config = &$config; $this->reload(); } function reload($force = FALSE) { // Do not reload the properties everytime, once we have // everything loaded and registrered skip the reload. // Status is 'finished' once we had a ldap connection (logged in) if(!$force && $this->status == 'finished') return; // Reset everything $this->ldapStoredProperties = array(); $this->fileStoredProperties = array(); $this->properties = array(); $this->mapByName = array(); // Search for config flags defined in the config file (TAB section) foreach($this->config->data['TABS'] as $tabname => $tabdefs){ foreach($tabdefs as $info){ // Check if the info is valid if(isset($info['NAME']) && isset($info['CLASS'])){ // Check if there is nore than just the plugin definition if(count($info) > 2){ foreach($info as $name => $value){ if(!in_array($name, array('CLASS','NAME'))){ $class= $info['CLASS']; $this->fileStoredProperties[$class][strtolower($name)] = $value; } } } } } } // Search for config flags defined in the config file (MAIN section) foreach($this->config->data['MAIN'] as $name => $value){ $this->fileStoredProperties['core'][strtolower($name)] = $value; } // Search for config flags defined in the config file (Current LOCATION section) if(isset($this->config->current)){ foreach($this->config->current as $name => $value){ $this->fileStoredProperties['core'][strtolower($name)] = $value; } } // Search for all config flags defined in the LDAP - BUT only if we ARE logged in. if(!empty($this->config->current['CONFIG'])){ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['CONFIG']); $ldap->search('(&(objectClass=gosaConfig)(gosaSetting=*))', array('cn','gosaSetting')); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $class = $attrs['cn'][0]; for($i=0; $i<$attrs['gosaSetting']['count']; $i++){ list($name,$value) = preg_split("/:/",$attrs['gosaSetting'][$i],2); $this->ldapStoredProperties[$class][$name] = $value; } } $this->status = 'finished'; } global $class_mapping; foreach ($class_mapping as $cname => $path){ $cmethods = get_class_methods($cname); if (is_array($cmethods) && in_array_ics('plInfo',$cmethods)){ // Get plugin definitions $def = call_user_func(array($cname, 'plInfo'));; // Register Post Events (postmodfiy,postcreate,postremove,checkhook) if(count($def)){ $name = $cname; $name = (isset($def['plShortName'])) ? $def['plShortName'] : $cname; $name = (isset($def['plDescription'])) ? $def['plDescription'] : $cname; $this->classToName[$cname] = $name; $data = array('name' => 'postcreate','type' => 'command'); $this->register($cname, $data); $data = array('name' => 'postremove','type' => 'command'); $this->register($cname, $data); $data = array('name' => 'postmodify','type' => 'command'); $this->register($cname, $data); $data = array('name' => 'check', 'type' => 'command'); $this->register($cname, $data); } if(isset($def['plProperties'])){ foreach($def['plProperties'] as $property){ $this->register($cname, $property); } } } } } function register($class,$data) { $id = count($this->properties); $this->properties[$id] = new gosaProperty($this,$class,$data); $p = strtolower("{$class}::{$data['name']}"); $this->mapByName[$p] = $id; } public function getAllProperties() { return($this->properties); } function propertyExists($class,$name) { $p = strtolower("{$class}::{$name}"); return(isset($this->mapByName[$p])); } private function getId($class,$name) { $p = strtolower("{$class}::{$name}"); if(!isset($this->mapByName[$p])){ return(-1); } return($this->mapByName[$p]); } function getProperty($class,$name) { if($this->propertyExists($class,$name)){ return($this->properties[$this->getId($class,$name)]); } return(NULL); } function getPropertyValue($class,$name) { if($this->propertyExists($class,$name)){ $tmp = $this->getProperty($class,$name); return($tmp->getValue()); } return(""); } function setPropertyValue($class,$name, $value) { if($this->propertyExists($class,$name)){ $tmp = $this->getProperty($class,$name); return($tmp->setValue($value)); } return(""); } function saveChanges() { foreach($this->properties as $prop){ $prop->save(); } $this->reload(TRUE); } } class gosaProperty { protected $name = ""; protected $class = ""; protected $value = ""; protected $tmp_value = ""; // Used when modified but not saved protected $type = "string"; protected $default = ""; protected $defaults = ""; protected $description = ""; protected $check = ""; protected $migrate = ""; protected $mandatory = FALSE; protected $group = "default"; protected $parent = NULL; protected $data = array(); /*! The current property status * 'ldap' Property is stored in ldap * 'file' Property is stored in the config file * 'undefined' Property is currently not stored anywhere * 'modified' Property has been modified (should be saved) */ protected $status = 'undefined'; protected $attributes = array('name','type','default','description','check', 'migrate','mandatory','group','defaults'); function __construct($parent,$classname,$data) { // Set some basic infos $this->parent = &$parent; $this->class = $classname; $this->data = $data; // Get all relevant information from the data array (comes from plInfo) foreach($this->attributes as $aName){ if(isset($data[$aName])){ $this->$aName = $data[$aName]; } } // Initialize with the current value $this->_restoreCurrentValue(); } function check() { $val = $this->getValue(TRUE); $return = TRUE; if($this->mandatory && empty($val)){ $return = FALSE; } $check = $this->getCheck(); if(!empty($val) && !empty($check)){ $res = call_user_func(preg_split("/::/", $this->check),$messages=TRUE, $this->class,$this->name,$val, $this->type); if(!$res){ $return = FALSE; } } return($return); } static function isBool($message,$class,$name,$value, $type) { $match = in_array($value,array('true','false','')); // Display the reason for failing this check. if($message && ! $match){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), msgPool::invalid($name,$value,"",_("Use 'true', 'false' or empty if allowed")), WARNING_DIALOG); } return($match); } static function isString($message,$class,$name,$value, $type) { $match = TRUE; // Display the reason for failing this check. if($message && ! $match){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), msgPool::invalid($name), WARNING_DIALOG); } return($match); } static function isInteger($message,$class,$name,$value, $type) { $match = is_numeric($value) && !preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $value); // Display the reason for failing this check. if($message && ! $match){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), msgPool::invalid($name, $value,'/[0-9]/'), WARNING_DIALOG); } return($match); } static function isPath($message,$class,$name,$value, $type) { $match = TRUE; // Display the reason for failing this check. if($message && ! $match){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), msgPool::invalid($name), WARNING_DIALOG); } return($match); } static function isWriteablePath($message,$class,$name,$value, $type) { $match = !empty($value)&&is_dir($value)&&is_writeable($value); // Display the reason for failing this check. if($message && ! $match){ if(!is_dir($value)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), sprintf(_("The specified folder does not exists '%s'."), $value), WARNING_DIALOG); }elseif(!is_writeable($value)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), sprintf(_("The specified folder cannot be used for writing '%s'."), $value), WARNING_DIALOG); } } return($match); } static function isReadableFile($message,$class,$name,$value, $type) { $match = !empty($value) && is_readable($value) && is_file($value); // Display the reason for failing this check. if($message && ! $match){ if(!is_file($value)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), sprintf(_("The specified file does not exists '%s'."), $value), WARNING_DIALOG); }elseif(!is_readable($value)){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), sprintf(_("The specified file cannot be used for reading '%s'."), $value), WARNING_DIALOG); } } return($match); } static function isCommand($message,$class,$name,$value, $type) { $match = TRUE; // Display the reason for failing this check. if($message && ! $match){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), msgPool::cmdinvalid($name,$value), WARNING_DIALOG); } return($match); } static function isDn($message,$class,$name,$value, $type) { $match = preg_match("/^([a-z]*=[^=,]*,)*[^=]*=[^=]*$/i", $value); // Display the reason for failing this check. if($message && ! $match){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), msgPool::invalid($name,$value), WARNING_DIALOG); } return($match); } static function isRdn($message,$class,$name,$value, $type) { $match = preg_match("/^([a-z]*=[^=,]*,)*[^=]*=[^=]*$/i", $value); // Display the reason for failing this check. if($message && ! $match){ msg_dialog::display(_("Warning"), msgPool::invalid($name,$value), WARNING_DIALOG); } return($match); } private function _restoreCurrentValue() { // First check for values in the LDAP Database. if(isset($this->parent->ldapStoredProperties[$this->class][$this->name])){ $this->setStatus('ldap'); $this->value = $this->parent->ldapStoredProperties[$this->class][$this->name]; return; } // Second check for values in the config file. if(isset($this->parent->fileStoredProperties[$this->class][strtolower($this->name)])){ $this->setStatus('file'); $this->value = $this->parent->fileStoredProperties[$this->class][strtolower($this->name)]; return; } // If there still wasn't found anything then fallback to the default. if($this->getStatus() == 'undefined'){ $this->value = $this->getDefault(); } } function getMigrate() { return($this->migrate); } function getCheck() { return($this->check); } function getName() { return($this->name); } function getClass() { return($this->class); } function getGroup() { return($this->group); } function getType() { return($this->type); } function getDescription() { return($this->description); } function getDefault() { return($this->default); } function getDefaults() { return($this->defaults); } function getStatus() { return($this->status); } function isMandatory() { return($this->mandatory); } function setValue($str) { if(in_array($this->getStatus(), array('modified'))){ $this->tmp_value = $str; }elseif($this->value != $str){ $this->setStatus('modified'); $this->tmp_value = $str; } } function getValue($temporary = FALSE) { if($temporary && in_array($this->getStatus(), array('modified'))){ return($this->tmp_value); }else{ return($this->value); } } function restoreDefault() { if(in_array($this->getStatus(),array('ldap'))){ $this->setStatus('removed'); }elseif(in_array($this->getStatus(),array('modified'))){ $this->_restoreCurrentValue(); } } function save() { if($this->getStatus() == 'modified'){ $ldap = $this->parent->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->parent->config->current['BASE']); $dn = "cn={$this->class},".$this->parent->config->current['CONFIG']; $ldap->cat($dn); if(!$ldap->count()){ $ldap->cd($dn); $data = array( 'cn' => $this->class, 'objectClass' => array('top','gosaConfig'), 'gosaSetting' => $this->name.":".$this->tmp_value); $ldap->add($data); if(!$ldap->success()){ echo $ldap->get_error(); } }else{ $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); $data = array(); $found = false; for($i = 0;$i<$attrs['gosaSetting']['count']; $i ++){ $set = $attrs['gosaSetting'][$i]; if(preg_match("/^{$this->name}:/", $set)){ $set = "{$this->name}:{$this->tmp_value}"; $found = true; } $data['gosaSetting'][] = $set; } if(!$found) $data['gosaSetting'][] = "{$this->name}:{$this->tmp_value}"; $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->modify($data); if(!$ldap->success()){ echo $ldap->get_error(); } } $this->_restoreCurrentValue(); }elseif($this->getStatus() == 'removed'){ $ldap = $this->parent->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->parent->config->current['BASE']); $dn = "cn={$this->class},".$this->parent->config->current['CONFIG']; $ldap->cat($dn); $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); $data = array('gosaSetting' => array()); for($i = 0;$i<$attrs['gosaSetting']['count']; $i ++){ $set = $attrs['gosaSetting'][$i]; if(preg_match("/^{$this->name}:/", $set)){ continue; } $data['gosaSetting'][] = $set; } $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->modify($data); if(!$ldap->success()){ echo $ldap->get_error(); } $this->_restoreCurrentValue(); } } private function setStatus($state) { if(!in_array($state, array('ldap','file','undefined','modified','removed'))) { trigger_error("Unknown property status given '{$state}' for {$this->class}:{$this->name}!"); }else{ $this->status = $state; } } function isValid() { return(TRUE); } } ?>