config = $config; // Collect category translations $this->catTranslations = array(); foreach($this->config->configRegistry->getListOfPlugins() as $plugin => $data){ if(isset($data['plCategory'])){ foreach($data['plCategory'] as $id => $name){ if(!is_numeric($id)){ $this->catTranslations[$id] = $name['description']; } } } } } function setGraphData($data) { $this->graphData = $data; } /*! \brief This method tries to translate category names. * @param The category name to translate * @return String The translated category names. */ function getCategoryTranslation($name) { $ret =""; // We do not have a category for systems directly, so we've to map all system types to 'System'. // If we do not map to _(Systems) the graph legend will be half screen width. if($name == "systems"){ return(_("Systems")); } // Walk through category names and try to find a translation. $cat = trim($name); if(isset($this->catTranslations[$cat])){ $cat = _($this->catTranslations[$cat]); }elseif(!empty($cat)){ $cat = _($cat); } return($cat); } function getGraphID() { return($this->graphID); } function getSeriesList() { return($this->seriesList); } function getSeriesSelector() { $str = ""; $list = $this->getSeriesList(); foreach($list as $key => $item){ $checked = (in_array($key, $this->skipSeries))? '': 'checked'; $str .= "". " {$item}". " "; } return($str); } function save_object() { if(!isset($_POST["{$this->gID}_posted"])) return; // Get series to enable or disable foreach($this->seriesList as $seriesName => $seriesDesc){ if(!isset($_POST["addSeries_{$this->gID}_{$seriesName}"])){ $this->skipSeries[] = $seriesName; } } } } ?>