refreshProposal(); if($this->proposal != ""){ $this->proposalSelected = TRUE; } } function forceHash($hash) { $this->forcedHash = $hash; } function refreshProposal() { $this->proposal = passwordMethod::getPasswordProposal($this->config); $this->proposalEnabled = (!empty($this->proposal)); } function execute() { plugin::execute(); $smarty = get_smarty(); $ui = get_userinfo(); /* Get acls */ $password_ACLS = $ui->get_permissions($ui->dn,"users/password"); $smarty->assign("ChangeACL" , $password_ACLS); $smarty->assign("NotAllowed" , !preg_match("/w/i",$password_ACLS)); /* Display expiration template */ $smarty->assign("passwordExpired", FALSE); if ($this->config->boolValueIsTrue("core","handleExpiredAccounts")){ $expired= ldap_expired_account($this->config, $ui->dn, $ui->username); $smarty->assign("passwordExpired", $expired & POSIX_FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE); if($expired == POSIX_DISALLOW_PASSWORD_CHANGE){ return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("nochange.tpl", TRUE))); } } // Refresh proposal if requested if(isset($_POST['refreshProposal'])) $this->refreshProposal(); if(isset($_POST['proposalSelected'])) $this->proposalSelected = get_post('proposalSelected') == 1; $smarty->assign("proposal" , set_post($this->proposal)); $smarty->assign("proposalEnabled" , $this->proposalEnabled); $smarty->assign("proposalSelected" , $this->proposalSelected); /* Pwd change requested */ if (isset($_POST['password_finish'])){ if($this->proposalSelected){ $current_password = get_post('current_password'); $new_password = $this->proposal; $repeated_password = $this->proposal; }else{ $current_password = get_post('current_password'); $new_password = get_post('new_password'); $repeated_password = get_post('repeated_password'); } // Get configuration flags for further input checks. $check_differ = $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","passwordMinDiffer") != ""; $differ = $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","passwordMinDiffer"); $check_length = $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","passwordMinLength") != ""; $length = $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","passwordMinLength"); // Once an error has occured it is stored here. $message = array(); // Call the check hook $attrs = array(); $attrs['current_password'] = escapeshellarg($current_password); $attrs['new_password'] = escapeshellarg($new_password); // Depricated but execute for backward compability $check_hook = $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","passwordHook") != ""; $cmd = $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","passwordHook"); if(!empty($cmd)){ $cmd = preg_replace("/%current_password/",escapeshellarg($current_password), $cmd); $cmd = preg_replace("/%new_password/",escapeshellarg($new_password), $cmd); $cmd = preg_replace("/%uid/",escapeshellarg($ui->username), $cmd); $cmd = preg_replace("/%dn/",escapeshellarg($ui->dn), $cmd); if($check_hook){ exec($cmd,$resarr); $check_hook_output = ""; if(count($resarr) > 0) { $check_hook_output= join('\n', $resarr); $message[] = sprintf(_("Password hook reported a problem: %s. Password change canceled!"), $check_hook_output); } } } // Perform GOsa password policy checks if(empty($current_password)){ $message[] = _("You need to specify your current password in order to proceed."); }elseif($new_password != $repeated_password){ $message[] = _("The passwords you've entered as 'New password' and 'Repeated new password' do not match."); }elseif($new_password == ""){ $message[] = _("The password you've entered as 'New password' is empty."); }elseif($check_differ && (substr($current_password, 0, $differ) == substr($new_password, 0, $differ))){ $message[] = _("The password used as new and current are too similar."); }elseif($check_length && (strlen($new_password) < $length)){ $message[] = _("The password used as new is to short."); }elseif(!passwordMethod::is_harmless($new_password)){ $message[] = _("The password contains possibly problematic Unicode characters!"); } // Call external check hook to validate the password change if(!count($message)){ $checkRes = $this->callCheckHook($attrs); if(count($checkRes)){ $message[] = sprintf(_("Check-hook reported a problem: %s. Password change canceled!"),implode($checkRes)); } } // Call the pre-event command and check its return code if(!count($message)){ plugin::callHook($this, 'PREMODIFY', $attrs, $output,$retCode,$error, $directlyPrintError = FALSE); if($retCode === 0 && count($output)){ $message[] = sprintf(_("Pre-event hook reported a problem: %s. Password change canceled!"),implode($output)); } } // Some errors/warning occured, display them and abort password change. if(count($message)){ msg_dialog::displayChecks($message); }else{ /* Try to connect via current password */ $tldap = new LDAP( $ui->dn, $current_password, $this->config->current['SERVER'], $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","ldapFollowReferrals") == "true", $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","ldapTLS") == "true"); /* connection Successfull ? */ if (!$tldap->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Password change"), _("The password you've entered as your current password doesn't match the real one."),WARNING_DIALOG); }else{ /* Check GOsa permissions */ if (!preg_match("/w/i",$password_ACLS)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Password change"), _("You have no permission to change your password."),WARNING_DIALOG); }else{ $this->change_password($ui->dn, $new_password, $this->forcedHash); gosa_log ("User/password has been changed"); $ui->password= $new_password; session::set('ui',$ui); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("changed.tpl", TRUE))); } } } } return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("password.tpl", TRUE))); } function change_password($dn, $pwd, $hash) { if(!$hash){ change_password ($dn, $pwd); }else{ change_password ($dn, $pwd,0, $hash); } } function remove_from_parent() { $this->handle_post_events("remove"); } function save() { } function callCheckHook($attrs = array()) { $command = $this->config->configRegistry->getPropertyValue(get_class($this),"check"); if (!empty($command)){ // Build up ldif to send to the check hook $ldif= "dn: $this->dn\n"; foreach ($attrs as $name => $value){ $ldif.= "{$name}: {$value}\n"; } $ldif.= "\n"; /* Feed "ldif" into hook and retrieve result*/ $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w")); $fh= proc_open($command, $descriptorspec, $pipes); if (is_resource($fh)) { fwrite ($pipes[0], $ldif); fclose($pipes[0]); $arr= stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); $err = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); $returnCode = proc_close($fh); if($returnCode !== 0){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_SHELL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $command, "Execution failed code: ".$returnCode); @DEBUG (DEBUG_SHELL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $command, "Result: ".$err); if($displayErrors){ $message= msgPool::cmdexecfailed($cmd,$command, get_class($plugin)); msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $message, ERROR_DIALOG); } }else{ @DEBUG (DEBUG_SHELL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $command, "Result: ".$arr); return(preg_split("/\n/", $arr,0,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); } } } return(array()); } static function plInfo() { return (array( "plDescription" => _("User password"), "plSelfModify" => TRUE, "plDepends" => array("user"), "plPriority" => 10, "plSection" => array("personal" => _("My account")), "plCategory" => array("users"), "plOptions" => array(), "plProvidedAcls" => array()) ); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>