ui= &$ui; $this->config= &$config; // Get list of plugin paths, this allows us to open the plugins main.inc if available. $this->dirlist= $this->get_plugins ($this->dirlist, $this->config->data['MENU']); $this->dirlist= array_merge($this->dirlist,$this->get_plugins ($this->dirlist, $this->config->data['MENU'])); // Detect installed plugins and their configuration, to be able to restrict access later. $classes= get_declared_classes(); foreach ($classes as $cname){ $cmethods = get_class_methods($cname); if (in_array_ics('plInfo',$cmethods)){ $this->info[$cname]= call_user_func(array($cname, 'plInfo')); } } // Reserve a special ACL will allows us to display plugins/addons whenever a user // is able to login into gosa. E.g. some kind of welcome page. $this->info['all']= array(); $this->info['all']['plProvidedAcls']= array(); $this->info['all']['plDescription']= _("All objects in this category"); $this->info['all']['plSelfModify']= FALSE; $this->gen_menu(); } /*! \brief Detect plugin installation paths, by walking through the config. */ function get_plugins($list, &$config) { global $class_mapping; if (!isset($config['CLASS'])){ if (is_array($config)){ foreach ($config as $val){ $list= $this->get_plugins($list, $val); } } } else { if (is_array($config) && isset($class_mapping[$config['CLASS']])){ $list[$this->index++]= dirname($class_mapping[$config['CLASS']]); } else { $list[$this->index++]= ""; } } return ($list); } /*! \brief Check whether we are allowed to modify the given acl or not.. * This function is used to check which plugins are visible. * * @param The acl tag to check for, eg. "users/user:self", "systems", ... * @return Boolean TRUE on success else FALSE */ function check_access($aclname) { if (isset($this->silly_cache[$aclname])) { return $this->silly_cache[$aclname]; } // Split given acl string into an array. e.g. "user,systems" => array("users","systems"); $acls_to_check = array(); if(preg_match("/,/",$aclname)){ $acls_to_check = explode(",",$aclname); }else{ $acls_to_check = array($aclname); } foreach($acls_to_check as $acl_to_check){ $acl_to_check = trim($acl_to_check); /* Check if the given acl tag is only valid for self acl entries * ui->get_permissions($this->ui->dn,$acl_to_check,"") != ""){ $this->silly_cache[$aclname]= TRUE; return(TRUE); } $this->silly_cache[$aclname]= FALSE; return(FALSE); }else{ // No self acls. Check if we have any acls for the given ACL type $deps = $this->ui->get_module_departments($acl_to_check,TRUE); if(count($deps)){ $this->silly_cache[$aclname]= TRUE; return TRUE; } } } $this->silly_cache[$aclname]= FALSE; return (FALSE); } /*! \brief Check the accessibility of the configured plugins. * We may simply have now permissions to access some plugins * but some may be broken or missing!. */ function checkMenu() { $cfg= &$this->config->data['MENU']; foreach ($cfg as $headline => $plug){ $this->menuparts[_($headline)]= array(); foreach ($plug as $id => $info){ if (!isset($info['CLASS'])){ msg_dialog::display( _("Configuration error"), _("The configuration format has changed. Please re-run setup!"), FATAL_ERROR_DIALOG); exit(); } if (!plugin_available($info['CLASS'])){ unset($cfg[$headline][$id]); continue; } if (!$this->check_access($info['ACL'])){ unset($cfg[$headline][$id]); continue; } } } if(!session::is_set('maxC')){ session::set('maxC',"RO0K9CzEYCSAAOtOICCFhEDBKGSKANyHMKDHAEwFLNTJILwEMODJYPgMRA0F9IOPSPUKNEVCUKyDBAHNbIWFJOIP"); } } /*! \brief Generate the GOsa Main-Menu here (The menu on the left), * this usually only done once during login. * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Do NOT add style changes here manually, use the style.css or * if you prefer create your own theme!! * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ function gen_menu() { if ($this->menu == ""){ $this->checkMenu(); $cfg= $this->config->data['MENU']; $menu = "\n"; $this->menu = $menu; // Add javascript method to print out warning messages while leaving an unsaved form. // We do it in here to get the string translated. $this->menu .= " "; } // Use javascript to mark the currently selected plugin. $menu = $this->menu; if(isset($_GET['plug'])){ $menu.= " "; } // Return the generated/cached gosa menu. return ($menu); } /*! \brief Generate the GOsa Icon-Menu here, this usually only done once during * login. * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Do NOT add style changes here manually, use the style.css or * if you prefer create your own theme!! * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ function show_iconmenu() { $add_hr =FALSE; if ($this->iconmenu == ""){ $cfg= $this->config->data['MENU']; foreach ($cfg as $headline => $plug){ $col= 0; $this->iconmenu .= "\n
\n"; if($add_hr){ $add_hr = FALSE; $this->iconmenu .= "\n
\n"; } $this->iconmenu .= "\n

". _($headline)."

\n"; foreach ($plug as $info){ // Get Plugin info list($index, $title, $desc, $icon) = $this->getPlugData($info['CLASS']); // Add a seperating row if (($col % 4) == 0){ $this->iconmenu .= "\n
\n"; } $this->iconmenu.= "\n
"; $this->iconmenu.= "\n
"; $this->iconmenu.= "\n


"; $this->iconmenu.= "\n


"; $this->iconmenu.= "\n
"; $this->iconmenu.= "\n
\n"; $col++ ; } $add_hr = TRUE; } } return ($this->iconmenu); } function genPathMenu() { if(1 | empty($this->pathMenu)){ $this->pathMenu = "\n
". "\n "; $this->pathMenu.= "\n
"; } return($this->pathMenu); } function getPlugData($class) { global $class_mapping; $vars= get_class_vars($class); $plHeadline= _($vars['plHeadline']); $plDescription= _($vars['plDescription']); $plIcon = (isset($vars['plIcon'])) ? $vars['plIcon']: "plugin.png"; $index= $this->get_index($class); /* Check if class is available. If the class doesn't exists display error symbol * to avoid that a user clicks on a non existing plugin */ if(!$vars){ $plHeadline = $plDescription = _("Unknown"); $plIcon = "error.png"; $index = ''; } // Detect the correct position of the plugin icon if(!preg_match("/\//",$plIcon)){ $image= get_template_path("plugins/".preg_replace('%^.*/([^/]+)/[^/]+$%', '\1', $class_mapping[$class])."/images/$plIcon"); }else{ $image = $plIcon; } return(array($index, $plHeadline, $plDescription, $image)); } /*! \brief Returns the installation path of a plugin. * e.g. '../plugins/admin/mimetypes' */ function get_path($index) { if(!isset($this->dirlist[$index])){ return (""); } return ("../".$this->dirlist[$index]); } /*! \brief Returns the plugins id for a given class. */ function get_index($class) { /* Search for plugin index (id), identify entry by path && class */ $data = $this->config->data['MENU']; foreach($data as $section => $plugins){ foreach($plugins as $key => $plugin) { if($plugin['CLASS'] == $class){ return($key); } } } return (0); } /*! \brief This function checks if we are allowed to view the plugin with the given id * * @param $plug_id Integer The ID of the plugin. * @return Boolean TRUE if we are allowed to view the plugin else FASLE */ function plugin_access_allowed($plug_id) { return(isset($this->allowed_plugins[$plug_id])); } /*! \brief Force the menu to be recreated */ function reset_menus() { $this->menu = ""; $this->iconmenu =""; } /*! \brief Generates an array containing plugin names (headlines) and theirs ids. * This is just used in the helpviewer.php */ function gen_headlines() { $ret = array(); if(count($this->headlines) == 0){ foreach($this->config->data['MENU'] as $headline => $plugins){ foreach( $plugins as $id => $plug){ if (plugin_available($plug['CLASS'])){ $attrs = (get_class_vars($plug['CLASS'])); $ret[$id]['HEADLINE'] = $headline; $ret[$id]['NAME'] = $attrs['plHeadline']; } } } $this->headlines = $ret; } return($this->headlines); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>