config= &$config; $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat($userdn,array('sn', 'givenName', 'uid', 'gidNumber', 'preferredLanguage', 'gosaUnitTag')); $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); if (isset($attrs['givenName'][0]) && isset($attrs['sn'][0])){ $this->cn= $attrs['givenName'][0]." ".$attrs['sn'][0]; } else { $this->cn= $attrs['uid'][0]; } if (isset($attrs['gidNumber'][0])){ $this->gidNumber= $attrs['gidNumber'][0]; } /* Assign user language */ if (isset($attrs['preferredLanguage'][0])){ $this->language= $attrs['preferredLanguage'][0]; } if (isset($attrs['gosaUnitTag'][0])){ $this->gosaUnitTag= $attrs['gosaUnitTag'][0]; } $this->dn= $userdn; $this->uid= $attrs['uid'][0]; $this->ip= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; /* Initialize ACL_CACHE */ session::set('ACL_CACHE',array()); $this->reset_acl_cache(); } public function reset_acl_cache() { /* Initialize ACL_CACHE */ session::set('ACL_CACHE',array()); } function loadACL() { $this->ACL= array(); $this->groups= array(); $this->result_cache =array(); $this->reset_acl_cache(); $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); /* Get member groups... */ $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=".$this->uid."))", array('dn')); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ $this->groups[$attrs['dn']]= $attrs['dn']; } /* Crawl through ACLs and move relevant to the tree */ $ldap->search("(objectClass=gosaACL)", array('dn', 'gosaAclEntry')); $aclp= array(); $aclc= array(); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ /* Insert links in ACL array */ $aclp[$attrs['dn']]= substr_count($attrs['dn'], ','); $aclc[$attrs['dn']]= array(); $ol= array(); for($i= 0; $i<$attrs['gosaAclEntry']['count']; $i++){ $ol= array_merge($ol, @acl::explodeAcl($attrs['gosaAclEntry'][$i])); } $aclc[$attrs['dn']]= $ol; } /* Resolve roles here. */ foreach($aclc as $dn => $data){ foreach($data as $prio => $aclc_value) { if($aclc_value['type'] == "role"){ unset($aclc[$dn][$prio]); $ldap->cat($aclc_value['acl'],array("gosaAclTemplate")); $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); if(isset($attrs['gosaAclTemplate'])){ for($i= 0; $i<$attrs['gosaAclTemplate']['count']; $i++){ $tmp = @acl::explodeAcl($attrs['gosaAclTemplate'][$i]); foreach($tmp as $new_acl){ $new_acl['members'] = $aclc_value['members']; $aclc[$dn][] =$new_acl; } } } } } } /* ACL's read, sort for tree depth */ asort($aclp); /* Sort in tree order */ foreach ($aclp as $dn => $acl){ /* Check if we need to keep this ACL */ foreach($aclc[$dn] as $idx => $type){ $interresting= FALSE; /* No members? This is good for all users... */ if (!count($type['members'])){ $interresting= TRUE; } else { /* Inspect members... */ foreach ($type['members'] as $grp => $grpdsc){ /* Some group inside the members that is relevant for us? */ if (in_array_ics(preg_replace('/^G:/', '', $grp), $this->groups)){ $interresting= TRUE; } /* User inside the members? */ if (preg_replace('/^U:/', '', $grp) == $this->dn){ $interresting= TRUE; } } } if ($interresting){ if (!isset($this->ACL[$dn])){ $this->ACL[$dn]= array(); } $this->ACL[$dn][$idx]= $type; } } } } function get_category_permissions($dn, $category) { /* If we are forced to skip ACLs checks for the current user then return all permissions. */ if($this->ignore_acl_for_current_user()){ return("rwcdm"); } /* Get list of objectClasses and get the permissions for it */ $acl= ""; if (isset($this->ocMapping[$category])){ foreach($this->ocMapping[$category] as $oc){ $acl.= $this->get_permissions($dn, $category."/".$oc); } }else{ trigger_error("ACL request for an invalid category (".$category.")."); } return ($acl); } /*! \brief Check if the given object (dn) is copyable @param String The object dn @param String The acl category (e.g. users) @param String The acl class (e.g. user) @return Boolean TRUE if the given object is copyable else FALSE */ function is_copyable($dn, $object, $class) { return(preg_match("/r/",$this->has_complete_category_acls($dn, $object))); } /*! \brief Check if the given object (dn) is cutable @param String The object dn @param String The acl category (e.g. users) @param String The acl class (e.g. user) @return Boolean TRUE if the given object is cutable else FALSE */ function is_cutable($dn, $object, $class) { $remove = preg_match("/d/",$this->get_permissions($dn,$object."/".$class)); $read = preg_match("/r/",$this->has_complete_category_acls($dn, $object)); return($remove && $read); } /*! \brief Checks if we are allowed to paste an object to the given destination ($dn) @param String The destination dn @param String The acl category (e.g. users) @param String The acl class (e.g. user) @return Boolean TRUE if we are allowed to paste an object. */ function is_pasteable($dn, $object) { return(preg_match("/w/",$this->has_complete_category_acls($dn, $object))); } /*! \brief Checks if we are allowed to restore a snapshot for the given dn. @param String The destination dn @param String The acl category (e.g. users) @return Boolean TRUE if we are allowed to restore a snapshot. */ function allow_snapshot_restore($dn, $object) { if(!is_array($object)){ $object = array($object); } $r = $w = $c = TRUE; foreach($object as $category){ $w &= preg_match("/w/",$this->has_complete_category_acls($dn, $category)); $c &= preg_match("/c/",$this->has_complete_category_acls($dn, $category)); $r &= preg_match("/r/",$this->has_complete_category_acls($dn, $category)); # print_a(array($category => array($r.$w.$c))); } return($r && $w ); } /*! \brief Checks if we are allowed to create a snapshot of the given dn. @param String The source dn @param String The acl category (e.g. users) @return Boolean TRUE if we are allowed to restore a snapshot. */ function allow_snapshot_create($dn, $object) { if(!is_array($object)){ $object = array($object); } $r = $w = $c = TRUE; foreach($object as $category){ $w &= preg_match("/w/",$this->has_complete_category_acls($dn, $category)); $c &= preg_match("/c/",$this->has_complete_category_acls($dn, $category)); $r &= preg_match("/r/",$this->has_complete_category_acls($dn, $category)); # print_a(array($category => array($r.$w.$c))); } return($r) ; } function get_permissions($dn, $object, $attribute= "", $skip_write= FALSE) { /* If we are forced to skip ACLs checks for the current user then return all permissions. */ if($this->ignore_acl_for_current_user()){ return("rwcdm"); } /* Push cache answer? */ $ACL_CACHE = &session::get('ACL_CACHE'); if (isset($ACL_CACHE["$dn+$object+$attribute"])){ /* Remove write if needed */ if ($skip_write){ $ret = preg_replace('/w/', '', $ACL_CACHE["$dn+$object+$attribute"]); }else{ $ret = $ACL_CACHE["$dn+$object+$attribute"]; } return($ret); } /* Get ldap object, for later filter checks */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $acl= array("r" => "", "w" => "", "c" => "", "d" => "", "m" => "", "a" => ""); /* Build dn array */ $path= split(',', $dn); $path= array_reverse($path); /* Walk along the path to evaluate the acl */ $cpath= ""; foreach ($path as $element){ /* Clean potential ACLs for each level */ if(in_array($cpath,$this->config->departments)){ $acl= $this->cleanACL($acl); } if ($cpath == ""){ $cpath= $element; } else { $cpath= $element.','.$cpath; } if (isset($this->ACL[$cpath])){ /* Inspect this ACL, place the result into ACL */ foreach ($this->ACL[$cpath] as $subacl){ /* Reset? Just clean the ACL and turn over to the next one... */ if ($subacl['type'] == 'reset'){ $acl= $this->cleanACL($acl, TRUE); continue; } if($subacl['type'] == "role") { echo "role skipped"; continue; } /* With user filter */ if (isset($subacl['filter']) && !empty($subacl['filter'])){ $sdn = preg_replace("/^[^,]*+,/","",$dn); $ldap->cd($sdn); $ldap->ls($subacl['filter'],$sdn); if(!$ldap->count()){ continue; }else{ $found = FALSE; while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ if($attrs['dn'] == $dn){ $found = TRUE; break; } } if(!$found){ continue; } } } /* Self ACLs? */ if(isset($subacl['acl'][$object][0]) && preg_match("/s/",$subacl['acl'][$object][0]) && $dn != $this->dn){ continue; } /* If attribute is "", we want to know, if we've *any* permissions here... Merge global class ACLs [0] with attributes specific ACLs [attribute]. */ if ($attribute == "" && isset($subacl['acl'][$object])){ foreach($subacl['acl'][$object] as $attr => $dummy){ $acl= $this->mergeACL($acl, $subacl['type'], $subacl['acl'][$object][$attr]); } continue; } /* Per attribute ACL? */ if (isset($subacl['acl'][$object][$attribute])){ $acl= $this->mergeACL($acl, $subacl['type'], $subacl['acl'][$object][$attribute]); continue; } /* Per object ACL? */ if (isset($subacl['acl'][$object][0])){ $acl= $this->mergeACL($acl, $subacl['type'], $subacl['acl'][$object][0]); continue; } /* Global ACL? */ if (isset($subacl['acl']['all'][0])){ $acl= $this->mergeACL($acl, $subacl['type'], $subacl['acl']['all'][0]); continue; } } } } /* If the requested ACL is for a container object, then alter ACLs by applying cleanACL a last time. */ if(in_array($dn,$this->config->departments)){ $acl = $this->cleanACL($acl); } /* Assemble string */ $ret= ""; foreach ($acl as $key => $value){ if ($value !== ""){ $ret.= $key; } } $ACL_CACHE["$dn+$object+$attribute"]= $ret; /* Remove write if needed */ if ($skip_write){ $ret= preg_replace('/w/', '', $ret); } return ($ret); } /* Extract all departments that are accessible (direct or 'on the way' to an accessible department) */ function get_module_departments($module) { /* If we are forced to skip ACLs checks for the current user then return all departments as valid. */ if($this->ignore_acl_for_current_user()){ return(array_keys($this->config->idepartments)); } /* Use cached results if possilbe */ $ACL_CACHE = session::get('ACL_CACHE'); if(isset($ACL_CACHE['MODULE_DEPARTMENTS'][serialize($module)])){ return($ACL_CACHE['MODULE_DEPARTMENTS'][serialize($module)]); } global $plist; $objects= array(); $deps= array(); /* Extract all relevant objects for this module from plist */ foreach ($plist->info as $object => $info){ if (!isset($info['plCategory'])){ continue; } foreach ($info['plCategory'] as $idx => $data){ if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $idx)){ if ($data == $module){ $objects[$object]= $object; } } else { if ($idx == $module){ $objects[$object]= $object; } } } } /* Search for per object ACLs. */ $this->config->get_departments(); $this->config->make_idepartments(); foreach($this->ACL as $dn => $infos){ foreach($infos as $info){ $found = FALSE; foreach($info['acl'] as $cat => $data){ if(is_array($module)){ foreach($module as $mod){ if(preg_match("/^".normalizePreg($mod)."/",$cat)){ $found =TRUE; break; } } }else{ if(preg_match("/^".normalizePreg($module)."/",$cat)){ $found =TRUE; break; } } } if($found && !isset($this->config->idepartments[$dn])){ while(!isset($this->config->idepartments[$dn]) && preg_match("/,/",$dn)){ $dn = preg_replace("/^[^,]+,/","",$dn); } if(isset($this->config->idepartments[$dn])){ $deps[] = $dn; } } } } /* For all gosaDepartments */ foreach ($this->config->departments as $dn){ if(!is_array($module)){ $module = array($module); } $acl = ""; foreach($module as $mod){ if(preg_match("/\//",$mod)){ $acl.= $this->get_permissions($dn,$mod); }else{ $acl.= $this->get_category_permissions($dn,$mod); } } if($acl !== "") $deps[] = $dn; } $ACL_CACHE = &session::get('ACL_CACHE'); $ACL_CACHE['MODULE_DEPARTMENTS'][serialize($module)] = $deps; return ($deps); } function mergeACL($acl, $type, $newACL) { if (strpos($newACL, 'w') !== FALSE && strpos($newACL, 'r') === FALSE){ $newACL .= "r"; } foreach(str_split($newACL) as $char){ /* Ignore invalid characters */ if (!preg_match('/[rwcdm]/', $char)){ continue; } /* Skip permanent and subtree entries */ if (preg_match('/[sp]/', $acl[$char])){ continue; } switch ($type){ case 'psub': $acl[$char]= 'p'; break; case 'sub': $acl[$char]= 's'; break; case 'one': $acl[$char]= 1; break; case 'base': if ($acl[$char] != 1){ $acl[$char]= 0; } break; } } return ($acl); } function cleanACL($acl, $reset= FALSE) { foreach ($acl as &$value){ /* Reset removes everything but 'p' */ if ($reset && $value != 'p'){ $value= ""; continue; } /* Decrease tree level */ if (is_int($value)){ if ($value){ $value--; } else { $value= ""; } } } return ($acl); } /* #FIXME This could be logical wrong or could be optimized in the future Return combined acls for a given category. All acls will be combined like boolean AND As example ('rwcdm' + 'rcd' + 'wrm'= 'r') Results will be cached in $this->result_cache. $this->result_cache will be resetted if load_acls is called. */ function has_complete_category_acls($dn,$category) { $acl = "rwcdm"; $types = "rwcdm"; if(!is_string($category)){ trigger_error("category must be string"); $acl = ""; }else{ if(!isset($this->result_cache['has_complete_category_acls'][$dn][$category])) { if (isset($this->ocMapping[$category])){ foreach($this->ocMapping[$category] as $oc){ /* Skip objectClass '0' (e.g. users/0) get_permissions will ever return '' ?? */ if($oc == "0") continue; $tmp = $this->get_permissions($dn, $category."/".$oc); for($i = 0 ; $i < strlen($types); $i++) { if(!preg_match("/".$types[$i]."/",$tmp)){ $acl = preg_replace("/".$types[$i]."/","",$acl); } } } }else{ trigger_error("Invalid type of category ".$category); $acl = ""; } $this->result_cache['has_complete_category_acls'][$dn][$category] = $acl; }else{ $acl = $this->result_cache['has_complete_category_acls'][$dn][$category]; } } return($acl); } /*! \brief Returns TRUE if the current user is configured in IGNORE_ACL=".." in your gosa.conf @param Return Boolean TRUE if we have to skip ACL checks else FALSE. */ function ignore_acl_for_current_user() { return(isset($this->config->current['IGNORE_ACL']) && $this->config->current['IGNORE_ACL'] == $this->dn); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>