pid= preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", microtime(TRUE)); if($isString){ if(!$this->loadString($source)){ die("Cannot parse $source!"); } }else{ if (!$this->loadFile($source)) { die("Cannot parse $source!"); } } // Set base for filter if ($this->baseMode) { $this->base= session::global_get("CurrentMainBase"); if ($this->base == null) { $this->base= $config->current['BASE']; } $this->refreshBasesList(); } else { $this->base= $config->current['BASE']; } // Move footer information $this->showFooter= ($config->get_cfg_value("core","listSummary") == "true"); // Register build in filters $this->registerElementFilter("objectType", "listing::filterObjectType"); $this->registerElementFilter("departmentLink", "listing::filterDepartmentLink"); $this->registerElementFilter("link", "listing::filterLink"); $this->registerElementFilter("actions", "listing::filterActions"); // Load exporters foreach($class_mapping as $class => $dummy) { if (preg_match('/Exporter$/', $class)) { $info= call_user_func(array($class, "getInfo")); if ($info != null) { $this->exporter= array_merge($this->exporter, $info); } } } // Instanciate base selector $this->baseSelector= new baseSelector($this->bases, $this->base); } function setCopyPasteHandler($handler) { $this->copyPasteHandler= &$handler; } function setHeight($height) { $this->height= $height; } function setSnapshotHandler($handler) { $this->snapshotHandler= &$handler; } function getFilter() { return($this->filter); } function setFilter($filter) { $this->filter= &$filter; if ($this->departmentBrowser){ $this->departments= $this->getDepartments(); } $this->filter->setBase($this->base); } function registerElementFilter($name, $call) { if (!isset($this->filters[$name])) { $this->filters[$name]= $call; return true; } return false; } function loadFile($filename) { return($this->loadString(file_get_contents($filename))); } function loadString($contents) { $this->xmlData= xml::xml2array($contents, 1); if (!isset($this->xmlData['list'])) { return false; } $this->xmlData= $this->xmlData["list"]; // Load some definition values foreach (array("departmentBrowser", "departmentRootVisible", "multiSelect","singleSelect", "baseMode") as $token) { if (isset($this->xmlData['definition'][$token]) && $this->xmlData['definition'][$token] == "true"){ $this->$token= true; } } // Fill objectTypes from departments and xml definition $types = departmentManagement::get_support_departments(); foreach ($types as $class => $data) { $this->objectTypes[$data['OC']]= array("label" => $data['TITLE'], "objectClass" => $data['OC'], "image" => $data['IMG']); } $this->categories= array(); if (isset($this->xmlData['definition']['objectType'])) { if(isset($this->xmlData['definition']['objectType']['label'])) { $this->xmlData['definition']['objectType']= array($this->xmlData['definition']['objectType']); } foreach ($this->xmlData['definition']['objectType'] as $index => $otype) { $tmp = $this->xmlData['definition']['objectType'][$index]; $this->objectTypes[$tmp['objectClass']]= $tmp; if (isset($this->xmlData['definition']['objectType'][$index]['category'])){ $this->categories[]= $otype['category']; } } } $this->objectTypes = array_values($this->objectTypes); // Parse layout per column $this->colprops= $this->parseLayout($this->xmlData['table']['layout']); // Prepare table headers $this->renderHeader(); // Assign headline/Categories $this->headline= _($this->xmlData['definition']['label']); if (!is_array($this->categories)){ $this->categories= array($this->categories); } // Evaluate columns to be exported if (isset($this->xmlData['table']['column'])){ foreach ($this->xmlData['table']['column'] as $index => $config) { if (isset($config['export']) && $config['export'] == "true"){ $this->exportColumns[]= $index; } } } return true; } function renderHeader() { $this->header= array(); $this->plainHeader= array(); // Initialize sort? $sortInit= false; if (!$this->sortDirection) { $this->sortColumn= 0; if (isset($this->xmlData['definition']['defaultSortColumn'])){ $this->sortColumn= $this->xmlData['definition']['defaultSortColumn']; } else { $this->sortAttribute= ""; } $this->sortDirection= array(); $sortInit= true; } if (isset($this->xmlData['table']['column'])){ foreach ($this->xmlData['table']['column'] as $index => $config) { // Initialize everything to one direction if ($sortInit) { $this->sortDirection[$index]= false; } $sorter= ""; if ($index == $this->sortColumn && isset($config['sortAttribute']) && isset($config['sortType'])) { $this->sortAttribute= $config['sortAttribute']; $this->sortType= $config['sortType']; $sorter= " ".image("images/lists/sort-".($this->sortDirection[$index]?"up":"down").".png", null, $this->sortDirection[$index]?_("Sort ascending"):_("Sort descending"), "text-top"); } $sortable= (isset($config['sortAttribute'])); $link= "href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&PID=".$this->pid."&act=SORT_$index'"; if (isset($config['label'])) { if ($sortable) { $this->header[$index]= "colprops[$index].">"._($config['label'])."$sorter"; } else { $this->header[$index]= "colprops[$index].">"._($config['label']).""; } $this->plainHeader[]= _($config['label']); } else { if ($sortable) { $this->header[$index]= "colprops[$index]."> $sorter"; } else { $this->header[$index]= "colprops[$index]."> "; } $this->plainHeader[]= ""; } } } } function render() { // Check for exeeded sizelimit if (($message= check_sizelimit()) != ""){ return($message); } // Some browsers don't have the ability do do scrollable table bodies, filter them // here. $switch= false; if (preg_match('/(Opera|Konqueror|Safari)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ $switch= true; } // Initialize list $result= "\n"; $result.= "\n"; $height= 450; if ($this->height != 0) { $result.= "\n"; $height= $this->height; } $result.= "
\n"; $result.= "\n"; $this->numColumns= count($this->colprops) + (($this->multiSelect|$this->singleSelect)?1:0); // Build list header $result.= "\n"; if ($this->multiSelect || $this->singleSelect) { $width= "24px"; if (preg_match('/Konqueror/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ $width= "28px"; } $result.= "\n"; } foreach ($this->header as $header) { $result.= $header; } $result.= "\n"; // Build list body $result.= "\n"; // No results? Just take an empty colspanned row if (count($this->entries) + count($this->departments) == 0) { $result.= ""; } // Line color alternation $alt= 0; $deps= 0; // Draw department browser if configured and we're not in sub mode $this->useSpan= false; if ($this->departmentBrowser && $this->filter->scope != "sub") { // Fill with department browser if configured this way $departmentIterator= new departmentSortIterator($this->departments, $this->sortDirection[$this->sortColumn]); foreach ($departmentIterator as $row => $entry){ $rowResult= ""; // Render multi select if needed if ($this->multiSelect || $this->singleSelect) { $rowResult.=""; } // Render defined department columns, fill the rest with some stuff $rest= $this->numColumns - 1; foreach ($this->xmlData['table']['department'] as $index => $config) { $colspan= 1; if (isset($config['span'])){ $colspan= $config['span']; $this->useSpan= true; } $rowResult.=""; $rest-= $colspan; } // Fill remaining cols with nothing $last= $this->numColumns - $rest; for ($i= 0; $i<$rest; $i++){ $rowResult.= ""; } $rowResult.=""; // Apply label to objecttype icon? if (preg_match("//i", $rowResult, $matches)){ $objectType= image($matches[1], null, LDAP::fix(base64_decode($matches[2]))); $rowResult= preg_replace("/]+>/", $objectType, $rowResult); } $result.= $rowResult; $alt++; } $deps= $alt; } // Fill with contents, sort as configured foreach ($this->entries as $row => $entry) { $trow= ""; // Render multi select if needed if ($this->multiSelect) { $trow.="\n"; } if ($this->singleSelect) { $trow.="\n"; } foreach ($this->xmlData['table']['column'] as $index => $config) { $renderedCell= $this->renderCell($config['value'], $entry, $row); $trow.="\n"; // Save rendered column $sort= preg_replace('/.*>([^<]+)<.*$/', '$1', $renderedCell); $sort= preg_replace('/ /', '', $sort); if (preg_match('/entries[$row]["_sort$index"]= $sort; } // Save rendered entry $this->entries[$row]['_rendered']= $trow; } // Complete list by sorting entries for _sort$index and appending them to the output $entryIterator= new listingSortIterator($this->entries, $this->sortDirection[$this->sortColumn], "_sort".$this->sortColumn, $this->sortType); foreach ($entryIterator as $row => $entry){ // Apply label to objecttype icon? if (preg_match("//i", $entry['_rendered'], $matches)){ if (preg_match("//i", $entry['_rendered'], $m)) { $objectType= image($matches[1]."[".$m[1]."]", null, LDAP::fix(base64_decode($matches[2]))); } else { $objectType= image($matches[1], null, LDAP::fix(base64_decode($matches[2]))); } $entry['_rendered']= preg_replace("/]+>/", $objectType, $entry['_rendered']); $entry['_rendered']= preg_replace("/]+>/", '', $entry['_rendered']); } // Apply custom class to row? if (preg_match("//i", $entry['_rendered'], $matches)) { $result.="\n"; $result.= preg_replace("/]+>/", '', $entry['_rendered']); } else { $result.="\n"; $result.= $entry['_rendered']; } $result.="\n"; $alt++; } // Need to fill the list if it's not full (nobody knows why this is 22 ;-)) $emptyListStyle= (count($this->entries) + (($this->useSpan && count($this->entries))?$deps:0) == 0)?"border:0;":""; if ((count($this->entries) + $deps) < 22) { $result.= ""; for ($i= 0; $i<$this->numColumns; $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $result.= ""; continue; } if ($i != $this->numColumns-1) { $result.= ""; } else { $result.= ""; } } $result.= ""; } // Close list body $result.= "
"; if($this->multiSelect){ $result.= ""; }else{ $result.= " "; } $result.="
 colprops[$index]." class='list1'>".$this->renderCell($config['value'], $entry, $row)."colprops[$last+$i-1]." class='list1'> 
colprops[$index]." class='list0'>".$renderedCell."
"; // Add the footer if requested if ($this->showFooter) { $result.= "
"; foreach ($this->objectTypes as $objectType) { if (isset($this->objectTypeCount[$objectType['label']])) { $label= _($objectType['label']); $result.= image($objectType['image'], null, $label)." ".$this->objectTypeCount[$objectType['label']]."  "; } } $result.= "
"; } // Close list $result.= $switch?"":""; // Add scroll positioner $result.= ''; $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("FILTER", $this->filter->render()); $smarty->assign("SIZELIMIT", print_sizelimit_warning()); $smarty->assign("LIST", $result); // Assign navigation elements $nav= $this->renderNavigation(); foreach ($nav as $key => $html) { $smarty->assign($key, $html); } // Assign action menu / base $smarty->assign("HEADLINE", $this->headline); $smarty->assign("ACTIONS", $this->renderActionMenu()); $smarty->assign("BASE", $this->renderBase()); // Assign separator $smarty->assign("SEPARATOR", "-"); // Assign summary $smarty->assign("HEADLINE", $this->headline); // Try to load template from plugin the folder first... $file = get_template_path($this->xmlData['definition']['template'], true); // ... if this fails, try to load the file from the theme folder. if(!file_exists($file)){ $file = get_template_path($this->xmlData['definition']['template']); } return ($smarty->fetch($file)); } function update() { global $config; $ui= get_userinfo(); // Take care of base selector if ($this->baseMode) { $this->baseSelector->update(); // Check if a wrong base was supplied if(!$this->baseSelector->checkLastBaseUpdate()){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::check_base(), ERROR_DIALOG); } } // Save base $refresh= false; if ($this->baseMode) { $this->base= $this->baseSelector->getBase(); session::global_set("CurrentMainBase", $this->base); $refresh= true; } // Reset object counter / DN mapping $this->objectTypeCount= array(); $this->objectDnMapping= array(); // Do not do anything if this is not our PID if($refresh || !(isset($_REQUEST['PID']) && $_REQUEST['PID'] != $this->pid)) { // Save position if set if (isset($_POST['position_'.$this->pid]) && is_numeric($_POST['position_'.$this->pid])) { $this->scrollPosition= get_post('position_'.$this->pid); } // Override the base if we got a message from the browser navigation if ($this->departmentBrowser && isset($_GET['act'])) { if (preg_match('/^department_([0-9]+)$/', validate($_GET['act']), $match)){ if (isset($this->departments[$match[1]])){ $this->base= $this->departments[$match[1]]['dn']; if ($this->baseMode) { $this->baseSelector->setBase($this->base); } session::global_set("CurrentMainBase", $this->base); } } } // Filter POST with "act" attributes -> posted from action menu if (isset($_POST['exec_act']) && $_POST['act'] != '') { if (preg_match('/^export.*$/', $_POST['act']) && isset($this->exporter[$_POST['act']])) { $exporter= $this->exporter[get_post('act')]; $userinfo= ", "._("created by")." ".$ui->cn." - ".strftime('%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M:%S'); $entryIterator= new listingSortIterator($this->entries, $this->sortDirection[$this->sortColumn], "_sort".$this->sortColumn, $this->sortType); $sortedEntries= array(); foreach ($entryIterator as $entry){ $sortedEntries[]= $entry; } $instance= new $exporter['class']($this->headline.$userinfo, $this->plainHeader, $sortedEntries, $this->exportColumns); $type= call_user_func(array($exporter['class'], "getInfo")); $type= $type[get_post('act')]; send_binary_content($instance->query(), $type['filename'], $type= $type['mime']); } } // Filter GET with "act" attributes if (isset($_GET['act'])) { $key= validate($_GET['act']); if (preg_match('/^SORT_([0-9]+)$/', $key, $match)) { // Switch to new column or invert search order? $column= $match[1]; if ($this->sortColumn != $column) { $this->sortColumn= $column; } else { $this->sortDirection[$column]= !$this->sortDirection[$column]; } // Allow header to update itself according to the new sort settings $this->renderHeader(); } } // Override base if we got signals from the navigation elements $action= ""; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/^(ROOT|BACK|HOME)(_x)?$/', $key, $match)) { $action= $match[1]; break; } } // Navigation handling if ($action == 'ROOT') { $deps= $ui->get_module_departments($this->categories); $this->base= $deps[0]; $this->baseSelector->setBase($this->base); session::global_set("CurrentMainBase", $this->base); } if ($action == 'BACK') { $deps= $ui->get_module_departments($this->categories); $base= preg_replace("/^[^,]+,/", "", $this->base); if(in_array_ics($base, $deps)){ $this->base= $base; $this->baseSelector->setBase($this->base); session::global_set("CurrentMainBase", $this->base); } } if ($action == 'HOME') { $ui= get_userinfo(); $this->base= get_base_from_people($ui->dn); $this->baseSelector->setBase($this->base); session::global_set("CurrentMainBase", $this->base); } } // Reload departments if ($this->departmentBrowser){ $this->departments= $this->getDepartments(); } // Update filter and refresh entries $this->filter->setBase($this->base); $this->entries= $this->filter->query(); // Fix filter if querie returns NULL if ($this->entries == null) { $this->entries= array(); } } function setBase($base) { $this->base= $base; if ($this->baseMode) { $this->baseSelector->setBase($this->base); } } function getBase() { return $this->base; } function parseLayout($layout) { $result= array(); $layout= preg_replace("/^\|/", "", $layout); $layout= preg_replace("/\|$/", "", $layout); $cols= explode("|", $layout); foreach ($cols as $index => $config) { if ($config != "") { $res= ""; $components= explode(';', $config); foreach ($components as $part) { if (preg_match("/^r$/", $part)) { $res.= "text-align:right;"; continue; } if (preg_match("/^l$/", $part)) { $res.= "text-align:left;"; continue; } if (preg_match("/^c$/", $part)) { $res.= "text-align:center;"; continue; } if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+(|px|%)$/", $part)) { $res.= "width:$part;min-width:$part;"; continue; } } // Add minimum width for scalable columns if (!preg_match('/width:/', $res)){ $res.= "min-width:200px;"; } $result[$index]= " style='$res'"; } else { $result[$index]= " style='min-width:100px;'"; } } // Save number of columns for later use $this->numColumns= count($cols); // Add no border to the last column $result[$this->numColumns-1]= preg_replace("/'$/", "border-right:0;'", $result[$this->numColumns-1]); return $result; } function renderCell($data, $config, $row) { // Replace flat attributes in data string for ($i= 0; $i<$config['count']; $i++) { $attr= $config[$i]; $value= ""; if (is_array($config[$attr])) { $value= $config[$attr][0]; } else { $value= $config[$attr]; } $data= preg_replace("/%\{$attr\}/", $value, $data); } // Watch out for filters and prepare to execute them $data= $this->processElementFilter($data, $config, $row); // Replace all non replaced %{...} instances because they // are non resolved attributes or filters $data= preg_replace('/%{[^}]+}/', ' ', $data); return $data; } function renderBase() { if (!$this->baseMode) { return; } return $this->baseSelector->render(); } function processElementFilter($data, $config, $row) { preg_match_all("/%\{filter:([^(]+)\((.*)\)\}/", $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $cl= ""; $method= ""; if (preg_match('/::/', $match[1])) { $cl= preg_replace('/::.*$/', '', $match[1]); $method= preg_replace('/^.*::/', '', $match[1]); } else { if (!isset($this->filters[$match[1]])) { continue; } $cl= preg_replace('/::.*$/', '', $this->filters[$match[1]]); $method= preg_replace('/^.*::/', '', $this->filters[$match[1]]); } // Prepare params for function call $params= array(); preg_match_all('/"[^"]+"|[^,]+/', $match[2], $parts); foreach ($parts[0] as $param) { // Row is replaced by the row number if ($param == "row") { $params[]= $row; continue; } // pid is replaced by the current PID if ($param == "pid") { $params[]= $this->pid; continue; } // base is replaced by the current base if ($param == "base") { $params[]= $this->getBase(); continue; } // Fixie with "" is passed directly if (preg_match('/^".*"$/', $param)){ $params[]= preg_replace('/"/', '', $param); continue; } // Move dn if needed if ($param == "dn") { $params[]= LDAP::fix($config["dn"]); continue; } // LDAP variables get replaced by their objects for ($i= 0; $i<$config['count']; $i++) { if ($param == $config[$i]) { $values= $config[$config[$i]]; if (is_array($values)){ unset($values['count']); } $params[]= $values; break; } } } // Replace information if ($cl == "listing") { // Non static call - seems to result in errors $data= @preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($match[0]).'/', call_user_func_array(array($this, "$method"), $params), $data); } else { // Static call $data= preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($match[0]).'/', call_user_func_array(array($cl, $method), $params), $data); } } return $data; } function getObjectType($types, $classes) { // Walk thru types and see if there's something matching foreach ($types as $objectType) { $ocs= $objectType['objectClass']; if (!is_array($ocs)){ $ocs= array($ocs); } $found= true; foreach ($ocs as $oc){ if (preg_match('/^!(.*)$/', $oc, $match)) { $oc= $match[1]; if (in_array($oc, $classes)) { $found= false; } } else { if (!in_array($oc, $classes)) { $found= false; } } } if ($found) { return $objectType; } } return null; } function filterObjectType($dn, $classes) { // Walk thru classes and return on first match $result= " "; $objectType= $this->getObjectType($this->objectTypes, $classes); if ($objectType) { $this->objectDnMapping[$dn]= $objectType["objectClass"]; $result= ""; if (!isset($this->objectTypeCount[$objectType['label']])) { $this->objectTypeCount[$objectType['label']]= 0; } $this->objectTypeCount[$objectType['label']]++; } return $result; } function filterActions($dn, $row, $classes) { // Do nothing if there's no menu defined if (!isset($this->xmlData['actiontriggers']['action'])) { return " "; } // Go thru all actions $result= ""; $actions= $this->xmlData['actiontriggers']['action']; // Ensure we've a valid actions array, if there is only one action in the actiontriggers col // then we've to create a valid array here. if(isset($actions['name'])) $actions = array($actions); foreach($actions as $action) { // Skip the entry completely if there's no permission to execute it if (!$this->hasActionPermission($action, $dn, $classes)) { $result.= image('images/empty.png'); continue; } // Skip entry if the pseudo filter does not fit if (isset($action['filter']) && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+!?=[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $action['filter'])) { list($fa, $fv)= explode('=', $action['filter']); if (preg_match('/^(.*)!$/', $fa, $m)){ $fa= $m[1]; if (isset($this->entries[$row][$fa]) && $this->entries[$row][$fa][0] == $fv) { $result.= image('images/empty.png'); continue; } } else { if (!isset($this->entries[$row][$fa]) && !$this->entries[$row][$fa][0] == $fv) { $result.= image('images/empty.png'); continue; } } } // If there's an objectclass definition and we don't have it // add an empty picture here. if (isset($action['objectclass'])){ $objectclass= $action['objectclass']; if (preg_match('/^!(.*)$/', $objectclass, $m)){ $objectclass= $m[1]; if(in_array($objectclass, $classes)) { $result.= image('images/empty.png'); continue; } } elseif (is_string($objectclass)) { if(!in_array($objectclass, $classes)) { $result.= image('images/empty.png'); continue; } } elseif (is_array($objectclass)) { if(count(array_intersect($objectclass, $classes)) != count($objectclass)){ $result.= image('images/empty.png'); continue; } } } // Render normal entries as usual if ($action['type'] == "entry") { $label= $this->processElementFilter($action['label'], $this->entries[$row], $row); $image= $this->processElementFilter($action['image'], $this->entries[$row], $row); $result.= image($image, "listing_".$action['name']."_$row", $label); } // Handle special types if ($action['type'] == "copypaste" || $action['type'] == "snapshot") { $objectType= $this->getObjectType($this->objectTypes, $this->entries[$row]['objectClass']); $category= $class= null; if ($objectType) { $category= $objectType['category']; $class= $objectType['class']; } if ($action['type'] == "copypaste") { $copy = !isset($action['copy']) || $action['copy'] == "true"; $cut = !isset($action['cut']) || $action['cut'] == "true"; $result.= $this->renderCopyPasteActions($row, $this->entries[$row]['dn'], $category, $class,$copy,$cut); } else { $result.= $this->renderSnapshotActions($row, $this->entries[$row]['dn'], $category, $class); } } } return $result; } function filterDepartmentLink($row, $dn, $description) { $attr= $this->departments[$row]['sort-attribute']; $name= $this->departments[$row][$attr]; if (is_array($name)){ $name= $name[0]; } $result= sprintf("%s [%s]", $name, $description[0]); return("pid&act=department_$row' title='$dn'>".set_post($result).""); } function filterLink() { $result= " "; $row= func_get_arg(0); $pid= $this->pid; // Prepare title attribute $titleAttr = func_get_arg(1); if(is_array($titleAttr) && isset($titleAttr[0])){ $titleAttr = $titleAttr[0]; } $titleAttr = LDAP::fix($titleAttr); $params= array(func_get_arg(2)); // Collect sprintf params for ($i = 3;$i < func_num_args();$i++) { $val= func_get_arg($i); if (is_array($val)){ $params[]= $val[0]; continue; } $params[]= $val; } $result= " "; $trans= call_user_func_array("sprintf", $params); if ($trans != "") { return("".set_post($trans).""); } return $result; } function renderNavigation() { $result= array(); $enableBack = true; $enableRoot = true; $enableHome = true; $ui = get_userinfo(); /* Check if base = first available base */ $deps = $ui->get_module_departments($this->categories); if(!count($deps) || $deps[0] == $this->filter->base){ $enableBack = false; $enableRoot = false; } $listhead =""; /* Check if we are in users home department */ if(!count($deps) || $this->filter->base == get_base_from_people($ui->dn)){ $enableHome = false; } /* Draw root button */ if($enableRoot){ $result["ROOT"]= image('images/lists/root.png', 'ROOT', _("Root")); }else{ $result["ROOT"]= image('images/lists/root-grey.png', null, _("Root")); } /* Draw back button */ if($enableBack){ $result["BACK"]= image('images/lists/back.png', 'BACK', _("Go to preceding level")); }else{ $result["BACK"]= image('images/lists/back-grey.png', null, _("Go to preceding level")); } /* Draw home button */ /* Draw home button */ if($enableHome){ $result["HOME"]= image('images/lists/home.png', 'HOME', _("Go to current users level")); }else{ $result["HOME"]= image('images/lists/home-grey.png', null, _("Go to current users level")); } /* Draw reload button, this button is enabled everytime */ $result["RELOAD"]= image('images/lists/reload.png', 'REFRESH', _("Reload list")); return ($result); } function getAction() { // Do not do anything if this is not our PID, or there's even no PID available... if(!isset($_REQUEST['PID']) || $_REQUEST['PID'] != $this->pid) { return; } // Save position if set if (isset($_POST['position_'.$this->pid]) && is_numeric($_POST['position_'.$this->pid])) { $this->scrollPosition= get_post('position_'.$this->pid); } $result= array("targets" => array(), "action" => ""); // Filter GET with "act" attributes if (isset($_GET['act'])) { $key= validate($_GET['act']); $target= preg_replace('/^listing_[a-zA-Z_]+_([0-9]+)$/', '$1', $key); if (isset($this->entries[$target]['dn'])) { $result['action']= preg_replace('/^listing_([a-zA-Z_]+)_[0-9]+$/', '$1', $key); $result['targets'][]= $this->entries[$target]['dn']; } // Drop targets if empty if (count($result['targets']) == 0) { unset($result['targets']); } return $result; } // Get single selection (radio box) if($this->singleSelect && isset($_POST['listing_radio_selected'])){ $entry = get_post('listing_radio_selected'); $result['targets']= array($this->entries[$entry]['dn']); } // Filter POST with "listing_" attributes foreach ($_POST as $key => $prop) { $prop = get_post($key); // Capture selections if (preg_match('/^listing_selected_[0-9]+$/', $key)) { $target= preg_replace('/^listing_selected_([0-9]+)$/', '$1', $key); if (isset($this->entries[$target]['dn'])) { $result['targets'][]= $this->entries[$target]['dn']; } continue; } // Capture action with target - this is a one shot if (preg_match('/^listing_[a-zA-Z_]+_[0-9]+(|_x)$/', $key)) { $target= preg_replace('/^listing_[a-zA-Z_]+_([0-9]+)(|_x)$/', '$1', $key); if (isset($this->entries[$target]['dn'])) { $result['action']= preg_replace('/^listing_([a-zA-Z_]+)_[0-9]+(|_x)$/', '$1', $key); $result['targets']= array($this->entries[$target]['dn']); } break; } // Capture action without target if (preg_match('/^listing_[a-zA-Z_]+(|_x)$/', $key)) { $result['action']= preg_replace('/^listing_([a-zA-Z_]+)(|_x)$/', '$1', $key); continue; } } // Filter POST with "act" attributes -> posted from action menu if (isset($_POST['act']) && $_POST['act'] != '') { if (!preg_match('/^export.*$/', $_POST['act'])){ $result['action']= get_post('act'); } } // Drop targets if empty if (count($result['targets']) == 0) { unset($result['targets']); } return $result; } function renderActionMenu() { $result= "
"; // Don't send anything if the menu is not defined if (!isset($this->xmlData['actionmenu']['action'])){ return $result; } // Array? if (isset($this->xmlData['actionmenu']['action']['type'])){ $this->xmlData['actionmenu']['action']= array($this->xmlData['actionmenu']['action']); } // Load shortcut $actions= &$this->xmlData['actionmenu']['action']; $result.= ""; } function recurseActions($actions) { global $class_mapping; static $level= 2; $result= ""; return $result; } function hasActionPermission($action, $dn, $classes= null) { $ui= get_userinfo(); if (isset($action['acl'])) { $acls= $action['acl']; if (!is_array($acls)) { $acls= array($acls); } // Every ACL has to pass foreach ($acls as $acl) { $module= $this->categories; $aclList= array(); // Replace %acl if available if ($classes) { $otype= $this->getObjectType($this->objectTypes, $classes); $acl= str_replace('%acl', $otype['category']."/".$otype['class'], $acl); } // Split for category and plugins if needed // match for "[rw]" style entries if (preg_match('/^\[([rwcdm]+)\]$/', $acl, $match)){ $aclList= array($match[1]); } // match for "users[rw]" style entries if (preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\[([rwcdm]+)\]$/', $acl, $match)){ $module= $match[1]; $aclList= array($match[2]); } // match for "users/user[rw]" style entries if (preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\[([rwcdm]+)\]$/', $acl, $match)){ $module= $match[1]; $aclList= array($match[2]); } // match "users/user[userPassword:rw(,...)*]" style entries if (preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\[([a-zA-Z0-9]+:[rwcdm]+(,[a-zA-Z0-9]+:[rwcdm]+)*)\]$/', $acl, $match)){ $module= $match[1]; $aclList= explode(',', $match[2]); } // Walk thru prepared ACL by using $module foreach($aclList as $sAcl) { $checkAcl= ""; // Category or detailed permission? if (strpos($module, '/') !== false) { if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9]+):([rwcdm]+)/', $sAcl, $m) ) { $checkAcl= $ui->get_permissions($dn, $module, $m[1]); $sAcl= $m[2]; } else { $checkAcl= $ui->get_permissions($dn, $module, '0'); } } else { $checkAcl= $ui->get_category_permissions($dn, $module); } // Split up remaining part of the acl and check if it we're // allowed to do something... $parts= str_split($sAcl); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (strpos($checkAcl, $part) === false){ return false; } } } } } return true; } function refreshBasesList() { global $config; $ui= get_userinfo(); // Do some array munching to get it user friendly $ids= $config->idepartments; $d= $ui->get_module_departments($this->categories); $k_ids= array_keys($ids); $deps= array_intersect($d,$k_ids); // Fill internal bases list $this->bases= array(); foreach($k_ids as $department){ $this->bases[$department] = $ids[$department]; } // Populate base selector if already present if ($this->baseSelector && $this->baseMode) { $this->baseSelector->setBases($this->bases); $this->baseSelector->update(TRUE); } } function getDepartments() { $departments= array(); $ui= get_userinfo(); // Get list of supported department types $types = departmentManagement::get_support_departments(); // Load departments allowed by ACL $validDepartments = $ui->get_module_departments($this->categories); // Build filter and look in the LDAP for possible sub departments // of current base $filter= "(&(objectClass=gosaDepartment)(|"; $attrs= array("description", "objectClass"); foreach($types as $name => $data){ $filter.= "(objectClass=".$data['OC'].")"; $attrs[]= $data['ATTR']; } $filter.= "))"; $res= get_list($filter, $this->categories, $this->base, $attrs, GL_NONE); // Analyze list of departments foreach ($res as $department) { if (!in_array($department['dn'], $validDepartments)) { continue; } // Add the attribute where we use for sorting $oc= null; foreach(array_keys($types) as $type) { if (in_array($type, $department['objectClass'])) { $oc= $type; break; } } $department['sort-attribute']= $types[$oc]['ATTR']; // Move to the result list $departments[]= $department; } return $departments; } function renderCopyPasteMenu($separator, $copy= true, $cut= true) { // We can only provide information if we've got a copypaste handler // instance if(!(isset($this->copyPasteHandler) && is_object($this->copyPasteHandler))){ return ""; } // Presets $result= ""; $read= $paste= false; $ui= get_userinfo(); // Switch flags to on if there's at least one category which allows read/paste foreach($this->categories as $category){ $read= $read || preg_match('/r/', $ui->get_category_permissions($this->base, $category)); $paste= $paste || $ui->is_pasteable($this->base, $category) == 1; } // Draw entries that allow copy and cut if($read){ // Copy entry if($copy){ $result.= "".image('images/lists/copy.png')." "._("Copy").""; $separator= ""; } // Cut entry if($cut){ $result.= "".image("images/lists/cut.png")." "._("Cut").""; $separator= ""; } } // Draw entries that allow pasting entries if($paste){ if($this->copyPasteHandler->entries_queued()){ $result.= "".image("images/lists/paste.png")." "._("Paste").""; }else{ $result.= "".image('images/lists/paste-grey.png')." "._("Paste").""; } } return($result); } function renderCopyPasteActions($row, $dn, $category, $class, $copy= true, $cut= true) { // We can only provide information if we've got a copypaste handler // instance if(!(isset($this->copyPasteHandler) && is_object($this->copyPasteHandler))){ return ""; } // Presets $ui = get_userinfo(); $result = ""; // Render cut entries if($cut){ if($ui->is_cutable($dn, $category, $class)){ $result.= image('images/lists/cut.png', "listing_cut_$row", _("Cut this entry")); }else{ $result.= image('images/empty.png'); } } // Render copy entries if($copy){ if($ui->is_copyable($dn, $category, $class)){ $result.= image('images/lists/copy.png', "listing_copy_$row", _("Copy this entry")); }else{ $result.= image('images/empty.png'); } } return($result); } function renderSnapshotMenu($separator) { // We can only provide information if we've got a snapshot handler // instance if(!(isset($this->snapshotHandler) && is_object($this->snapshotHandler))){ return ""; } // Presets $result = ""; $ui = get_userinfo(); if($this->snapshotHandler->enabled() && $ui->allow_snapshot_restore($this->base, $this->categories)){ // Check if there is something to restore $restore= false; foreach($this->snapshotHandler->getSnapshotBases() as $base){ $restore= $restore || count($this->snapshotHandler->getDeletedSnapshots($base)) > 0; } // Draw icons according to the restore flag if($restore){ $result.= "".image('images/lists/restore.png')." "._("Restore snapshots").""; }else{ $result.= "".image('images/lists/restore-grey.png')." "._("Restore snapshots").""; } } return($result); } function renderExporterMenu($separator) { // Presets $result = ""; // Draw entries $result.= "".image('images/lists/export.png')." "._("Export list")." ".image("images/forward-arrow.png").""; return($result); } function renderSnapshotActions($row, $dn, $category, $class, $copy= true, $cut= true) { // We can only provide information if we've got a snapshot handler // instance if(!(isset($this->snapshotHandler) && is_object($this->snapshotHandler))){ return ""; } // Presets $result= ""; $ui = get_userinfo(); // Only act if enabled here if($this->snapshotHandler->enabled()){ // Draw restore button if ($ui->allow_snapshot_restore($dn, $category)){ // Do we have snapshots for this dn? if($this->snapshotHandler->hasSnapshots($dn)){ $result.= image('images/lists/restore.png', "listing_restore_$row", _("Restore snapshot")); } else { $result.= image('images/lists/restore-grey.png'); } } // Draw snapshot button if($ui->allow_snapshot_create($dn, $category)){ $result.= image('images/snapshot.png', "listing_snapshot_$row", _("Create new snapshot for this object")); }else{ $result.= image('images/empty.png'); } } return($result); } function renderDaemonMenu($separator) { $result= ""; // If there is a daemon registered, draw the menu entries if(class_available("DaemonEvent")){ $events= DaemonEvent::get_event_types_by_category($this->categories); if(isset($events['BY_CLASS']) && count($events['BY_CLASS'])){ foreach($events['BY_CLASS'] as $name => $event){ $result.= "".$event['MenuImage']." ".$event['s_Menu_Name'].""; $separator= ""; } } } return $result; } function getEntry($dn) { foreach ($this->entries as $entry) { if (isset($entry['dn']) && strcasecmp($dn, $entry['dn']) == 0){ return $entry; } } return null; } function getEntries() { return $this->entries; } function getType($dn) { $dn = LDAP::fix($dn); if (isset($this->objectDnMapping[$dn])) { return $this->objectDnMapping[$dn]; } return null; } } ?>