (isset($parent_attrs['FAItemplateFile'])) { $parent_attrs['FAItemplateFile'] = $ldap->get_attribute($parent_obj, 'FAItemplateFile'); } FAI::save_FAI_object($key,$parent_attrs); } } if(DEBUG_FAI_FUNC) { echo "Saving current object".$parent_obj; print_a($objectAttrs); } FAI::save_FAI_object($parent_obj,$objectAttrs); if(($parent_obj != $Current_DN)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Error, following objects should be equal '%s' and '%s'"),$parent_obj,$Current_DN), ERROR_DIALOG); } } } } /* Reload GOsa si FAI DB/cache */ if($reload_fai_classes){ if( class_available("DaemonEvent") && class_available("gosaSupportDaemon")){ $events = DaemonEvent::get_event_types(SYSTEM_EVENT | HIDDEN_EVENT); if(isset($events['TRIGGERED']['DaemonEvent_recreate_fai_release_db'])){ $evt = $events['TRIGGERED']['DaemonEvent_recreate_fai_release_db']; $tmp = new $evt['CLASS_NAME']($config); $tmp->set_type(TRIGGERED_EVENT); $tmp->add_targets(array("GOSA")); $o_queue = new gosaSupportDaemon(); if(!$o_queue->append($tmp)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o_queue->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); } } } } session::set('FAI_objects_to_save',array()); } /* this function will remove all unused (deleted) objects, that have no parent object */ static function clean_up_releases($Current_DN) { global $config; $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); /* Collect some basic informations and initialize some variables */ $base_release = FAI::get_release_dn($Current_DN); $previous_releases = array_reverse(FAI:: get_previous_releases_of_this_release($base_release,true)); $Kill = array(); $Skip = array(); /* We must also include the given release dn */ $previous_releases[] = $base_release; /* Walk through all releases */ foreach($previous_releases as $release){ /* Get fai departments */ $deps_to_search = FAI::get_FAI_departments($release); /* For every single department (ou=hoos,ou ..) */ foreach($deps_to_search as $fai_base){ /* Ldap search for fai classes specified in this release */ $ldap->cd($fai_base); $ldap->search("(objectClass=FAIclass)",array("dn","objectClass","FAIstate")); /* check the returned objects, and add/replace them in our return variable */ while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){ $buffer = array(); # $name = str_ireplace($release,"",$attr['dn']); $name = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($release, '/')."/i","",$attr['dn']); if(isset($attr['FAIstate'][0])&&(preg_match("/removed$/",$attr['FAIstate'][0]))){ /* Check if this object is required somehow */ if(!isset($Skip[$name])){ $Kill[$attr['dn']] = $attr['dn']; } }else{ /* This object is required (not removed), so do not delete any following sub releases of this object */ $Skip[$name] = $attr['dn']; } } } } return($Kill); } /* Remove numeric index and 'count' from ldap->fetch result */ static function prepare_ldap_fetch_to_be_saved($attrs) { foreach($attrs as $key => $value){ if(is_numeric($key) || ($key == "count") || ($key == "dn")){ unset($attrs[$key]); } if(is_array($value) && isset($value['count'])){ unset($attrs[$key]['count']); } } return($attrs); } /* Save given attrs to specified dn*/ static function save_FAI_object($dn,$attrs) { global $config; $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $dn)); $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->cat($dn,array("dn")); if($ldap->count()){ /* Remove FAIstate*/ if(!isset($attrs['FAIstate'])){ $attrs['FAIstate'] = array(); } $ldap->modify($attrs); }else{ /* Unset description if empty */ if(empty($attrs['description'])){ unset($attrs['description']); } $ldap->add($attrs); } if (!$ldap->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $dn, 0, get_class())); } } /* Return FAIstate freeze branch or "" for specified release department */ static function get_release_tag($dn) { global $config; $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->cat($dn,array("FAIstate")); if($ldap->count()){ $attr = $ldap->fetch(); if(isset($attr['FAIstate'][0])){ if(preg_match("/freeze/",$attr['FAIstate'][0])){ return("freeze"); }elseif(preg_match("/branch/",$attr['FAIstate'][0])){ return("branch"); } } } return(""); } static function get_following_releases_that_inherit_this_object($dn) { global $config; $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $ret = array(); /* Get base release */ $base_release = FAI::get_release_dn($dn); /* Get previous release dns */ $sub_releases = FAI:: get_sub_releases_of_this_release($base_release); /* Get dn suffix. Example "FAIvairableEntry=keksdose,FAIvariable=Keksregal," */ # $dn_suffix = str_ireplace($base_release,"",$dn); $dn_suffix = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($base_release, '/')."/i","",$dn); /* Check if given object also exists whitin one of these releases */ foreach($sub_releases as $p_release => $name){ $check_dn = $dn_suffix.$p_release; $ldap->cat($check_dn,array("dn","objectClass")); if($ldap->count()){ //return($ret); }else{ $ret[$check_dn]=$check_dn; } } return($ret); } /* Get previous version of the object dn */ static function get_parent_release_object($dn,$include_myself=true) { global $config; $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $previous_releases= array(); /* Get base release */ $base_release = FAI::get_release_dn($dn); if($include_myself){ $previous_releases[] = $base_release; } /* Get previous release dns */ $tmp = FAI:: get_previous_releases_of_this_release($base_release,true); foreach($tmp as $release){ $previous_releases[] = $release; } /* Get dn suffix. Example "FAIvairableEntry=keksdose,FAIvariable=Keksregal," */ # $dn_suffix = str_ireplace($base_release,"",$dn); $dn_suffix = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($base_release, '/')."/i","",$dn); /* Check if given object also exists whitin one of these releases */ foreach($previous_releases as $p_release){ $check_dn = $dn_suffix.$p_release; $ldap->cat($check_dn,array("dn","objectClass")); if($ldap->count()){ return($check_dn); } } return(""); } /* return release names of all parent releases */ static function get_previous_releases_of_this_release($dn,$flat) { global $config; $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $ret = array(); /* Explode dns into pieces, to be able to build parent dns */ $dns_to_check = gosa_ldap_explode_dn(preg_replace("/".preg_quote(",".$config->current['BASE'], '/')."/i","",$dn)); if(!is_array($dns_to_check)){ return; } /* Unset first entry which represents the given dn */ unset($dns_to_check['count']); unset($dns_to_check[key($dns_to_check)]); /* Create dns addresses and check if this dn is a release dn */ $id = 0; while(count($dns_to_check)){ /* build parent dn */ $new_dn = ""; foreach($dns_to_check as $part){ $new_dn .= $part.","; } $new_dn .= $config->current['BASE']; /* check if this dn is a release */ if(FAI::is_release_department($new_dn)){ if($flat){ $ret[$id] = $new_dn; }else{ $ret = array($new_dn=>$ret); } $id ++; }else{ return($ret); } reset($dns_to_check); unset($dns_to_check[key($dns_to_check)]); } return($ret); } /* This function returns all sub release names, recursivly */ static function get_sub_releases_of_this_release($dn,$flat = false) { global $config; $res = array(); $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $ldap->ls("(objectClass=FAIbranch)",$dn,array("objectClass","dn","ou")); while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){ /* Append department name */ if($flat){ $res[$attr['dn']] = $attr['ou'][0]; }else{ $res[$attr['dn']] = array(); } /* Get sub release departments of this department */ if(in_array("FAIbranch",$attr['objectClass'])) { if($flat){ $tmp = FAI:: get_sub_releases_of_this_release($attr['dn'],$flat); foreach($tmp as $dn => $value){ $res[$dn]=$value; } }else{ $res[$attr['dn']] = FAI:: get_sub_releases_of_this_release($attr['dn']); } } } return($res); } /* Check if the given department is a release department */ static function is_release_department($dn) { global $config; $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $ldap->cat($dn,array("objectClass","ou")); /* Check objectClasses and name to check if this is a release department */ if($ldap->count()){ $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); $ou = ""; if(isset($attrs['ou'][0])){ $ou = $attrs['ou'][0]; } if((in_array("FAIbranch",$attrs['objectClass'])) || ($ou == "fai")){ return($attrs['dn']); } } return(false); } static function copy_FAI_group_releases($source_release , $destination_name, $type ="" ) { global $config; $start = microtime(TRUE); $source_release = trim($source_release,"/"); echo "

".sprintf(_("Creating group application release for %s"),$destination_name)."

"; $sub_releases = array(); $source_dn = ""; $tmp = split("\/",$source_release); foreach($tmp as $part){ if(empty($part)){ continue; } $source_dn = "ou=".$part.",".$source_dn; $sub_releases[$part] = $source_dn; } /* Get all groups */ $ldap =$config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(objectClass=posixGroup)",array("dn")); $groups = array(); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $groups[$attrs['dn']] = $attrs; } /* Get all FAI releases, to be able to create missing group application releases with the correct type of release (FAIstate=freeze/branch). */ $f_releases = array(); $ldap->cd ($config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(objectClass=FAIbranch)",array("ou","FAIstate")); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ foreach($sub_releases as $sub_rel){ if(preg_match("/^".preg_quote($sub_rel.get_ou('faiBaseRDN'), '/')."/",$attrs['dn'])){ $f_releases[$sub_rel.get_ou('faiBaseRDN')] = $attrs; } } } /* Get all group releases */ $g_releases = array(); foreach($groups as $dn => $data){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->search("(objectClass=FAIbranch)",array("ou","FAIstate")); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $g_releases[$attrs['dn']] = $attrs; } } /* Check if base releases exists. If they do not exist, create them and adapt FAIstate attribute from FAI releases. */ foreach($sub_releases as $name => $sub_rel){ $FAIstate = ""; if(isset($f_releases[$sub_rel.get_ou('faiBaseRDN')]) && isset($f_releases[$sub_rel.get_ou('faiBaseRDN')]['FAIstate'])){ $FAIstate = $f_releases[$sub_rel.get_ou('faiBaseRDN')]['FAIstate'][0]; } foreach($groups as $dn => $data){ if(!isset($g_releases[$sub_rel.$dn])){ $ldap->cd($dn); $r_data = array(); $r_data['ou'] = $name; $r_data['objectClass'] = array("top","organizationalUnit","FAIbranch"); if(!empty($FAIstate)) { $r_data['FAIstate'] = $FAIstate; } $ldap->cd($sub_rel.$dn) ; $ldap->add($r_data); echo " "._("Object").": "; echo sprintf(_("Adding missing group application release container %s."),substr(LDAP::fix($sub_rel.$dn),0,96))."
"; flush(); } } } /* Create new release container in each group. */ $n_data = array(); $n_data = array(); $n_data['ou'] = $destination_name; $n_data['objectClass'] = array("top","organizationalUnit","FAIbranch"); if(!empty($type)){ $n_data['FAIstate'] = $type."/cow"; } foreach($groups as $dn => $att){ $n_dn = "ou=".$destination_name.",".$source_dn.$dn; if(!isset($g_releases[$n_dn])){ $ldap->cd ($n_dn); $ldap->add($n_data); echo " "._("Object").": "; echo sprintf(_("Adding group application release container %s."),substr(LDAP::fix($n_dn),0,96))."
"; flush(); } } /* If the source release is empty, then create a new release by copying all group application menus into a new ou=$destination_name release container. If the source release is not empty. We detect all releases which match the source release dn and copy the contents. */ if(empty($source_release)){ $source_dns = $groups; }else{ $source_dns = array(); foreach($g_releases as $dn => $data){ if(preg_match("/^".preg_quote($source_dn, '/')."/",$dn)){ $source_dns[$dn] = $data; } } } /* Detect all menu object we have to copy */ $to_copy = array(); foreach($source_dns as $dn => $attrs){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->ls("(|(objectClass=gotoSubmenuEntry)(objectClass=gotoMenuEntry))",$dn,array("dn")); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $destination = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($dn, '/')."$/","ou=".$destination_name.",".$dn,$attrs['dn']); $to_copy[$attrs['dn']] = $destination; } } /* At least create the menu objects object */ $plug = new plugin($config); foreach($to_copy as $source => $destination){ $ldap->cat($destination); if($ldap->count()){ echo " "._("Object").": "; echo sprintf(_("Could not create menu entry %s. (Already exists)."),substr(LDAP::fix($destination),0,96))."
"; flush(); }else{ $plug->copy($source,$destination); echo " "._("Object").": "; echo sprintf(_("Created group application menu entry for %s."),substr(LDAP::fix($destination),0,96))."
"; flush(); } } } /*! \brief Create a new FAI branch. * @param $sourcedn String The source release dn * @param $destinationdn String The destination dn * @param $destinationName String The name of the new release * @param $type String The release type (freeze/branch) * @param $is_first Boolean Use to identify the first func. call when recursivly called. * @param $depth Integer Current depth of recursion. */ static function copy_FAI_resource_recursive($sourcedn,$destinationdn,$destinationName,$type="branch",$is_first = true,$depth=0) { global $config; error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $basedn = $config->current['BASE']; $delarray = array(); /* The following code will output a status string * for each handled object, in a seperate iframe. */ /* Display current action information. */ if($is_first){ echo "

".sprintf(_("Creating copy of %s"),"".LDAP::fix($sourcedn)."")."

"; }else{ if(preg_match("/^ou=/",$sourcedn)){ echo "

"._("Processing")." ".LDAP::fix($destinationdn)."

"; }else{ $tmp = split(",",$sourcedn); echo " "._("Object").": "; $deststr = LDAP::fix($destinationdn); if(strlen($deststr) > 96){ $deststr = substr($deststr,0,96)."..."; } echo $deststr."
"; } } /* .. immediately display infos */ flush(); /* Check if destination entry already exists */ $ldap->cat($destinationdn); if($ldap->count()){ echo _("Could not create new release, the destination dn is already in use."); return; }else{ $ldap->clearResult(); /* Get source entry * if it does not exist, abort here. */ $ldap->cd($basedn); $ldap->cat($sourcedn); $attr = $ldap->fetch(); if((!$attr) || (count($attr)) ==0) { echo _("Error while fetching source dn - aborted!"); return; } /* The current object we want to create is an department. * Create the department and add the FAIbranch tag. */ if(in_array("organizationalUnit",$attr['objectClass'])){ $attr['dn'] = LDAP::convert($destinationdn); $ldap->cd($basedn); $ldap->create_missing_trees($destinationdn); $ldap->cd($destinationdn); /* If is first entry, append FAIbranch to department entry */ if($is_first){ $ldap->cat($destinationdn); $attr= $ldap->fetch(); /* Filter unneeded informations */ foreach($attr as $key => $value){ if(is_numeric($key)) unset($attr[$key]); if(isset($attr[$key]['count'])){ if(is_array($attr[$key])){ unset($attr[$key]['count']); } } } unset($attr['count']); unset($attr['dn']); /* Add marking attribute */ $attr['objectClass'][] = "FAIbranch"; $attr['FAIstate'] = $type; /* Add this entry */ $ldap->modify($attr); } }else{ /* Replicate all relevant FAI objects here. * FAI objects, Apps and Mimetypes. * Get all attributes as binary value, to ensure that Icon, File template aso * are created correctly. */ foreach($attr as $key => $value){ if(in_array($key ,array("gotoLogonScript", "gosaApplicationIcon","gotoMimeIcon"))){ $sr= ldap_read($ldap->cid, LDAP::fix($sourcedn), "$key=*", array($key)); $ei= ldap_first_entry($ldap->cid, $sr); if ($tmp= @ldap_get_values_len($ldap->cid, $ei,$key)){ $attr[$key] = $tmp; } } if(is_numeric($key)) unset($attr[$key]); if(isset($attr[$key]['count'])){ if(is_array($attr[$key])){ unset($attr[$key]['count']); } } } unset($attr['count']); unset($attr['dn']); if(!in_array("FAIobject",$attr['objectClass'])){ $attr['objectClass'][] = "FAIobject"; } $attr['FAIstate'] = $type; /* Add entry */ $ldap->cd($destinationdn); $ldap->cat($destinationdn); $a = $ldap->fetch(); if(!count($a)){ $ldap->add($attr); } if(!$ldap->success()){ /* Some error occurred */ msg_dialog::display(_("Fatal error"), sprintf(_("Release creation failed due to ldap errors. Additional informations '%s'."), $ldap->get_error()."
"),FATAL_ERROR_DIALOG); exit(); } } } echo "" ; /* Prepare for recursive copy. * Get all object within the source dn and * call the recursive copy for each. */ $ldap->ls ("(objectClass=*)",$sourcedn); while ($ldap->fetch()){ $deldn= $ldap->getDN(); $delarray[$deldn]= strlen($deldn); } asort ($delarray); reset ($delarray); $depth ++; foreach($delarray as $dn => $bla){ if($dn != $destinationdn){ $ldap->cd($basedn); $item = $ldap->fetch($ldap->cat($dn)); if(!in_array("FAIbranch",$item['objectClass'])){ FAI::copy_FAI_resource_recursive($dn,str_replace($sourcedn,$destinationdn,$dn),$destinationName,$type,false,$depth); } } } if($is_first){ echo "


"; } } /* This function returns the dn of the object release */ static function get_release_dn($Current_DN) { global $config; $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); /* Split dn into pices */ $dns_to_check = gosa_ldap_explode_dn(preg_replace("/".preg_quote(",".$config->current['BASE'], '/')."/i","",$Current_DN)); if(!is_array($dns_to_check)){ return; } /* Use dn pieces, to create sub dns like ou=test,ou=1,ou=0... ou=1,ou=0... ou=0... To check which dn is our release container. */ unset($dns_to_check['count']); while(count($dns_to_check)){ /* Create dn */ $new_dn = ""; foreach($dns_to_check as $part){ $new_dn .= $part.","; } $new_dn .= $config->current['BASE']; /* Check if this dn is a release dn */ if(FAI::is_release_department($new_dn)){ return($new_dn); } /* Remove first element of dn pieces */ reset($dns_to_check); unset($dns_to_check[key($dns_to_check)]); } return(""); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>