current['GOSA_SI'])){ if ($this->s_host == ""){ $this->s_host= preg_replace("/^.*@([^:]+):.*$/", "$1", $config->current['GOSA_SI']); $this->i_port= preg_replace("/^.*@[^:]+:(.*)$/", "$1", $config->current['GOSA_SI']); $this->s_encryption_key = preg_replace("/^(.*)@[^:]+:.*$/", "$1", $config->current['GOSA_SI']); } $this->f_timeout = $timeout; if($connect){ $this->connect(); } } } /*! \brief Establish daemon connection. @return boolean Returns true if the connection was succesfully established. */ public function connect() { $this->o_sock = new Socket_Client($this->s_host,$this->i_port,TRUE,$this->f_timeout); if($this->o_sock->connected()){ $this->o_sock->setEncryptionKey($this->s_encryption_key); $this->is_connected = TRUE; }else{ $this->set_error($this->o_sock->get_error()); $this->disconnect(); } return($this->is_connected); } /*! \brief Disconnect from gosa daemon. */ public function disconnect() { $this->o_sock->close(); $this->is_connected = FALSE; } /*! \brief Sets an error message, which can be returned with get_error(). @param string The Error message, */ private function set_error($str) { $this->b_error = TRUE; $this->s_error = $str; } /*! \brief Sets an error message, which can be returned with get_error(). @param string The Error message, */ private function reset_error() { $this->b_error = FALSE; $this->s_error = ""; } /*! \brief Checks if an error occured. @return boolean returns TRUE or FALSE, whether there is an error or not. */ public function is_error() { return($this->b_error); } /*! \brief Returns the last error. @return Returns the last error. */ public function get_error() { $str = $this->s_error; $str = preg_replace("/ /"," ",$str); return($str); } /*! \brief Returns an array containing all queued entries. @return Array All queued entries as an array. */ public function get_queued_entries($event_types = array("*"),$from=-1,$to=-1,$sort="timestamp DESC") { $this->reset_error(); $ret = array(); $tags = ""; foreach($event_types as $type){ $tags .= "".$type.""; } if(count($event_types) > 1){ $tags = "or".$tags; } if(count($event_types)){ $tags = "".$tags.""; } $xml_msg = "
GOSA GOSA ".$tags." ".$sort.""; if($from != -1 && $to != -1){ $xml_msg.= " ".$from." ".$to." "; } $xml_msg.= "
"; if($this->connect()){ $this->o_sock->write($xml_msg); $str = trim($this->o_sock->read()); $entries = $this->xml_to_array($str); if(isset($entries['XML']) && is_array($entries['XML'])){ /* Check if returned values represent a valid answer */ if(isset($entries['XML'])){ /* Unset header tags */ foreach(array("HEADER","SOURCE","TARGET") as $type){ unset($entries['XML'][$type]); } $ret = $entries['XML']; } } } return($ret); } /*! \brief Checks if the given ids are used queue ids. @param Array The ids we want to check.. @return Array An array containing all ids as index and TRUE/FALSE as value. */ public function ids_exist($ids) { if(!is_array($ids)){ trigger_error("Requires an array as parameter."); return; } $this->reset_error(); $ret = array(); $xml_msg = "
GOSA GOSA or"; foreach($ids as $id){ $xml_msg .= " eq ".$id." "; } $xml_msg .= "
"; if($this->connect()){ $this->o_sock->write($xml_msg); $str = trim($this->o_sock->read()); $entries = $this->xml_to_array($str); if(isset($entries['XML']) && is_array($entries['XML'])){ foreach($entries['XML'] as $entry){ if(isset($entry['ID'])){ $ret[] = $entry['ID']; } } } } return($ret); } /*! \brief Returns an entry containing all requested ids. @param Array The IDs of the entries we want to return. @return Array Of the requested entries. */ public function get_entries_by_id($ids) { if(!is_array($ids)){ trigger_error("Requires an array as parameter."); return; } $this->reset_error(); $ret = array(); $xml_msg = "
GOSA GOSA or"; foreach($ids as $id){ $xml_msg .= " eq ".$id." "; } $xml_msg .= "
"; if($this->connect()){ $this->o_sock->write($xml_msg); $str = trim($this->o_sock->read()); $entries = $this->xml_to_array($str); if(isset($entries['XML'])){ foreach($entries['XML'] as $name => $entry){ if(preg_match("/^ANSWER[0-9]*$/",$name)){ $ret[$name] = $entry; } } } } return($ret); } /*! \brief Checks if the given id is in use. @param Integer The ID of the entry. @return Boolean TRUE if entry exists. */ public function id_exists($id) { if(!is_numeric($id)){ trigger_error("Requires an integer as parameter."); return; } $this->reset_error(); $xml_msg = "
GOSA GOSA eq ".$id."
"; if($this->connect()){ $this->o_sock->write($xml_msg); $str = trim($this->o_sock->read()); $entries = $this->xml_to_array($str); if( isset($entries['XML']['HEADER']) && $entries['XML']['HEADER']=="answer" && isset($entries['XML']['ANSWER1'])){ return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief Returns an entry from the gosaSupportQueue @param Integer The ID of the entry we want to return. @return Array Of the requested entry. */ public function get_entry_by_id($id) { if(!is_numeric($id)){ trigger_error("Requires an integer as parameter."); return; } $this->reset_error(); $ret = array(); $xml_msg = "
GOSA GOSA eq ".$id."
"; if($this->connect()){ $this->o_sock->write($xml_msg); $str = trim($this->o_sock->read()); $entries = $this->xml_to_array($str); if( isset($entries['XML']['HEADER']) && $entries['XML']['HEADER']=="answer" && isset($entries['XML']['ANSWER1'])){ $ret = $entries['XML']['ANSWER1']; } } return($ret); } /*! \brief Removes a set of entries from the GOsa support queue. @param Array The IDs to remove. @return Boolean True on success. */ public function remove_entries($ids) { if(!is_array($ids)){ trigger_error("Requires an array as parameter."); return; } $this->reset_error(); $ret = array(); $xml_msg = "
GOSA GOSA or"; foreach($ids as $id){ $xml_msg .= " eq ".$id." "; } $xml_msg .= "
"; if($this->connect()){ $this->o_sock->write($xml_msg); $str = $this->o_sock->read(); $entries = $this->xml_to_array($str); if(isset($entries['XML'])){ return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief Removes an entry from the GOsa support queue. @param Integer The ID of the entry we want to remove. @return Boolean True on success. */ public function remove_entry($id) { $this->reset_error(); $xml_msg = "
GOSA GOSA eq ".$id."
"; if($this->connect()){ $this->o_sock->write($xml_msg); $str = $this->o_sock->read(); $entries = $this->xml_to_array($str); if(isset($entries['XML'])){ return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief Parses the given xml string into an array @param String XML string @return Array Returns an array containing the xml structure. */ private function xml_to_array($xml) { $params = array(); $level = array(); $parser = xml_parser_create_ns(); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $vals, $index); $err_id = xml_get_error_code($parser); if($err_id){ xml_parser_free($parser); }else{ xml_parser_free($parser); foreach ($vals as $xml_elem) { if ($xml_elem['type'] == 'open') { if (array_key_exists('attributes',$xml_elem)) { list($level[$xml_elem['level']],$extra) = array_values($xml_elem['attributes']); } else { $level[$xml_elem['level']] = $xml_elem['tag']; } } if ($xml_elem['type'] == 'complete') { $start_level = 1; $php_stmt = '$params'; while($start_level < $xml_elem['level']) { $php_stmt .= '[$level['.$start_level.']]'; $start_level++; } $php_stmt .= '[$xml_elem[\'tag\']] = $xml_elem[\'value\'];'; @eval($php_stmt); } } } if(!isset($params['XML'])){ if (!array_key_exists('XML', $params)){ $this->set_error(_("Could not parse XML.")); } $params = array("COUNT" => 0); } return($params); } /*! \brief Updates an entry with a set of new values, @param Integer The ID of the entry, we want to update. @param Array The variables to update. @return Boolean Returns TRUE on success. */ public function update_entries($ids,$data) { $this->reset_error(); if(!is_array($ids)){ trigger_error("Requires an array as first parameter."); return; } if(!is_array($data)){ trigger_error("Requires an array as second parameter."); return; } $attr = ""; foreach($data as $key => $value){ if(is_array($value)){ foreach($value as $sub_value){ $attr.= "<$key>".strtolower($sub_value)."\n"; } }else{ $attr.= "<$key>".strtolower($value)."\n"; } } $xml_msg = "
GOSA GOSA or"; foreach($ids as $id){ $xml_msg .= " eq ".$id." "; } $xml_msg .= " ".$attr."
"; if($this->connect()){ $this->o_sock->write($xml_msg); $str = trim($this->o_sock->read()); $entries = $this->xml_to_array($str); if(isset($entries['XML'])){ if(isset($entries['XML']['ERROR_STRING'])) { $this->set_error($entries['XML']['ERROR_STRING']); return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief Returns the number of currently queued objects. @return Integer */ public function number_of_queued_entries() { $xml_msg ="
"; $this->connect(); if($this->connect()){ $this->o_sock->write($xml_msg); $str = trim($this->o_sock->read()); $entries = $this->xml_to_array($str); if(isset($entries['XML'])){ return($entries['XML']['COUNT']); } } return(-1); } public function send_data($header, $to, $data= array(), $answer_expected = FALSE) { $xml_message= ""; /* Prepare data */ foreach ($data as $key => $value){ if(is_array($value)){ foreach($value as $sub_val){ $xml_message.= "<$key>$sub_value"; } }else{ $xml_message.= "<$key>$value"; } } /* Multiple targets? */ if (!is_array($to)){ $to_targets= array($to); } else { $to_targets= $to; } /* Build target strings */ $target =""; foreach($to_targets as $to){ $target.= "$to"; } return $this->_send("
",$answer_expected); } /* Allows simply appending a new DaemonEvent */ public function append($event) { if(!($event instanceof DaemonEvent)){ return(FALSE); } $this->reset_error(); /* Add to queue if new */ if($event->is_new()){ $request_answer = FALSE; if($event->get_type() == SCHEDULED_EVENT){ $action = $event->get_schedule_action(); $request_answer = TRUE; }elseif($event->get_type() == TRIGGERED_EVENT){ $action = $event->get_trigger_action(); }else{ trigger_error("Unknown type of queue event given."); return(FALSE); } /* Get event informations, like targets.. */ $targets = $event->get_targets(); $data = $event->save(); /* Append an entry for each target */ foreach($targets as $target){ $data['macaddress'] = $target; $this->send_data($action,$target,$data,$request_answer); if($this->is_error()){ return(FALSE); } } return(TRUE); }else{ /* Updated edited entry. */ $id = $event->get_id(); $data = $event->save(); return($this->update_entries(array($id),$data)); } return(FALSE); } /*! \brief Returns an array containing all queued entries. @return Array All queued entries as an array. */ public function _send($data, $answer_expected= FALSE) { $this->reset_error(); $ret = array(); if($this->connect()){ $this->o_sock->write($data); if ($answer_expected){ $str = trim($this->o_sock->read()); $entries = $this->xml_to_array($str); if(isset($entries['XML']) && is_array($entries['XML'])){ $ret = $entries; if(isset($entries['XML']['ERROR_STRING'])) { $this->set_error($entries['XML']['ERROR_STRING']); } } } } return($ret); } static function send($header, $to, $data= array(), $answer_expected = FALSE) { $xml_message= ""; /* Get communication object */ $d= new gosaSupportDaemon(TRUE,10); /* Prepare data */ foreach ($data as $key => $value){ if(is_array($value)){ foreach($value as $sub_val){ $xml_message.= "<$key>$sub_value"; } }else{ $xml_message.= "<$key>$value"; } } /* Multiple targets? */ if (!is_array($to)){ $to_targets= array($to); } else { $to_targets= $to; } /* Build target strings */ $target =""; foreach($to_targets as $to){ $target.= "$to"; } return $d->_send("
",$answer_expected); } static function ping($target) { if (tests::is_mac($target)){ /* Get communication object */ $d= new gosaSupportDaemon(TRUE,0.5); $answer= $d->_send("
", TRUE); return (count($answer) ? TRUE:FALSE); } return (FALSE); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>