setData($data); if (!$displayData) { $displayData= array(); foreach ($data as $value) { $displayData[]= array($value); } } else { $this->setDisplayData($displayData); } // Generate instance wide unique ID $tmp= gettimeofday(); $this->id= 'l'.md5($tmp['sec']); // Set reorderable flag $this->reorderable= $reorderable; if (!$reorderable) { $this->sortData(); } } private function setData($data) { $this->data= $data; } private function setDisplayData($data) { if (!is_array($data)) { die ("sortableList needs an array as data!"); } // Transfer information $this->displayData= $data; // Create initial mapping $this->mapping= array_keys($data); $this->current_mapping= $this->mapping; // Find the number of coluns reset($this->displayData); $first= current($this->displayData); if (is_array($first)) { $this->columns= count($first); } else { $this->columns= 1; } // Preset sort orders to 'down' for ($column= 0; $column<$this->columns; $column++) { $this->sortDirection[]= true; } } public function setWidth($width) { $this->width= $width; } public function setInstantDelete($flag) { $this->instantDelete= $flag; } public function setEditable($flag) { $this->editable= $flag; } public function setDeleteable($flag) { $this->deleteable= $flag; } public function setHeight($height) { $this->height= $height; } public function setCssClass($css) { $this->cssclass= $css; } public function setHeader($header) { $this->header= $header; } public function setColspecs($specs) { $this->colspecs= $specs; } public function render() { $result= "
\n"; $result.= "cssclass)?" class='".$this->cssclass."'":"").">\n"; $action_width= 0; if (strpos($this->acl, 'w') === false) { $edit_image= $this->editable?""._("Edit")."":""; } else { $edit_image= $this->editable?"":""; } if (strpos($this->acl, 'd') === false) { $delete_image= $this->deleteable?""._("Delete")."":""; } else { $delete_image= $this->deleteable?"":""; } // Do we need colspecs? $action_width= ($this->editable?20:0) + ($this->deleteable?20:0); if ($this->colspecs) { $result.= " \n"; for ($i= 0; $i<$this->columns; $i++) { $result.= " \n"; } // Extend by another column if we've actions specified if ($action_width) { $result.= " \n"; } $result.= " \n"; } // Do we need a header? if ($this->header) { $result.= " \n \n"; for ($i= 0; $i<$this->columns; $i++) { $link= "href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&PID=".$this->id."&act=SORT_$i'"; $sorter= ""; if ($i == $this->sortColumn){ $sorter= " "; } if ($this->reorderable) { $result.= " "; } else { $result.= " "; } } if ($action_width) { $result.= ""; } $result.= "\n \n \n"; } // Render table body if we've read permission $result.= " \n"; $reorderable= $this->reorderable?"":" style='cursor:default'"; if (strpos($this->acl, 'r') !== false) { foreach ($this->mapping as $nr => $row) { $editable= $this->editable?" onclick='$(\"edit_".$this->id."_$nr\").click()'":""; $result.= " \n"; foreach ($this->displayData[$row] as $column) { $result.= " ".htmlentities($column)."\n"; } if ($action_width) { $result.= ""; } $result.= " \n"; } } else { $result.= " \n"; } $result.= " \n
".str_replace('%ID', "edit_".$this->id."_$nr", $edit_image). str_replace('%ID', "del_".$this->id."_$nr", $delete_image)."
\n"; $result.= " \n"; $result.= " \n"; $result.= " \n"; // Append script stuff if needed $result.= ''; return $result; } public function update() { // Do not do anything if this is not our PID, or there's even no PID available... if(!isset($_REQUEST['PID']) || $_REQUEST['PID'] != $this->id) { return; } // Filter GET with "act" attributes if (!$this->reorderable && isset($_GET['act'])) { $key= validate($_GET['act']); if (preg_match('/^SORT_([0-9]+)$/', $key, $match)) { // Switch to new column or invert search order? $column= $match[1]; if ($this->sortColumn != $column) { $this->sortColumn= $column; } else { $this->sortDirection[$column]= !$this->sortDirection[$column]; } // Update mapping according to sort parameters $this->sortData(); } } // Do not do anything if we're not posted - or have no permission if (strpos($this->acl, 'w') !== false && isset($_POST['reorder_'.$this->id])){ if (isset($_POST['position_'.$this->id]) && is_numeric($_POST['position_'.$this->id])) { $this->scrollPosition= $_POST['position_'.$this->id]; } // Move requested? $move= $_POST['reorder_'.$this->id]; if ($move != "") { preg_match_all('/=([0-9]+)[&=]/', $move, $matches); $this->action= "reorder"; $tmp= array(); foreach ($matches[1] as $id => $row) { $tmp[$id]= $this->mapping[$row]; } $this->mapping= $tmp; $this->current_mapping= $matches[1]; $this->modified= true; return; } } // Delete requested? if (strpos($this->acl, 'd') !== false){ foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/^del_'.$this->id.'_([0-9]+)_x.*$/', $key, $matches)) { $this->active_index= $this->mapping[$matches[1]]; $this->action= "delete"; if ($this->instantDelete) { $this->deleteEntry($this->active_index); } } } } // Edit requested? if (strpos($this->acl, 'w') !== false){ foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/^edit_'.$this->id.'_([0-9]+)_x.*$/', $key, $matches)) { $this->active_index= $this->mapping[$matches[1]]; $this->action= "edit"; } } } } public function getAction() { // Do not do anything if we're not posted if(!isset($_POST['reorder_'.$this->id])) { return; } // For reordering, return current mapping if ($this->action == 'reorder') { return array("targets" => $this->current_mapping, "mapping" => $this->mapping, "action" => $this->action); } // Edit and delete $result= array("targets" => array($this->active_index), "action" => $this->action); return $result; } private function deleteEntry($id) { // Remove mapping $index= array_search($id, $this->mapping); if ($index !== false) { unset($this->mapping[$index]); $this->mapping= array_values($this->mapping); $this->modified= true; } } public function getMaintainedData() { $tmp= array(); foreach ($this->mapping as $src => $dst) { $tmp[$src]= $this->data[$dst]; } return $tmp; } public function isModified() { return $this->modified; } public function setAcl($acl) { $this->acl= $acl; } public function sortData() { // Extract data $tmp= array(); foreach($this->displayData as $item) { if (isset($item[$this->sortColumn])){ $tmp[]= $item[$this->sortColumn]; } else { $tmp[]= ""; } } // Sort entries if ($this->sortDirection[$this->sortColumn]) { asort($tmp); } else { arsort($tmp); } // Adapt mapping accordingly $this->mapping= array(); foreach ($tmp as $key => $value) { $this->mapping[]= $key; } } }