GIT web Interface ================= The one working on: From the git version 1.4.0 gitweb is bundled with git. How to configure gitweb for your local system --------------------------------------------- You can specify the following configuration variables when building GIT: * GITWEB_SITENAME Shown in the title of all generated pages, defaults to the servers name. * GITWEB_PROJECTROOT The root directory for all projects shown by gitweb. * GITWEB_LIST points to a directory to scan for projects (defaults to project root) or to a file for explicit listing of projects. * GITWEB_HOMETEXT points to an .html file which is included on the gitweb project overview page. * GITWEB_CSS Points to the location where you put gitweb.css on your web server. * GITWEB_LOGO Points to the location where you put git-logo.png on your web server. * GITWEB_CONFIG This file will be loaded using 'require'. If the environment $GITWEB_CONFIG is set when gitweb.cgi is executed the file in the environment variable will be loaded instead of the file specified when gitweb.cgi was created. Webserver configuration ----------------------- If you want to have one URL for both gitweb and your http:// repositories, you can configure apache like this: ServerName DocumentRoot /pub/git RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/(.*\.git/(?!/?(info|objects|refs)).*)?$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi%{REQUEST_URI} [L,PT] The above configuration expects your public repositories to live under /pub/git and will serve them as, both as cloneable GIT URL and as browseable gitweb interface. If you then start your git-daemon with --base-path=/pub/git --export-all then you can even use the git:// URL with exactly the same path. Originally written by: Kay Sievers Any comment/question/concern to: Git mailing list