config= &$config; $this->divlist = new divListMasses($this->config,$this); $this->o_queue = new gosaSupportDaemon("","20081","secret-gosa-password",TRUE,10); } function execute() { $smarty = get_smarty(); /************ * Handle posts ************/ $s_entry = $s_action = ""; $arr = array( "/^stop_/" => "stop", "/^stop_all/" => "stop_all", "/^start_/" => "start", "/^start_all/" => "start_all", "/^edit_task_/" => "edit", "/^remove_task_/" => "remove", "/^new_task_/" => "new_task", "/^remove_multiple_task_/" => "remove_multiple"); foreach($arr as $regex => $action){ foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if(preg_match($regex,$name)){ $s_action = $action; $s_entry = preg_replace($regex,"",$name); $s_entry = preg_replace("/_(x|y)$/","",$s_entry); } } } /* Edit posted from list link */ if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['id']) && isset($this->tasks[$_GET['id']])){ $s_action = "edit"; $s_entry = $_GET['id']; } /************ * Handle Priority modifications ************/ if(preg_match("/^start/",$s_action) || preg_match("/^stop/",$s_action)){ switch($s_action){ case 'start_all' : $this->start_queue_entries($this->list_get_selected_items());break; case 'start' : $this->start_queue_entries(array($s_entry));break; case 'stop_all' : $this->stop_queue_entries ($this->list_get_selected_items());break; case 'stop' : $this->stop_queue_entries (array($s_entry));break; default : trigger_error("Undefined priority setting used."); } if($this->o_queue->is_error()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $this->o_queue->get_error(), ERROR_DIALOG); } } /************ * REMOVE ************/ /* Remove multiple */ if($s_action == "remove_multiple" || $s_action == "remove"){ if(!$this->acl_is_removeable()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), _("You have no permission to delete this entry!"), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ if($s_action == "remove"){ $ids = array($s_entry); }else{ $ids = $this->list_get_selected_items(); } $this->ids_to_remove = $ids; $tmp = ""; $ret = $this->o_queue->ids_exist($this->ids_to_remove); $ret = $this->o_queue->get_entries_by_id($ret); foreach($ret as $task){ $tmp.= "\n".$task['HEADERTAG']." ".$task['MACADDRESS']; } $smarty->assign("multiple", TRUE); $smarty->assign("info",sprintf(_("Your are about to delete the following tasks: %s"),"
")); $this->current = $s_entry; return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove.tpl', TRUE))); } } /* Remove specified tasks */ if(count($this->ids_to_remove) && isset($_POST['delete_multiple_confirm'])){ $this->o_queue->remove_entries($this->ids_to_remove); $this->save(); } /* Remove aborted */ if(isset($_POST['delete_cancel'])){ $this->ids_to_remove = array();; } /************ * EDIT ************/ /* Edit selected entry */ if($s_action == "edit"){ $entry = $this->o_queue->get_entry_by_id($s_entry); if($entry){ $this->dialog = new goto_task($this->config,$this,$entry); $this->current = $s_entry; } } /* New entry */ if($s_action== "new_task" && $this->acl_is_createable()){ $this->dialog = new goto_task($this->config,$this); $this->current = -1; } /* Close dialog */ if(isset($_POST['close_goto_task'])){ $this->dialog = FALSE; $this->current = -1; } /* Close dialog */ if((isset($_POST['save_goto_task']) || isset($_POST['apply_goto_task'])) && is_object($this->dialog) ){ $this->dialog->save_object(); $msgs = $this->dialog->check(); if(count($msgs)){ foreach($msgs as $msg){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); } }else{ if($this->o_queue->id_exists($this->current)){ $this->o_queue->update_entry($this->current,$this->dialog->save()); }else{ $tmp = $this->dialog->save(); $tmp2= array(); $targets =$tmp['Target']; foreach($targets as $target){ $tmp['Target'] = array($target); $tmp2[] = $tmp; } if(!$this->o_queue->add_multiple($tmp2)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $this->o_queue->get_error(), ERROR_DIALOG); } } if(!isset($_POST['apply_goto_task'])){ $this->dialog = FALSE; $this->current = -1; } $this->save(); } } /* Display dialogs if currently opened */ if(is_object($this->dialog)){ $this->dialog->save_object(); return($this->dialog->execute()); } /************ * Handle Divlist ************/ $this->divlist->execute(); $entries = $this->get_queued_entries(); $this->divlist->SetEntries($entries); $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("start",$this->start); $smarty->assign("start_real", ($this->start + 1)); $smarty->assign("ranges", array("10" => "10", "20" => "20", "25" => "25", "50" => "50", "100"=> "100", "200"=> "200", "9999" => "*")); $smarty->assign("range",$this->range); $smarty->assign("div",$this->divlist->Draw()); return($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('gotomasses.tpl', TRUE, dirname(__FILE__)))); } /*! \brief Force queue job to be done as far as possible. * @return Boolean TRUE in case of success, else FALSE. */ private function start_queue_entries($ids) { $data = array("timestamp" => date("YmdHis"), "status" => "-"); if(!$this->o_queue->update_entries($ids,$data)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Could not update queue entry: %s"),$id) , ERROR_DIALOG); return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Stops the specified queue entry from execution. * @return Boolean TRUE in case of success, else FALSE. */ private function stop_queue_entries($ids) { $data = array("timestamp" => "20490101010101", "status" => "Stoppped"); if(!$this->o_queue->update_entries($ids,$data)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Could not update queue entry: %s"),$id) , ERROR_DIALOG); return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } /*! \brief Request list of queued jobs. * @return Returns an array of all queued jobs. */ function get_queued_entries() { $start = $this->range * $this->start; $stop = $start + $this->range; $entries = $this->o_queue->get_queued_entries($start,$stop); if(!is_array($entries)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Cannot load queue entries: %s"), "

".$this->o_queue->get_error()), ERROR_DIALOG); return(array()); } $tasks = array(); $ret = array(); foreach($entries as $entry){ $task = $entry['ID']; $ret[]= $entry; } $map = array("QueuePosition" => "ID", "Action" => "STATUS", "TaskID" => "HEADERTAG", "TargetName" => "MACADDRESS", "Schedule" => "TIMESTAMP"); $sort_tmp = array(); foreach($ret as $entry_id => $entry){ $sort_tmp[$entry_id] = $entry[$map[$this->sort_by]]; } natcasesort($sort_tmp); $return = array(); foreach($sort_tmp as $entry_id => $value){ $return[] = $ret[$entry_id]; } if($this->sort_dir != "up"){ $return = array_reverse($return); } return($return); } /*! \brief Handle post jobs, like sorting. */ function save_object() { $this->divlist->save_object(); $sort_vals = array("Action","QueuePosition","TargetName","Schedule","TaskID"); if(isset($_GET['sort']) && in_array($_GET['sort'],$sort_vals)){ $sort = $_GET['sort']; if($this->sort_by == $sort){ if($this->sort_dir == "up"){ $this->sort_dir = "down"; }else{ $this->sort_dir = "up"; } } $this->sort_by = $sort; } if(isset($_POST['range']) && is_numeric($_POST['range'])){ $this->range = $_POST['range']; } if(isset($_POST['next_page'])){ $this->start ++; } if(isset($_POST['last_page'])){ $this->start --; if($this->start < 0 ){ $this->start = 0; } } } /* Return list of object groups */ function get_object_groups() { $ret = array(); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames)(cn=*))",array("cn")); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $ret[$attrs['cn'][0]] = $attrs['cn'][0]; } return($ret); } function save() { // We do not save anything here. } /*! \brief Return a list of all selected items. @return Array Returns an array containing all selected item ids. */ function list_get_selected_items() { $ids = array(); foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if(preg_match("/^item_selected_[0-9]*$/",$name)){ $id = preg_replace("/^item_selected_/","",$name); $ids[$id] = $id; } } return($ids); } function get_actions() { /* Prepare list of available actions */ $actions = array( "gosa_ping" => _("GOsa ping"), "ping" => _("Ping"), "sayHello" => _("Say hello")); return($actions); } static function plInfo() { return (array( "plShortName" => _("System mass deployment"), "plDescription" => _("Provide a mechanism to automatically activate a set of systems"), "plSelfModify" => FALSE, "plDepends" => array(), "plPriority" => 0, "plSection" => array("addon"), "plCategory" => array("gotomasses" => array("objectClass" => "none", "description" => _("System mass deployment"))), "plProvidedAcls" => array("Comment" => _("Description"), "Action" => _("Action"), "Day" => _("Day"), "Minute" => _("Minute"), "Hour" => _("Hour"), "Month" => _("Month"), "Weekday" => _("Week day"), "Target" => _("Target")) )); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>