dn= $dn; $this->config= &$config; $baseobject= NULL; $this->acl_category = $acl_category; foreach ($data as &$tab){ if (!plugin_available($tab['CLASS'])){ continue; } $this->by_name[$tab['CLASS']]= $tab['NAME']; if ($baseobject === NULL){ $baseobject= new $tab['CLASS']($this->config, $this->dn); $baseobject->enable_CSN_check(); $this->by_object[$tab['CLASS']]= $baseobject; } else { $this->by_object[$tab['CLASS']]= new $tab['CLASS']($this->config, $this->dn, $baseobject); } $this->by_object[$tab['CLASS']]->parent= &$this; $this->by_object[$tab['CLASS']]->set_acl_category($this->acl_category); /* Initialize current */ if ($this->current == ""){ $this->current= $tab['CLASS']; } } } /*! \brief Reinitializes the tab classes with fresh ldap values. This maybe usefull if for example if the apply button was pressed. */ function re_init() { $baseobject= NULL; foreach($this->by_object as $name => $object){ $class = get_class($object); if(in_array($class,array("reference","acl"))) continue; if ($baseobject === NULL){ $baseobject= new $class($this->config, $this->dn); $baseobject->enable_CSN_check(); $this->by_object[$name]= $baseobject; } else { $this->by_object[$name]= new $class($this->config, $this->dn, $baseobject); } $this->by_object[$name]->parent= &$this; $this->by_object[$name]->set_acl_category($this->acl_category); } } function execute() { /* Rotate current to last */ $this->last= $this->current; /* Look for pressed tab button */ foreach ($this->by_object as $class => &$obj){ if (isset($_POST[$class]) || (isset($_POST['arg']) && $_POST['arg'] == "$class")){ $this->current= $class; break; } } /* Save last tab object */ if ($this->last == $this->current){ $this->save_object(TRUE); } else { $this->save_object(FALSE); } /* Build tab line */ $display= $this->gen_tabs(); /* Show object */ $display.= "\n"; $display.= "
\n"; /* If multiple edit is enabled for this tab, we have tho display different templates */ if(!$this->multiple_support_active){ $display.= $this->by_object[$this->current]->execute(); }else{ $display.= $this->by_object[$this->current]->multiple_execute(); } /* Footer for tabbed dialog */ $display.= "
"; return ($display); } function save_object($save_current= FALSE) { /* Save last tab */ if ($this->last != ""){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $this->last, "Saving"); if(!$this->multiple_support_active){ $this->by_object[$this->last]->save_object (); }else{ $this->by_object[$this->last]->multiple_save_object(); } } /* Skip if curent and last are the same object */ if ($this->last == $this->current){ return; } $obj= @$this->by_object[$this->current]; $this->disabled= $obj->parent->disabled; if ($save_current){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $this->current, "Saving (current)"); if(!$this->multiple_support_active){ $obj->save_object(); }else{ $obj->multiple_save_object(); } } } function gen_tabs() { $display= ""; $display.= ""; $index= 0; $style= array("tab_left", "tab_active", "tab_near_active", "tab_right"); foreach ($this->by_name as $class => $name){ /* Activate right tabs with style "tab_right" Activate near current with style "tab_near_active" */ if ($index == 2 || $index == 1){ $index++; } /* Activate current tab with style "tab_active " */ if ($class == $this->current){ $index++; } /* Paint tab */ $display.= "
"; /* Shorten string if its too long for the tab headers*/ $title= _($name); if (mb_strlen($title, 'UTF-8') > 28){ $title= mb_substr($title,0, 25, 'UTF-8')."..."; } /* nobr causes w3c warnings so we use   to keep the tab name in one line */ $title= preg_replace("/ /"," ",$title); /* Take care about notifications */ $obj = $this->by_object[$class]; if ( $this->by_object[$class]->pl_notify && ($obj->is_account || $obj->ignore_account)){ $notify= "id=\"notify\""; } else { $notify= ""; } if (session::get('js')==FALSE){ $display.= "
"; return($display); } function set_acl($acl) { /* Look for attribute in ACL */ trigger_error("Don't use tabs::set_acl() its obsolete."); } function delete() { /* Check if all plugins will ACK for deletion */ foreach (array_reverse($this->by_object) as $key => $obj){ $reason= $obj->allow_remove(); if ($reason != ""){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), sprintf(_("Delete process has been canceled by plugin '%s': %s"), $key, $reason), WARNING_DIALOG); return; } } /* Delete for all plugins */ foreach (array_reverse($this->by_object) as $obj){ $obj->remove_from_parent(); } } function password_change_needed() { /* Ask all plugins for needed password changes */ foreach ($this->by_object as &$obj){ if ($obj->password_change_needed()){ return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } function check($ignore_account= FALSE) { $this->save_object(TRUE); $messages= array(); $current_set = FALSE; /* Check all plugins */ foreach ($this->by_object as $key => &$obj){ if ($obj->is_account || $ignore_account || $obj->ignore_account){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$key, "Checking"); if(!$this->multiple_support_active){ $msg = $obj->check(); }else{ $msg = $obj->multiple_check(); } if (count($msg)){ $obj->pl_notify= TRUE; if(!$current_set){ $current_set = TRUE; $this->current= $key; $messages = $msg; } }else{ $obj->pl_notify= FALSE; } }else{ $obj->pl_notify= FALSE; } } return ($messages); } function save($ignore_account= FALSE) { /* Save all plugins */ foreach ($this->by_object as $key => &$obj){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $key, "Saving"); $obj->dn= $this->dn; if ($obj->is_account || $ignore_account || $obj->ignore_account){ if ($obj->save() == 1){ return (1); } } else { $obj->remove_from_parent(); } } return (0); } function adapt_from_template($dn, $skip= array()) { foreach ($this->by_object as $key => &$obj){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $key, "Adapting"); $obj->parent= &$this; $obj->adapt_from_template($dn, $skip); } } /* Save attributes posted by copy & paste dialog */ function saveCopyDialog() { foreach ($this->by_object as &$obj){ if($obj->is_account || $obj->ignore_account){ $obj->saveCopyDialog(); } } } /* return copy & paste dialog */ function getCopyDialog() { $ret = ""; $this->SubDialog = false; foreach ($this->by_object as &$obj){ if($obj->is_account || $obj->ignore_account){ $tmp = $obj->getCopyDialog(); if($tmp['status'] == "SubDialog"){ $this->SubDialog = true; return($tmp['string']); }else{ if(!empty($tmp['string'])){ $ret .= $tmp['string']; $ret .= "


"; } } } } return($ret); } function addSpecialTabs() { $this->by_name['acl']= _("ACL"); $this->by_object['acl']= new acl($this->config, $this, $this->dn); $this->by_object['acl']->parent= &$this; $this->by_name['reference']= _("References"); $this->by_object['reference']= new reference($this->config, $this->dn); $this->by_object['reference']->parent= &$this; } function set_acl_base($base= "") { /* Update reference, transfer variables */ $first= ($base == ""); foreach ($this->by_object as &$obj){ if ($first){ $first= FALSE; $base= $obj->acl_base; } else { $obj->set_acl_base($base); } } } /*! \brief Checks if one of the used tab plugins supports multiple edit. @param boolean Returns TRUE if at least one plugins supports multiple edit. */ function multiple_support_available() { foreach($this->by_object as $name => $obj){ if($obj->multiple_support){ return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief Enables multiple edit support for the given tab. All unsupported plugins will be disabled. @param boolean Returns TRUE if at least one plugin supports multiple edit */ function enable_multiple_support() { if(!$this->multiple_support_available()){ return(FALSE); }else{ $this->multiple_support_active = TRUE; foreach($this->by_object as $name => $obj){ if($obj->multiple_support){ $this->by_object[$name]->enable_multiple_support(); }else{ unset($this->by_object[$name]); unset($this->by_name[$name]); } } } return(TRUE); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>