configRegistry->getProperty('core','gosaRpcUser'); $username = $user->getValue($temporaryValue = TRUE); $passwd = $config->configRegistry->getProperty('core','gosaRpcPassword'); $passwdString = $passwd->getValue($temporaryValue = TRUE); $connection = new jsonRPC($config, $value, $username, $passwdString); if(!$connection->success() && $message){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), sprintf(_("The RPC connection (%s) specified for %s:%s is invalid: %s"), bold($value),bold($class),bold($name), bold($connection->get_error())), WARNING_DIALOG); } return($connection->success()); } /*! \brief Constructs a new jsonRPC handle which is connected to a given URL. * It can either connect using a rpc method or via auth method digest. * @param object The gosa configuration object (class_config) * @param string The url to connect to. * @param string The username for authentication * @param string The password to use for authentication * @param boolean Whether to use DIGEST authentication or not. * @return */ public function __construct($config, $connectUrl, $username, $userPassword, $authModeDigest=FALSE) { $this->config = $config; $this->id = 0; // Get connection data $this->connectUrl = $connectUrl; $this->username = $username; $this->userPassword = $userPassword; $this->authModeDigest = $authModeDigest; // Put some usefull info in the logs DEBUG (DEBUG_RPC, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,bold($this->connectUrl), "Initiated RPC "); DEBUG (DEBUG_RPC, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,bold($this->username), "RPC user: "); DEBUG (DEBUG_RPC, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,bold($this->userPassword),"RPC password: "); DEBUG (DEBUG_RPC, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,bold($this->authModeDigest),"Digest Auth (0: No, 1: Yes): "); $this->__login(); } /*! \brief * @param * @return */ private function __login() { // Init Curl handler $this->curlHandler = curl_init($this->connectUrl); // Set curl options curl_setopt($this->curlHandler, CURLOPT_URL , $this->connectUrl); curl_setopt($this->curlHandler, CURLOPT_POST , TRUE); curl_setopt($this->curlHandler, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER ,TRUE); curl_setopt($this->curlHandler, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , array('Content-Type: application/json')); curl_setopt($this->curlHandler, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // Try to login if($this->authModeDigest){ if(!empty($this->username)){ curl_setopt($this->curlHandler, CURLOPT_USERPWD , "{$this->username}:{$this->userPassword}"); } curl_setopt($this->curlHandler, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH , CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE); }else{ curl_setopt($this->curlHandler, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION , TRUE); curl_setopt($this->curlHandler, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, 'cookiefile.txt'); if(!empty($this->username)) $this->login($this->username, $this->userPassword); } } /*! \brief Returns the last HTTP status code. * @return int The last status code. */ public function getHTTPstatusCode() { return((isset($this->lastStats['http_code']))? $this->lastStats['http_code'] : -1 ); } /*! \brief Returns the last error string. * @return string The last error message. */ public function get_error() { $error = ""; if($this->lastStats['http_code'] != 200){ $error = $this->getHttpStatusCodeMessage($this->lastStats['http_code']); } if(isset($this->lastResult['error']['error']) && is_array($this->lastResult['error']['error'])){ $err = $this->lastResult['error']['error']; $message = call_user_func_array(sprintf,$err); $error .= $message; }elseif(isset($this->lastResult['error']['message'])){ $error .= $this->lastResult['error']['message']; } if($error){ return(trim($error, ": ")); } return(curl_error($this->curlHandler)); } /*! \brief Returns TRUE if the last action was successfull else FALSE. * @return boolean TRUE on success else FALSE. */ public function success() { return(curl_errno($this->curlHandler) == 0 && !isset($this->lastResult['error']) && isset($this->lastStats['http_code']) && $this->lastStats['http_code'] == 200); } /*! \brief The class destructor, it destroys open rpc handles if needed. */ public function __destruct() { if($this->curlHandler){ curl_close($this->curlHandler); } } /*! \brief This is some kind of catch-all method, all unknown method names will * will be interpreted as rpc request. * If you call "$this->blafasel" this method will initiate an rpc request * for method 'blafasel'. * @param string method The rpc method to execute. * @param params array The parameter to use. * @return mixed The request result. */ public function __call($method,$params) { // Check if handle is still valid! if(!$this->curlHandler && $this->lastAction != 'login'){ $this->__login(); } // Start request DEBUG (DEBUG_RPC, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,"{$method}", "Calling: "); $response = $this->request($method,$params); if($this->success()){ DEBUG (DEBUG_RPC, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (is_array($response['result']))?$response['result']:bold($response['result']), "Result: "); }else{ DEBUG (DEBUG_RPC, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,bold($this->get_error())."
".$response, "Result (FAILED): "); } global $config; $debugLevel = $config->get_cfg_value('core', 'debugLevel'); if($debugLevel & DEBUG_RPC){ print_a(array('CALLED:' => array($method => $params))); print_a(array('RESPONSE' => $response)); } $return = $response['result']; // Inspect the result and replace predefined statements with their // coresponding classes. $return = $this->inspectJsonResult($return); return($return); } public function inspectJsonResult($result) { if(is_array($result) && isset($result['__jsonclass__']) && class_available('remoteObject')){ // Get all relevant class informations $classDef = $result['__jsonclass__'][1]; $type = $classDef[0]; $ref_id = $classDef[1]; $object_id = $classDef[2]; $methods = $classDef[3]; $properties = $classDef[4]; // Prepare values $values = array(); foreach($properties as $prop){ $values[$prop] = NULL; if(isset($res[$prop])) $values[$prop] = $res[$prop]; } // Build up remote object $object = new remoteObject($this, $type, $properties, $values, $methods, $object_id, $ref_id); return($object); } return($result); } /*! \brief This method finally initiates the real RPC requests and handles * the result from the server. * @param string method The method to call * @param array params The paramter to use. * @return mixed The server response. */ private function request($method, $params) { // Set last action $this->lastAction = $method; // Reset stats of last request. $this->lastStats = array(); // Validate input values if (!is_scalar($method)) trigger_error('jsonRPC::__call requires a scalar value as first parameter!'); if (is_array($params)) { $params = array_values($params); } else { trigger_error('jsonRPC::__call requires an array value as second parameter!'); } // prepares the request $this->id ++; $request = json_encode(array('method' => $method,'params' => $params,'id' => $this->id)); // Set curl options curl_setopt($this->curlHandler, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , $request); $response = curl_exec($this->curlHandler); $response = json_decode($response,true); // Set current result stats. $this->lastStats = curl_getinfo($this->curlHandler); $this->lastResult = $response; return($response); } /*! \brief Returns the HTTP status message for a given HTTP status code. * @param int code The status to code to return a message for. * @return string The corresponding status message. */ public static function getHttpStatusCodeMessage($code) { $codes = array( '100' => 'Continue', '101' => 'Switching Protocols', '102' => 'Processing', '200' => 'OK', '201' => 'Created', '202' => 'Accepted', '203' => 'Non-Authoritative Information', '204' => 'No Content', '205' => 'Reset Content', '206' => 'Partial Content', '207' => 'Multi-Status', '300' => 'Multiple Choice', '301' => 'Moved Permanently', '302' => 'Found', '303' => 'See Other', '304' => 'Not Modified', '305' => 'Use Proxy', '306' => 'reserved', '307' => 'Temporary Redirect', '400' => 'Bad Request', '401' => 'Unauthorized', '402' => 'Payment Required', '403' => 'Forbidden', '404' => 'Not Found', '405' => 'Method Not Allowed', '406' => 'Not Acceptable', '407' => 'Proxy Authentication Required', '408' => 'Request Time-out', '409' => 'Conflict', '410' => 'Gone', '411' => 'Length Required', '412' => 'Precondition Failed', '413' => 'Request Entity Too Large', '414' => 'Request-URI Too Long', '415' => 'Unsupported Media Type', '416' => 'Requested range not satisfiable', '417' => 'Expectation Failed', '421' => 'There are too many connections from your internet address', '422' => 'Unprocessable Entity', '423' => 'Locked', '424' => 'Failed Dependency', '425' => 'Unordered Collection', '426' => 'Upgrade Required', '500' => 'Internal Server Error', '501' => 'Not Implemented', '502' => 'Bad Gateway', '503' => 'Service Unavailable', '504' => 'Gateway Time-out', '505' => 'HTTP Version not supported', '506' => 'Variant Also Negotiates', '507' => 'Insufficient Storage', '509' => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', '510' => 'Not Extended'); return((isset($codes[$code]))? $codes[$code] : sprintf(_("Unknown HTTP status code %s!"), bold($code))); } } ?>