.TH gosa.conf 5 "2008-04-07" "GOsa v2.6" "Debian" .SH NAME gosa.conf - GOsa configuration file .SH DESCRIPTION The gosa.conf file contains configuration information for .IR GOsa, a powerful GPL'ed framework for managing accounts and systems in LDAP databases. .PP The gosa.conf file is a XML style configuration file. It is parsed by the GOsa web application during log in. The file may contain extra tabs and newlines for formatting purposes. Tag keywords in the file are case-insensitive. Comments should be placed outside of XML tags and should be encapsulated inside of tags. .PP The gosa.conf file can be used to configure the look and feel, behaviour and access control of the GOsa webinterface. .SH Configuration layout The configuration has to be specified inside of the tags. It basically consists of three main parts: menu definition, definition of subdialogs (tabbed dialogs) and the main configuration - including information about several locations. .B Layout example: .nf ... ...
.fi .SH Menu definition This tag defines the side and icon menu inside the interface. Defining an entry here is no guarantie to get it shown, though. Only entries with matching ACL's get shown. There are two types of entries inside of the menu: section and plugin .B Defining a section Open a .I
tag including a .I name attribute. This will show up in the menu as a new section later on. Own entries are not handled via I18N by default. Close the .I
tag after your plugin definitions. .B Defining a plugin Open a .I tag including a .I "class" attribute. The .I "class" should be present inside your GOsa setup - the entry will be ignored if it is not. Plugins should have an .I "acl" entry, that allows GOsa to decide wether a user is allowed to see a plugin or not. The .I "acl" string matches with an ACL definition done inside of GOsa. You can override an icon by specifying the .I "icon" attribute. For every plugin, you can provide at least four additional hooks: .I postcreate, .I postdelete, .I postmodify and .I check. These can be used to perform special actions when a plugins gets a create, delete, modify or check request. As a parameter, these keywords get a shell script or program to the task. .I The .B create / delete / modify .I keywords These keywords take a full executable path of a script. You can provide certain parameters in form of LDAP attributes. '%uid' will pass the current user id, '%dn' the current object dn, etc. The script gets executed after create, delete or modify tasks. .I The .B check .I keyword This keyword takes a full executable path of a script. Check is triggered after you press the -I "Apply" or -I "OK" button. The complete LDAP entry as it will be written to the LDAP is passed to your script. If parts of the entry do not match some logic of your script, just print an error message to STDOUT. GOsa will show this message and abort the current process of saving the entry to the LDAP. .B Example menu definition: .nf
.fi .SH Tabbed dialog definitions Tab definitions define the sub plugins which get included for certain tabbed dialogs. If you change something here, never (!) remove the primary (the first) "tab" tag which is defined. Most tabbed dialogs need a primary plugin. .I "*tab" should be looked for by a defined plugin. This one will take every .I "tab" defined .I "class" and will show it inside of a tabbed dialog with the header defined in .I "name". .B Example tabbed dialog definition: .nf .fi .SH Main section The main section defines global settings, which might be overridden by each location definition inside of this global definition. .B Example layout: .nf
.fi .PP .B Generic options .PP .B forceGlobals .I bool .PP The .I forceGlobals statement enables PHP security checks to force register_global settings to be switched off. .PP .B forceSSL .I bool .PP The .I forceSSL statement enables PHP security checks to force encrypted access to the web interface. GOsa will try to redirect to the same URL - just with https://. .PP .B warnSSL .I bool .PP The .I warnSSL statement enables PHP security checks to detect non encrypted access to the web interface. GOsa will display a warning in this case. .PP .B modificationDetectionAttribute .I string .PP The .I modificationDetectionAttribute statement enables GOsa to check if a entry currently being edited has been modified from someone else outside GOsa in the meantime. It will display an informative dialog then. It can be set to .I entryCSN for OpenLDAP based systems or .I contextCSN for Sun DS based systems. .PP .B logging .I string .PP The .I logging statement enables event logging on GOsa side. Setting it to .I syslog, GOsa will log every action a user performs via syslog. Setting it to .I mysql, GOsa will log every action to a mysql server, defined in the GOsa systems plugin. Both values can be combined as a comma seperated list. GOsa will not log anything, if the logging value is empty. .PP .B loginAttribute .I string .PP The .I loginAttribute statement tells GOsa which LDAP attribute is used as the login name during login. It can be set to .I uid, mail or .I both. .PP .B copyPaste .I bool .PP The .I copyPaste statement enables copy and paste for LDAP entries managed with GOsa. .PP .B snapshots .I bool .PP The .I snapshots statement enables a snapshot mechaism in GOsa. This enables you to save certain states of entries and restore them later on. .PP .B snapshotBase .I dn .PP The .I snapshotBase statement defines the base where snapshots should be stored inside of the LDAP. .PP .B snapshotURI .I uri .PP The .I snapshotURI variable defines the LDAP URI for the server which is used to do object snapshots. .PP .B snapshotAdminDn .I dn .PP The .I snapshotAdminDn variable defines the user which is used to authenticate when connecting to .I snapshotURI. .PP .B snapshotAdminPassword .I string .PP The .I snapshotAdminPassword variable defines the credentials which are used in combination with .I snapshotAdminDn and .I snapshotURI in order to authenticate. .PP .B config .I dn .PP The .I config statement defines the LDAP base, where GOsa stores management information, such as site wide locking and user notifications. .PP .B templateCompileDirectory .I path .PP The .I templateCompileDirectory statements defines the path, where the PHP templating engins .I smarty should store its compiled GOsa templates for improved speed. This path needs to be writeable by the user your webserver is running with. .PP .B timezone .I string .PP The .I timezone statements defines the timezone used inside of GOsa to handle date related tasks, such as password expiery, vacation messages, etc. The .I timezone value should be a unix conform timezone value like in /etc/timezone. .PP .B honourIvbbAttributes .I bool .PP The .I honourIvbbAttributes statement enables the IVBB mode inside of GOsa. You need the ivbb.schema file from used by german authorities. .PP .B strictNamingRules .I bool .PP The .I strictNamingRules statement enables strict checking of uids and group names. If you need characters like . or - inside of your accounts, set this to .I false. .PP .B honourUnitTags .I bool .PP The .I honourUnitTags statement enables checking of .I unitTag attributes when using administrative units. If this is set to .I true GOsa can only see objects inside the administrative unit a user is logged into. .PP .B rfc2307bis .I bool .PP The .I rfc2307bis statement enables rfc2307bis style groups in GOsa. You can use .I member attributes instead of memberUid in this case. To make it work on unix systems, you've to adjust your NSS configuration to use rfc2307bis style groups, too. .PP .B ppdPath .I path .PP The .I ppdPath variable defines where to store PPD files for the GOto environment plugins. .PP .B resolutions .I path .PP The .I resolutions variable defines a plain text file which contains additional resolutions to be shown in the environment and system plugins. .PP .B htaccessAuthentication .I bool .PP The .I htaccessAuthentication variable tells GOsa to use either htaccess authentication or LDAP authentication. This can be used if you want to use i.e. kerberos to authenticate the users. .PP .B gosaSupportURI .I URI .PP The .I gosaSupportURI defines the major gosa-si server host and the password for GOsa to connect to it. can be used if you want to use i.e. kerberos to authenticate the users. The format is: .nf credentials@host:port .fi .PP .B Browser and display options .B listSummary .I true/false .PP The .I listSummary statement determines whether a status bar will be shown on the bottom of GOsa generated lists, displaying a short summary of type and number of elements in the list. .PP .B iconsize .I size value .PP The .I iconsize statement sets the icon size in the main menu. Its value should be something like 48x48. .PP .B sendCompressedOutput .I true/false .PP The .I sendCompressedOutput statement determines whether PHP should send compressed HTML pages to browsers or not. This may increase or decrease the performance, depending on your network. .PP .B storeFilterSettings .I true/false .PP The .I storeFilterSettings statement determines whether GOsa should store filter and plugin settings inside of a cookie. .PP .B language .I string .PP The .I language statement defines the default language used by GOsa. Normally GOsa autodetects the language from the browser settings. If this is not working or you want to force the language, just add the language code (i.e. de for german) here. .PP .B theme .I string .PP The .I theme statement defines what theme is used to display GOsa pages. You can install some corporate identity like theme and/or modify certain templates to fit your needs within themes. Take a look at the GOsa .I FAQ for more information. .PP .B sessionLifetime .I int .PP The .I sessionLifetime value defines when a session will expire in seconds. For Debian systems, this will not work because the sessions will be removed by a cron job instead. Please modify the value inside of your php.ini instead. .PP .B primaryGroupFilter .I bool .PP The .I primaryGroupFilter variable enables or disables the group filter to show primary user groups. It is time consuming to evaluate which groups are primary and which are not. So you may want to set it to .I true if your group plugin is slow. .PP .B iePngWorkaround .I bool .PP The .I iePngWorkaround variable enables or disables a workaround for IE < 7 in order to display transparent PNG files correctly. This drastically slows down browsing. Please use Firefox or Opera instead. .PP .PP .B Password options .PP .B passwordMinLength .I integer .PP The .I passwordMinLength statement determines whether a newly entered password has to be of a minimum length. .PP .B passwordMinDiffer .I integer .PP The .I passwordMinDiffer statement determines whether a newly entered password has to be checked to have at least n different characters. .PP .B passwordHook .I path .PP The .I passwordHook can specify an external script to handle password settings at some other location besides the LDAP. It will be called this way: .nf /path/to/your/script "username" "oldpassword" "newpassword" .fi .B handleExpiredAccounts .I bool .PP The .I handleExpiredAccounts statement enables shadow attribute tests during the login to the GOsa web interface and forces password renewal or account lockout. .PP .B useSaslForKerberos .I bool .PP The .I useSaslForKerberos statement defines the way the kerberos realm is stored in the .I userPassword attribute. Set it to .I true in order to get {sasl}user@REALM.NET, or to .I false to get {kerberos}user@REALM.NET. The latter is outdated, but may be needed from time to time. .PP .PP .B LDAP options .PP .B ldapMaxQueryTime .I integer .PP The .I ldapMaxQueryTime statement tells GOsa to stop LDAP actions if there is no answer within the specified number of seconds. .PP .B schemaCheck .I bool .PP The .I schemaCheck statement enables or disables schema checking during login. It is recommended to switch this on in order to let GOsa handle object creation more efficient. .PP .B ldapTLS .I bool .PP The .I ldapTLS statement enables or disables TLS operating on LDAP connections. .PP .B accountPrimaryAttribute .I cn/uid .PP The .I accountPrimaryAttribute option tells GOsa how to create new accounts. Possible values are .I uid and .I cn. In the first case GOsa creates uid style DN entries: .nf uid=superuser,ou=staff,dc=example,dc=net .fi In the second case, GOsa creates cn style DN entries: .nf cn=Foo Bar,ou=staff,dc=example,dc=net .fi If you choose "cn" to be your .I accountPrimaryAttribute you can decide whether to include the personal title in your dn by selecting .I personalTitleInDN. .PP .B accountRDN .I pattern .PP The .I accountRDN option tells GOsa to use a placeholder pattern for generating account RDNs. A pattern can include attribute names prefaced by a % and normal text: .nf accountRDN="cn=%sn %givenName" .fi This will generate a RDN consisting of cn=.... filled with surname and given name of the edited account. This option disables the use of .I accountPrimaryAttribute and .I personalTitleInDn in your config. The latter attributes are maintained for compatibility. .B personalTitleInDN .I bool .PP The .I personalTitleInDN option tells GOsa to include the personal title in user DNs when .I accountPrimaryAttribute is set to "cn". .B userRDN .I string .PP The .I userRDN statement defines the location where new accounts will be created inside of defined departments. The default is .I ou=people. .PP .B groupsRDN .I string .PP The .I groupsRDN statement defines the location where new groups will be created inside of defined departments. The default is .I ou=groups. .PP .B sudoRDN .I string .PP The .I sudoRDN statement defines the location where new groups will be created inside of defined departments. The default is .I ou=groups. .PP .B sambaMachineAccountRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa looks for new samba workstations. .PP .B ogroupRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa creates new object groups inside of defined departments. Default is .I ou=groups. .PP .B serverRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa creates new servers inside of defined departments. Default is .I ou=servers. .PP .B terminalRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa creates new terminals inside of defined departments. Default is .I ou=terminals. .PP .B workstationRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa creates new workstations inside of defined departments. Default is .I ou=workstations. .PP .B printerRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa creates new printers inside of defined departments. Default is .I ou=printers. .PP .B componentRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa creates new network components inside of defined departments. Default is .I ou=components. .PP .B phoneRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa creates new phones inside of defined departments. Default is .I ou=phones. .PP .B phoneConferenceRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa creates new phone conferences inside of defined departments. Default is .I ou=conferences. .PP .B faxBlocklistRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa creates new fax blocklists inside of defined departments. Default is .I ou=blocklists. .PP .B systemIncomingRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa looks for new systems to be joined to the LDAP. Default is .I ou=incoming. .PP .B systemRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the base location for servers, workstations, terminals, phones and components. Default is .I ou=systems. .PP .B ogroupRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa looks for object groups. Default is .I ou=groups. .PP .B aclRoleRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa stores ACL role definitions. Default is .I ou=aclroles. .PP .B phoneMacroRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa stores phone macros for use with the Asterisk phone server. Default is .I ou=macros,ou=asterisk,ou=configs,ou=systems. .PP .B faiBaseRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa looks for FAI settings. Default is .I ou=fai,ou=configs,ou=systems. .PP .B faiScriptRDN, faiHookRDN, faiTemplateRDN, faiVariableRDN, faiProfileRDN, faiPackageRDN, faiPartitionRDN .I string .PP These statement define the location where GOsa stores FAI classes. The complete base for the corresponding class is an additive of .B faiBaseRDN an and this value. .PP .B deviceRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa looks for devices. Default is .I ou=devices. .PP .B mimetypeRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa stores mime type definitions. Default is .I ou=mimetypes. .PP .B applicationRDN .I string .PP This statement defines the location where GOsa stores application definitions. Default is .I ou=apps. .PP .B ldapFilterNestingLimit .I integer .PP The .I ldapFilterNestingLimit statement can be used to speed up group handling for groups with several hundreds of members. The default behaviour is, that GOsa will resolv the memberUid values in a group to real names. To achieve this, it writes a single filter to minimize searches. Some LDAP servers (namely Sun DS) simply crash when the filter gets too big. You can set a member limit, where GOsa will stop to do these lookups. .PP .B ldapSizelimit .I integer .PP The .I ldapSizelimit statement tells GOsa to retrieve the specified maximum number of results. The user will get a warning, that not all entries were shown. .PP .B ldapFollowReferrals .I bool .PP The .I ldapFollowReferrals statement tells GOsa to follow LDAP referrals. .PP .PP .B Account creation options .PP .B uidNumberBase .I integer .PP The .I uidNumberBase statement defines where to start looking for a new free user id. This should be synced with your .I adduser.conf to avoid overlapping uidNumber values between local and LDAP based lookups. The uidNumberBase can even be dynamic. Take a look at the .I baseIdHook definition below. .PP .B gidNumberBase .I integer .PP The .I gidNumberBase statement defines where to start looking for a new free group id. This should be synced with your .I adduser.conf to avoid overlapping gidNumber values between local and LDAP based lookups. The gidNumberBase can even be dynamic. Take a look at the .I nextIdHook definition below. .PP .B idAllocationMethod .I traditional/pool .PP The .I idAllocationMethod statement defines how GOsa generates numeric user and group id values. If it is set to .I traditional GOsa will do create a lock and perform a search for the next free ID. The lock will be removed after the procedure completes. .I pool will use the sambaUnixIdPool objectclass settings inside your LDAP. This one is unsafe, because it does not check for concurrent LDAP access and already used IDs in this range. On the other hand it is much faster. .PP .B minId .I integer .PP The .I minId statement defines the minimum assignable user or group id to avoid security leaks with uid 0 accounts. This is used for the .I traditional method .PP .B uidNumberPoolMin/gidNumberPoolMin .I integer .PP The .I uidNumberPoolMin/gidNumberPoolMin statement defines the minimum assignable user/group id for use with the .I pool method. .PP .B uidNumberPoolMax/gidNumberPoolMax .I integer .PP The .I uidNumberPoolMin/gidNumberPoolMin statement defines the highest assignable user/group id for use with the .I pool method. .PP .B nextIdHook .I path .PP The .I nextIdHook statement defines a script to be called for finding the next free id for users or groups externaly. It gets called with the current entry "dn" and the attribute to be ID'd. It should return an integer value. .PP .B hash .I string .PP The .I hash statement defines the default password hash to choose for new accounts. Valid values are .I crypt/standard-des, crypt/md5, crypt/enhanced-des, crypt/blowfish, md5, sha, ssha, smd5, clear and .I sasl. These values will be overridden when using templates. .PP .B idGenerator .I string .PP The .I idGenerator statement describes an automatic way to generate new user ids. There are two basic functions supported - which can be combined: a) using attributes You can specify LDAP attributes (currently only sn and givenName) in braces {} and add a percent sign befor it. Optionally you can strip it down to a number of characters, specified in []. I.e. .nf idGenerator="{%sn}-{%givenName[2-4]}" .fi will generate an ID using the full surename, adding a dash, and adding at least the first two characters of givenName. If this ID is used, it'll use up to four characters. If no automatic generation is possible, a input box is shown. b) using automatic id's I.e. specifying .nf idGenerator="acct{id:3}" .fi will generate a three digits id with the next free entry appended to "acct". .nf idGenerator="acct{id!1}" .fi will generate a one digit id with the next free entry appended to "acct" - if needed. .nf idGenerator="ext{id#3}" .fi will generate a three digits random number appended to "ext". .PP .PP .B Samba options .PP .B sambaSID .I string .PP The .I sambaSID statement defines a samba SID if not available inside of the LDAP. You can retrieve the current sid by .I net getlocalsid. .PP .B sambaRidBase .I integer .PP The .I sambaRidBase statement defines the base id to add to ordinary sid calculations - if not available inside of the LDAP. .PP .B sambaHashHook .I path .PP The .I sambaHashHook statement contains an executable to generate samba hash values. This is required for password synchronization, but not required if you apply gosa-si services. If you don't have mkntpasswd from the samba distribution installed, you can use perl to generate the hash: .nf perl -MCrypt::SmbHash -e "print join(q[:], ntlmgen \\$ARGV[0]), $/;" .if .PP .B sambaidmapping .I bool .PP The .I sambaidmapping statement tells GOsa to maintain sambaIdmapEntry objects. Depending on your setup this can drastically improve the windows login performance. .PP .PP .B Asterisk options .PP .B ctiHook .I path .PP The .I ctiHook statement defines a script to be executed if someone clicks on a phone number inside of the addressbook plugin. It gets called with two parameters: .nf ctiHook $source_number $destination_number .fi This script can be used to do automatted dialing from the addressbook. .PP .PP .B Mail options .PP .B mailMethod .I Cyrus/SendmailCyrus/Kolab/Kolab22 .PP The .I mailMethod statement tells GOsa which mail method the setup should use to communicate with a possible mail server. Leave this undefined if your mail method does not match the predefined ones. .I Cyrus maintains accounts and sieve scripts in cyrus servers. .I Kolab/Kolab22 is like cyrus, but lets the kolab daemon maintain the accounts. .I SendmailCyrus is based on sendmail LDAP attributes. .PP .B cyrusUseSlashes .I bool .PP The .I cyrusUseSlashes statement determines if GOsa should use "foo/bar" or "foo.bar" namespaces in IMAP. Unix style is with slashes. .B cyrusDeleteMailbox .I bool .PP The .I cyrusDeleteMailbox statement determines if GOsa should remove the mailbox from your IMAP server or keep it after the account is deleted in LDAP. .B postfixRestrictionFilters .I path .PP The .I postfixRestrictionFilters statement defines a file to include for the postfix module in order to display user defined restriction filters. .B postfixProtocols .I path .PP The .I postfixProtocols statement defines a file to include for the postfix module in order to display user defined protocols. .B mailAttribute .I mail/uid .PP The .I mailAttribute statement determines which attribute GOsa will use to create accounts. Valid values are .I mail and .I uid. .B imapTimeout .I Integer (default 10) .PP The .I imapTimeout statement sets the connection timeout for imap actions. .B mailFolderCreation Every mail method has its own way to create mail accounts like .I share/development or .I shared.development@example.com which is used to identify the accounts, set quotas or add acls. To override the methods default account creation syntax, you can set the .I mailFolderCreation option. .I Examples .nf mailFolderCreation="%prefix%%cn%" => "shared.development" mailFolderCreation="my-prefix.%cn%%domain%" => "my-prefix.development@example.com"> .fi .I Placeholders .nf %prefix% The methods default prefix. (Depends on cyrusUseSlashes=FALSE/TRUE) %cn% The groups/users cn. %uid% The users uid. %mail% The objects mail attribute. %domain% The domain part of the objects mail attribute. %mailpart% The user address part of the mail address. %uattrib% Depends on mailAttribute="uid/mail". .fi .B mailUserCreation This attribute allows to override the user account creation syntax, see the .I mailFolderCreation description for more details. .I Examples .nf mailUserCreation="%prefix%%uid%" => "user.foobar" mailUserCreation=my-prefix.%uid%%domain%" => "my-prefix.foobar@example.com" .fi .B vacationTemplateDirectory .I path .PP The .I vacationTemplateDirectory statement sets the path where GOsa will look for vacation message templates. Default is /etc/gosa/vacation. Example template /etc/gosa/vacation/business.txt: .nf DESC:Away from desk Hi, I'm currently away from my desk. You can contact me on my cell phone via %mobile. Greetings, %givenName %sn .fi .PP .B Debug options .PP .B displayerrors .I bool .PP The .I displayerrors statement tells GOsa to show PHP errors in the upper part of the screen. This should be disabled in productive deployments, because there might be some important passwords arround. .PP .B ldapstats .I bool .PP The .I ldapstats statement tells GOsa to track LDAP timing statistics to the syslog. This may help to find indexing problems or bad search filters. .PP .B ignoreAcl .I dn .PP The .I ignoreAcl value tells GOsa to ignore complete ACL sets for the given DN. Add your DN here and you'll be able to restore accidently dropped ACLs. .PP .B debuglevel .I integer .PP The .I debuglevel value tells GOsa to display certain information on each page load. Value is an AND combination of the following byte values: DEBUG_TRACE = 1 DEBUG_LDAP = 2 DEBUG_MYSQL = 4 DEBUG_SHELL = 8 DEBUG_POST = 16 DEBUG_SESSION = 32 DEBUG_CONFIG = 64 DEBUG_ACL = 128 DEBUG_SI = 256 DEBUG_MAIL = 512 .PP .SH LDAP resource definition For every location you define inside your gosa.conf, you need at least one entry of the type .I referral. These entries define the way how to connect to some directory service. .B Example: .nf .fi .I uri is a valid LDAP uri extendet by the base this referral is responsible for. .I admin is the DN which has the permission to write LDAP entries. And .I password is the corresponding password for this DN. You can define a set of referrals if you have several server to connect to. .SH Settings for the environment plugin In order to make full use of the environment plugin, you may want to define the location where kiosk profiles will be stored on the servers harddisk. This is done by the .I kioskPath keyword defined within the .I environment class definition inside your gosa.conf. .B Example: .nf .fi Make sure, that this path is writeable by GOsa. .SH Settings for the FAI plugin The FAI plugin can be used in a way that it generates branched or freezed releases inside your repository. Specifying the .I postcreate and .I postmodify keywords in the .I servrepository definition, calls the provided script as a hook when adding or removing branches. This script should do the rest inside of your repository. .B Example: .nf