config = &$config; $this->listing = new ConfigManagementListing($this->config, get_userinfo()); // Request an update of the data model $this->updateDataModel(); } /*! \brief Updates all distributions, releases, packages and items in the dataModel * Load information from the backend. */ function updateDataModel() { // Recreate the data model, to have a clean and fresh instance. $this->dataModel = new ConfigManagementDataModel(); // Load distributions $rpc = $this->config->getRpcHandle(); $res = $rpc->getDistributions(); if(!$rpc->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Failed to load distributions, error was '%s'!"), $rpc->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); return(NULL); } foreach($res as $dist){ $this->dataModel->addItem('Distribution','/root', $dist); // Load the releases for the current distribution $releases = $rpc->getReleases($dist); if(!$rpc->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Failed to load releases, error was '%s'!"), $rpc->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); return(NULL); } foreach($releases as $release){ $this->dataModel->addItem('Release',"/root/{$dist}", $release); // Load packages $packages = $rpc->getPackages($release); if(!$rpc->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Failed to load packages, error was '%s'!"), $rpc->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); return(NULL); } foreach($packages as $package){ $this->dataModel->addItem('Package',"/root/{$dist}/{$release}", $package['name'], $package); } // Load items $items = $rpc->listConfigItems($release); if(!$rpc->success()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Failed to load items, error was '%s'!"), $rpc->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG); return(NULL); } foreach($items as $package){ $this->dataModel->addItem('Item',"/root/{$dist}/{$release}", $package['name'], $package); } } } } /*! \brief Keep track of posted values and populate those * which are interesting for us. * Inspects the _POST and _GET values. */ function save_object() { // Update the listing class, this is necessary to get post // actions from it. $this->listing->save_object(); // Get the selected distribution and release from the listing widget. $this->selectedDistribution = $this->listing->getSelectedDistribution(); $this->selectedRelease = $this->listing->getSelectedRelease(); // Get a list of all available distributions and releases. $distList = $this->getDistList(); $releaseList = $this->getReleaseList(); // Ensure that we've valid values selected. if(!isset($releaseList[$this->selectedRelease])){ if(count($releaseList)){ $this->selectedRelease = key($releaseList); }else{ $this->selectedRelease = ""; } } // Transfer checked values back to the listing class. $this->listing->setDistribution($this->selectedDistribution); $this->listing->setRelease($this->selectedRelease); $this->listing->setDistributions($this->getDistList()); $this->listing->setReleases($this->getReleaseList()); } /*! \brief Generate the HTML content for this plugin. * Actually renders the listing widget.. */ function execute() { // Get the selected release and store it in a session variable // to allow the configFilter to access it and display the // packages and items. $item = $this->dataModel->getItemByPath($this->selectedRelease); session::set('CONFIG_ITEM', $item); return($this->listing->renderList()); } /*! \brief Returns a simply list of all releases of the CURRENT distribution. * This list will then be used to generate the entries of the * ItemSelectors in the listing class. */ function getReleaseList() { $res = array(); $dist = $this->selectedDistribution; $list = $this->dataModel->getItemsByType('Release'); foreach($list as $base => $entry){ if($entry['parentPath'] != $dist) continue; $res[$entry['path']] = $entry['name']; } return($res); } /*! \brief Returns a simply list of all distributions. * This list will then be used to generate the entries of the * ItemSelectors in the listing class. */ function getDistList() { $list = $this->dataModel->getItemsByType('Distribution'); $res = array(); foreach($list as $base => $entry){ $res[$entry['path']] = $entry['name']; } return($res); } function remove_lock() { } /*! \brief Intializes this plugin * All available installation methods will be loaded */ function loadInstallationMethods() { // Reset erros $this->rpcError = $this->initFailed = FALSE; // Load configuration via rpc. $rpc = $this->config->getRpcHandle(); // Populate install methods on success. $res = $rpc->getSupportedInstallMethods(); if(!$rpc->success()){ $this->rpcError = TRUE; $this->errorMessage = $rpc->get_error();; return; } $this->installationMethods = $res; if(!count($this->installationMethods)){ $this->errorMessage = _("No selectable install methods returned!"); msg_dialog::display(_("Setup"), $this->errorMessage , ERROR_DIALOG); $this->initFailed = TRUE; return; } } public static function plInfo() { return (array( "plShortName" => _("Config management"), "plDescription" => _("Config management"), "plSelfModify" => FALSE, "plDepends" => array(), "plPriority" => 0, "plSection" => array("administration"), "plCategory" => array( "newConfigManagement" => array("description" => _("Config management"), "objectClass" => "FAKE_OC_newConfigManagement")), "plProvidedAcls"=> array() )); } } ?>