$name")); }else{ return (sprintf(_("This %s object will be deleted: %s"), bold($type), "

$name")); } } if (count($name) == 1){ if($type == ""){ return (_("This object will be deleted:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); }else{ return (sprintf(_("This %s object will be deleted:"), bold($type)). "
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } } if($type == ""){ return (sprintf(_("These objects will be deleted: %s"), "

".msgPool::buildList($name))); }else{ return (sprintf(_("These %s objects will be deleted: %s"), bold($type), "
".msgPool::buildList($name))); } } public static function permDelete($name= "") { if ($name == "") { return (_("You have no permission to delete this object!")); } if (!is_array($name)){ return (_("You have no permission to delete the object:")."

$name"); } if (count($name) == 1){ return (_("You have no permission to delete the object:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } return (_("You have no permission to delete these objects:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } public static function permCreate($name= "") { if ($name == "") { return (_("You have no permission to create this object!")); } if (!is_array($name)){ return (_("You have no permission to create the object:")."

$name"); } if (count($name) == 1){ return (_("You have no permission to create the object:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } return (_("You have no permission to create these objects:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } public static function permModify($name= "") { if ($name == "") { return (_("You have no permission to modify this object!")); } if (!is_array($name)){ return (_("You have no permission to modify the object:")."

$name"); } if (count($name) == 1){ return (_("You have no permission to modify the object:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } return (_("You have no permission to modify these objects:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } public static function permView($name= "") { if ($name == "") { return (_("You have no permission to view this object!")); } if (!is_array($name)){ return (_("You have no permission to view the object:")."

$name"); } if (count($name) == 1){ return (_("You have no permission to view the object:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } return (_("You have no permission to view these objects:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } public static function permMove($name= "") { if ($name == "") { return (_("You have no permission to move this object!")); } if (!is_array($name)){ return (_("You have no permission to move the object:")."

$name"); } if (count($name) == 1){ return (_("You have no permission to move the object:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } return (_("You have no permission to move these objects:")."
".msgPool::buildList($name)); } public static function dbconnect($name, $error= "", $dbinfo= "") { if ($error != ""){ $error= "

"._("Error").": ".bold($error); } if ($dbinfo != ""){ $error.= "

"._("Connection information").": ".bold($dbinfo); } return (sprintf(_("Cannot connect to %s database!"), bold($name)).$error); } public static function dbselect($name, $error= "", $dbinfo= "") { if ($error != ""){ $error= "

"._("Error").": ".bold($error); } if ($dbinfo != ""){ $error.= "

"._("Connection information").": ".bold($dbinfo); } return (sprintf(_("Cannot select %s database!"), bold($name)).$error); } public static function noserver($name) { return (sprintf(_("No %s server defined!"), bold($name))); } public static function dbquery($name, $error= "", $dbinfo= "") { if ($error != ""){ $error= "

"._("Error").": ".bold($error); } if ($dbinfo != ""){ $error.= "

"._("Connection information").": ".bold($dbinfo); } return (sprintf(_("Cannot query %s database!"), bold($name)).$error); } public static function reserved($name) { return (sprintf(_("The field %s contains a reserved keyword!"), bold($name))); } public static function cmdnotfound($type, $plugin) { return (sprintf(_("Command specified as %s hook for plugin %s does not exist!"), bold($type), bold($plugin))); } public static function cmdinvalid($type, $command = "",$plugin="") { if(empty($command)){ return (sprintf(_("%s command is invalid!"), bold($type))); }elseif($command != "" && $plugin != ""){ return (sprintf(_("%s command (%s) for plugin %s is invalid!"), bold($type), bold($command) ,bold($plugin))); }elseif($plugin != "" && $command =""){ return (sprintf(_("%s command for plugin %s is invalid!"), bold($type), bold($plugin))); }else{ return (sprintf(_("%s command (%s) is invalid!"), bold($type), bold($command))); } } public static function cmdexecfailed($type, $command = "",$plugin="") { if(empty($command)){ return (sprintf(_("Cannot execute %s command!"), bold($type))); }elseif($command != "" && $plugin != ""){ return (sprintf(_("Cannot execute %s command (%s) for plugin %s!"), bold($type), bold($command), bold($plugin))); }elseif($plugin != "" && $command =""){ return (sprintf(_("Cannot execute %s command for plugin %s!"), bold($type), bold($plugin))); }else{ return (sprintf(_("Cannot execute %s command (%s)!"), bold($type), bold($command))); } } public static function toobig($name, $min= "") { if ($min == ""){ return (sprintf(_("Value for %s is too large!"), bold($name))); } else { return (sprintf(_("%s must be smaller than %s!"), bold($name), bold($min))); } } public static function toosmall($name, $min= "") { if ($min == ""){ return (sprintf(_("Value for %s is too small!"), bold($name))); } else { return (sprintf(_("%s must be %s or above!"), bold($name), bold($min))); } } public static function depends($name1, $name2) { return (sprintf(_("%s depends on %s - please provide both values!"), bold($name1), bold($name2))); } public static function duplicated($name) { return (sprintf(_("There is already an entry with this %s attribute in the system!"), bold($name))); } public static function required($name) { return (sprintf(_("The required field %s is empty!"), bold($name))); } public static function invalid($name, $data= "", $regex= "", $example= "") { /* Stylize example */ if ($example != ""){ $example= "

"._("Example").": ".bold($example); } /* If validChars are posted, take data and paint all invalid characters... */ if ($regex) { $result= ""; $mismatch= ""; mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); for($i=0; $i<=mb_strlen($data);$i++){ $currentChar= mb_substr($data, $i,1); if (preg_match("$regex", $currentChar)){ $result.= $currentChar; } else { $result.= "".($currentChar).""; $mismatch.= $currentChar; } } return sprintf(_("The Field %s contains invalid characters"), bold($name)).". ". (strlen($mismatch)==1?sprintf(_("%s is not allowed:"), bold($mismatch)):sprintf(_("%s are not allowed!"), bold($mismatch))). "

\"$result\"$example"; } else { return sprintf(_("The Field %s contains invalid characters!"), bold($name))."!$example"; } } public static function missingext($name) { return sprintf(_("Missing %s PHP extension!"), bold($name)); } public static function cancelButton() { return sprintf(_("Cancel")); } public static function okButton() { return sprintf(_("OK")); } public static function applyButton() { return sprintf(_("Apply")); } public static function saveButton() { return sprintf(_("Save")); } public static function addButton($what= "") { return $what == "" ? sprintf(_("Add")): sprintf(_("Add %s"), $what); } public static function delButton($what= "") { return $what == "" ? sprintf(_("Delete")): sprintf(_("Delete %s"), $what); } public static function setButton($what= "") { return $what == "" ? sprintf(_("Set")): sprintf(_("Set %s"), $what); } public static function editButton($what= "") { return $what == "" ? sprintf(_("Edit...")): sprintf(_("Edit %s..."), $what); } public static function backButton($what= "") { return _("Back"); } public static function buildList($data) { $objects= ""; return($objects); } public static function noValidExtension($name) { return sprintf(_("This account has no valid %s extensions!"), bold($name)); } public static function featuresEnabled($name, $depends= "") { if ($depends == ""){ return sprintf(_("This account has %s settings enabled. You can disable them by clicking below."), bold($name)); } else { if (count($depends) == 1){ return sprintf(_("This account has %s settings enabled. To disable them, you'll need to remove the %s settings first!"), bold($name), bold($depends)); } else { $deps= ""; foreach ($depends as $dep){ $deps.= "$dep / "; } $deps= preg_replace("/ \/ $/", "", $deps); return sprintf(_("This account has %s settings enabled. To disable them, you'll need to remove the %s settings first!"), bold($name), bold($deps)); } } } public static function featuresDisabled($name, $depends= "") { if ($depends == ""){ return sprintf(_("This account has %s settings disabled. You can enable them by clicking below."), bold($name)); } else { if (count($depends) == 1){ return sprintf(_("This account has %s settings disabled. To enable them, you'll need to add the %s settings first!"), bold($name), bold($depends)); } else { $deps= ""; foreach ($depends as $dep){ $deps.= "$dep / "; } $deps= preg_replace("/ \/ $/", "", $deps); return sprintf(_("This account has %s settings disabled. To enable them, you'll need to add the %s settings first!"), bold($name), bold($deps)); } } } public static function addFeaturesButton($name) { return sprintf(_("Add %s settings"), $name); } public static function removeFeaturesButton($name) { return sprintf(_("Remove %s settings"), $name); } public static function clickEditToChange() { return _("Click the 'Edit' button below to change informations in this dialog"); } public static function months() { return array(_("January"), _("February"), _("March"), _("April"), _("May"), _("June"), _("July"), _("August"), _("September"), _("October"), _("November"), _("December")); } public static function weekdays() { return array( _("Sunday"), _("Monday"), _("Tuesday"), _("Wednesday"), _("Thursday"), _("Friday"), _("Saturday")); } public static function mysqlerror($error, $plugin= "") { /* Assign headline depending on type */ $headline= _("MySQL operation failed!"); return $headline."

"._("Error").": ".bold($error); } public static function ldaperror($error, $dn= "", $type= 0, $plugin= "") { /* Assign headline depending on type */ $typemap= array(1 => _("read operation"), _("add operation"), _("modify operation"), _("delete operation"), _("search operation"), _("authentication")); if (isset($typemap[$type])){ $headline= sprintf(_("LDAP %s failed!"), bold($typemap[$type])); } else { $headline= _("LDAP operation failed!"); } /* Fill DN information */ if ($dn != ""){ $dn_info= "

"._("Object").": ".bold(LDAP::fix($dn)); } return $headline.$dn_info."

"._("Error").": ".bold($error); } public static function incorrectUpload($reason= "") { if ($reason == ""){ return _("Upload failed!"); } return sprintf(_("Upload failed: %s"), "

".bold($reason)); } public static function siError($error= "") { if ($error == ""){ return _("Communication failure with the infrastructure service!"); } return sprintf(_("Communication failure with the infrastructure service: %s"), "

".$error); } public static function rpcError($error= "") { if ($error == ""){ return _("Communication failure with the GOSA-NG service!"); } return sprintf(_("Communication failure with the GOSA-NG service: %s"), "

".$error); } public static function stillInUse($type, $objects= array()) { if (!is_array($objects)){ return sprintf(_("This %s is still in use by this object: %s"), bold($type), "

".$objects); } if (count($objects) == 1){ return sprintf(_("This %s is still in use by this object: %s"), bold($type), "
".msgPool::buildList($objects)); } if (count($objects) == 0){ return sprintf(_("This %s is still in use."), bold($type)); } return sprintf(_("This %s is still in use by these objects: %s"), bold($type), "
".msgPool::buildList($objects)); } public static function fileDoesNotExist($file) { return sprintf(_("File %s does not exist!"), bold($file)); } public static function cannotReadFile($file) { return sprintf(_("Cannot open file %s for reading!"), bold($file)); } public static function cannotWriteFile($file) { return sprintf(_("Cannot open file %s for writing!"), bold($file)); } public static function invalidConfigurationAttribute($attr) { return sprintf(_("The value for %s is currently unconfigured or invalid, please check your configuration file!"), bold($attr)); } public static function cannotDeleteFile($file) { return sprintf(_("Cannot delete file %s!"), bold($file)); } public static function cannotCreateFolder($path) { return sprintf(_("Cannot create folder %s!"), bold($path)); } public static function cannotDeleteFolder($path) { return sprintf(_("Cannot delete folder %s!"), bold($path)); } public static function checkingFor($what) { return sprintf(_("Checking for %s support"), bold($what)); } public static function installPhpModule($what) { return sprintf(_("Install and activate the %s PHP module."), bold($what)); } public static function class_not_found($plugin) { return (sprintf(_("Cannot initialize class %s! Maybe there is a plugin missing in your gosa setup?"), bold($plugin))); } public static function check_base() { return _("The supplied base is not valid and has been reset to its previous value!"); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>