config = &$config; $this->ui = &$ui; /* Copy & Paste enabled ?*/ if((isset($this->config->data['MAIN']['ENABLECOPYPASTE']))&&(preg_match("/true/i",$this->config->data['MAIN']['ENABLECOPYPASTE']))){ $this->CopyPasteHandler = new CopyPasteHandler($this->config); } /* Creat dialog object */ $this->DivListACL = new divListACL($this->config,$this); } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); session::set('LOCK_VARS_TO_USE',array("/^list/","/^id_/","/^list_acl_role_del/","/^list_acl_del/","/^menu_action/")); $smarty = get_smarty(); // Smarty instance $s_action = ""; // Contains the action to be taken $s_entry = ""; // The value for s_action /* Edit entry button pressed? */ if( isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "list_edit_entry" ){ $s_action= "edit"; $s_entry= validate($_GET['id']); } /* Edit entry button pressed? */ if( isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "list_edit_role" ){ $s_action= "edit_role"; $s_entry= validate($_GET['id']); } $types = array( "del" =>"^list_acl_del", "edit" =>"^list_acl_edit", "del_role" =>"^list_acl_role_del", "edit_role" =>"^list_acl_role_edit", "copy" =>"^copy", "cut" =>"^cut", "copy_multiple"=> "^multiple_copy_objects", "cut_multiple" => "^multiple_cut_objects", "editPaste" =>"^editPaste", "addrole" =>"^new_acl_role"); /* Test relevant POST values */ foreach($_POST as $key => $val){ /* Get every possible POST combination and set s_action/s_entry accordingly */ foreach($types as $act => $name){ if (preg_match("/".$name.".*/", $key)){ $s_action= $act; $s_entry= preg_replace("/".$name."_/i", "", $key); } } } /* Remove coordinate prefix from POST, required by some browsers */ $s_entry= preg_replace("/_.$/", "", $s_entry); /* Seperate possibly encoded tab and entry, default to tab "acl" */ if(preg_match("/.*-.*/", $s_entry)){ $s_tab= preg_replace("/^[^-]*-/i", "" ,$s_entry); $s_entry= preg_replace("/-[^-]*$/i", "", $s_entry); }else{ $s_tab= "generic"; } /* handle C&P from layers menu */ if(isset($_POST['menu_action']) && preg_match("/^multiple_copy_systems/",$_POST['menu_action'])){ $s_action = "copy_multiple"; } if(isset($_POST['menu_action']) && preg_match("/^multiple_cut_systems/",$_POST['menu_action'])){ $s_action = "cut_multiple"; } if(isset($_POST['menu_action']) && preg_match("/^editPaste/",$_POST['menu_action'])){ $s_action = "editPaste"; } /* Create options */ if(isset($_POST['menu_action']) && $_POST['menu_action'] == "new_acl_role"){ $s_action = "new"; } /* handle remove from layers menu */ if(isset($_POST['menu_action']) && preg_match("/^remove_multiple/",$_POST['menu_action'])){ $s_action = "del_multiple"; } /******************** Copy & Paste Handling ... ********************/ /* Display the copy & paste dialog, if it is currently open */ $ret = $this->copyPasteHandling_from_queue($s_action,$s_entry); if($ret){ return($ret); } /******************** * Add new Role entry ********************/ if(($s_action == "new") && (!isset($this->acltabs->config))){ /* Get 'dn' from posted acl, must be unique */ $this->dn= "new"; /* Check permissions */ if(preg_match("/c/",$this->ui->get_permissions($this->DivListACL->selectedBase,"acl/acl"))){ /* Register acltabs to trigger edit dialog */ $this->acltabs= new aclroletab($this->config, NULL,$this->dn); $this->acltabs->set_acl_base($this->DivListACL->selectedBase); }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), msgPool::permCreate(), ERROR_DIALOG); } } /******************** Edit existing entry ********************/ if (($s_action=="edit" || $s_action=="edit_role") && (!isset($this->acltabs->config))){ /* Get 'dn' from posted acl, must be unique */ $this->dn= $this->list[trim($s_entry)]['dn']; /* Check permissions */ if(preg_match("/r/",$this->ui->get_permissions($this->dn,"acl/acl"))){ /* Check locking, save current plugin in 'back_plugin', so the dialog knows where to return. */ if (($acl= get_lock($this->dn)) != ""){ return(gen_locked_message ($acl, $this->dn)); } /* Lock the current entry, so everyone will get the above dialog */ add_lock ($this->dn, $this->ui->dn); /* Register acltabs to trigger edit dialog */ if($s_action=="edit_role"){ $this->acltabs= new aclroletab($this->config, NULL,$this->dn); $this->acltabs-> set_acl_base($this->dn); }else{ $this->acltabs= new acltab($this->config, NULL,$this->dn); $this->acltabs-> set_acl_base($this->dn); } /* Set ACL and move DN to the headline */ session::set('objectinfo',$this->dn); }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), msgPool::permModify(), ERROR_DIALOG); } } /******************** Edit canceled ********************/ if(isset($_POST['delete_lock'])){ del_lock ($this->dn); session::un_set('objectinfo'); } /* Reset all relevant data, if we get a _cancel request */ if (isset($_POST['edit_cancel'])){ if (isset($this->acltabs)){ del_lock ($this->dn); unset ($this->acltabs); } $this->acltabs= NULL; session::un_set('objectinfo'); } /******************** Delete entry requested, display confirm dialog ********************/ /* Remove acl was requested */ if ($s_action=="del_role"){ /* Get 'dn' from posted acl */ $this->dn= $this->list[trim($s_entry)]['dn']; /* Check permissions */ if(preg_match("/d/",$this->ui->get_permissions($this->dn,"aclroles/aclrole"))){ /* Check locking, save current plugin in 'back_plugin', so the dialog knows where to return. */ if (($acl= get_lock($this->dn)) != ""){ return(gen_locked_message ($acl, $this->dn)); } /* Lock the current entry, so nobody will edit it during deletion */ add_lock ($this->dn, $this->ui->dn); $smarty->assign("info", msgPool::deleteInfo(@LDAP::fix($this->dn))); $smarty->assign("is_role",true); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove.tpl', TRUE))); } else { /* Obviously the acl isn't allowed to delete. Show message and clean session. */ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), msgPool::permDelete(), ERROR_DIALOG); } } /******************** Delete entry confirmed ********************/ /* Confirmation for deletion has been passed. Acl should be deleted. */ if (isset($_POST['delete_acl_role_confirmed'])){ /* Check permissions */ if(preg_match("/d/",$this->ui->get_permissions($this->dn,"aclroles/aclrole"))){ /* Delete request is permitted, perform LDAP action */ $this->acltabs= new aclroletab($this->config, NULL,$this->dn); $this->acltabs->delete(); unset ($this->acltabs); $this->acltabs= NULL; } else { /* Normally this shouldn't be reached, send some extra logs to notify the administrator */ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), msgPool::permDelete(), ERROR_DIALOG); if(isset($this->ui->uid)){ new log("security","aclroles/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array(),"Warning: '".$this->ui->uid."' tried to trick acl role deletion."); } } /* Remove lock file after successfull deletion */ del_lock ($this->dn); } /******************** Delete entry requested, display confirm dialog ********************/ /* Remove acl was requested */ if ($s_action=="del"){ /* Get 'dn' from posted acl */ $this->dn= $this->list[trim($s_entry)]['dn']; /* Check permissions */ if(preg_match("/d/",$this->ui->get_permissions($this->dn,"acl/acl"))){ /* Check locking, save current plugin in 'back_plugin', so the dialog knows where to return. */ if (($acl= get_lock($this->dn)) != ""){ session::set('LOCK_VARS_TO_USE',array("/^list_acl_edit/","/^list_acl_del/","/^id_/")); return(gen_locked_message ($acl, $this->dn)); } /* Lock the current entry, so nobody will edit it during deletion */ add_lock ($this->dn, $this->ui->dn); $smarty->assign("info", msgPool::deleteInfo(@LDAP::fix($this->dn),_("ACL"))); $smarty->assign("is_role",false); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove.tpl', TRUE))); } else { /* Obviously the acl isn't allowed to delete. Show message and clean session. */ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), msgPool::permDelete(), ERROR_DIALOG); } } /******************** Delete entry confirmed ********************/ /* Confirmation for deletion has been passed. Acl should be deleted. */ if (isset($_POST['delete_acl_confirm'])){ /* Check permissions */ if(preg_match("/d/",$this->ui->get_permissions($this->dn,"acl/acl"))){ /* Delete request is permitted, perform LDAP action */ $this->acltabs= new acl($this->config, NULL,$this->dn); $this->acltabs->remove_from_parent(); unset ($this->acltabs); $this->acltabs= NULL; } else { /* Normally this shouldn't be reached, send some extra logs to notify the administrator */ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"),msgPool::permDelete(), ERROR_DIALOG); if(isset($this->ui->uid)){ new log("security","aclroles/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array(),"Warning: '".$this->ui->uid."' tried to trick acl role deletion."); } } /* Remove lock file after successfull deletion */ del_lock ($this->dn); } /******************** Delete entry Canceled ********************/ /* Delete acl canceled? */ if (isset($_POST['delete_cancel'])){ del_lock ($this->dn); } /******************** Edit entry finished (Save) ********************/ /* Finish acl edit is triggered by the tabulator dialog, so the acl wants to save edited data. Check and save at this point. */ if ((isset($_POST['edit_finish']) || isset($_POST['edit_apply'])) && (isset($this->acltabs->config))){ /* Check tabs, will feed message array */ $this->acltabs->save_object(); $message= $this->acltabs->check(); /* Save, or display error message? */ if (count($message) == 0){ /* Save acl data to ldap */ if($this->acltabs->save() == 1){ return; } if (!isset($_POST['edit_apply'])){ /* ACl has been saved successfully, remove lock from LDAP. */ if ($this->dn != "new"){ del_lock ($this->dn); } unset ($this->acltabs); $this->acltabs= NULL; session::un_set('objectinfo'); } } else { /* Ok. There seem to be errors regarding to the tab data, show message and continue as usual. */ msg_dialog::displayChecks($message); } } /******************** Display subdialog ********************/ /* Show tab dialog if object is present */ if(isset($this->acltabs->config)){ /* Save object */ $this->acltabs->save_object(); $display= $this->acltabs->execute(); /* Don't show buttons if tab dialog requests this */ if(isset($this->acltabs)){ /* Skip displaying save/cancel if there is a sub dialog open */ if (!isset($this->acltabs->dialog) || !$this->acltabs->dialog){ $display.= "

\n"; // $display.= "\n"; $display.= " \n"; /* Skip Apply if it is a new entry */ #if ($this->dn != "new"){ # $display.= "\n"; # $display.= " \n"; #} // $display.= "\n"; $display.= "

"; } } return ($display); } /* Check if there is a snapshot dialog open */ $base = $this->DivListACL->selectedBase; if($str = $this->showSnapshotDialog($base,$this->get_used_snapshot_bases())){ return($str); } /* Return rendered main page */ /* Display dialog with system list */ $this->DivListACL->parent = $this; $this->DivListACL->execute(); /* Add departments if subsearch is disabled */ if(!$this->DivListACL->SubSearch){ $this->DivListACL->AddDepartments($this->DivListACL->selectedBase,3,1); } $this->reload(); $this->DivListACL->setEntries($this->list); return($this->DivListACL->Draw()); } function reload() { /* Get divlist informations from filter part */ $Regex = $this->DivListACL -> Regex; $SubSearch = $this->DivListACL -> SubSearch; $base = $this->DivListACL -> selectedBase; $Attrs = array("ou","cn","description","gosaAclEntry","objectClass"); $res = array(); $tmp = array(); // Will contain temporary results $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $Filter = "(&(objectClass=gosaACL)(gosaAclEntry=*)(|(cn=".$Regex.")(ou=".$Regex.")))"; $FilterRoles= "(&(objectClass=gosaRole)(|(cn=".$Regex.")(ou=".$Regex.")))"; /* Fetch following structures, this will be used if !$SubSearch */ $fetch_this = array( "ME" => array("TYPE" => "cat" , "FLAGS" => GL_SIZELIMIT ,"BASE"=>""), "SYSTEMS" => array("TYPE" => "search" , "FLAGS" => GL_SIZELIMIT | GL_SUBSEARCH ,"BASE"=>get_ou('systemsou')), "APPS" => array("TYPE" => "search" , "FLAGS" => GL_SIZELIMIT | GL_SUBSEARCH ,"BASE"=>get_ou('applicationou')), "PEOPLE" => array("TYPE" => "search" , "FLAGS" => GL_SIZELIMIT | GL_SUBSEARCH ,"BASE"=>get_people_ou()), "GROUPS" => array("TYPE" => "search" , "FLAGS" => GL_SIZELIMIT | GL_SUBSEARCH ,"BASE"=>get_groups_ou())); /* Subsearch ? */ if($SubSearch){ /* Get all object in this base */ $Flags = GL_SIZELIMIT | GL_SUBSEARCH; $fetch_base = $base; $tmp = get_list($Filter, "acl", $fetch_base, $Attrs, $Flags); $tmp2 = get_list($FilterRoles, "acl", $fetch_base, $Attrs, $Flags); foreach($tmp as $entry){ $res[] = $entry; } foreach($tmp2 as $entry){ $res[] = $entry; } }else{ $tmp_roles = get_list($FilterRoles, "acl", get_ou('aclroleou').$base, $Attrs,GL_SIZELIMIT); foreach($tmp_roles as $entry){ $res[] = $entry; } /* Walk through all possible bases */ foreach($fetch_this as $type => $data){ /* Get requried attributes */ $Flags = $data['FLAGS']; $fetch_base = $data['BASE'].$base; $Type = $data['TYPE']; /* Check if method is cat or search */ if($Type == "search"){ $tmp = get_list($Filter, "acl", $fetch_base, $Attrs, $Flags); foreach($tmp as $entry){ $res[$entry['dn']] = $entry; } }else{ $ldap->cat($fetch_base,$Attrs); $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); if($attrs && isset($attrs['gosaAclEntry'])){ $re2 = preg_replace("/\*/",".*",$Regex); if(!isset($attrs['ou']) && !isset($attrs['cn'])){ $namingAttr= preg_replace("/^[^=]*+=([^,]*),.*$/","\\1",$fetch_base); if(preg_match("/".$re2."/i",$namingAttr)){ $res[$attrs['dn']] = $attrs; } }elseif( (isset($attrs['cn'][0]) && preg_match("/".$re2."/i",$attrs['cn'][0])) ||(isset($attrs['ou'][0]) && preg_match("/".$re2."/i",$attrs['ou'][0]))){ $res[$attrs['dn']] = $attrs; } } } } } $this->list = array_values($res); } function copyPasteHandling_from_queue($s_action,$s_entry) { /* Check if Copy & Paste is disabled */ if(!is_object($this->CopyPasteHandler)){ return(""); } /* Add a single entry to queue */ if($s_action == "cut" || $s_action == "copy"){ /* Cleanup object queue */ $this->CopyPasteHandler->cleanup_queue(); $dn = $this->list[$s_entry]['dn']; if(isset($this->list[$s_entry]['objectClass']) && in_array("gosaRole",$this->list[$s_entry]['objectClass'])){ $this->CopyPasteHandler->add_to_queue($dn,$s_action,"aclroletab","ACLROLETAB","aclroles"); } } /* Add entries to queue */ if($s_action == "copy_multiple" || $s_action == "cut_multiple"){ /* Cleanup object queue */ $this->CopyPasteHandler->cleanup_queue(); /* Add new entries to CP queue */ foreach($this->list_get_selected_items() as $id){ $dn = $this->list[$id]['dn']; if(isset($this->list[$id]['objectClass']) && in_array("gosaRole",$this->list[$id]['objectClass'])){ if($s_action == "copy_multiple"){ $this->CopyPasteHandler->add_to_queue($dn,"copy","aclroletab","ACLROLETAB","aclroles"); } if($s_action == "cut_multiple"){ $this->CopyPasteHandler->add_to_queue($dn,"cut","aclroletab","ACLROLETAB","aclroles"); } } } } /* Start pasting entries */ if($s_action == "editPaste"){ $this->start_pasting_copied_objects = TRUE; } /* Return C&P dialog */ if($this->start_pasting_copied_objects && $this->CopyPasteHandler->entries_queued()){ /* Get dialog */ $this->CopyPasteHandler->SetVar("base",$this->DivListACL->selectedBase); $data = $this->CopyPasteHandler->execute(); /* Return dialog data */ if(!empty($data)){ return($data); } } /* Automatically disable status for pasting */ if(!$this->CopyPasteHandler->entries_queued()){ $this->start_pasting_copied_objects = FALSE; } return(""); } function list_get_selected_items() { $ids = array(); foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if(preg_match("/^item_selected_[0-9]*$/",$name)){ $id = preg_replace("/^item_selected_/","",$name); $ids[$id] = $id; } } return($ids); } function remove_lock() { /* Remove acl lock if a DN is marked as "currently edited" */ if (isset($this->acltabs->dn)){ del_lock ($this->acltabs->dn); } } function save_object() { /* Handle divlist filter && department selection*/ if(!is_object($this->acltabs)){ $this->DivListACL->save_object(); } if(is_object($this->CopyPasteHandler)){ $this->CopyPasteHandler->save_object(); } } /* A set of disabled and therefore overloaded functions. They are not needed in this class. */ function remove_from_parent() { } function check() { } function save() { echo "SAVE ACL"; } function adapt_from_template($dn, $skip= array()) { } function password_change_needed() { } /* Return departments, that will be included within snapshot detection */ function get_used_snapshot_bases() { return(array()); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>