array(), 'LOCATIONS' => array(), 'SERVERS' => array(), 'MAIN' => array(), 'MENU' => array(), 'SERVICE' => array()); var $basedir= ""; var $config_version ="NOT SET"; /* Keep a copy of the current deparment list */ var $departments= array(); var $idepartments= array(); var $adepartments= array(); var $tdepartments= array(); var $department_info= array(); var $filename = ""; var $last_modified = 0; public $configRegistry = NULL; /*! \brief Class constructor of the config class * * \param string 'filename' path to the configuration file * \param string 'basedir' base directory * * */ function config($filename, $basedir= "") { $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); $this->basedir= $basedir; xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, "tag_open", "tag_close"); /* Parse config file directly? */ if ($filename != ""){ $this->parse($filename); } // Load configuration registry $this->configRegistry = new configRegistry($this); } /*! \brief Check and reload the configuration * * This function checks if the configuration has changed, since it was * read the last time and reloads it. It uses the file mtime to check * weither the file changed or not. * * */ function check_and_reload() { global $ui; /* Check if has changed, this is the case if we have installed or removed plugins. */ if(session::global_is_set("")){ $tmp = stat("../include/"); if($tmp['mtime'] != session::global_get("")){ session::global_un_set("plist"); } } $tmp = stat("../include/"); session::global_set("",$tmp['mtime']); if($this->filename != "" && filemtime($this->filename) != $this->last_modified){ $this->config_found= FALSE; $this->tags= array(); $this->level= 0; $this->gpc= 0; $this->section= ""; $this->currentLocation= ""; $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, "tag_open", "tag_close"); $this->parse($this->filename); $this->set_current($this->current['NAME']); } } /*! \brief Parse the given configuration file * * Parses the configuration file and displays errors if there * is something wrong with it. * * \param string 'filename' The filename of the configuration file. * */ function parse($filename) { $this->data = array( "TABS" => array(), "LOCATIONS" => array(), "MAIN" => array(), "MENU" => array(), "SERVICE" => array()); $this->last_modified = filemtime($filename); $this->filename = $filename; $fh= fopen($filename, "r"); $xmldata= fread($fh, 100000); fclose($fh); if(!xml_parse($this->parser, chop($xmldata))){ $msg = sprintf(_("XML error in gosa.conf: %s at line %d"), bold(xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser))), bold(xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser))); msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), $msg, FATAL_ERROR_DIALOG); exit; } } function tag_open($parser, $tag, $attrs) { /* Save last and current tag for reference */ $this->tags[$this->level]= $tag; $this->level++; /* Trigger on CONF section */ if ($tag == 'CONF'){ $this->config_found= TRUE; if(isset($attrs['CONFIGVERSION'])){ $this->config_version = $attrs['CONFIGVERSION']; } } /* Return if we're not in config section */ if (!$this->config_found){ return; } /* yes/no to true/false and upper case TRUE to true and so on*/ foreach($attrs as $name => $value){ if(preg_match("/^(true|yes)$/i",$value)){ $attrs[$name] = "true"; }elseif(preg_match("/^(false|no)$/i",$value)){ $attrs[$name] = "false"; } } /* Look through attributes */ switch ($this->tags[$this->level-1]){ /* Handle tab section */ case 'TAB': $name= $this->tags[$this->level-2]; /* Create new array? */ if (!isset($this->data['TABS'][$name])){ $this->data['TABS'][$name]= array(); } /* Add elements */ $this->data['TABS'][$name][]= $attrs; break; /* Handle location */ case 'LOCATION': if ($this->tags[$this->level-2] == 'MAIN'){ $name= $attrs['NAME']; $name = preg_replace("/[<>\"']/","",$name); $attrs['NAME'] = $name; $this->currentLocation= $name; /* Add location elements */ $this->data['LOCATIONS'][$name]= $attrs; } break; /* Handle referral tags */ case 'REFERRAL': if ($this->tags[$this->level-2] == 'LOCATION'){ $url= $attrs['URI']; $server= preg_replace('!^([^:]+://[^/]+)/.*$!', '\\1', $url); /* Add location elements */ if (!isset($this->data['LOCATIONS'][$this->currentLocation]['REFERRAL'])){ $this->data['LOCATIONS'][$this->currentLocation]['REFERRAL']= array(); } $this->data['LOCATIONS'][$this->currentLocation]['REFERRAL'][$server]= $attrs; } break; /* Load main parameters */ case 'MAIN': $this->data['MAIN']= array_merge ($this->data['MAIN'], $attrs); break; /* Load menu */ case 'SECTION': if ($this->tags[$this->level-2] == 'MENU'){ $this->section= $attrs['NAME']; $this->data['MENU'][$this->section]= array(); ; } break; case 'PATHMENU': $this->data['PATHMENU']= array(); ; break; /* Inser plugins */ case 'PLUGIN': if ($this->tags[$this->level-3] == 'MENU' && $this->tags[$this->level-2] == 'SECTION'){ $this->data['MENU'][$this->section][$this->gpc++]= $attrs; } if ($this->tags[$this->level-2] == 'PATHMENU'){ $this->data['PATHMENU'][$this->gpc++]= $attrs; } if ($this->tags[$this->level-2] == 'SERVICEMENU'){ $this->data['SERVICE'][$attrs['CLASS']]= $attrs; } break; } } function tag_close($parser, $tag) { /* Close config section */ if ($tag == 'CONF'){ $this->config_found= FALSE; } $this->level--; } function get_credentials($creds) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_GOSA_KEY'])){ if (!session::global_is_set('HTTP_GOSA_KEY_CACHE')){ session::global_set('HTTP_GOSA_KEY_CACHE',array()); } $cache = session::global_get('HTTP_GOSA_KEY_CACHE'); if(!isset($cache[$creds])){ $cache[$creds] = cred_decrypt($creds, $_SERVER['HTTP_GOSA_KEY']); session::global_set('HTTP_GOSA_KEY_CACHE',$cache); } return ($cache[$creds]); } return ($creds); } /*! \brief Get a LDAP link object * * This function can be used to get an ldap object, which in turn can * be used to query the LDAP. See the LDAP class for more information * on how to use it. * * Example usage: * \code * $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); * \endcode * * \param boolean sizelimit Weither to impose a sizelimit on the LDAP object or not. * Defaults to false. If set to true, the size limit in the configuration * file will be used to set the option LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT. * \return ldapMultiplexer object */ function get_ldap_link($sizelimit= FALSE) { if($this->ldap === NULL || !is_resource($this->ldap->cid)){ /* Build new connection */ $this->ldap= ldap_init ($this->current['SERVER'], $this->current['BASE'], $this->current['ADMINDN'], $this->get_credentials($this->current['ADMINPASSWORD'])); /* Check for connection */ if (is_null($this->ldap) || (is_int($this->ldap) && $this->ldap == 0)){ $smarty= get_smarty(); msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), _("Cannot bind to LDAP!"), FATAL_ERROR_DIALOG); exit(); } /* Move referrals */ if (!isset($this->current['REFERRAL'])){ $this->ldap->referrals= array(); } else { $this->ldap->referrals= $this->current['REFERRAL']; } if (!session::global_is_set('size_limit')){ session::global_set('size_limit', $this->get_cfg_value('core', 'ldapSizeLimit')); session::global_set('size_ignore', $this->boolValueIsTrue('core', 'ldapSizeIgnore')); } } $obj = new ldapMultiplexer($this->ldap); if ($sizelimit){ $obj->set_size_limit(session::global_get('size_limit')); } else { $obj->set_size_limit(0); } return($obj); } /*! \brief Set the current location * * \param string name the name of the location */ function set_current($name) { $this->current= $this->data['LOCATIONS'][$name]; if (isset($this->current['INITIAL_BASE'])){ session::global_set('CurrentMainBase',$this->current['INITIAL_BASE']); } /* Sort referrals, if present */ if (isset ($this->current['REFERRAL'])){ $bases= array(); $servers= array(); foreach ($this->current['REFERRAL'] as $ref){ $server= preg_replace('%^(.*://[^/]+)/.*$%', '\\1', $ref['URI']); $base= preg_replace('%^.*://[^/]+/(.*)$%', '\\1', $ref['URI']); $bases[$base]= strlen($base); $servers[$base]= $server; } asort($bases); reset($bases); } /* SERVER not defined? Load the one with the shortest base */ if (!isset($this->current['SERVER'])){ $this->current['SERVER']= $servers[key($bases)]; } /* BASE not defined? Load the one with the shortest base */ if (!isset($this->current['BASE'])){ $this->current['BASE']= key($bases); } /* Convert BASE to have escaped special characters */ $this->current['BASE']= @LDAP::convert($this->current['BASE']); /* Parse LDAP referral informations */ if (!isset($this->current['ADMINDN']) || !isset($this->current['ADMINPASSWORD'])){ $url= $this->current['SERVER']; $referral= $this->current['REFERRAL'][$url]; $this->current['ADMINDN']= $referral['ADMINDN']; $this->current['ADMINPASSWORD']= $referral['ADMINPASSWORD']; } /* Load server informations */ $this->load_servers(); } /*! \brief Load server information from config/LDAP * * This function searches the LDAP for servers (e.g. goImapServer, goMailServer etc.) * and stores information about them $this->data['SERVERS']. In the case of mailservers * the main section of the configuration file is searched, too. */ function load_servers () { /* Only perform actions if current is set */ if ($this->current === NULL){ return; } /* Fill imap servers */ $ldap= $this->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); /* Search mailMethod konfiguration in main section too */ $tmp = $this->get_cfg_value("core","mailMethod"); if ($tmp){ $ldap->search ("(objectClass=goMailServer)", array('cn')); $this->data['SERVERS']['IMAP']= array(); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ $name= $attrs['cn'][0]; $this->data['SERVERS']['IMAP'][$name]= array( "server_dn" => $attrs['dn'], "connect" => "", "admin" => "", "password" => "", "sieve_server"=> "", "sieve_option"=> "", "sieve_port" => ""); } } else { $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=goImapServer)(goImapSieveServer=*))", array('goImapName', 'goImapConnect', 'goImapAdmin', 'goImapPassword', 'goImapSieveServer', 'goImapSievePort')); $this->data['SERVERS']['IMAP']= array(); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ /* Check if the given goImapSieveServer is in the new style "{cn:port/option}" or the old style just "cn". */ if(preg_match("/\{/",$attrs['goImapSieveServer'][0])){ $sieve_server = preg_replace("/^\{([^:]*).*$/","\\1",$attrs['goImapSieveServer'][0]); $sieve_option = preg_replace("/^[^:]*[^\/]*+\/(.*)\}$/","\\1",$attrs['goImapSieveServer'][0]); }else{ $sieve_server = $attrs['goImapSieveServer'][0]; $sieve_option = ""; } $pwd = $attrs['goImapPassword'][0]; $imap_admin = $attrs['goImapAdmin'][0]; $imap_connect = $attrs['goImapConnect'][0]; $imap_server = $attrs['goImapName'][0]; $sieve_port = $attrs['goImapSievePort'][0]; $this->data['SERVERS']['IMAP'][$imap_server]= array( "server_dn" => $attrs['dn'], "connect" => $imap_connect, "admin" => $imap_admin, "password" => $pwd, "sieve_server"=> $sieve_server, "sieve_option"=> $sieve_option, "sieve_port" => $sieve_port); } } /* Get kerberos server. FIXME: only one is supported currently */ $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(&(goKrbRealm=*)(goKrbAdmin=*)(objectClass=goKrbServer))"); if ($ldap->count()){ $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); $this->data['SERVERS']['KERBEROS']= array( 'SERVER' => $attrs['cn'][0], 'REALM' => $attrs['goKrbRealm'][0], 'ADMIN' => $attrs['goKrbAdmin'][0]); } /* Get cups server. FIXME: only one is supported currently */ $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(objectClass=goCupsServer)"); if ($ldap->count()){ $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); $this->data['SERVERS']['CUPS']= $attrs['cn'][0]; } /* Get fax server. FIXME: only one is supported currently */ $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(objectClass=goFaxServer)"); if ($ldap->count()){ $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); $this->data['SERVERS']['FAX']= array( 'SERVER' => $attrs['cn'][0], 'LOGIN' => $attrs['goFaxAdmin'][0], 'PASSWORD' => $attrs['goFaxPassword'][0]); } /* Get asterisk servers */ $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(objectClass=goFonServer)"); $this->data['SERVERS']['FON']= array(); if ($ldap->count()){ while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ /* Add 0 entry for development */ if(count($this->data['SERVERS']['FON']) == 0){ $this->data['SERVERS']['FON'][0]= array( 'DN' => $attrs['dn'], 'SERVER' => $attrs['cn'][0], 'LOGIN' => $attrs['goFonAdmin'][0], 'PASSWORD' => $attrs['goFonPassword'][0], 'DB' => "gophone", 'SIP_TABLE' => "sip_users", 'EXT_TABLE' => "extensions", 'VOICE_TABLE' => "voicemail_users", 'QUEUE_TABLE' => "queues", 'QUEUE_MEMBER_TABLE' => "queue_members"); } /* Add entry with 'dn' as index */ $this->data['SERVERS']['FON'][$attrs['dn']]= array( 'DN' => $attrs['dn'], 'SERVER' => $attrs['cn'][0], 'LOGIN' => $attrs['goFonAdmin'][0], 'PASSWORD' => $attrs['goFonPassword'][0], 'DB' => "gophone", 'SIP_TABLE' => "sip_users", 'EXT_TABLE' => "extensions", 'VOICE_TABLE' => "voicemail_users", 'QUEUE_TABLE' => "queues", 'QUEUE_MEMBER_TABLE' => "queue_members"); } } /* Get glpi server */ $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=goGlpiServer)(cn=*)(goGlpiAdmin=*)(goGlpiDatabase=*))",array("cn","goGlpiPassword","goGlpiAdmin","goGlpiDatabase")); if ($ldap->count()){ $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); if(!isset($attrs['goGlpiPassword'])){ $attrs['goGlpiPassword'][0] =""; } $this->data['SERVERS']['GLPI']= array( 'SERVER' => $attrs['cn'][0], 'LOGIN' => $attrs['goGlpiAdmin'][0], 'PASSWORD' => $attrs['goGlpiPassword'][0], 'DB' => $attrs['goGlpiDatabase'][0]); } /* Get logdb server */ $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(objectClass=goLogDBServer)"); if ($ldap->count()){ $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); if(!isset($attrs['gosaLogDB'][0])){ $attrs['gosaLogDB'][0] = "gomon"; } $this->data['SERVERS']['LOG']= array( 'SERVER' => $attrs['cn'][0], 'LOGIN' => $attrs['goLogAdmin'][0], 'DB' => $attrs['gosaLogDB'][0], 'PASSWORD' => $attrs['goLogPassword'][0]); } /* GOsa logging databases */ $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(objectClass=gosaLogServer)"); if ($ldap->count()){ while($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ $this->data['SERVERS']['LOGGING'][$attrs['cn'][0]]= array( 'DN' => $attrs['dn'], 'USER' => $attrs['goLogDBUser'][0], 'DB' => $attrs['goLogDB'][0], 'PWD' => $attrs['goLogDBPassword'][0]); } } /* Get NFS server lists */ $tmp= array("default"); $tmp2= array("default"); $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=goShareServer)(goExportEntry=*))"); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ for ($i= 0; $i<$attrs["goExportEntry"]["count"]; $i++){ if(preg_match('/^[^|]+\|[^|]+\|NFS\|.*$/', $attrs["goExportEntry"][$i])){ $path= preg_replace ("/^[^|]+\|[^|]+\|[^|]+\|[^|]+\|([^|]+).*$/", '\1', $attrs["goExportEntry"][$i]); $tmp[]= $attrs["cn"][0].":$path"; } if(preg_match('/^[^|]+\|[^|]+\|NBD\|.*$/', $attrs["goExportEntry"][$i])){ $path= preg_replace ("/^[^|]+\|[^|]+\|[^|]+\|[^|]+\|([^|]+).*$/", '\1', $attrs["goExportEntry"][$i]); $tmp2[]= $attrs["cn"][0].":$path"; } } } $this->data['SERVERS']['NFS']= $tmp; $this->data['SERVERS']['NBD']= $tmp2; /* Load Terminalservers */ $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(objectClass=goTerminalServer)",array("cn","gotoSessionType")); $this->data['SERVERS']['TERMINAL']= array(); $this->data['SERVERS']['TERMINAL'][]= "default"; $this->data['SERVERS']['TERMINAL_SESSION_TYPES'] = array(); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ $this->data['SERVERS']['TERMINAL'][]= $attrs["cn"][0]; if(isset( $attrs["gotoSessionType"]['count'])){ for($i =0 ; $i < $attrs["gotoSessionType"]['count'] ; $i++){ $this->data['SERVERS']['TERMINAL_SESSION_TYPES'][$attrs["cn"][0]][] = $attrs["gotoSessionType"][$i]; } } } /* Ldap Server */ $this->data['SERVERS']['LDAP']= array(); $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=goLdapServer)(goLdapBase=*))"); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ $this->data['SERVERS']['LDAP'][$attrs['dn']] = $attrs; } /* Get misc server lists */ $this->data['SERVERS']['SYSLOG']= array("default"); $this->data['SERVERS']['NTP']= array("default"); $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(objectClass=goNtpServer)"); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ $this->data['SERVERS']['NTP'][]= $attrs["cn"][0]; } $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(objectClass=goSyslogServer)"); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ $this->data['SERVERS']['SYSLOG'][]= $attrs["cn"][0]; } /* Get samba servers from LDAP, in case of samba3 */ $this->data['SERVERS']['SAMBA']= array(); $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(objectClass=sambaDomain)"); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ $this->data['SERVERS']['SAMBA'][$attrs['sambaDomainName'][0]]= array( "SID" =>"","RIDBASE" =>""); if(isset($attrs["sambaSID"][0])){ $this->data['SERVERS']['SAMBA'][$attrs['sambaDomainName'][0]]["SID"] = $attrs["sambaSID"][0]; } if(isset($attrs["sambaAlgorithmicRidBase"][0])){ $this->data['SERVERS']['SAMBA'][$attrs['sambaDomainName'][0]]["RIDBASE"] = $attrs["sambaAlgorithmicRidBase"][0]; } } /* If no samba servers are found, look for configured sid/ridbase */ if (count($this->data['SERVERS']['SAMBA']) == 0){ if (!isset($this->current["SAMBASID"]) || !isset($this->current["SAMBARIDBASE"])){ msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), _("sambaSID and/or sambaRidBase missing in the configuration!"), ERROR_DIALOG); } else { $this->data['SERVERS']['SAMBA']['DEFAULT']= array( "SID" => $this->current["SAMBASID"], "RIDBASE" => $this->current["SAMBARIDBASE"]); } } } function get_departments($ignore_dn= "") { global $config; /* Initialize result hash */ $result= array(); $administrative= array(); $result['/']= $this->current['BASE']; $this->tdepartments= array(); /* Get all department types from department Management, to be able detect the department type. -It is possible that differnty department types have the same name, in this case we have to mark the department name to be able to differentiate. (e.g l=Name or o=Name) */ $types = departmentManagement::get_support_departments(); /* Create a list of attributes to fetch */ $ldap_values = array("objectClass","gosaUnitTag", "description"); $filter = ""; foreach($types as $type){ $ldap_values[] = $type['ATTR']; $filter .= "(objectClass=".$type['OC'].")"; } $filter = "(&(objectClass=gosaDepartment)(|".$filter."))"; /* Get list of department objects */ $ldap= $this->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd ($this->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ($filter, $ldap_values); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ /* Detect department type */ $type_data = array(); foreach($types as $t => $data){ if(in_array($data['OC'],$attrs['objectClass'])){ $type_data = $data; break; } } /* Unknown department type -> skip */ if(!count($type_data)) continue; $dn= $ldap->getDN(); $this->tdepartments[$dn]= ""; $this->department_info[$dn]= array("img" => $type_data['IMG'], "description" => isset($attrs['description'][0])?$attrs['description'][0]:"", "name" => $attrs[$type_data['ATTR']][0]); /* Save administrative departments */ if (in_array_ics("gosaAdministrativeUnit", $attrs['objectClass']) && isset($attrs['gosaUnitTag'][0])){ $administrative[$dn]= $attrs['gosaUnitTag'][0]; $this->tdepartments[$dn]= $attrs['gosaUnitTag'][0]; } if (in_array_ics("gosaAdministrativeUnitTag", $attrs['objectClass']) && isset($attrs['gosaUnitTag'][0])){ $this->tdepartments[$dn]= $attrs['gosaUnitTag'][0]; } if ($dn == $ignore_dn){ continue; } $c_dn = convert_department_dn($dn)." (".$type_data['ATTR'].")"; /* Only assign non-root departments */ if ($dn != $result['/']){ $result[$c_dn]= $dn; } } $this->adepartments= $administrative; $this->departments= $result; } function make_idepartments($max_size= 28) { global $config; $base = $config->current['BASE']; $qbase = preg_quote($base, '/'); $utags= isset($config->current['HONOURUNITTAGS']) && preg_match('/true/i', $config->current['HONOURUNITTAGS']); $arr = array(); $ui= get_userinfo(); $this->idepartments= array(); /* Create multidimensional array, with all departments. */ foreach ($this->departments as $key => $val){ /* When using strict_units, filter non relevant parts */ if ($utags){ if ($ui->gosaUnitTag != '' && isset($this->tdepartments[$val]) && $this->tdepartments[$val] != $ui->gosaUnitTag){ #TODO: link with strict* #continue; } } /* Split dn into single department pieces */ $elements = array_reverse(explode(',',preg_replace("/$qbase$/",'',$val))); /* Add last ou element of current dn to our array */ $last = &$arr; foreach($elements as $key => $ele){ /* skip empty */ if(empty($ele)) continue; /* Extract department name */ $elestr = trim(preg_replace('/^[^=]*+=/','', $ele),','); $nameA = trim(preg_replace('/=.*$/','', $ele),','); if($nameA != 'ou'){ $nameA = " ($nameA)"; }else{ $nameA = ''; } /* Add to array */ if($key == (count($elements)-1)){ $last[$elestr.$nameA]['ENTRY'] = $val; } /* Set next array appending position */ $last = &$last[$elestr.$nameA]['SUB']; } } /* Add base entry */ $ret['/']['ENTRY'] = $base; $ret['/']['SUB'] = $arr; $this->idepartments= $this->generateDepartmentArray($ret,-1,$max_size); } /* Creates display friendly output from make_idepartments */ function generateDepartmentArray($arr,$depth = -1,$max_size = 256) { $ret = array(); $depth ++; /* Walk through array */ ksort($arr); foreach($arr as $name => $entries){ /* If this department is the last in the current tree position * remove it, to avoid generating output for it */ if(count($entries['SUB'])==0){ unset($entries['SUB']); } /* Fix name, if it contains a replace tag */ $name= preg_replace('/\\\\,/', ',', LDAP::fix($name)); /* Check if current name is too long, then cut it */ if(mb_strlen($name, 'UTF-8')> $max_size){ $name = mb_substr($name,0,($max_size-3), 'UTF-8')." ..."; } /* Append the name to the list */ if(isset($entries['ENTRY'])){ $a = ""; for($i = 0 ; $i < $depth ; $i ++){ $a.="."; } $ret[$entries['ENTRY']]=$a." ".$name; } /* recursive add of subdepartments */ if(isset($entries['SUB'])){ $ret = array_merge($ret,$this->generateDepartmentArray($entries['SUB'],$depth,$max_size)); } } return($ret); } /*! \brief Get all available shares defined in the current LDAP * * This function returns all available Shares defined in this ldap * * \param boolean listboxEntry If set to TRUE, only name and path are * attached to the array. If FALSE, the whole entry will be parsed an atached to the result. * \return array */ function getShareList($listboxEntry = false) { $tmp = get_sub_list("(&(objectClass=goShareServer)(goExportEntry=*))","server",get_ou("servgeneric", "serverRDN"), $this->current['BASE'],array("goExportEntry","cn"), GL_NONE); $return =array(); foreach($tmp as $entry){ if(isset($entry['goExportEntry']['count'])){ unset($entry['goExportEntry']['count']); } if(isset($entry['goExportEntry'])){ foreach($entry['goExportEntry'] as $export){ $shareAttrs = explode("|",$export); if($listboxEntry) { $return[$shareAttrs[0]."|".$entry['cn'][0]] = $shareAttrs[0]." - ".$entry['cn'][0]; }else{ $return[$shareAttrs[0]."|".$entry['cn'][0]]['server'] = $entry['cn'][0]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]."|".$entry['cn'][0]]['name'] = $shareAttrs[0]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]."|".$entry['cn'][0]]['description'] = $shareAttrs[1]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]."|".$entry['cn'][0]]['type'] = $shareAttrs[2]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]."|".$entry['cn'][0]]['charset'] = $shareAttrs[3]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]."|".$entry['cn'][0]]['path'] = $shareAttrs[4]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]."|".$entry['cn'][0]]['option'] = $shareAttrs[5]; } } } } return($return); } /*! \brief Return al available share servers * * This function returns all available ShareServers. * * \return array * */ function getShareServerList() { global $config; $return = array(); $ui = get_userinfo(); $base = $config->current['BASE']; $res= get_sub_list("(&(objectClass=goShareServer)(goExportEntry=*))", "server", get_ou("servgeneric", "serverRDN"), $base,array("goExportEntry","cn"),GL_NONE | GL_NO_ACL_CHECK); foreach($res as $entry){ $acl = $ui->get_permissions($entry['dn'],"server",""); if(isset($entry['goExportEntry']['count'])){ unset($entry['goExportEntry']['count']); } foreach($entry['goExportEntry'] as $share){ $a_share = explode("|",$share); $sharename = $a_share[0]; $data= array(); $data['NAME'] = $sharename; $data['ACL'] = $acl; $data['SERVER'] = $entry['cn']['0']; $data['SHARE'] = $sharename; $data['DISPLAY']= $entry['cn'][0]." [".$sharename."]"; $return[$entry['cn'][0]."|".$sharename] = $data; } } return($return); } /*! \brief Checks if there's a bool property set in the configuration. * * The function checks, weither the specified bool value is set to a true * value in the configuration file. * * Example usage: * \code * if ($this->config->boolValueIsTrue("core", "copyPaste")) { * echo "Copy Paste Handling is enabled"; * } * \endcode * * \param string 'class' The properties class. e.g. 'core','user','sudo',... * \param string 'value' Key in the given section, which is subject to check * * * */ function boolValueIsTrue($class, $name) { return(preg_match("/true/i", $this->get_cfg_value($class,$name))); } function __search(&$arr, $name, $return) { $return= strtoupper($return); if (is_array($arr)){ foreach ($arr as &$a){ if (isset($a['CLASS']) && strcasecmp($name, $a['CLASS']) == 0){ return(isset($a[$return])?$a[$return]:""); } else { $res= $this->__search ($a, $name, $return); if ($res != ""){ return $res; } } } } return (""); } /*! Outdated - try to use pluginEnabled, boolValueIsTrue or get_cfg_value instead. * * (Search for a configuration setting in different categories * * Searches for the value of a given key in the configuration data. * Optionally the list of categories to search (tabs, main, locations) can * be specified. The first value that matches is returned. * * Example usage: * \code * $postcmd = $this->config->search(get_class($this), "POSTCOMMAND", array("menu", "tabs")); * \endcode * ) * * */ function search($class, $value, $categories= "") { if (is_array($categories)){ foreach ($categories as $category){ $res= $this->__search($this->data[strtoupper($category)], $class, $value); if ($res != ""){ return $res; } } } else { if ($categories == "") { return $this->__search($this->data, $class, $value); } else { return $this->__search($this->data[strtoupper($categories)], $class, $value); } } return (""); } /*! \brief Check whether a plugin is activated or not */ function pluginEnabled($class){ $tmp = $this->search($class, "CLASS",array('menu','tabs')); return(!empty($tmp)); } /*! \brief Get a configuration value from the config * * This returns a configuration value from the config. It either * uses the data of the current location ($this->current), * if it contains the value (e.g. current['BASE']) or otherwise * uses the data from the main configuration section. * * If no value is found and an optional default has been specified, * then the default is returned. * * \param string 'name' the configuration key (case-insensitive) * \param string 'default' a default that is returned, if no value is found * * */ function get_cfg_value($class,$name, $default= NULL) { // The default parameter is deprecated if($default != NULL){ # trigger_error("Third parameter 'default' is deprecated for function 'get_cfg_value'!"); } // Return the matching property value if it exists. if($this->configRegistry->propertyExists($class,$name)){ return($this->configRegistry->getPropertyValue($class,$name)); } // Show a warning in the syslog if there is an undefined property requested. syslog(1,"Unconfigured property: {$class}::{$name}"); // Try to find the property in the config file directly. $name= strtoupper($name); if (isset($this->current[$name])) return ($this->current[$name]); if (isset($this->data["MAIN"][$name])) return ($this->data["MAIN"][$name]); return (""); } /*! \brief Check if current configuration version matches the GOsa version * * This function checks if the configuration file version matches the * version of the gosa version, by comparing it with the configuration * file version of the example gosa.conf that comes with GOsa. * If a version mismatch occurs an error is triggered. * */ function check_config_version() { /* Skip check, if we've already mentioned the mismatch */ if(session::global_is_set("LastChecked") && session::global_get("LastChecked") == $this->config_version) return; /* Remember last checked version */ session::global_set("LastChecked",$this->config_version); $current = md5(file_get_contents(CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR."/gosa.conf")); /* Check contributed config version and current config version. */ if(($this->config_version == "NOT SET") || ($this->config_version != $current && !empty($this->config_version))){ msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration"),_("The configuration file you are using is outdated. Please move the GOsa configuration file away to run the GOsa setup again.")); } } /*! \brief Check if session lifetime matches session.gc_maxlifetime * * On debian systems the session files are deleted with * a cronjob, which detects all files older than specified * in php.ini:'session.gc_maxlifetime' and removes them. * This function checks if the gosa.conf value matches the range * defined by session.gc_maxlifetime. * * \return boolean TRUE or FALSE depending on weither the settings match * or not. If SESSIONLIFETIME is not configured in GOsa it always returns * TRUE. */ function check_session_lifetime() { if(isset($this->data['MAIN']['SESSIONLIFETIME'])){ $cfg_lifetime = $this->data['MAIN']['SESSIONLIFETIME']; $ini_lifetime = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime'); $deb_system = file_exists('/etc/debian_version'); return(!($deb_system && ($ini_lifetime < $cfg_lifetime))); }else{ return(TRUE); } } /* Returns true if snapshots are enabled, and false if it is disalbed There will also be some errors psoted, if the configuration failed */ function snapshotEnabled() { if($this->get_cfg_value("core","enableSnapshots") == "true"){ /* Check if the snapshot_base is defined */ if ($this->get_cfg_value("core","snapshotBase") == ""){ /* Send message if not done already */ if(!session::is_set("snapshotFailMessageSend")){ session::set("snapshotFailMessageSend",TRUE); msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), sprintf(_("The snapshot functionality is enabled, but the required variable %s is not set."), bold("snapshotBase")), ERROR_DIALOG); } return(FALSE); } /* Check if the snapshot_base is defined */ if (!is_callable("gzcompress")){ /* Send message if not done already */ if(!session::is_set("snapshotFailMessageSend")){ session::set("snapshotFailMessageSend",TRUE); msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), sprintf(_("The snapshot functionality is enabled, but the required compression module is missing. Please install %s."), bold("php5-zip / php5-gzip")), ERROR_DIALOG); } return(FALSE); } /* check if there are special server configurations for snapshots */ if ($this->get_cfg_value("core","snapshotURI") != ""){ /* check if all required vars are available to create a new ldap connection */ $missing = ""; foreach(array("snapshotURI","snapshotAdminDn","snapshotAdminPassword","snapshotBase") as $var){ if($this->get_cfg_value("core",$var) == ""){ $missing .= $var." "; /* Send message if not done already */ if(!session::is_set("snapshotFailMessageSend")){ session::set("snapshotFailMessageSend",TRUE); msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), sprintf(_("The snapshot functionality is enabled, but the required variable %s is not set."), bold($missing)), ERROR_DIALOG); } return(FALSE); } } } return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>