compiler = $compiler; if (strlen($tag) < 5 || substr($tag, -5) != 'close') { // opening tag of block plugin // check and get attributes $_attr = $this->_get_attributes($args); if ($_attr['nocache'] === true) { $this->compiler->tag_nocache = true; } unset($_attr['nocache']); // convert attributes into parameter array string $_paramsArray = array(); foreach ($_attr as $_key => $_value) { if (is_int($_key)) { $_paramsArray[] = "$_key=>$_value"; } else { $_paramsArray[] = "'$_key'=>$_value"; } } $_params = 'array(' . implode(",", $_paramsArray) . ')'; $this->_open_tag($tag . '->' . $methode, array($_params, $this->compiler->nocache)); // maybe nocache because of nocache variables or nocache plugin $this->compiler->nocache = $this->compiler->nocache | $this->compiler->tag_nocache; // compile code $output = "smarty->_tag_stack[] = array('{$tag}->{$methode}', {$_params}); \$_block_repeat=true; \$_smarty_tpl->smarty->registered_objects['{$tag}'][0]->{$methode}({$_params}, null, \$_smarty_tpl, \$_block_repeat);while (\$_block_repeat) { ob_start();?>"; } else { $base_tag = substr($tag, 0, -5); // must endblock be nocache? if ($this->compiler->nocache) { $this->compiler->tag_nocache = true; } // closing tag of block plugin, restore nocache list($_params, $this->compiler->nocache) = $this->_close_tag($base_tag . '->' . $methode); // This tag does create output $this->compiler->has_output = true; // compile code if (!isset($parameter['modifier_list'])) { $mod_pre = $mod_post =''; } else { $mod_pre = ' ob_start(); '; $mod_post = 'echo '.$this->compiler->compileTag('private_modifier',array(),array('modifierlist'=>$parameter['modifier_list'],'value'=>'ob_get_clean()')).';'; } $output = "smarty->registered_objects['{$base_tag}'][0]->{$methode}({$_params}, \$_block_content, \$_smarty_tpl, \$_block_repeat); ".$mod_post." } array_pop(\$_smarty_tpl->smarty->_tag_stack);?>"; } return $output."\n"; } } ?>