get_ldap_link(TRUE); $flag= ($scope == "sub")?GL_SUBSEARCH:0; $result= filterLDAP::get_list($base, $filter, $attributes, $category, $objectStorage, $flag | GL_SIZELIMIT); return $result; } static function get_list($base, $filter, $attributes, $category, $objectStorage, $flags= GL_SUBSEARCH) { $ui= session::global_get('ui'); $config= session::global_get('config'); // Move to arrays for category and objectStorage if (!is_array($category)) { $category= array($category); } if (!is_array($objectStorage)) { $objectStorage= array($objectStorage); } $method= (empty($objectStorage) && !($flags & GL_SUBSEARCH))?"ls":"search"; // Initialize search bases $bases= array(); // Get list of sub bases to search on if (count($objectStorage) == 0) { $bases[$base]= ""; } else { foreach ($objectStorage as $oc) { $oc= preg_replace('/,$/', '', $oc); $tmp= explode(',', $oc); if (count($tmp) == 1) { preg_match('/([^=]+)=(.*)$/', $oc, $m); if ($flags & GL_SUBSEARCH) { $bases[$base][]= $m[1].":dn:=".$m[2]; } else { $bases["$oc,$base"][]= $m[1].":dn:=".$m[2]; } } else { // No, there's no \, in pre defined RDN values preg_match('/^([^,]+),(.*)$/', $oc, $matches); preg_match('/([^=]+)=(.*)$/', $matches[1], $m); if ($flags & GL_SUBSEARCH) { $bases[$base][]= $m[1].":dn:=".$m[2]; } else { $bases[$matches[2].",$base"][]= $m[1].":dn:=".$m[2]; } } } } // Get LDAP link $ldap= $config->get_ldap_link($flags & GL_SIZELIMIT); // Do search for every base $result= array(); $limit_exceeded = FALSE; foreach($bases as $base => $dnFilters) { // Break if the size limit is exceeded if($limit_exceeded){ return($result); } // Switch to new base and search if (is_array($dnFilters)){ $dnFilter= "(|"; foreach ($dnFilters as $df) { $dnFilter.= "($df)"; } $dnFilter.= ")"; } else { $dnFilter= ""; } $ldap->cd($base); if ($method == "ls") { $ldap->ls("(&$filter$dnFilter)", $base, $attributes); } else { $ldap->search("(&$filter$dnFilter)", $attributes); } // Check for size limit exceeded messages for GUI feedback if (preg_match("/size limit/i", $ldap->get_error())){ session::set('limit_exceeded', TRUE); $limit_exceeded = TRUE; } /* Crawl through result entries and perform the migration to the result array */ while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()) { $dn= $ldap->getDN(); /* Convert dn into a printable format */ if ($flags & GL_CONVERT){ $attrs["dn"]= convert_department_dn($dn); } else { $attrs["dn"]= $dn; } /* Skip ACL checks if we are forced to skip those checks */ if($flags & GL_NO_ACL_CHECK){ $result[]= $attrs; }else{ /* Sort in every value that fits the permissions */ foreach ($category as $o){ if((preg_match("/\//",$o) && preg_match("/r/",$ui->get_permissions($dn,$o))) || (!preg_match("/\//",$o) && preg_match("/r/",$ui->get_category_permissions($dn, $o)))){ $result[]= $attrs; break; } } } } } return $result; } } ?>