load($filename)) { die("Cannot parse $filename!"); } } function load($filename) { $contents = file_get_contents($filename); $this->xmlData= xml::xml2array($contents, 1); if (!isset($this->xmlData['filter'])) { return false; } $this->xmlData= $this->xmlData["filter"]; // Load filter if (isset($this->xmlData['search'])) { if (!isset($this->xmlData['search']['query'][0])){ $this->xmlData['search']['query']= array($this->xmlData['search']['query']); } // Move information $entry= $this->xmlData['search']; $this->baseMode= $entry['base']; $this->scopeMode= $entry['scope']; if ($entry['scope'] == "auto") { $this->scope= "one"; } else { $this->scope= $entry['scope']; } $this->query= $entry['query']; } else { return false; } // Transfer initial value if (isset($this->xmlData['definition']['initial']) && $this->xmlData['definition']['initial'] == "true"){ $this->initial= true; } // Transfer category if (isset($this->xmlData['definition']['category'])){ $this->category= $this->xmlData['definition']['category']; } // Generate formular data if (isset($this->xmlData['element'])) { if (!isset($this->xmlData['element'][0])){ $this->xmlData['element']= array($this->xmlData['element']); } foreach ($this->xmlData['element'] as $element) { // Ignore elements without type if (!isset($element['type']) || !isset($element['tag'])) { next; } $tag= $element['tag']; // Fix arrays if (isset($element['value']) && !isset($element['value'][0])) { $element['value']= array($element['value']); } // Store element for quick access $this->elements[$tag] = $element; // Preset elementValues with default values if exist if (isset($element['default']) && !is_array($element['default'])) { $this->elementValues[$tag] = $element['default']; } else { $this->elementValues[$tag] = ""; } // Does this element react on alphabet links? if (isset($element['alphabet']) && $element['alphabet'] == "true") { $this->alphabetElements[]= $tag; } } } return true; } function getTextfield($element) { $tag= $element['tag']; $result= ""; if (isset($element['autocomplete'])) { $frequency= "0.5"; $characters= "1"; if (isset($element['autocomplete']['frequency'])) { $frequency= $element['autocomplete']['frequency']; } if (isset($element['autocomplete']['characters'])) { $characters= $element['autocomplete']['characters']; } $result.= "
". ""; $this->autocompleters[$tag]= $element['autocomplete']; } return $result; } function getCheckbox($element) { $tag= $element['tag']; $checked= ""; if ($this->elementValues[$tag] == "true") { $checked= " checked"; } $result= ""; return $result; } function getCombobox($element) { $result= ""; return $result; } function getCurrentBase() { if (isset($this->search->base) && (string)$this->search->scope != "auto") { return false; } return $this->base; } function getCurrentScope() { if (isset($this->search->scope) && (string)$this->search->scope != "auto") { return (string)$this->search->scope; } return $this->scope; } function setBases($bases) { $this->bases= $bases; } function setObjectStorage($storage) { $this->objectStorage= $storage; } function setObjectBase($base) { $this->objectBase= $base; } function setCurrentBase($base) { $this->base= $base; } function setCurrentScope($scope) { $this->scope= $scope; } function renderBase() { $result= ""; return $result; } function renderAlphabet($columns= 10) { // Return pre-rendered alphabet if available if ($this->alphabet) { return ($this->alphabet); } $characters= _("*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"); $alphabet= ""; $c= 0; /* Fill cells with charaters */ for ($i= 0, $l= mb_strlen($characters, 'UTF8'); $i<$l; $i++){ if ($c == 0){ $alphabet.= ""; } $ch = mb_substr($characters, $i, 1, "UTF8"); $alphabet.= " ".$ch." "; if ($c++ == $columns){ $alphabet.= ""; $c= 0; } } /* Fill remaining cells */ while ($c++ <= $columns){ $alphabet.= " "; } /* Save alphabet */ $this->alphabet= "$alphabet
"; return ($this->alphabet); } function renderApply() { return (""); } function renderScope() { $checked= $this->scope == "sub"?" checked":""; return " "._("Search in subtrees"); } function render() { $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("ALPHABET", $this->renderAlphabet()); $smarty->assign("APPLY", $this->renderApply()); $smarty->assign("SCOPE", $this->renderScope()); $smarty->assign("BASE", $this->renderBase()); // Load template and replace elementsHtml[] foreach ($this->elements as $tag => $element) { $htmlCode= ""; switch ($element['type']) { case "textfield": $htmlCode = $this->getTextfield($element); break; case "checkbox": $htmlCode = $this->getCheckbox($element); break; case "combobox": $htmlCode = $this->getCombobox($element); break; default: die ("Unknown element type specified!"); } $smarty->assign("$tag", $htmlCode); } // Load template return ("".$smarty->fetch(get_template_path($this->xmlData['definition']['template'], true))); } function query() { global $class_mapping; $result= array(); // Go thru all queries and merge results foreach ($this->query as $query) { if (!isset($query['backend']) || !isset($query['filter']) || !isset($query['attribute'])) { die("No backend specified in search config."); } // Is backend available? $backend= "filter".$query['backend']; if (!isset($class_mapping["$backend"])) { die("Invalid backend specified in search config."); } // Load filter and attributes $filter= $query['filter']; $attributes= $query['attribute']; // Generate final filter foreach ($this->elements as $tag => $element) { if (!isset($element['set']) || !isset($element['unset'])) { continue; } $e_set= is_array($element['set'])?"":$element['set']; $e_unset= is_array($element['unset'])?"":$element['unset']; if ($this->elementValues[$tag] == "") { $e_unset= preg_replace('/\$/', normalizeLdap($this->elementValues[$tag]), $e_unset); $filter= preg_replace("/\\$$tag/", $e_unset, $filter); } else { $e_set= preg_replace('/\$/', normalizeLdap($this->elementValues[$tag]), $e_set); $filter= preg_replace("/\\$$tag/", $e_set, $filter); } } $result= array_merge($result, call_user_func(array($backend, 'query'), $this->base, $this->scope, $filter, $attributes, $this->category, $this->objectStorage, $this->objectBase)); } return ($result); } function isValid() { foreach ($this->elements as $tag => $element) { if (isset($element->regex)){ if (!preg_match('/'.(string)$element->regex.'/', $this->elementValues[$tag])){ return false; } } } return true; } function update() { /* React on alphabet links if needed */ if (isset($_GET['filter'])){ $s= mb_substr(validate($_GET['filter']), 0, 1, "UTF8")."*"; if ($s == "**"){ $s= "*"; } foreach ($this->alphabetElements as $tag) { $this->elementValues[$tag]= $s; } } if (isset($_POST['FILTER_LOADED'])) { // Load post values and adapt filter, base and scope accordingly - but // only if we didn't get a _GET foreach ($this->elements as $tag => $element) { if (isset($_POST[$tag])){ $this->elementValues[$tag]= validate($_POST[$tag]); } else { $this->elementValues[$tag]= ""; } } } // Save base if (isset($_POST['BASE']) && $this->baseMode == "true") { $base= validate($_POST['BASE']); if (isset($this->bases[$base])) { $this->base= $base; } } // Save scope if needed if ($this->scopeMode == "auto") { $this->scope= isset($_POST['SCOPE'])?"sub":"one"; } } function getCompletitionList($config, $tag, $value="*") { global $class_mapping; $res= array(); // Is backend available? $backend= "filter".$config['backend']; if (!isset($class_mapping["$backend"])) { die("Invalid backend specified in search config."); } // Load filter and attributes $filter= $config['filter']; $attributes= $config['attribute']; if (!is_array($attributes)) { $attributes= array($attributes); } // Make filter $filter= preg_replace("/\\$$tag/", normalizeLDAP($value), $filter); if (isset($config['base']) && isset($config['scope']) && isset($config['category']) && isset($config['objectbase']) ) { $result= call_user_func(array($backend, 'query'), $config['base'], $config['scope'], $filter, $attributes, $config["category"], $config["objectbase"]); } else { $result= call_user_func(array($backend, 'query'), $this->base, $this->scope, $filter, $attributes, $this->category, $this->objectStorage, $this->objectBase); } foreach ($result as $entry) { foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if (is_array($entry[$attribute])) { for ($i= 0; $i<$entry[$attribute]['count']; $i++) { $res[]= $entry[$attribute][$i]; } } else { $res[]= $entry[$attribute]; } } } return $res; } function processAutocomplete() { global $class_mapping; $result= array(); foreach ($this->autocompleters as $tag => $config) { if(isset($_POST[$tag])){ $result= $this->getCompletitionList($config, $tag, $_POST[$tag]); echo ''; } } } } ?>