RecordTypes = DNS::getDnsRecordTypes(true); if(!count($attrs)){ $this->OldZoneName = ""; $this->OldReverseZone = ""; $this->isNew = true; $this->sOAserial = date("Ymd")."1"; $this->InitialzoneName = "";//$attrs['InitialzoneName']; $this->InitialReverseZone = "";//$attrs['InitialReverseZone']; }else{ $this->ZoneObject = $attrs; if(isset($attrs['zoneEditor'])){ $this->zoneEditor = $attrs['zoneEditor']; } $this->OldZoneName = $attrs['zoneName']; $this->OldReverseZone = $attrs['ReverseZone']; $this->InitialzoneName = $attrs['InitialzoneName']; $this->InitialReverseZone = $attrs['InitialReverseZone']; $this->isNew = false; foreach($this->attributes as $value){ $this->$value = $attrs[$value]; } $this->sOAmail = preg_replace("/\./","@",$this->sOAmail,1); $this->sOAmail = preg_replace("/\.$/","",$this->sOAmail); $this->sOAprimary = preg_replace("/\.$/","",$this->sOAprimary); $this->zoneName = preg_replace("/\.$/","",$this->zoneName); if(isset($attrs['RECORDS'])){ $this->Records = $attrs['RECORDS']; $tmp2 = array(); $usedPrio = array(); foreach($this->Records as $key => $rec){ if($rec['type'] == "mXRecord"){ $tmp = split(" ",$rec['value']); $rec['value'] = $tmp[1]; $tmp2[$tmp[0]] = $rec; unset($this->Records[$key]); } if($rec['type'] == "nSRecord" && preg_match("/".normalizePreg($this->sOAprimary)."/",$rec['value'])){ unset($this->Records[$key]); } } if(count($tmp2) != 0){ reset($tmp2); ksort($tmp2); } $this->mXRecords = $tmp2; }else{ $this->mXRecords = array(); $this->Records = array(); } $str = date("Ymd"); if(preg_match("/^".$str."/",$this->sOAserial)){ $this->sOAserial = $this->sOAserial + 1; }else{ $this->sOAserial = date("Ymd")."01"; } /* Check if this used, in this case disable forward and reverse configuration */ $tmp = $this->getUsedZoneNames(); $this->Zone_is_used = FALSE; if(isset($tmp[DNS::FlipIp($this->InitialReverseZone).""])){ $this->Zone_is_used = TRUE; } } /* Detect Network class */ if(!empty($this->ReverseZone)){ $dots = count(split("\.",$this->ReverseZone)); if($dots == 1){ $this->NetworkClass = "A"; $this->ReverseZone .= ".0.0.0"; }elseif($dots == 2){ $this->NetworkClass = "B"; $this->ReverseZone .= ".0.0"; }else{ $this->NetworkClass = "C"; $this->ReverseZone .= ".0"; } } } /* TRansports the geiven Arraykey one position up*/ function ArrayUp($atr,$attrs) { $ret = $attrs; $pos = $atr ; $cn = count($attrs); if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == 1)||($pos >$cn))){ $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-2)); $mitte = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-2),2)); $unten = array_slice($attrs,$pos); $ret = array(); $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten); } return($ret); } /* TRansports the geiven Arraykey one position up*/ function ArrayDown($atr,$attrs) { $ret = $attrs; $pos = $atr ; $cn = count($attrs); if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == $cn))){ $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-1)); $mitte = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-1),2)); $unten = array_slice($attrs,($pos+1)); $ret = array(); $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten); } return($ret); } /* Combine new array */ function combineArrays($ar0,$ar1,$ar2) { $ret = array(); if(is_array($ar0)) foreach($ar0 as $ar => $a){ $ret[]=$a; } if(is_array($ar1)) foreach($ar1 as $ar => $a){ $ret[]=$a; } if(is_array($ar2)) foreach($ar2 as $ar => $a){ $ret[]=$a; } return($ret); } function getpos($atr,$attrs) { $i = 0; foreach($attrs as $attr => $name) { $i++; if($attr == $atr){ return($i); } } return(-1); } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("Zone_is_used",$this->Zone_is_used); $ui = get_userinfo(); $smarty->assign("ACLs",$this->parent->getacl("")); $display= ""; /* Open Zone Entry Edit Dialog */ if(!count($this->ZoneObject)){ $smarty->assign("AllowZoneEdit" , false); }else{ $smarty->assign("AllowZoneEdit" , true); if(isset($_POST['EditZoneEntries'])){ if($this->zoneEditor == NULL){ $this->zoneEditor= new servDNSeditZoneEntries($this->config,$this->dn,$this->ZoneObject); $this->zoneEditor->parent = $this; } $this->dialog = $this->zoneEditor; } } /* Save Zone Entry Edit Dialog */ if(isset($_POST['SaveZoneEntryChanges'])){ $this->dialog->save_object(); if(count($this->dialog->check())){ $msgs = $this->dialog->check(); foreach($msgs as $msg){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $msg , ERROR_DIALOG); } }else{ $this->zoneEditor = clone $this->dialog; $this->dialog = FALSE; # $rev = DNS::FlipIp(DNS::getNameFromMix($this->InitialReverseZone)).""; # $for = DNS::getNameFromMix($this->InitialzoneName); # # $this->parent->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $this->dn,"zoneName" => $rev)); # $this->parent->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $this->dn,"zoneName" => $for)); # $this->dialog = false; } } /* Cancel Zone Entrie Edit Dialog */ if(isset($_POST['CancelZoneEntryChanges'])){ $this->dialog = false; } /* Display any type of open dialogs */ if(is_object($this->dialog)){ $this->dialog->save_object(); return($this->dialog->execute()); } $once =true; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if((preg_match("/^MXup_/",$name)) && ($once)){ $once = false; $id = preg_replace("/^MXup_/","",$name); $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id); $id = base64_decode($id); $this->mXRecords = $this->ArrayUp(($id+1),$this->mXRecords); } if((preg_match("/^MXdown_/",$name)) && ($once)){ $once = false; $id = preg_replace("/^MXdown_/","",$name); $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id); $id = base64_decode($id); $this->mXRecords = $this->ArrayDown(($id+1),$this->mXRecords); } if((preg_match("/^MXdel_/",$name)) && ($once)){ $once = false; $id = preg_replace("/^MXdel_/","",$name); $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id); $id = base64_decode($id); unset($this->mXRecords[$id]); $tmp =array(); foreach($this->mXRecords as $entry){ $tmp[] = $entry; } $this->mXRecords = $tmp; } } if((isset($_POST['AddMXRecord'])) && (!empty($_POST['StrMXRecord']))){ $this->mXRecords[] = array("type"=>"mXRecord","value"=>trim($_POST['StrMXRecord'])); } /* Handle Post events */ $once = true; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ /* Delete record if requested */ if((preg_match("/RemoveRecord_/",$name))&&($once)){ $once = false; $id= preg_replace("/RemoveRecord_/","",$name); unset($this->Records[$id]); } } /* Add new Zonerecord */ if(isset($_POST['AddNewRecord'])){ $this->Records[] = array("type"=>"aRecord","value"=>""); } /* Fill in values */ foreach($this->attributes as $name){ $smarty->assign($name,$this->$name); } $div = new divSelectBox("MxRecords"); $div->setHeight(120); $recs = $this->mXRecords; $oneup = " "; $onedown = " "; $onedel = " "; foreach($recs as $key => $rec){ $div ->AddEntry(array( array("string"=>$rec['value']), /* array("string"=>$key, "attach"=>"style='width:20px;'"),*/ array("string"=>str_replace("%s",base64_encode($key),$oneup.$onedown.$onedel), "attach"=>"style='width:70px;border-right:0px;'") )); } /* Assign records list */ $smarty->assign("NotNew", false); $smarty->assign("Mxrecords", $div->DrawList()); $smarty->assign("records" , $this->generateRecordsList()); $smarty->assign("NetworkClass", $this->NetworkClass); $smarty->assign("NetworkClasses", array("A"=>" (Class A)","B"=>" (Class B)","C"=>" (Class C)")); /* Display tempalte */ $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servdnseditzone.tpl', TRUE, dirname(__FILE__))); return($display); } function remove_from_parent() { } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { //plugin::save_object(); foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ if($this->Zone_is_used && in_array($attr,array("ReverseZone","zoneName"))){ continue; } if(isset($_POST[$attr])){ $this->$attr = $_POST[$attr]; } } foreach($this->Records as $id => $value){ if(isset($_POST['RecordTypeSelectedFor_'.$id])){ $this->Records[$id]['type'] = $_POST['RecordTypeSelectedFor_'.$id]; } if(isset($_POST['RecordValue_'.$id])){ $this->Records[$id]['value'] = $_POST['RecordValue_'.$id]; } } if(isset($_POST['NetworkClass']) && !$this->Zone_is_used){ $this->NetworkClass = $_POST['NetworkClass']; } } /* Check supplied data */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); /* Check if zoneName is already in use */ $usedZones = $this->getUsedZoneNames(); if(empty($this->zoneName)){ $message[] = msgPool::required(_("Zone name")); } if(empty($this->ReverseZone)){ $message[] = msgPool::required(_("Reverse zone")); } if($this->zoneName != strtolower($this->zoneName)){ $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Zone name"),"","",_("Only lowercase allowed")); } if(!is_numeric($this->sOAserial)){ $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Serial"),$this->sOAserial,"/[0-9]/"); } if(!is_numeric($this->sOArefresh)){ $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Refresh"),$this->sOArefresh,"/[0-9]/"); } if(!is_numeric($this->sOAttl)){ $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Time to life"),$this->sOAttl,"/[0-9]/"); } if(!is_numeric($this->sOAexpire)){ $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Expire"),$this->sOAexpire,"/[0-9]/"); } if(!is_numeric($this->sOAretry)){ $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Retry"),$this->sOAretry,"/[0-9]/"); } foreach($this->Records as $name => $values){ /* only lower-case is allowed in record entries ... */ if($values['value'] != strtolower($values['value'])){ $message[] = msgPool::invalid($values['type'],"","",_("Only lowercase allowed")); } } /* Check class for given Zone Address */ $addr = preg_replace("/^[^\/]*+\//","",$this->ReverseZone); /* Check for valid&complete IP address */ if(!tests::is_ip($addr)){ $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Network address")); } /* Check if given address matches selected network class */ switch($this->NetworkClass){ case 'A': { if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\.0\.0\.0$/",$addr)){ $message[] = sprintf(_("The specified network address and the network class (%s/%s) do not match!"), $this->NetworkClass, ""); } } break; case 'B': { if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.0\.0$/",$addr)){ $message[] = sprintf(_("The specified network address and the network class (%s/%s) do not match!"), $this->NetworkClass, ""); } } break; case 'C': { if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.0$/",$addr)){ $message[] = sprintf(_("The specified network address and the network class (%s/%s) do not match!"), $this->NetworkClass, ""); } } break; default : $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Network class"),$this->NetworkClass); } return ($message); } /* This funtion returns all used Zonenames */ function getUsedZoneNames() { $ret = array(); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(!(relativeDomainName=@))(zoneName=*))",array("zoneName","relativeDomainName")); while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){ $ret[$attr['zoneName'][0]][] = $attr['dn']; } return($ret); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { $ret =array(); foreach($this->attributes as $name){ $ret[$name] = $this->$name; } /* Create mx records */ foreach($this->mXRecords as $key => $rec){ $rec['value']= $key." ".$rec['value']; $this->Records [] = $rec; } $ret['RECORDS'] = $this->Records; switch($this->NetworkClass){ case 'C' : $ret['ReverseZone']= preg_replace("/\.[0-9]*$/","",$this->ReverseZone);break; case 'B' : $ret['ReverseZone']= preg_replace("/\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$/","",$this->ReverseZone);break; case 'A' : $ret['ReverseZone']= preg_replace("/\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$/","",$this->ReverseZone);break; default : trigger_error("Invalid network class given '".$this->NetworkClass."'"); } $ret['InitialReverseZone']= $this->InitialReverseZone; $ret['InitialzoneName'] = $this->InitialzoneName; $ret['sOAmail'] = preg_replace("/\@/",".",$this->sOAmail); foreach(array("sOAprimary","zoneName","sOAmail") as $attr){ if(!preg_match("/\.$/",$ret[$attr])){ if(!tests::is_ip($ret[$attr])){ $ret[$attr] = $ret[$attr]."."; } } } $ret['RECORDS'][] = array("type" => "nSRecord","value" => $ret['sOAprimary']) ; $ret['zoneEditor'] = $this->zoneEditor; return($ret); } /* This function generate a table row for each used record. This table row displays the recordtype in a select box and the specified value for the record, and a remove button. The last element of the table also got an 'add' button. */ function generateRecordsList($changeStateForRecords="") { $changeStateForRecords = ""; $str = ""; foreach($this->Records as $key => $entry){ if($entry['type'] == "mXRecord") continue; $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RecordTypeSelectedFor_".$key."');\n"; $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RecordValue_".$key."');\n"; $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RemoveRecord_".$key."');\n"; $str.=" ". " ". " ". " ". ""; } $str.= " ". " ". " ". "
". " ". "
"; return($str); } /* This function generates a select box out of $this->RecordTypes options. The Parameter $selected is used to predefine an attribute. $name is used to specify a post name */ function generateRecordListBox($selected,$name) { $str = ""; return($str); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>