============================ Maintaining Roundup Trackers ============================ :Version: $Revision: 1.1 $ .. contents:: :depth: 1 Tasks ===== Maintenance of Roundup can involve one of the following: 1. `tracker backup`_ 2. `software upgrade`_ 3. `migrating backends`_ Tracker Backup ============== Stop the web and email frontends and to copy the contents of the tracker home directory to some other place using standard backup tools. Software Upgrade ================ Always make a backup of your tracker before upgrading software. Steps you may take: 1. ensure that the unit tests run on your system 2. copy your tracker home to a new directory 3. follow the steps in the upgrading documentation for the new version of the software 4. test each of the admin tool, web interface and mail gateway using the new version of the software 5. stop the production web and email frontends 6. perform the upgrade steps on the existing tracker directory 7. upgrade the software 8. restart your tracker Migrating Backends ================== 1. stop the existing tracker web and email frontends (preventing changes) 2. use the roundup-admin tool "export" command to export the contents of your tracker to disk 3. copy the tracker home to a new directory 4. change the backend used in the tracker home ``select_db.py`` file 5. delete the "db" directory from the new directory 6. use the roundup-admin "import" command to import the previous export with the new tracker home 7. test each of the admin tool, web interface and mail gateway using the new backend 8. move the old tracker home out of the way (rename to "tracker.old") and move the new tracker home into its place 9. restart web and email frontends ------------------- Back to `Table of Contents`_ .. _`Table of Contents`: index.html