plugname = $plugname; $this->headpage = $headpage; $this->ui = $ui; $this->config = $config; $this->initTime = microtime(TRUE); stats::log('management', $class = get_class($this), $action = 'open', $amount = 1, $duration = (microtime(TRUE) - $this->initTime)); if($this->cpHandler) $this->headpage->setCopyPasteHandler($this->cpHandler); if($this->snapHandler) $this->headpage->setSnapshotHandler($this->snapHandler); if(empty($this->plIcon)){ $this->plIcon = "plugins/".$plugname."/images/plugin.png"; } // Register default actions $this->registerAction("new", "newEntry"); $this->registerAction("edit", "editEntry"); $this->registerAction("apply", "applyChanges"); $this->registerAction("save", "saveChanges"); $this->registerAction("cancel", "cancelEdit"); $this->registerAction("cancelDelete", "cancelEdit"); $this->registerAction("remove", "removeEntryRequested"); $this->registerAction("removeConfirmed", "removeEntryConfirmed"); $this->registerAction("copy", "copyPasteHandler"); $this->registerAction("cut", "copyPasteHandler"); $this->registerAction("paste", "copyPasteHandler"); $this->registerAction("snapshot", "createSnapshotDialog"); $this->registerAction("restore", "restoreSnapshotDialog"); $this->registerAction("saveSnapshot","saveSnapshot"); $this->registerAction("restoreSnapshot","restoreSnapshot"); $this->registerAction("removeSnapshotConfirmed","removeSnapshotConfirmed"); $this->registerAction("cancelSnapshot","closeDialogs"); $this->registerAction("config-filter","editFilter"); $this->registerAction("saveFilter","saveFilter"); $this->registerAction("cancelFilter","cancelFilter"); // To temporay disable the filter caching UNcomment this line. #session::global_un_set(get_class($this)."_filter"); } /*! \brief Execute this plugin * Handle actions/events, locking, snapshots, dialogs, tabs,... */ function execute() { // Ensure that html posts and gets are kept even if we see a 'Entry islocked' dialog. $vars = array('/^act$/','/^listing/','/^PID$/','/^FILTER_PID$/'); session::set('LOCK_VARS_TO_USE',$vars); pathNavigator::registerPlugin($this); /* Display the copy & paste dialog, if it is currently open */ $ret = $this->copyPasteHandler("",array()); if($ret){ return($this->getHeader().$ret); } // Update filter if ($this->filter) { $this->filter->update(); session::global_set(get_class($this)."_filter", $this->filter); session::set('autocomplete', $this->filter); } // Handle actions (POSTs and GETs) $str = $this->handleActions($this->detectPostActions()); if($str) return($this->getHeader().$str); // Open single dialog objects if(is_object($this->dialogObject)){ if(method_exists($this->dialogObject,'save_object')) $this->dialogObject->save_object(); if(method_exists($this->dialogObject,'execute')){ $display = $this->dialogObject->execute(); $display.= $this->_getTabFooter(); return($this->getHeader().$display); } } // Display tab object. if($this->tabObject instanceOf tabs || $this->tabObject instanceOf multi_plug){ # $this->tabObject->save_object(); $display = $this->tabObject->execute(); $display.= $this->_getTabFooter(); return($this->getHeader().$display); } // Set current restore base for snapshot handling. if(is_object($this->snapHandler)){ $bases = array(); foreach($this->storagePoints as $sp){ $bases[] = $sp.$this->headpage->getBase(); } // No bases specified? Try base if(!count($bases)) $bases[] = $this->headpage->getBase(); $this->snapHandler->setSnapshotBases($bases); } // Display list return($this->renderList()); } function editFilter() { $this->dialogObject = new userFilter($this->config,$this->getHeadpage()); } function renderList() { $this->headpage->update(); $display = $this->headpage->render(); return($this->getHeader().$display); } function getHeadpage() { return($this->headpage); } function getFilter() { return($this->filter); } /*! \brief Generates the plugin header which is displayed whenever a tab object is * opened. */ protected function getHeader() { // We do not display any headers right now. if(1 || $this->skipHeader) return(""); } /*! \brief Generates the footer which is used whenever a tab object is * displayed. */ protected function _getTabFooter() { // Do not display tab footer for non tab objects if(!($this->tabObject instanceOf tabs || $this->tabObject instanceOf multi_plug)){ return(""); } // Check if there is a dialog opened - We don't need any buttons in this case. if($this->tabObject->by_object[$this->tabObject->current]){ $current = $this->tabObject->by_object[$this->tabObject->current]; if(isset($current->dialog) && (is_object($current->dialog) || $current->dialog)){ return(""); } } // Skip footer if requested; if($this->skipFooter) return(""); // In case an of locked entry, we may have opened a read-only tab. $str = ""; if(isset($this->tabObject->read_only) && $this->tabObject->read_only == TRUE){ $str.= "

"; return($str); }else{ // Display ok, (apply) and cancel buttons $str.= "

\n"; $str.= "\n"; $str.= " \n"; if($this->displayApplyBtn){ $str.= "\n"; $str.= " \n"; } $str.= "\n"; $str.= "

"; } return($str); } /*! \brief Initiates the removal for the given entries * and displays a confirmation dialog. * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ protected function removeEntryRequested($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { // Close dialogs and remove locks for currently handled dns $this->cancelEdit(); $disallowed = array(); $this->dns = array(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$target,"Entry removel requested!"); // Check permissons for each target $h = $this->getHeadpage(); $oTypes = array_reverse($h->objectTypes); foreach($target as $dn){ $entry = $h->getEntry($dn); $obj = $h->getObjectType($oTypes, $entry['objectClass']); $acl = $this->ui->get_permissions($dn, $obj['category']."/".$obj['class']); if(preg_match("/d/",$acl)){ $this->dns[] = $dn; }else{ $disallowed[] = $dn; } } if(count($disallowed)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),msgPool::permDelete($disallowed),INFO_DIALOG); } // We've at least one entry to delete. if(count($this->dns)){ // check locks if ($user= get_multiple_locks($this->dns)){ return(gen_locked_message($user,$this->dns)); } // Add locks $dns_names = array(); $types = array(); // Build list of object -labels foreach($h->objectTypes as $type){ $map[$type['objectClass']]= $type['label']; } foreach($this->dns as $dn){ $tmp = $h->getType($dn); if(isset($map[$tmp])){ $dns_names[LDAP::fix($dn)] = _($map[$tmp]); }else{ $dns_names[] =LDAP::fix($dn); } } add_lock ($this->dns, $this->ui->dn); // Display confirmation dialog. $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("info", msgPool::deleteInfo($dns_names)); $smarty->assign("multiple", true); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('removeEntries.tpl'))); } } /*! \brief Object removal was confirmed, now remove the requested entries. * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function removeEntryConfirmed($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass="",$altTabType="", $altAclCategory="",$altAclPlugin="") { $tabType = $this->tabType; $tabClass = $this->tabClass; $aclCategory = $this->aclCategory; $aclPlugin = $this->aclPlugin; if(!empty($altTabClass)) $tabClass = $altTabClass; if(!empty($altTabType)) $tabType = $altTabType; if(!empty($altAclCategory)) $aclCategory = $altAclCategory; if(!empty($altAclPlugin)) $aclPlugin = $altAclPlugin; @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$target,"Entry removel confirmed!"); // Check permissons for each target $h = $this->getHeadpage(); $oTypes = array_reverse($h->objectTypes); foreach($this->dns as $key => $dn){ $entry = $h->getEntry($dn); $obj = $h->getObjectType($oTypes, $entry['objectClass']); $acl = $this->ui->get_permissions($dn, $obj['category']."/".$obj['class']); // Check permissions, are we allowed to remove this object? if(preg_match("/d/",$acl)){ // Delete the object $this->dn = $dn; $this->tabObject= new $tabClass($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS'][$tabType], $this->dn, $aclCategory, true, true); $this->tabObject->set_acl_base($this->dn); $this->tabObject->parent = &$this; $this->tabObject->delete (); // Remove the lock for the current object. del_lock($this->dn); } else { msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), msgPool::permDelete(), ERROR_DIALOG); new log("security","groups/".get_class($this),$dn,array(),"Tried to trick deletion."); } } // Cleanup $this->remove_lock(); $this->closeDialogs(); } /*! \brief Detects actions/events send by the ui * and the corresponding targets. */ function detectPostActions() { if(!is_object($this->headpage)){ trigger_error("No valid headpage given....!"); return(array()); } $action= $this->headpage->getAction(); if(isset($_POST['edit_apply'])) $action['action'] = "apply"; if(isset($_POST['edit_finish'])) $action['action'] = "save"; if(isset($_POST['edit_cancel'])) $action['action'] = "cancel"; if(isset($_POST['delete_confirmed'])) $action['action'] = "removeConfirmed"; if(isset($_POST['delete_snapshot_confirm'])) $action['action'] = "removeSnapshotConfirmed"; if(isset($_POST['delete_cancel'])) $action['action'] = "cancelDelete"; if(isset($_POST['saveFilter'])) $action['action'] = "saveFilter"; if(isset($_POST['cancelFilter'])) $action['action'] = "cancelFilter"; // Detect Snapshot actions if(isset($_POST['CreateSnapshot'])) $action['action'] = "saveSnapshot"; if(isset($_POST['CancelSnapshot'])) $action['action'] = "cancelSnapshot"; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ $once =TRUE; if(preg_match("/^RestoreSnapShot_/",$name) && $once){ $once = FALSE; $entry = base64_decode(preg_replace("/^RestoreSnapShot_(.*)$/i","\\1",$name)); $action['action'] = "restoreSnapshot"; $action['targets'] = array($entry); } } return($action); } /*! \brief Calls the registered method for a given action/event. */ function handleActions($action) { // Start action if(isset($this->actions[$action['action']])){ $func = $this->actions[$action['action']]; if(!isset($action['targets']))$action['targets']= array(); stats::log('management', $class = get_class($this), $action['action'], $amount = count($action['targets']), $duration = (microtime(TRUE) - $this->initTime)); return($this->$func($action['action'],$action['targets'],$action)); } } /*! \brief Opens the snapshot creation dialog for the given target. * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function createSnapshotDialog($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$target,"Snaptshot creation initiated!"); foreach($target as $entry){ if(!empty($entry) && $this->ui->allow_snapshot_create($entry,$this->aclCategory)){ $this->dialogObject = new SnapShotDialog($this->config,$entry,$this); $this->dialogObject->aclCategories = array($this->aclCategory); $this->dialogObject->parent = &$this; }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),sprintf(_("You are not allowed to create a snapshot for %s!"), bold($entry)), ERROR_DIALOG); } } } /*! \brief Creates a snapshot new entry - This method is called when the somebody * clicks 'save' in the "Create snapshot dialog" (see ::createSnapshotDialog). * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function saveSnapshot($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { if(!is_object($this->dialogObject)) return; $this->dialogObject->save_object(); $msgs = $this->dialogObject->check(); if(count($msgs)){ foreach($msgs as $msg){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); } }else{ $this->dn = $this->dialogObject->dn; $this->snapHandler->create_snapshot( $this->dn,$this->dialogObject->CurrentDescription); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dn,"Snaptshot created!"); $this->closeDialogs(); } } /*! \brief Restores a snapshot object. * The dn of the snapshot entry has to be given as ['target'] parameter. * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function restoreSnapshot($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { $entry = array_pop($target); if(!empty($entry) && $this->ui->allow_snapshot_restore($entry,$this->aclCategory)){ $this->snapHandler->restore_snapshot($entry); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dn,"Snaptshot restored!"); $this->closeDialogs(); }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),sprintf(_("You are not allowed to restore a snapshot for %s!"), bold($entry)), ERROR_DIALOG); } } /*! \brief Removes a snapshot object. */ function removeSnapshotConfirmed($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { $entry = $this->dialogObject->del_dn; if(!empty($entry) && $this->ui->allow_snapshot_create($entry,$this->aclCategory)){ $this->snapHandler->remove_snapshot($entry); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$entry,"Snaptshot removed!"); }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),sprintf(_("You are not allowed to remove a snapshot for %s!"), bold($entry)), ERROR_DIALOG); } } /*! \brief Displays the "Restore snapshot dialog" for a given target. * If no target is specified, open the restore removed object * dialog. * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function restoreSnapshotDialog($action="",$target=array(),$all=array()) { // Set current restore base for snapshot handling. if(is_object($this->snapHandler)){ $bases = array(); foreach($this->storagePoints as $sp){ $bases[] = $sp.$this->headpage->getBase(); } } // No bases specified? Try base if(!count($bases)) $bases[] = $this->headpage->getBase(); // No target, open the restore removed object dialog. if(!count($target)){ $entry = $this->headpage->getBase(); if(!empty($entry) && $this->ui->allow_snapshot_restore($entry,$this->aclCategory)){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$entry,"Snaptshot restoring initiated!"); $this->dialogObject = new SnapShotDialog($this->config,$entry,$this); $this->dialogObject->set_snapshot_bases($bases); $this->dialogObject->display_all_removed_objects = true; $this->dialogObject->display_restore_dialog = true; $this->dialogObject->parent = &$this; }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),sprintf(_("You are not allowed to restore a snapshot for %s!"), bold($entry)), ERROR_DIALOG); } }else{ // Display the restore points for a given object. $entry = array_pop($target); if(!empty($entry) && $this->ui->allow_snapshot_restore($entry,$this->aclCategory)){ @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$entry,"Snaptshot restoring initiated!"); $this->dialogObject = new SnapShotDialog($this->config,$entry,$this); $this->dialogObject->set_snapshot_bases($bases); $this->dialogObject->display_restore_dialog = true; $this->dialogObject->parent = &$this; }else{ msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),sprintf(_("You are not allowed to restore a snapshot for %s!"), bold($entry)), ERROR_DIALOG); } } } /*! \brief This method intiates the object creation. * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function newEntry($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass ="", $altTabType = "", $altAclCategory="") { /* To handle mutliple object types overload this method. * ... * registerAction('newUser', 'newEntry'); * registerAction('newGroup','newEntry'); * ... * * function newEntry($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass ="", $altTabType = "", $altAclCategory) * { * switch($action){ * case 'newUser' : { * mangement::newEntry($action,$target,$all,"usertabs","USERTABS","users"); * } * case 'newGroup' : { * mangement::newEntry($action,$target,$all,"grouptabs","GROUPTABS","groups"); * } * } * } **/ $tabType = $this->tabType; $tabClass = $this->tabClass; $aclCategory = $this->aclCategory; if(!empty($altTabClass)) $tabClass = $altTabClass; if(!empty($altTabType)) $tabType = $altTabType; if(!empty($altAclCategory)) $aclCategory = $altAclCategory; // Check locking & lock entry if required $this->displayApplyBtn = FALSE; $this->dn = "new"; $this->is_new = TRUE; $this->is_single_edit = FALSE; $this->is_multiple_edit = FALSE; set_object_info($this->dn); // Open object. if(empty($tabClass) || empty($tabType)){ // No tab type defined }else{ if (isset($this->config->data['TABS'][$tabType])) { // Check if the base plugin is available - it is mostly responsible for object creation and removal. $first = $this->config->data['TABS'][$tabType][0]; if(!class_available($first['CLASS'])){ msg_dialog::display(_("Internal error"), sprintf(_("Cannot instantiate tabbed-plug-in, the base plugin (%s) is not available!"), $first['CLASS']), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $this->tabObject= new $tabClass($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS'][$tabType], $this->dn, $aclCategory); $this->tabObject->set_acl_base($this->headpage->getBase()); $this->tabObject->parent = &$this; @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dn,"Create new entry initiated!"); } } else { msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("No tab definition for %s found in configuration file: cannot create plugin instance!"), bold($tabType)), ERROR_DIALOG); } } } /*! \brief This method opens an existing object or a list of existing objects to be edited. * * * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function editEntry($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass ="", $altTabType = "", $altAclCategory="") { /* To handle mutliple object types overload this method. * ... * registerAction('editUser', 'editEntry'); * registerAction('editGroup','editEntry'); * ... * * function editEntry($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass ="", $altTabType = "", $altAclCategory) * { * switch($action){ * case 'editUser' : { * mangement::editEntry($action,$target,$all,"usertabs","USERTABS","users"); * } * case 'editGroup' : { * mangement::editEntry($action,$target,$all,"grouptabs","GROUPTABS","groups"); * } * } * } **/ // Do not create a new tabObject while there is already one opened, // the user may have just pressed F5 to reload the page. if(is_object($this->tabObject)){ return; } $tabType = $this->tabType; $tabClass = $this->tabClass; $aclCategory = $this->aclCategory; if(!empty($altTabClass)) $tabClass = $altTabClass; if(!empty($altTabType)) $tabType = $altTabType; if(!empty($altAclCategory)) $aclCategory = $altAclCategory; $this->displayApplyBtn = count($target) == 1; // Single edit - we only got one object dn. if(count($target) == 1){ $this->is_new = FALSE; $this->is_single_edit = TRUE; $this->is_multiple_edit = FALSE; // Get the dn of the object and creates lock $this->dn = array_pop($target); set_object_info($this->dn); $user = get_lock($this->dn); if ($user != ""){ return(gen_locked_message ($user, array($this->dn),TRUE)); } add_lock ($this->dn, $this->ui->dn); // Open object. if(empty($tabClass) || empty($tabType)){ trigger_error("We can't edit any object(s). 'tabClass' or 'tabType' is empty!"); }else{ $tab = $tabClass; // Check if the base plugin is available - it is mostly responsible for object creation and removal. $first = $this->config->data['TABS'][$tabType][0]; if(!class_available($first['CLASS'])){ msg_dialog::display(_("Internal error"), sprintf(_("Cannot instantiate tabbed-plug-in, the base plugin (%s) is not available!"), $first['CLASS']), ERROR_DIALOG); }else{ $this->tabObject= new $tab($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS'][$tabType], $this->dn,$aclCategory); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dn,"Edit entry initiated!"); $this->tabObject->set_acl_base($this->dn); $this->tabObject->parent = &$this; } } }else{ // We've multiple entries to edit. $this->is_new = FALSE; $this->is_singel_edit = FALSE; $this->is_multiple_edit = TRUE; // Open multiple edit handler. if(empty($tabClass) || empty($tabType)){ trigger_error("We can't edit any object(s). 'tabClass' or 'tabType' is empty!"); }else{ $this->dns = $target; $tmp = new multi_plug($this->config,$tabClass,$this->config->data['TABS'][$tabType], $this->dns,$this->headpage->getBase(),$aclCategory); // Check for locked entries if ($tmp->entries_locked()){ return($tmp->display_lock_message()); } @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dns,"Edit entry initiated!"); // Now lock entries. if($tmp->multiple_available()){ $tmp->lock_entries($this->ui->dn); $this->tabObject = $tmp; set_object_info($this->tabObject->get_object_info()); } } } } /*! \brief Close filter dialog */ protected function cancelFilter() { if($this->dialogObject instanceOf userFilter){ $this->remove_lock(); $this->closeDialogs(); } } /*! \brief Save filter modifcations. */ protected function saveFilter() { if($this->dialogObject instanceOf userFilter){ $msgs = $this->dialogObject->check(); if(count($msgs)){ msg_dialog::displayChecks($msgs); return(""); }else{ $this->dialogObject->save(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dns,"Entry saved!"); $this->remove_lock(); $this->closeDialogs(); // Ask filter to reload information $this->filter->reloadFilters(); } } } /*! \brief Save object modifications and closes dialogs (returns to object listing). * - Calls '::check' to validate the given input. * - Calls '::save' to save back object modifications (e.g. to ldap). * - Calls '::remove_locks' to remove eventually created locks. * - Calls '::closeDialogs' to return to the object listing. */ protected function saveChanges() { if($this->tabObject instanceOf tabs || $this->tabObject instanceOf multi_plug){ $this->tabObject->save_object(); $msgs = $this->tabObject->check(); if(count($msgs)){ msg_dialog::displayChecks($msgs); return(""); }else{ $this->tabObject->save(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dns,"Entry saved!"); $this->remove_lock(); $this->closeDialogs(); } }elseif($this->dialogObject instanceOf plugin){ $this->dialogObject->save_object(); $msgs = $this->dialogObject->check(); if(count($msgs)){ msg_dialog::displayChecks($msgs); return(""); }else{ $this->dialogObject->save(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dns,"Entry saved!"); $this->remove_lock(); $this->closeDialogs(); } } } /*! \brief Save object modifications and keep dialogs opened. * - Calls '::check' to validate the given input. * - Calls '::save' to save back object modifications (e.g. to ldap). */ protected function applyChanges() { if($this->tabObject instanceOf tabs || $this->tabObject instanceOf multi_plug){ $this->tabObject->save_object(); $msgs = $this->tabObject->check(); if(count($msgs)){ msg_dialog::displayChecks($msgs); return(""); }else{ $this->tabObject->save(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->dns,"Modifications applied!"); $this->tabObject->re_init(); } } } /*! \brief This method closes dialogs * and cleans up the cached object info and the ui. */ protected function closeDialogs() { $this->last_dn = $this->dn; $this->last_dns = $this->dns; $this->last_tabObject = $this->tabObject; $this->last_dialogObject = $this->dialogObject; $this->dn = ""; $this->dns = array(); $this->tabObject = null; $this->dialogObject = null; $this->skipFooter = FALSE; set_object_info(); } /*! \brief Editing an object was caneled. * Close dialogs/tabs and remove locks. */ protected function cancelEdit() { $this->remove_lock(); $this->closeDialogs(); } /*! \brief Every click in the list user interface sends an event * here can we connect those events to a method. * eg. ::registerEvent('new','createUser') * When the action/event new is send, the method 'createUser' * will be called. */ function registerAction($action,$target) { $this->actions[$action] = $target; } /*! \brief Removes ldap object locks created by this class. * Whenever an object is edited, we create locks to avoid * concurrent modifications. * This locks will automatically removed here. */ function remove_lock() { if(!empty($this->dn) && $this->dn != "new"){ del_lock($this->dn); } if(count($this->dns)){ del_lock($this->dns); } } /*! \brief This method is used to queue and process copy&paste actions. * Allows to copy, cut and paste mutliple entries at once. * @param String 'action' The name of the action which was the used as trigger. * @param Array 'target' A list of object dns, which should be affected by this method. * @param Array 'all' A combination of both 'action' and 'target'. */ function copyPasteHandler($action="",$target=array(),$all=array(), $altTabClass ="", $altTabType = "", $altAclCategory="",$altAclPlugin="") { // Return without any actions while copy&paste handler is disabled. if(!is_object($this->cpHandler)) return(""); $tabType = $this->tabType; $tabClass = $this->tabClass; $aclCategory = $this->aclCategory; $aclPlugin = $this->aclPlugin; if(!empty($altTabClass)) $tabClass = $altTabClass; if(!empty($altTabType)) $tabType = $altTabType; if(!empty($altAclCategory)) $aclCategory = $altAclCategory; if(!empty($altAclPlugin)) $aclPlugin = $altAclPlugin; // Save user input $this->cpHandler->save_object(); // Add entries to queue if($action == "copy" || $action == "cut"){ $this->cpHandler->cleanup_queue(); foreach($target as $dn){ if($action == "copy" && $this->ui->is_copyable($dn,$aclCategory,$aclPlugin)){ $this->cpHandler->add_to_queue($dn,"copy",$tabClass,$tabType,$aclCategory,$this); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$dn,"Entry copied!"); } if($action == "cut" && $this->ui->is_cutable($dn,$aclCategory,$aclPlugin)){ $this->cpHandler->add_to_queue($dn,"cut",$tabClass,$tabType,$aclCategory,$this); @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$dn,"Entry cutted!"); } } } // Initiate pasting if($action == "paste"){ $this->cpPastingStarted = TRUE; } // Display any c&p dialogs, eg. object modifications required before pasting. if($this->cpPastingStarted && $this->cpHandler->entries_queued()){ $this->cpHandler->SetVar("base",$this->headpage->getBase()); $data = $this->cpHandler->execute(); if(!empty($data)){ return($data); } } // Automatically disable pasting process since there is no entry left to paste. if(!$this->cpHandler->entries_queued()){ $this->cpPastingStarted = FALSE; } return(""); } function setFilter($str) { $this->filter = $str; } function postcreate() { $this->handle_post_events('add'); } function postmodify(){ $this->handle_post_events('modify'); } function postremove(){ $this->handle_post_events('remove'); } function is_modal_dialog() { return(is_object($this->tabObject) || is_object($this->dialogObject)); } /*! \brief Forward command execution request * to the correct method. */ function handle_post_events($mode, $addAttrs= array()) { if(!in_array($mode, array('add','remove','modify'))){ trigger_error(sprintf("Invalid post event type given %s! Valid types are [add,modify,remove].", bold($mode))); return; } switch ($mode){ case "add": plugin::callHook($this,"POSTCREATE", $addAttrs); break; case "modify": plugin::callHook($this,"POSTMODIFY", $addAttrs); break; case "remove": plugin::callHook($this,"POSTREMOVE", $addAttrs); break; } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>