========================= What's New in Roundup 0.7 ========================= For those completely new to Roundup, you might want to look over the very terse features__ page. __ features.html .. contents:: Instant-Gratification script even more gratifying ================================================= The immensely popular ``python demo.py`` instant-gratification script has been extended to allow you to choose the backend to use with the demo. To select the "sqlite" backend (assuming it is available) you use:: python demo.py sqlite nuke This will nuke any existing demo and reinitialise it with the sqlite backend. Remember folks, if you want to restart the demo at a later point, you just need to type:: python demo.py without the "sqlite nuke" part, or you'll clear out the demo again. The backend names are: anydbm bsddb bsddb3 sqlite metakit mysql postgresql You will need support modules installed for all except the first two. If you're not sure whether you have support, run:: python run_tests.py and if you see a line saying "Including XXXX tests" where XXXX is the backend you wish to try, then you're on your way. The mysql and postgresql require their test environments to be set up. Read their respective documents in the "doc" directory to do that. Web Interface ============= Saving and sharing of user queries ---------------------------------- Due to popular demand, the user query saving mechanisms have been overhauled. As before, you may save queries in the tracker by giving the query a name. Each user may only have one query with a given name - if a subsequent search is performed with the same query name supplied, then it will edit the existing query of the same name. Queries may be marked as "private". These queries are only visible to the user that created them. If they're not marked "private" then all other users may include the query in their list of "Your Queries". Marking it as private at a later date does not affect users already using the query, nor does deleting the query. If a user subsequently creates or edits a public query, a new personal version of that query is made, with the same editing rules as described above. You *are not required* to make these changes in your tracker. You only need to make them if you wish to use the new query editing features. It's highly recommended, as the effort is minimal. 1. You will need to edit your tracker's ``dbinit.py`` to change the way queries are stored. Change the lines:: query = Class(db, "query", klass=String(), name=String(), url=String()) query.setkey("name") to:: query = Class(db, "query", klass=String(), name=String(), url=String(), private_for=Link('user')) That is, add the "private_for" property, and remove the line that says ``query.setkey("name")``. 2. You will also need to copy the ``query.edit.html`` template page from the ``templates/classic/html/`` directory of the source to your tracker's ``html`` directory. 3. Once you've done that, edit the tracker's ``page.html`` template to change::

Your Queries

Your Queries (edit)
That is, you're removing the ``tal:condition`` and adding a link to the new edit page. 4. You might also wish to remove the redundant query editing section from the ``user.item.html`` page. ZRoundup reinstated ------------------- The Zope interface, ZRoundup, lives again! See the `upgrading documentation`__ if you wish to use it. __ upgrading.html#zroundup-changes Simple support for collision detection -------------------------------------- Item edit pages that use the ``context/submit`` function to generate their submit buttons now automatically include a datestamp in the form. This datestamp is compared to the "activity" property of the item when the form is submitted. If the "actvity" property is younger than the datestamp in the form submission, then someone else has edited the item, and a page indicating this is displayed to the user. Extending the cgi interface --------------------------- Before 0.7.0 adding or extending web actions was done by overriding or adding methods on the Client class. Though this approach still works to provide backwards compatibility, it is recommended you upgrade to the new approach, as described in the `Defining new web actions`__ section of the customization documentation. You might also want to take a look at the `Using an external password validation source`__ example. __ customizing.html#defining-new-web-actions __ customizing.html#using-an-external-password-validation-source Actions may also return the content that should return to the user, which causes the web interface to skip the normal template formatting step. This could be used to return an image to the user instead of HTML. Be sure to set the correct content-type header though! The default is still text/html. This is done with:: self.client.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png') if you were returning a PNG image. Added CSV export action ----------------------- A new action has been added which exports the current index page or search result as a comma-separated-value (CSV) file. To use it, add this to your "index" templates:: Download as CSV Making sure that the ``'issue'`` part matches the class name of the page you're editing. Roundup server -------------- The roundup-server web interface now supports setgid and running on port < 1024. HTML templating made easier --------------------------- All HTML templating functions perform checks for permissions required to display or edit the data they are manipulating. The simplest case is editing an issue title. Including the expression:: context/title/field will present the user with an edit field if they have Edit Permission. If not, then they will be presented with a static display if they have View Permission. If they don't even have View Permission, then an error message is raised, preventing the display of the page, indicating that they don't have permission to view the information. This removes the need for the template to perform those checks, which was just plain messy. Some new permissions will need to be created in your trackers to cope with this change, as outlined in the `upgrading documentation`__. __ upgrading.html#permission-assignments Standards changes ----------------- The HTTP Content-Length header when we serve up files, either static ones from the "html" folder or file content from the database. We also handle If-Modified-Since and supply Last-Modified for both types of file too. The HTML generated in the classic tracker is now HTML4 (or optionally XHTML) compliant. The ``config.py`` variable "HTML_VERSION" is used to control this behaviour. The stylesheet includes printer settings now too, so printed pages don't include the sidebar. Email Interface =============== Better handling of some email headers ------------------------------------- We ignore messages with the header "Precedence: bulk". If a Resent-From: header is present, it is used in preference to the From: header when determining the author of the message. Useful for redirecting error messages from automated systems. Email character set ------------------- The default character set for sending email is UTF-8 (ie. Unicode). If you have users whose email clients can't handle UTF-8 (eg. Eudora) then you will need to edit the new config.py variable ``EMAIL_CHARSET``. Dispatcher configuration ------------------------ A new config option has been added that specifies the email address of a "dispatcher" role. This email address acts as a central sentinel for issues coming into the system. You can configure it so that all e-mail error messages get bounced to them, them and the user in question, or just the user (default). To toggle these switches, add the "DISPATCHER_EMAIL" and "ERROR_MESSAGES_TO" configuration values to your tracker's ``config.py``. See the `customisation documentation`_ for how to use them. More flexible message generation -------------------------------- The code for generating email messages in Roundup has been refactored. A new module, ``roundup.mailer`` contains most of the nuts-n-bolts required to generate email messages from Roundup. In addition, the ``IssueClass`` methods ``nosymessage()`` and ``send_message()`` have both been altered so that they don't require the message id parameter. This means that change notes with no associated change message may now be generated much more easily. Registration confirmation by email ---------------------------------- Users may now reply to their registration confirmation email, and the roundup mail gateway will complete their registration. Database configuration ====================== Postgresql added as a backend option ------------------------------------ Trackers may now use the postgresql RDBMS as a database store. Postgresql is a good choice if you expect your tracker to grow very large, and are expecting many users. API change ---------- The Database.curuserid attribute was removed. Any code referencing this attribute should be replaced with a call to Database.getuid(). New configuration options ------------------------- - Added DEFAULT_TIMEZONE which allows the tracker to have a different default to UTC when users don't specify their own preference. - Added EMAIL_CHARSET (in 0.6.6, but worth mentioning here) which hard-codes the character set to be used when sending email from Roundup. This works around some email clients' inability to cope well with UTF-8 (the default). - ERROR_MESSAGES_TO and DISPATCHER_EMAIL as described above in `Dispatcher configuration`_. Typed columns in RDBMS backends ------------------------------- The MySQL (and Postgresql for that matter) backend now creates tables with appropriate column datatypes (not just varchar). Sqlite got the typing too, but it ignores the datatypes :) Your database will be automatically migrated to use the new schemas, but it will take time. It's probably a good idea to make sure you do this as part of the upgrade when users are not expected to be using the system. Permission setup ---------------- 0.7 automatically sets up the Edit and View Permissions for all classes, thus you don't need to do so. Feel free to remove the code:: # Add new Permissions for this schema for cl in 'issue', 'file', 'msg', 'user', 'query', 'keyword': db.security.addPermission(name="Edit", klass=cl, description="User is allowed to edit "+cl) db.security.addPermission(name="View", klass=cl, description="User is allowed to access "+cl) from your ``dbinit.py``. New "actor" property -------------------- Roundup's database has a new per-item property "actor" which reflects the user performing the last "actvitiy". See the classic template for ways to integrate this new property into your interface. The property will be automatically added to your existing database. New Reject exception for Auditors --------------------------------- An auditor may raise this exception when the current create or set operation should be stopped. It is up to the specific interface invoking the create or set to handle this exception sanely. For example: - mailgw will trap and ignore Reject for file attachments and messages - cgi will trap and present the exception in a nice format New auditor fixes Outlook bug ----------------------------- The new optional auditor ``detectors/emailauditor.py`` fires whenever a new file entity is created. If the file is of type message/rfc822, we tack onthe extension .eml. The reason for this is that Microsoft Internet Explorer will not open things with a .eml attachment, as they deem it 'unsafe'. Worse yet, they'll just give you an incomprehensible error message. For more information, please see: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;825803 Their suggested work around is (excerpt): WORKAROUND To work around this behavior, rename the .EML file that the URL links to so that it has a .MHT file name extension, and then update the URL to reflect the change to the file name. To do this: 1. In Windows Explorer, locate and then select the .EML file that the URL links. 2. Right-click the .EML file, and then click Rename. 3. Change the file name so that the .EML file uses a .MHT file name extension, and then press ENTER. 4. Updated the URL that links to the file to reflect the new file name extension. New script for copying users ---------------------------- A new script, ``scripts/copy-user.py``, will copy users from one tracker to another. Example usage:: copy-user.py /roundup/tracker1 /roundup/tracker2 `seq 3 10` 14 16 which copies users 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14 and 16. Other improvements ------------------ - All RDBMS backends now have indexes automatically created on critical table columns. - Additionally, the RDBMS backends also implement their own session, one-time-key and full-text indexing stores. These were previously external dbm stores. This change allows control of locking the database to be completely handed over to the RDBMS. - Date values capture fractions of seconds now. Note that the MySQL backend is not capable of storing this precision though, so it will be lost for users of that backend. .. _`customisation documentation`: customizing.html