config = &$config; $this->dn = $dn; $this->parent = $parent; // Replace this with a user defined one later. $ui = get_userinfo(); $this->validateUid = $ui->uid; $this->validateDn = $ui->dn; // Build class mapping - only once, will not change during session. if(!session::is_set('aclConverter::classMapping')){ $tmp= session::global_get('plist'); $plist= $tmp->info; $map = array(); $map['all']= _("All categories"); foreach($plist as $class => $plInfo){ if(isset($plInfo['plCategory']) && is_array($plInfo['plCategory'])){ foreach($plInfo['plCategory'] as $category => $desc){ if(!is_numeric($category)){ $map[$category] = $desc['description']; } } } } foreach($plist as $class => $plInfo){ if(isset($plInfo['plCategory']) && is_array($plInfo['plCategory'])){ foreach($plInfo['plCategory'] as $category => $desc){ if(!is_numeric($category)){ $map[$category."/".$class] = $map[$category]." - ".$plInfo['plDescription']; }else{ $map[$desc."/".$class] = $map[$desc]." - ".$plInfo['plDescription']; } } } } session::set('aclConverter::classMapping', $map); } $this->classMapping = session::get('aclConverter::classMapping'); // Define ACL type translations $this->aclTypes= array("reset" => _("Reset ACLs"), "one" => _("One level"), "base" => _("Current object"), "sub" => _("Complete subtree"), "psub" => _("Complete subtree (permanent)"), "role" => _("Use ACL defined in role")); // Enforce to reload acl result $this->renderedList = ""; } function reload() { // Go through all ACLs and get those matching the objects dn. $ui = get_userinfo(); $ui->reset_acl_cache(); $ui->loadACL(); // Get ACL category for the current object. if(isset($this->parent->acl_category) && !empty($this->parent->acl_category)){ $this->acl_category = preg_replace("/\/$/","",$this->parent->acl_category); } foreach($ui->allACLs as $dn => $acls){ if(preg_match("/".preg_quote($dn,'/')."$/i", $this->dn)){ // Foreach dn there is a collection of ACLs indexed by their priority foreach($acls as $prio => $acl){ if($acl['type'] == "reset"){ $this->affectingACLs[$dn][$prio] = $acl; continue; }else{ // Only get those entries with a relevant acl-category foreach($acl['acl'] as $category => $attributes){ if(preg_match("/^all($|\/)/", $category) || preg_match("/^".$this->acl_category."($|\/)/", $category)){ $this->affectingACLs[$dn][$prio] = $acl; continue; } } } } } } } /*! \brief Create a human readable HTML result */ function getReadableACL() { if(isset($_POST['aclTarget'])){ $d = get_post('aclTarget'); if(isset($this->userMap[$d])){ $this->validateDn = $this->userMap[$d]['dn']; $this->validateUid = $this->userMap[$d]['uid'][0]; $this->renderedList = ""; } } if(empty($this->renderedList)){ $this->reload(); // Autocompleter template $autocompleter ="
".image("images/lists/submit.png","aclTargetSubmit"); // Base template - each entry start with this $tpl = "\n ". "\n %s". "\n %s
". "\n ". "\n %s"; // If the acl consists of a user-object-filter then this template is used. $filter_tpl = "\n ". "\n ". "\n "._("Filter")."". "\n ". "\n "; // Used to display ACL owner of type "group" $gmem_tpl = "\n ". "\n ". "\n "._("Groups")."". "\n ". "\n "; // Used to display ACL owner of type "user" $umem_tpl = "\n ". "\n ". "\n "._("Users")."". "\n ". "\n "; // Used to display the acl contents, except 'reset' and 'role' $acl_tpl = "\n ". "\n ". "\n "._("Acls")."". "\n ". "\n "; $user = "

".sprintf(_("List of effective ACLs for '%s'"), $this->validateUid)."

"; $str = ""; $str .= " "; $str .= "
"; $str .= "
"; $str .= ""; $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ui = get_userinfo(); foreach($this->affectingACLs as $dn => $acls){ foreach($acls as $acl){ // Prepare entry icon (department or element?) $image = (isset($this->config->idepartments[$dn]))? "images/select_department.png":"images/lists/element.png"; // The acl type (sub,psub,reset...) $aclType = $this->aclTypes[$acl['type']]; // Does the filter match for current object? $filter =""; $match = TRUE; if(!empty($acl['filter'])){ $match = $ldap->object_match_filter($this->dn,$acl['filter']); $filter= $acl['filter']; if(!$match){ $filter= "".$filter.""; } } // Check membership $gmem = $umem = ""; $users = $groups = array(); $gfound = $ufound = FALSE; foreach($acl['members'] as $type => $name){ // Check if we're part of the members if(preg_match("/^U:/", $type)){ if(preg_match("/^U:".preg_quote($this->validateDn,'/')."/", $type)){ $users[] = $name; $ufound = TRUE; continue; } $users[] = "".$name.""; } // Check if we're part of the group members if(preg_match("/^G/", $type)){ if($type == "G:*"){ $gfound = TRUE; $groups[] = $name; continue; } if(preg_match("/^G:/", $type)){ $gdn = preg_replace("/^G:/","",$type); $ldap->cat($gdn,array('memberUid')); if($ldap->count()){ $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); if(isset($attrs['memberUid']) && in_array($this->validateUid, $attrs['memberUid'])){ $gfound = TRUE; $groups[] = $name; continue; } } } // Group member doesn't mactch $groups[] = "".$name.""; } } if(!count($groups)) $gfound = TRUE; if(!count($users)) $ufound = TRUE; // Build up ACL definition list $defs =""; if($acl['type']!='reset'){ foreach($acl['acl'] as $type => $acl){ if(isset($this->classMapping[$type])){ $defs .= "
  • ".$this->classMapping[$type].": ".$this->aclToString($acl)."
  • "; }else{ $defs .= "
  • ".$type.": ".$this->aclToString($acl)."
  • "; } } } // Display the acl block in a special color if its not matching $class=""; if(!($gfound || $ufound) || !$match){ $class = "acl-viewer-blocked"; } if(!empty($filter)) $filter =sprintf($filter_tpl,$class,$filter); if(!empty($defs)) $defs = sprintf($acl_tpl,$class,$defs); if(count($users)) $umem = sprintf($umem_tpl,$class,"
  • ".implode($users,'
  • ')."
  • "); if(count($groups)) $gmem = sprintf($gmem_tpl,$class,"
  • ".implode($groups,'
  • ')."
  • "); $str.= sprintf($tpl,$class, image($image), $dn, $aclType, $filter.$gmem.$umem.$defs); } } $str .= "
    "; $str .= "
    "; $this->renderedList = $str; } return($this->renderedList); } function aclToString($acls) { $str =""); } function processAutocomplete() { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaAccount)(|(sn=*".get_post('aclTarget')."*)". "(uid=*".get_post('aclTarget')."*)(givenName=*".get_post('aclTarget')."*)))", array('uid','dn','sn','givenName')); echo ""; } } ?>