config = &$config; $this->current= NULL; $this->queue = array(); $this->setvar_array = array(); } /* Entry entry to Copy & Paste queue. * A Queue entry is represented as follows. * array['file_name'] - Position on hdd * array['method'] - copy/cut * array['dn'] - the dn of the object added to the queue * array['tab_class'] - Tab object that should be used to initialize the new object * array['tab_object'] - Tab object name used to initialize correct object Type like USERTABS */ function add_to_queue($dn,$action,$tab_class,$tab_object,$tab_acl_category,&$parent = NULL) { if(!class_available($tab_class)){ trigger_error(sprintf("Specified class object '%s' does not exists.",$tab_class)); return(FALSE); } if(!isset($this->config->data['TABS'][$tab_object])){ trigger_error(sprintf("Specified tab object '%s' does not exists.",$tab_object)); return(FALSE); } if(!in_array($action,array("cut","copy"))){ trigger_error(sprintf("Specified action '%s' does not exists for copy & paste.",$action)); return(FALSE); } if($file_name = $this->save_dn_attributes_to_hdd($dn)){ $tmp = array(); $tmp['file_name'] = $file_name; $tmp['method'] = $action; $tmp['dn'] = $dn; $tmp['tab_class'] = $tab_class; $tmp['tab_object']= $tab_object; $tmp['tab_acl_category']= $tab_acl_category; $tmp['parent'] = $parent; $this->queue[] = $tmp; $this->require_update = TRUE; } } /* This removes all objects from queue. * Remove hdd dumps of current entries too. * Remove entries older than 24 hours. */ function cleanup_queue() { $this->current = FALSE; $this->require_update = TRUE; $this->setvar_array = array(); /* Remove all entries from queue */ foreach($this->queue as $key => $entry){ @rmdir($entry['file_name']); unset($this->queue[$key]); } /* Create patch if it doesn't exists */ if(!is_dir(LDAP_DUMP_PATH)){ @mkdir(LDAP_DUMP_PATH); /* Update folder permissions */ if(!@chmod(LDAP_DUMP_PATH,0700)){ $msg= sprintf(_("Copy and paste failed!")."

"._("Error").": "._("Cannot set permission for '%s'")."" ,LDAP_DUMP_PATH); msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); new log("copy","all/all","copy & paste, event queue.",array(), $msg); return(FALSE); } } /* check if we are able to create a new file the given directory */ if(!is_writeable(LDAP_DUMP_PATH)){ $msg= _("Copy and paste failed!")."

"._("Error").": ".msgPool::cannotWriteFile(LDAP_DUMP_PATH).""; msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); new log("copy","all/all","copy & paste, event queue.",array(), $msg); return(FALSE); } /* Remove entries from hdd that are older than24 hours */ $fp = opendir(LDAP_DUMP_PATH); while($file = readdir($fp)){ if(is_file(LDAP_DUMP_PATH."/".$file) && !preg_match("/^\./",$file)){ $file_time = fileatime(LDAP_DUMP_PATH."/".$file); if($file_time < (time() - (24* 60 *60))){ @unlink(LDAP_DUMP_PATH."/".$file); } } } } /* To increase performance we save the ldap dump on hdd * This function automatically creates the dumps and returns * the name of the dumpfile we created */ function save_dn_attributes_to_hdd($dn) { $filename = "Should not be returned"; $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $res = $ldap->cat($dn); /* Check if given dn is valid and ldap search was succesfull */ if(!$res){ $msg= sprintf(_("Copy and paste failed!")."

"._("Error").": "._("'%s' is no vaild LDAP object"), LDAP::fix($dn)); msg_dialog::display(_("Internal error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); new log("copy","all/all",$dn,array(), $msg); return(FALSE); } /* Create data to save given ldap dump on the hdd */ $filename = "gosa_copy-paste_dump_".preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",microtime()); $path = LDAP_DUMP_PATH; /* Create patch if it doesn't exists */ if(!is_dir($path)){ @mkdir($path); } /* check if we are able to create a new file the given directory */ if(!is_writeable($path)){ $msg= sprintf(_("Copy and paste failed!")."

"._("Error").": "._("No write permission in '%s'"),LDAP_DUMP_PATH); msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); new log("copy","all/all",$dn,array(), $msg); return(FALSE); } /* Create file handle */ $fp = @fopen($path."/".$filename,"w+"); if(!$fp){ $msg= _("Copy and paste failed!")."

"._("Error").": ".msgPool::cannotWriteFile("$path/$filename").""; msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); new log("copy","all/all",$dn,array(), $msg); return(FALSE); } /* Update folder permissions */ if(!@chmod($path."/".$filename,0700)){ $msg= sprintf(_("Copy and paste failed!")."

"._("Error").": "._("Cannot set permission for '%s'"),LDAP_DUMP_PATH); msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); new log("copy","all/all","copy & paste, event queue.",array(), $msg); return(FALSE); } $data = serialize($ldap->fetch()); fwrite($fp,$data,strlen($data)); fclose($fp); /* Only the webserver should be able to read those files */ @chmod($path."/".$filename,0600); return($path."/".$filename); } /* Check if there are still entries the object queue */ function entries_queued() { return( count($this->queue) >=1 || $this->current != FALSE); } /* Paste one entry from queue */ function load_entry_from_queue($entry) { if(!isset($entry['tab_class'])){ return(array()); } $tab_c = $entry['tab_class']; $tab_o = $entry['tab_object']; $tab_a = $entry['tab_acl_category']; $parent = $entry['parent']; if($entry['method'] == "copy"){ $entry['object'] = new $tab_c($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS'][$tab_o],"new",$tab_a); }else{ $entry['object'] = new $tab_c($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS'][$tab_o],$entry['dn'],$tab_a); } if($parent ){ $entry['object']->parent = $parent; } $entry['source_data'] = $this->load_attributes_from_hdd($entry['file_name']); if($entry['method'] == "copy"){ /* Prepare each plugin of this tab object to be posted */ foreach($entry['object']->by_object as $name => $obj){ /* Prepare every single class, to be copied */ $entry['object']->by_object[$name]->PrepareForCopyPaste($entry['source_data']); /* handle some special vars */ foreach(array("is_account") as $attr){ if(isset($entry['source_data'][$attr])){ $entry['object']->by_object[$name]->$attr = $entry['source_data'][$attr]; } } } } return($entry); } /* Load dumped ldap entry specified by $filename and * return data an unserailized data array */ function load_attributes_from_hdd($filename) { $fp = @fopen($filename,"r"); if(is_file($filename) && is_readable($filename) && $fp){ $data = ""; while($str = fgets($fp,512)){ $data .= $str; } return(unserialize($data)); }else{ $msg= sprintf(_("Copy and paste failed!")."

"._("Error").": ".msgPool::cannotReadFile($filename).""); msg_dialog::display(_("Internal error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); new log("copy","all/all",$dn,array(), $msg); return(FALSE); } } /* Displays a dialog which allows the user to fix all dependencies of this object. Create unique names, ids, or what ever */ function execute() { $ui = get_userinfo(); $type = $this->current['method']; /* Check which entries can be pasted directly. * Create a list of all entries that can be pasted directly. */ if($this->require_update){ $this->clean_objects = array(); $this->objects_to_fix = array(); $this->disallowed_objects = array(); /* Put each queued object in one of the above arrays */ foreach($this->queue as $key => $entry){ /* Update entries on demand */ if(!isset($entry['object'])){ $entry = $this->load_entry_from_queue($entry); $this->queue[$key] = $entry; } $entry= $this->_update_vars($entry); $msgs = $entry['object']->check(); /* To copy an object we require full read access to the object category */ $copy_acl = preg_match("/r/",$ui->has_complete_category_acls($entry['dn'], $entry['tab_acl_category'])); /* In order to copy an object we require read an delete acls */ $cut_acl = preg_match("/d/",$ui->has_complete_category_acls($entry['dn'], $entry['tab_acl_category'])); $cut_acl &= preg_match("/r/",$ui->has_complete_category_acls($entry['dn'], $entry['tab_acl_category'])); /* Check permissions */ if($entry['method'] == "copy" && !$copy_acl){ $this->disallowed_objects[$key] = $entry; }elseif($entry['method'] == "cut" && !$cut_acl){ $this->disallowed_objects[$key] = $entry; }elseif(!count($msgs)){ $this->clean_objects[$key] = $entry; }else{ $this->objects_to_fix[$key] = $entry; } } if(count($this->disallowed_objects)){ $dns = array(); foreach($this->disallowed_objects as $entry){ $dns[] = $entry['dn']; } # msg_dialog::display(_("Permission"),msgPool::permCreate($dns),INFO_DIALOG); } $this->require_update = FALSE; } /* Save objects that can be pasted directly */ if(isset($_POST['PerformCopyPaste']) && count($this->clean_objects)){ $this->save_object(); $this->current = FALSE; foreach($this->clean_objects as $key => $entry){ /* Remove from queue -> avoid saving twice */ unset($this->queue[$key]); unset($this->clean_objects[$key]); /* Load next queue entry */ $this->current = $entry; $this->lastdn = $this->current['object']->dn; $this->current= $this->_update_vars($this->current); $this->current['object']->save(); $this->handleReferences(); $this->current = FALSE; } } /* Save edited entry and force loading new one */ if(isset($this->current['object']) && method_exists($this->current['object'],"saveCopyDialog")) { $this->current['object']->saveCopyDialog(); } if(isset($_POST['PerformCopyPaste']) && $this->current){ $msgs = $this->check(); /* Load next queue entry */ if(!count($msgs)){ $this->current['object']->save(); $this->handleReferences(); $this->lastdn = $this->current['object']->dn; $this->current = FALSE; }else{ foreach( $msgs as $msg){ msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG); } } } /* Display a list of all pastable entries */ if(count($this->clean_objects)){ $dns = array(); foreach($this->clean_objects as $object){ $dns[] = $object['dn']; } $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("type","directly"); $smarty->assign("Complete",false); $smarty->assign("AttributesToFix"," "); $smarty->assign("SubDialog",""); $smarty->assign("message" , sprintf(_("These objects will be pasted: %s"), "
".msgPool::buildList($dns))); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("copyPasteDialog.tpl",FALSE))); } /* Display a list of all pastable entries */ if($this->current || count($this->objects_to_fix)){ $this->save_object(); if(!$this->current){ $key = key($this->objects_to_fix); if(isset($this->objects_to_fix[$key])){ $this->current = $this->objects_to_fix[$key]; $this->current= $this->_update_vars($this->current); unset($this->objects_to_fix[$key]); unset($this->queue[$key]); } } if($this->current){ $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("type","modified"); $smarty->assign("Complete",false); $smarty->assign("AttributesToFix",$this->generateAttributesToFix()); $smarty->assign("SubDialog",$this->current['object']->SubDialog); $smarty->assign("objectDN",$this->current['source_data']['dn']); $smarty->assign("message", sprintf(_("This object will be pasted: %s"), "

".$this->current['source_data']['dn'])); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("copyPasteDialog.tpl",FALSE))); } } return(""); } /* Return the dn of the last edited entry */ function last_entry() { return($this->lastdn); } /* Save new values posted by copy & paste dialog */ function save_object() { if(isset($_POST['abort_current_cut-copy_operation'])){ $this->current = FALSE; } if(isset($_POST['abort_all_cut-copy_operations'])){ $this->cleanup_queue(); $this->current = FALSE; } } /* Create dialog which asks unique attributes/values ... * call tabs -> getCopyDialog() * which calls tab -> getCopyDialog() */ function generateAttributesToFix() { if($this->current){ return($this->current['object']->getCopyDialog()); } } /* Set a single attribute to specified value * example : ("base", $newBase ); */ function SetVar($name,$value) { $this->setvar_array[$name]=$value; } /* Update current object attributes, collected via SetVar */ function _update_vars($entry) { /* Update all attributes specified with SetVar */ foreach($this->setvar_array as $name => $value){ if(isset($entry['object']->$name)){ $entry['object']->$name = $value; } } /* Walk through tabs */ foreach($entry['object']->by_object as $key => $obj){ /* Update all attributes specified with SetVar */ foreach($this->setvar_array as $name => $value){ /* Do not update parent for plugins, this may break things */ if($name == "parent") continue; if(isset($entry['object']->by_object[$key]->$name)){ $entry['object']->by_object[$key]->$name = $value; } } } return($entry); } /* Returns errors from including tabs. */ function check() { $ret = array(); foreach($this->current['object']->by_object as $obj){ if($obj->is_account || $obj->ignore_account){ $ret = array_merge($ret , $obj->check()); } } return($ret); } function handleReferences() { $dst_dn = $this->current['object']->dn; $src_dn = $this->current['dn']; // Only copy references if required if($this->current['method'] != 'copy') return; // Migrate objectgroups $ogroups = get_sub_list("(&(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames)(member=".LDAP::prepare4filter(LDAP::fix($src_dn))."))", "ogroups", array(get_ou("ogroupRDN")),$this->config->current['BASE'],array("dn"), GL_SUBSEARCH | GL_NO_ACL_CHECK); // Walk through all objectGroups foreach($ogroups as $ogroup){ $o_ogroup= new ogroup($this->config,$ogroup['dn']); $o_ogroup->member[$dst_dn]= $dst_dn; $o_ogroup->save(); } // Update roles $roles = get_sub_list("(&(objectClass=organizationalRole)(roleOccupant=".LDAP::prepare4filter(LDAP::fix($src_dn))."))", "roles", array(get_ou("roleRDN")),$this->config->current['BASE'],array("dn"), GL_SUBSEARCH | GL_NO_ACL_CHECK); // Walk through all roles foreach($roles as $role){ $role = new roleGeneric($this->config,$role['dn']); $role->roleOccupant[] = $dst_dn; $role->save(); } // Update groups if(isset($this->current['object']->uid) && !empty($this->current['object']->uid)){ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->cat($src_dn); $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); if(isset($attrs['uid'][0])){ $suid = $attrs['uid'][0]; $uid = $this->current['object']->uid; $groups = get_sub_list("(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={$suid}))", "groups",array(get_ou("groupRDN")),$this->config->current['BASE'],array("dn"), GL_SUBSEARCH | GL_NO_ACL_CHECK); // Walk through all POSIX groups foreach($groups as $group){ $o_group= new group($this->config,$group['dn']); $o_group->addUser($uid); $o_group->save(); } } } } /* returns the paste icon for headpages */ function generatePasteIcon() { $Copy_Paste= "  "; if($this->entries_queued()){ $img= "images/lists/paste.png"; $Copy_Paste.= " "; }else{ $Copy_Paste.= "\""._("Cannot "; } return ($Copy_Paste); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>